2024-03-15 Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News ========== https://ciangcing14.github.io/ https://urwar2024.github.io/ ========== Call for concentration of prosecutor's prosecution for the 12 -year case of Sepolia - Thursday 14/3, 19:00, Propylaia - KKE (M -L) (KKE m l) https://www.kkeml.gr/kalesma-sth-sygkentrwsh-kataggelias-ths-eisaggelikhs-protashs-gia-thn-ypothesh-ths-12xronhs-ap-ta-sepolia/ Turkish: 18TH OF MARCH – DAY OF SOLIDARITY WITH POLITICAL PRISONERS -HONORING THE COMMUNIST AND REVOLUTIONARY PRISONERS (ci ic) https://ci-ic.org/blog/2024/03/14/turkish-18th-of-march-day-of-solidarity-with-political-prisoners-honoring-the-communist-and-revolutionary-prisoners/ PC 13 March - Tavares/Stellantis and the Meloni government say bales. They announce a radiant future, but in the meantime the present becomes increasingly dark and confused (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-13-marzo-tavaresstellantis-e-il.html PC 13 March - A description of Engels of the workers who must give confidence (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-13-marzo-una-descrizione-di-engels.html PC 13 March - India - "We fight to bury the patriarchate for women's emancipation" - document on March 8 of the organization of women Adivasi (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-13-marzo-india-lottiamo-per.html Video: Press conference with G.N. Saibaba (Tjen Folket) https://tjen-folket.no/2024/03/13/video-pressekonferanse-med-g-n-saibaba/ PC 13 March - March 8: a video from India (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-13-marzo-8-marzo-un-video-dallindia.html International Women's Day 2024: a video from India (maoistroad) https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/03/international-womens-day-2014-video.html THESSALONIKI Protest and Complaint of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival on Palestinian exclusion, Friday 15/3, at 7:30 pm , outside the Olympian (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/153-730.html Public Prosecutor's Office for the 12 -year -old's case: Sikhia in her grandeur (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/12.html As a proletarian woman I did not feel represented by the slogans that resonated in the streets this 8m | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/mujer/8m-3/ General who will speak at the event in memory of 64 at the Rio Military Club considers a milestone scam of 'patriotism, decision and courage' - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/general-evento-64-clube-militar-rio-golpe/ International Women's Day 2024: a video from India (femminismo proletario rivoluzionario) https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/03/international-womens-day-2024-video.html RS: Hospital workers break electronic point in protest against back wages - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/rs-trabalhadores-de-hospital-quebram-ponto-eletronico-em-protesto-contra-salarios-atrasados/ PC 13 March - We continue to mobilize against the genocide in Palestine, against the Meloni/Crosetto government accomplice of Israel and business committee of the masters of weapons! Freedom for Anan and the other Palestinians arrested in L'Aquila! (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-13-marzo-ora-e-sempre-con-la.html IKF: Opinion on the International Solidarity Day with political prisoners (Socialistisk Revolution) https://socialistiskrevolution.wordpress.com/2024/03/13/ikf-udtalelse-om-den-internationale-solidaritetsdag-med-politiske-fanger/ Cid's denunciation of coup meetings prove high participation of officers in the Bolsonaro coup plan and omission by Freire Gomes - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/delacao-de-cid-sobre-reunioes-golpistas-comprovam-alta-participacao-de-oficiais-no-plano-golpista-de-bolsonaro-e-omissao-de-freire-gomes/ PIRAEUS LAWISTING NO EMPLOYEES OF THE COUNTRY IN THE WARNING DESIGNS OF THE Imperialists All at the rally on March 14, 18.00 in the prayer area of Ag. Nicholas in Piraeus (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/14-1800.html Mexico: Extracts of Breves Iniciando la Semana – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/13/mexico-extracts-of-breves-iniciando-la-semana-2/ Mexico: Report on the Day of Struggle in Defense of the Rights of the People – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/13/mexico-report-on-the-day-of-struggle-in-defense-of-the-rights-of-the-people/ Mexico: advances on boycott against electoral farce (Periódico Mural) https://muralperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/13/mexico-avances-sobre-el-boicot-contra-la-farsa-electoral/ Our lives are valuable to us! For the system and its governments they deserve less than a cheap medicine! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_14.html Actions in the Palestinian National Resistance on the 3rd Day of Ramadan - Palestinian Duty #131 - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/acoes-na-resistencia-nacional-palestina-no-3o-dia-de-ramada-plantao-palestina-131/ Reviation plans for the Bundeswehr (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-brd/8377-ufruestungsplaene-fuer-die-bundeswehr The godfather and the murderer (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-international/8379-der-pate-und-der-moerder From Ang Bayan: Filipinos Protest Marcos’ Visit To Germany - Redspark (Redspark) https://www.redspark.nu/en/imperialist-states/from-ang-bayan-filipinos-protest-marcos-visit-to-germany/ CLASSIFICATION: NO EMPLOYEES IN THE WARNING DESIGNS OF Imperialists (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_75.html ATHENS Call of the KKE (M -L) to the concentration of the prosecution's proposal for the 12 -year case of Sepolia - Thursday 14/3 at 19:00 in Propylaea (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/12-143-1900.html India: Professor G.N. Saibaba released from detention! (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/indien-professor-g-n-saibaba-aus-haft-entlassen Salzburg: NATO troop transport endangers the population in the Salzburg residential area (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/salzburg-nato-truppentransport-gefährdet-bevölkerung-im-salzburger-wohngebiet PC March 14 - The wages brake and the masters (and Meloni with them) are happy ... workers are the battle for strong wages increases (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-i-salari-frenano-e-i.html PC 14 March - 12 noon Rossusoia counter -information - 5 workers who died in a single day! - Leonardo: profits and war (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-12-marzo-ore-12-controinformazione_14.html Remembering Comrade Antonio Díaz Martínez | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/efemerides/antonio-diaz/ Hki: The opportunity for proletarian feminism (Punalippu) https://punalippu.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/14/hki-tilaisuus-proletaarisesta-feminismista/ A book to read. In order not to be "on the wrong side of the world ..." (femminismo proletario rivoluzionario) https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/03/un-libro-da-leggere-per-non-stare-dalla.html SUTEP DEFENSE COMMITTEE: "March 8: International Women's Day" (Association New Democracy) https://vnd-peru.blogspot.com/2024/03/comite-de-defensa-del-sutep-unico-08-de.html PC 14 March - Genoa: Protest students and students of the Pertini -Diaz Institute: "We do not want policemen to make lessons here" (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-genova-protestano-studenti.html PC March 14 - A book to read. In order not to be "on the wrong side of the world ..." (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-un-libro-da-leggere-per-non.html PC 14 March - Against the deaths at work for the profit of the killers, what struggle is necessary? by contrainformation Ross Operaia of 14/03 (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-contro-le-morti-sul-lavoro.html PC 14 March - where there is war for Italian imperialism there is Leonardo. By contrainformation Ross Operaia of 14/03 (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-dove-ce-guerra-per.html Hamburg: Event on the occasion of March 8, 2024 (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-proletarischer-feminismus/8380-hamburg-veranstaltung-anlaesslich-des-8-maerz-2024 Copenhagen: Mark the International Solidarity Day with political prisoners! (Socialistisk Revolution) https://socialistiskrevolution.wordpress.com/2024/03/14/kobenhavn-marker-den-internationale-solidaritetsdag-med-politiske-fanger/ Inflation grows again: 7 of the 9 groups measured by IPCA were discharged in February - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/7-dos-9-grupos-medidos-por-ipca-tiveram-alta-de-precos-em-fevereiro/ PC 14 March - Anan from Terni prison: "Resistance is not terrorism" - Presidium in front of the Prefecture today in Palermo: freedom for Anan! (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-anan-dal-carcere-di-terni.html BA: Bahia education workers make standstill demanding salary floor payment - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/ba-trabalhadores-da-educacao-da-bahia-fazem-paralisacao-exigindo-pagamento-do-piso-salarial/ PR: true discovery authorship of museum pieces - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/pr-descoberta-verdadeira-autoria-de-pecas-do-museu/ 6 years of impunity: Marielle was killed in the trail of the coup climb - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/6-anos-de-impunidade-marielle-foi-morta-no-rastro-da-escalada-golpista/ NRW: State government is more expensive for social housing for the profits of the monopolies (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-brd/8382-nrw-landesregierung-verteuert-sozialwohnungen-fuer-die-profite-der-monopole PC 14 March - Facts of "normal" carabinieri violence (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-fatti-di-normale-violenza.html And initiates pre -sale of the historic book 'Resist is Precise', by Alípio de Freitas - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/pre-venda-de-resistir-e-preciso-de-alipio-de-freitas-ja-esta-disponivel-lancamento-ocorrera-no-ato-politico-de-25-04/ GIANNENA | Response from the demonstration of Thursday 14/3 against the Pierrakakis law (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/143.html PC 14 March - Workers' training - the political consciousness of class can be brought to the worker only from the outside of the economic struggle - 'What to do?' by Lenin (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-14-marzo-formazione-operaia-la.html More Actions for the 8th of March – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/14/more-actions-for-the-8th-of-march/ Organized by the and, political act against coup and conciliation will have the presence of notorious democrats and progressives - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/organizado-pelo-and-ato-politico-contra-golpismo-e-conciliacao-tera-presenca-de-notorios-democratas-e-progressistas/ TKP/ML – YDK: NEWROZ IS A CELEBRATION OF REBELLION! – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/14/tkp-ml-ydk-newroz-is-a-celebration-of-rebellion/ Germany: Arson sabotage against Tesla – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/14/germany-arson-sabotage-against-tesla/