2024-03-19 Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News Marxism-Leninism-Maoism News ========== https://ciangcing14.github.io/ https://urwar2024.github.io/ ========== Newroz call from ADGB (ATIK Online) https://www.atik-online.net/blog/adgbden-newroz-cagrisi Marx and the commune: Assault the heavens! (Nueva Democracia) https://nuevademocracia.com.co/?p=26113 The problem and solution of contemporary education | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/actualidad/educacion-5/ THESSALONIKI Complaint of Racing Movements for the Invasion of Police in the FAI (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_0.html On March 21, at 7 pm In the statue of Venizelos we are demonstrating to stop the Palestinian People's Genocide | LEFTERIA IN PALESTINE! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/21-7.html Caution, Crete faces a "serious danger" by floating human ..... "rubbish" !! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_40.html Fascism is crushed by popular struggles! (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post_77.html Turkey: Poster for the International Maoism Symposium – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/17/turkey-poster-for-the-international-maoism-symposium/ Italian: Statement of the ICL for the 18th of March – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/17/italian-statement-of-the-icl-for-the-18th-of-march/ Palestine: News and solidarity – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/17/palestine-news-and-solidarity/ Brandenburg: power failure at Tesla plant in Grünheide (Dem Volke Dienen) https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-brd/8385-brandenburg-stromausfall-bei-tesla-werk-in-gruenheide Press Release for the persecution of Teachers - EVERYONE at the demonstration on Thursday 21/3 at 18:30 at Pl. Municipal Theatre of Piraeus (Resistance in the neighbourhood) https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/213-1830.html March 18: International Day of solidarity with the political prisoners (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/18-märz-internationaler-tag-der-solidarität-mit-den-politischen-gefangenen Poem by political prisoner Varavara Rao (DIE ROTE FAHNE) https://www.rotefahne.at/post/gedicht-des-politischen-gefangenen-varavara-rao Russia: The masses make rebellion against the electoral (Socialistisk Revolution) https://socialistiskrevolution.wordpress.com/2024/03/18/rusland-masserne-gor-opror-mod-valgfarcen/ PC 18 March - Milan event for Dax: "Fascists and police we will chase you away" (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-milano-manifestazione-per.html PC 18 March - Still and always Milan for Palestine last Saturday (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-ancora-e-sempre-milano-per.html PC 18 March - Student network for Palestine Naples: "Enough lies, enough complicity between Italy and Israel" (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-rete-studentesca-per-la.html PC 18 March - Anan from Terni prison: “Resistance is not terrorism (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-anan-dal-carcere-di-terni.html PC 18 March - Solidarity in Ghassen Ben Khalifa, Tunisian journalist and militant for the Palestinian cause! Joint Campaign Italy/Tunisia (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-solidarieta-ghassen-ben.html Anan Yaeesh - from Terni's prison /Italy - 'Resistance is not terrorism! (maoistroad) https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/03/anan-yaeesh-from-ternis-prison-italy.html PC 18 March - Meloni government, the front of the internal war is advanced: the Aosta Brigade is trained in the repression of protests (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-governo-meloni-avanza-il.html PC 18 March - In Ukraine, 33 Italian mercenaries killed. Silence by the government. Italian imperialism today has its mercenaries on the field tomorrow ..... its troops in line with the positions of France and Germany (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-in-ucraina-uccisi-33.html PC 18 March - 18 March 1971/2024 - 153rd anniversary of the Municipality of Paris - The struggle for worker power is more current than ever (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-18-marzo-19712024-153.html Electoral advance in Catalonia: Reject illusions and prepare for the fight. Boycott of the election farce! (Servir al pueblo) https://serviralpuebloperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/18/avancament-electoral-a-catalunya-rebutjar-il%c2%b7lusions-i-preparar-se-per-a-la-lluita-boicot-a-la-farsa-electoral/ Electoral advance in Catalonia: discard illusions and prepare for the fight. Boicot to the electoral farce! (Servir al pueblo) https://serviralpuebloperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/18/adelanto-electoral-en-catalunya-desechar-ilusiones-y-prepararse-para-la-lucha-boicot-a-la-farsa-electoral/ Workers clash with the police in Gazipur and Ashulia in Bangladesh – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/18/workers-clash-with-the-police-in-gazipur-and-ashulia-in-bangladesh/ Brazil: The People’s Court against land grabbing and land-based crimes held in Junco do Maranhão – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/18/brazil-the-peoples-court-against-land-grabbing-and-land-based-crimes-held-in-junco-do-maranhao/ Myanmar: New Blows against the Military Regime – The Red Herald (Red Herald) https://redherald.org/2024/03/18/myanmar-new-blows-against-the-military-regime/ Demonstration in Lannemezan on April 6 to demand the release of Georges Abdallah (Association New Democracy) https://vnd-peru.blogspot.com/2024/03/manifestation-lannemezan-le-6-avril.html 18. Mars: The day of solidarity with political prisoners (Tjen Folket) https://tjen-folket.no/2024/03/18/18-mars-dagen-for-solidaritet-med-politiske-fanger/ PC March 18 - The Aosta Brigade is trained in the repression of protests - the bourgeois state and the Meloni government are preparing for the G7 of Puglia? (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-la-brigata-aosta-si.html 18 March - Palermo - Against the recruitment of students and young people to the imperialist war (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-palermo-contro-il.html PC March 18 - International red rescue what was and what will have to return to being (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-il-soccorso-rosso.html pc 18 March - Taranto event Saturday 23 March at 6 pm Piazza immacolata (proletari comunisti) https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-18-marzo-taranto-manifestazione.html Luiz Inácio should worry about the 'legalistic generals' - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/luiz-inacio-deveria-se-preocupar-com-os-generais-legalistas/ Even if expected, Putin's electoral victory strengthens him on the international scene - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/mesmo-que-esperada-vitoria-eleitoral-de-putin-o-fortalece-no-cenario-internacional/ SP: Public servants in Caieiras mobilize general strike in defense of salaries - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/sp-servidores-publicos-de-caieiras-mobilizam-paralisacao-geral-em-defesa-de-salarios/ Paper on the 153th anniversary of the Paris commune. (Periódico Mural) https://muralperiodico.wordpress.com/2024/03/18/ponencia-en-el-153-aniversario-de-la-comuna-de-paris/ AM: Peasant Leadership is arrested after denouncing Latifundium crimes - the new democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/am-lideranca-camponesa-e-presa-apos-denunciar-crimes-do-latifundio/ AM: Brigade members sell newspapers at Ufam - The New Democracy (A Nova Democracia) https://anovademocracia.com.br/am-brigadistas-vendem-jornais-na-ufam/ The "ninis" and the need for the revolutionary organization of youth | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/juventud/juventud-8/ The 8M in Bogotá did have a red component | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/mujer/8m-rojo-bogota/ The revolutionary legacy of the commune of Paris | Workers Revolution (Revolucion Obrera) https://revolucionobrera.com/efemerides/legado-revolucionario-de-la-comuna-de-paris/