Comrade Roldán began greeting the immense day of March 8, starring thousands and thousands of women and diversities throughout the country, which he described as a “historical event” in response to Milei's speech in the opening of sessions in the Congress, and said “I think the report of the January Central Committee and subsequent political hours still have validity. We were at the head of the fight since the beginning of the Milei cycle, as we defined in the Central Committee of November last year. ” He then went on to develop some issues of the international situation and how they are expressed in Argentina, "since there are changes at high speed, which force new elements."

War factors grow in the world

We have been saying that the imperialist dispute grows in the world and war factors grow.

There is the commercial war that has worsened. The Chinese economy has long stopped growing to the rhythm in which it came and suffered the real estate crisis, first of the giant Evergrande and now from another giant that is Country Garden. It is a hard blow to its economy since the real estate sector represents between 25% and 30% of the Chinese economy. It has four months of deflation. The unemployment among young people reached, according to official figures, 15% at the end of 2023; until they suspended the publication of the data.

This has produced a contraction of its domestic market and an overproduction at low prices that you need to export. Therefore, a world price war is open. For example, China is the first world producer of electric cars and has a brutal overproduction that needs to export, first, to Europe. A Europe that oscillates between the recession and the stagnation.

China monopolizes 80 % of the solar panel market and 50 % of lithium batteries, for what the lithium of Argentina, Chile and Bolivia needs.

This situation of the Chinese economy hits the entire world economy, even the Yankees, which although part of their Chinese economy has unconcerned (in 2023 imports from China) dropped 20%, they still have a high degree of interaction.

The United States continues to be the main economy of the world and have been able to overcome the crisis. Registered a 3.3% increase in GDP in the fourth quarter of 2023. In turn, it must be taken into account that the high interest rates with which it fought inflation remains a risk to its economy.

The election campaign for the end of the year elections and the possibility of Trump's triumph will influence throughout this year.

What I mean, summarized, is that a fierce dispute is open for markets, which accelerates war possibilities.

World military spending has increased 9% by 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching the record of 2.2 billion dollars.

Two years of the invasion of Russian imperialism have been completed to Ukraine. The country is devastated. The counteroffensive that Zelensky undertook failed and could only advance a few kilometers. The Russians have improved their defenses, and having liquidated Putin the Wagner group (Russian paramilitary group) was able to unify the military command.

Internally continues to control, from a police state, the growing discontent of the Russian people with the war.

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has just carried out the greatest military exercises since the end of the Cold War, more than 90,000 soldiers from more than a dozen countries participate. Faced with the threat of French president Macron, to send troops to Ukraine, Putin replied: “West must realize that we also have weapons that can achieve objectives in their territory. All this really threatens with a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. ”

In the US, the Trump sector traces the expansion of help to Ukraine and has questioned the continuity of NATO if it reaches the government.

In Europe, questions grow in NATO countries to military aid to Ukraine, when their economies are in some cases stagnant and in others in recession. There is a radicalization of workers' struggles that have broken into different countries in Europe, such as France, England and Germany. Peasant struggles have also moved Europe and besieged cities such as Paris, Madrid and Brussels.

Within this framework, right -wing sectors such as neo -Nazis in Germany, Le Pen in France, the sectors that direct Italy with Giorgia Meloni, the PVV (party for freedom) in Holland, President Orbán in Hungary, among others.

The other serious conflict is the genocide that Israel's government is committing over the Palestinian people. With more than 30,000 dead, many of them children, and 70% of destroyed homes. Now Israel has mounted a famine campaign in Gaza. A true extermination campaign that few in Argentina are denouncing. In Brazil, Lula da Silva condemned Israel's genocide.

All imperialisms prepare for war. Yankees in alliance mainly with England and NATO in the West; and with Japan, South Korea and Australia in the Indo-Pacific. They play in the Ukraine War, support Israel in the Palestinian genocide, attack Yemen's rebels to maintain the navigability of the Red Sea, where hutis attacks have made many ships take alternative paths. Yankees also seek to recover land in Latin America. But they continue to concentrate the main forces in the Indo-Pacific in their dispute with Chinese imperialism.

Chinese imperialism announced on Tuesday, February 5, an increase of 7.2% in its defense budget. At high speed they have doubled China's atomic arsenal reaching approximately 500 nuclear eyes. They have developed hypersonic missiles that are not detected by Yankees radars. In addition to having the largest permanent army in the world, China recently threw its third aircraft carrier and established a military base in Yibuti, in the horn of Africa.

Russia remains a military superpower with thousands of stored nuclear eyes.

Japan announced that it doubles its military budget and plans to take it to 2% of GDP in 2027. Its objective is to become the third military power of the world.

The Australian government announced that it will double the size of the fleet of its Navy from World War II, compared to possible threats in the region. That is to say that everyone is preparing for war.

The imperialist dispute in Latin America grows

In November, the Chancay Megaport in Peru, built by the Chinese on the Pacific, with 16 feet of draft. That will absorb exports to China of Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and mainly from the states of western Brazil, which would save almost two weeks of travel and stop using the Panama Canal.

Ecuador has just signed a free trade agreement with China. In other words, Ecuador and Peru, with right -wing governments, are also part of that dispute.

The Yankees have advanced in Paraguay and are concentrating troops at the birth of the so -called hydrovy.

In our country, Milei, as we have said, leads us to subordination relations with Yankee imperialism, English imperialism and Israel's fascist government. It is the first time, since 1983, that an Argentine president does not claim Argentine sovereignty about Malvinas in his speech in Congress.

In this dispute situation in the world, the game to which the government takes is very dangerous for the Argentine nation and people. If we look at it from the war point of view, we have in our Falkland Islands the English usurpers with the main military base of the South Atlantic. Now they just unilaterally expand their control over maritime areas of the Falkland Islands, where they prohibited navigation and fishing. This is 166 thousand km2, which will be added to 283 thousand km2 on which they already imposed exclusion. From there they also intend to control access to Antarctica.

The Uruguay government makes an extension of the port, which from the Macri government is the director of the Río de la Plata, to take it to 14 meters, and Milei accepts it. This implies a resignation of fact to the Magdalena Canal project.

In April, the Country Laura Richardson, commander of the Southern Command Yanqui, visited the country (which highlighted the American interest in lithium, oil and fresh water in Latin America). Also in April, joint exercises are announced between the prefecture of Patricia Bullrich and a unit of the Yankee Coast Guard; And in November a Defense Summit of the hemisphere, promoted by the United States, would take place in Buenos Aires.

In May, the George Washington Nuclear Propulsion Avions would arrive. It is the main vessel of the seventh Yankee fleet, based in Japan.

That is to say, in a South Atlantic where there are hundreds of Chinese ships fishing and doing military intelligence, the Milei government puts the Yankee Navy in the Argentine Sea, which in addition, from Paraguay controls the birth of the hydrovy.

This in a country where the Chinese have a base in Neuquén, where China is one of the main buyers of our exports, and where many provinces depend on trade with China. This Milei policy deepens and aggravates the dispute. That is why the interview and the agreements of the Chinese ambassador with Kicillof are not a detail in which they agreed to "reinforce bilateral links."

In this context, Cristina Kirchner published a letter, where she tells these sectors of the ruling classes that trade with China that there is no problem in discussing labor reform, that there is no problem in discussing privatizations. But the problem is the "dollarization" that would bind us to the Yankee economy and it is very difficult to leave once specified.

It is a good time for PCR growth

I think the national situation is expressed in the January report and subsequent political hours. We were at the head of the fight since the beginning of the Milei cycle, as we defined in the Central Committee of November 2023.

We were in the mobilizations on the anniversary of Argentinazo on December 19 and 20 and in the multisectoral march to court on December 27.

The national strike of January 24 put the working class in the center of the political scene, the days of the unemployed and precarious movements of the CCC and the UTEP of 16 and that of February 23 with 500 Route cuts. The FNC was at the head of the peasant fighting days. There were railways, of UTA, teachers, state, the struggle of banking, the cut of acindar workers in Villa Constitución, the day of the women's movement this Friday throughout the country.

We had the university march in La Plata, struggles of researchers from CONICET, of the sectors of culture, and we could continue to appoint. There are the multisectoral that have developed throughout the country where we converge with many allies and also with many sectors we hit together.

We understand that it is necessary to take into account the international scenario, the inter -imperialist dispute and as expressed in Argentina.

The unemployment and mobilization of 24/1 was a blow to Milei's policy and deepened the differences between different sectors of the ruling classes, which made extraordinary sessions in the Congress for the treatment of the Bus Law.

Because in Argentina they all work, the Yankees, the English, the Israeli Mossad, the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians and the Europeans. They work economically and also with their agents on all political, union and social forces. Also about us. Many times we have the spine and put themselves next to us in the fight. We have to specify when we hit together with different sectors and who our allies are. Because the main coup of the popular struggle is directed to the most reactionary sector of the Dominant classes block, which is expressed today.

Therefore, with some sectors that have contradictions with Milei, such as a governor, an argument is whether we hit them together, or we consider them as allies in the popular struggle. We place ourselves independently. We defend our line and our history.

For an active and multisectoral national strike against hunger, delivery and repression

In this political situation and at this time, an issue that we have to discuss is the secondarization of PCR. The discussion we made and are reflected in the materials of the 13th National Congress of our party on strategic shift, we have to focus. We have to continue building the PCR and transform it into the party capable of directing the revolution that our country needs. And demonstrate at the mass level with which line can be advanced. And if we lose sight of the situation of the masses or we are wrong in the assessment of the political moment, the actions of the party and its JCR are very difficult.

If we do not have a revolutionary strategy, we have another strategy. In the heat of the fight it is necessary to battle that shift, because we were not born as a party to be the left of the system.

We are in the midst of stormy times, and we have to prepare and prepare the masses to be able to fulfill our role if the situation is precipitated. In front of a reactionary government like this, how do we respond to a repressive blow?

To overcome this weakness and hierarchize the game, I understand that we have to go to a reputation campaign to strengthen ourselves. A campaign that begins with the month of the press and culminates with the financial campaign. We are going to see all the companions and colleagues, so that they reaffirm if they are still revolutionary communists, where they work and how they quote. We have to guarantee the political debate of all affiliates to see events come before.

Because the strategic shift is not only the weakness of work in the labor movement, but the cellular functioning of the party, the month of the press, the quotes.

If the situation sharpens and the events precipitate, the question is whether we are in a position to play, and how far, or we will be critical spectators.

The best experiences show that where affiliation to the PCR is proposed to the JCR; He became. It is a good time to grow.

We have to advance in work in the concentration centers in each area or province. In this we have to take stock of how we work for the national strike of January 24 in each of them.

We raised in November that we were opposition to this government, and that we were going to face. We were consistent with what we said. We did more in some places than others. Taking into account that we are a socially, political and culturally divided society.

In the dispute over the political direction of the masses, an important issue is whether we are willing to run the fate of the workers, the peasants and the people, or we are going to keep ourselves.

For example, in the face of layoffs, we promote active and multisectoral strike, to help all who are fighting. In Acindar we went out to fight, and that is extraordinary. Have initiatives at the specific moment.

The government has cut width and unity possibilities are very large. In multisectorals, sectors of the national bourgeoisie that resist, because this policy hits them is participating. That is in favor and we have to fight to influence. Always fighting that the working class is in the center of regroups. Because as far as I know, the national bourgeoisie will not lead the struggle for national and social liberation.

We fight that the masses do not delegate, that is our center. That is why we promote assemblies in the factories, in the countryside, in the neighborhoods, workplaces etc., because we must not underestimate the masses. Let's look at the extraordinary mobilization of March 8, that great response of thousands of women and diversities throughout the country to the challenging speech of Milei on 1/3 in Congress.

There are many struggles in the country. We have to argue where we are and where not.

How will the government do to sustain the adjustment? This does not close without repression. That's why we talk about preparing the masses. This must be seen in particular, here and in each of the zonal. Because as in everything, there is a relationship between our line in general, and the specific line in each area.

In the midst of these struggles, we have to have initiatives. The National Day of the CCC and the UTEP and other organizations of 18/3 with route cuts throughout the country and here in the accesses to the Federal Capital is important. And we prepare for a great day of fighting on 24/3 raising: “No to the impunity of yesterday and today 30,000 detainees- missing, present! Now and always!". 48 years after the coup d'etat and the beginning of the most bloody genocidal dictatorship that Argentina met, we marched throughout the country.

And on April 2; 42 years after the recovery of our islands, we claim all who fought and died in defense of our homeland. The Malvinas are a fundamental part of the fight for national sovereignty, amid the growing dispute of imperialist powers and their war preparations.

90 days after the assumption of the new government, anger and anger are growing, in front of a Milei that appeared as the new. Hunger grows, the situation of the masses is very hard, with boys and retirees passing great needs. What do we do, look the other way?

We don't have to contrast one thing with the other. Replace the "O" with the "Y". We are able to play an important role in a broad front that ends up imposing another policy and another government.

From our party and its JCR we promote the broadest unity to face Milei's policy, which aims for few for few, with the majority mired in hunger and misery, and with the auction of national sovereignty. In these new conditions, the unity of the popular, patriotic and democratic sectors is essential to defend the conquered, fight for what is missing, stop the reactionary offensive and create the conditions to advance with the masses on the liberating path.

Today N ° 2002 03/13/2024