2024-03-17 Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News ========== https://ciangcing14.github.io/ https://urwar2024.github.io/ ========== March 18 - the day of solidarity with political prisoners - honor the communist and revolutionary prisoners (Kommunistiska Föreningens) https://kommunisten.nu/?p=15103 PC March 15 - Suspension of the streets for the young people of ExiziCtion Rebellion in Turin - slap at the Ministry of Defense and Interior (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-15-marzo-sospesi-i-fogli-di-via-per.html IKB: Explanation on March 18th (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-theorie/t-dokumente/8383-ikb-erklaerung-zum-18-maerz International Women’s Day 2024: a video from India (ICSPW India) https://icspwindia.wordpress.com/2024/03/15/international-womens-day-2024-a-video-from-india/ Prof Saibaba’s declaration after its release (ICSPW India) https://icspwindia.wordpress.com/2024/03/15/prof-saibabas-declaration-after-its-release/ DF: Public students denounce the 'new high school' - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/df-estudantes-da-rede-publica-denunciam-o-novo-ensino-medio/ MG: and support committee for and holds stools at Unimontes - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/mg-comite-de-apoio-ao-and-realiza-banquinhas-na-unimontes/ The Popular Court against Grade and Latifundium Crimes in Junco do Maranhão - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/tribunal-popular-junco-maranhao/ Avenging dismissal of a working student of the Technical University of Crete from a cafeteria in Chania (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_56.html Who are selling our struggles! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_21.html Appeal of the acquittal of the 11 Turkish fighters - all in the Supreme Court on March 19 (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/11-19.html GO: Education administrative workers intensify mobilization - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/go-trabalhadores-administrativos-da-educacao-intensificam-mobilizacao/ Goiás: The fight against the closure of the Prof. Niso Prego shelter begins - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/goias-comeca-a-luta-contra-o-fechamento-do-abrigo-prof-niso-prego/ March 15 - For Anan Yaeesh, Ali Irar and Mansour Doghmosh we don't let our guard down! Sunday, March 17 Demonstration at L'Aquila prison (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-15-marzo-per-anan-yaeesh-ali-irar-e.html Austria: "Mayan Train"/Mexico: A lethal mega-project at the service of imperialism (Periódico Mural) https://muralperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/15/austria-tren-maya-mexico-un-mega-proyecto-letal-al-servicio-del-imperialismo/ The new revelations of the coup plan discovered from the statements of the commanders - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/as-novas-revelacoes-do-plano-golpista-descobertas-a-partir-dos-depoimentos-dos-comandantes/ Freire Gomes's powerless threat to Bolsonaro - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/a-impotente-ameaca-de-freire-gomes-a-bolsonaro/ Mexico: Progress on the Boycott against the Electoral Farce – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/15/mexico-progress-on-the-boycott-against-the-electoral-farce/ Colombia: Successful day of mobilization for March 8 – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/15/colombia-successful-day-of-mobilization-for-march-8/ IKB: March 18 - Day of solidarity with the political prisoners - honors the communist and revolutionary prisoners! - The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/15/ikb-der-18-marz-tag-der-solidaritat-mit-den-politischen-gefangenen-ehrt-die-kommunistischen-und-revolutionaren-gefangenen/ AND: Weekly Editorial – Shift government balances on tight rope – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/15/and-weekly-editorial-shift-government-balances-on-tight-rope/ Bicycle messengers: industrial action or cleaned? (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/fahrradboten-arbeitskampf-oder-abgeputzt Letter to the editor: March 8th not entirely "international" (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/leserbrief-8-märz-demo-nicht-ganz-international Thursday 14/3: Mobilization in Piraeus against the country's involvement in the Red Sea war plans (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/143_16.html They want to offer our blood too! Massive struggle for the removal of the imperialists' war plans! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_16.html Meeting of the US Ambassador with the Administration of the University of Thessaly! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_82.html CPI (Maoist) Cadre Killed During Skirmish With Security Personnel In Kanker District - Redspark (Redspark) https://www.redspark.nu/en/peoples-war/cpi-maoist-cadre-killed-during-skirmish-with-security-personnel-in-kanker-district/ TRIKALA Another dead worker, "sacrifice" on the altar of capitalist profit (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_86.html PC March 16 - The Meloni government runs, still and always, to help the masters also approving the "capital bill" ... (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-il-governo-meloni-corre.html TKP/ML - YDK: Newroz is a rebellion celebration! (Servir al pueblo) https://serviralpuebloperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/16/tkp-ml-ydk-newroz-es-una-celebracion-de-rebelion/ INDIA: State's Job is to Serve People, not to Punish them: GN Saibaba (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/india-states-job-is-to-serve-people-not.html INDIA: State's Job is to Serve People, not to Punish them: GN Saibaba (maoistroad) https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/03/india-states-job-is-to-serve-people-not.html Thessaloniki 26th Documentary Festival. Complaint of Silence for Palestine (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/26_16.html PC 16 March - Milan for Palestine and for the freedom of the Palestinian prisoners (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-milano-per-la-palestina-e.html PC 16 March - Florence mobilizes not to forget the worker massacre of February 16th (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-1-mese-dalla-strage-di.html PC March 16 - Naples just dispute by Molinari at the Federico II University (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-17-marzo-napoli-giusta-contestazione.html PC March 16 - Modena, cops, cowards and violent in the shade of the Meloni/planted beam/police government/police government (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-modena-sbirri-vigliacchi-e.html Arundhati Roy - With Genocide in Gaza, the Word 'Never' Has Been Stripped From 'Never Again' (maoistroad) https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/03/arundhati-roy-with-genocide-in-gaza.html From Ang Bayan: Filipinos Protest Marcos’ Visit To Germany (maoistroad) https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/03/from-ang-bayan-filipinos-protest-marcos.html [Saint-Etienne]: On March 23, the commune of Paris commemorate! - New era (Nouvelle Epoque) https://www.nouvelleepoque.fr/saint-etienne-le-23-mars-commemorons-la-commune-de-paris/ Announcement: March 18, 1971/2024 - 153rd anniversary of the Municipality of Paris - The struggle for worker power is more current than ever - at 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia Tuesday 19 March (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/18-marzo-153-anniversario-della-comune.html PC March 16 - The new massacre of migrants and the responsibilities of European and Italian imperialist governments (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-16-marzo-i-mostri-al-governo.html "Progg" in schweden (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-kultur/8384-progg-in-schweden Brazil criticizes war, but sells oil to Israel - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/brasil-critica-guerra-mas-vende-petroleo-a-israel/ HERAKLION | For the student rally on Thursday 14/3 (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/143_43.html India: the old State against Sanjoy Deepak Rao – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/16/india-the-old-state-against-sanjoy-deepak-rao/ More actions for the 8th of March – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/16/more-actions-for-the-8th-of-march-2/ Finnish: Statement of the ICL on the 18th of March – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/16/finnish-statement-of-the-icl-on-the-18th-of-march/ Announcement Down the hands of struggling students! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_98.html