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Graffitiaktion i Norrköping (Kommunistiska Föreningens)

Kamrater utförde en graffitiaktion i ett av Norrköpings industri områden. Sedan det palestinska folket visade den sionistiska statens svaghet den 7 oktober förra året har en lokal palestinarörelse etablerats i Norrköping och har samlat och organiserat en bred och djup grupp massor. Vi ser denna utveckling med glädje och stolthet, ty massorna förstår att det palestinska folkets motståndskamp också är vår.

Den anti-imperialistiska rörelsen behöver dock utvecklas, den måste förstå väl att den huvudsakliga fienden för proletariatet i Sverige är det svenska imperialismen eftersom, som kamrat Stalin lär oss, klasskampen är nationell i sin form. Detta är kommunisternas uppgift och plikt, att vara ledande i denna utveckling.

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Internationella nyheter: Vecka 42 (Kommunistiska Föreningens)


I Jabalia, norra Gazaremsan, mördades och skadades 10 respektive 30 personer i en israelisk attack på ett matdistributionscenter.

IDF fortsatte sin luftkampanj för att försämra Hezbollahs kapacitet och infrastruktur. IDF rapporterade att de träffade cirka 300 Hizbollahmål över Libanon under dagen, inklusive ammunitionsdepåer, bärraketer, antitankpositioner och infrastruktur som används av Hizbollah.


Hundratals demonstrerade framför den amerikanska ambassaden i Jordanien. Demonstranterna skanderade olika anti-USA-slagord och de sjöng också “Vi är Sinwars soldater”.

Enligt sydkoreanska Yonhap News Agency överväger den sydkoreanska regeringen uttalat att den överväger att direkt skicka vapen och underrättelsepersonal till Ukraina som svar på den rapporterade utplaceringen av nordkoreanska trupper av Ryssland i Ukraina.


I Rafah, södra Gaza, efter en strid mellan de israeliska styrkorna och al-Qassambrigaderna (Hamas) mördades tre palestinska kämpar. En av dem misstänktes vara Yahya Sinwar, Hamas högsta ledare. Källor: TRH, Al Jazeera

Den 23 oktober fortsatte striderna mellan ukrainska och ryska styrkor i Kursk Oblast. Bilder som hittades med hjälp av geolokation från 22 oktober visar att ukrainska styrkor avancerade i Zeleny Shlyakh, medan ryska källor hävdade att de avvisade ett ukrainskt anfall där. Samtidigt påstås ryska styrkor ha återtagit Olgovka och positioner nära Plekhovo. Ryska enheter, inklusive 155:e marininfanteribrigaden och 106:e VDV-divisionen samt tjetjenska “Akhmat”-förband, opererar i området runt Sudzha och Malaya Lokyna. Stridigheter intensifieras med båda sidor engagerade i taktiska positioner och kontroller.

Samtidigt i ryska staden Kazan höll BRICS (Brasilien, Ryssland, Indien, Kina, Sydafrika) ett toppmöte. Under mötet diskuterades kriget i Ukraina, iranska och ryska relationer stärktes och ytterligare planer för att nordkoreanska soldater ska utplaceras i Ukraina utvecklades.


Det bekräftades av både Israel och Hamas att Yahya Sinwar var en av de döda al-Qassamkämparna. Han dog, inte gömd från kriget, utan med geväret i handen, iklädd militäruniform och en keffiyeh. I en video tagen av en israelisk drönare kan man se honom använda den sista energin han har kvar för att kasta en järnstång mot en fiendedrönare. Ett flertal olika organisationer, bland annat de andra palestinska motståndsorganisationerna, utfärdade uttalanden under torsdagen och de kommande dagarna i vilka de fördömde mordet samt hyllade Yahya Sinwars hjältemod. Källor: TRH, A Nova Democracia, Al Jazeera, NBC News


Israel begick två massakrer i norra Gaza: först bombades Jabalia, vilket orsakade döden för åtminstone 33 personer och skadade dussintals fler. Efter det bombades Beit Lahia, och det orsakade en enorm massdöd.


Det libanesiska hälsoministeriet rapporterade att 2 448 libanesiska personer har mördats och 11 471 skadats sedan början av den israeliska aggressionen mot Libanon. Cirka 50 000 familjer har förflyttats till godkända skyddsrum och det totala antalet fördrivna personer överstiger 1,2 miljoner. Dessutom, från 23 september till 14 oktober, korsade 326 467 syrier och 124 225 libaneser gränsen till Syrien.

I staden Beit Ummar, norr om staden al-Khalil/Hebron på Västbanken, utlöstes en strejk i hela staden för att uppmärksamma folkmordet i Gaza och för att hedra Yahya Sinwar, ledaren för Hamas politiska byrå, som mördades av israeliska styrkor.


Under hela helgen blockerade flera hundra invånare gatorna i Serbien, nära staden Gornje Nedeljiče och en motorväg nära Čak i en timme. Dessa blockader är en del av det serbiska folkets pågående protester mot bygget av den största litiumgruvan i Europa som planeras av den brittisk-australiensiska gruvgruppen Rio Tinto. Den drabbade befolkningen motsätter sig Alexander Vučícs (Serbiens president) planer för att säkerställa gruvkomplexet, vilket enligt många röster oundvikligen skulle leda till enorma miljö- och hälsoskador, inte bara på plats utan i hela Serbien. Beslutet för gruvan kommer att avgöras denna månad då ansvariga för staden Loznitsa röstar om det största litiumprojektet i Europa. Produktionen planeras att börja 2028 och ska täcka cirka 17 procent av de europeiska behoven för cirka en miljon elfordon, med 58 000 ton litiumkarbonat i batterikvalitet årligen.

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Internationella nyheter: Vecka 43 (Kommunistiska Föreningens)

Utvald bild: Militärpolis i Morrinhos, Ceará. Källa: A Nova Democracia


Ett möte för att diskutera ett eldupphör mellan Libanons premiärminister Najib Mikati, parlamentets talman Nabih Berri och ett sändebud från USA, Amos Hochstein, skedde. Hochstein hävdade att USA vill att kriget ska avslutas och att de vill ”koppla bort Libanonfronten från Gazakriget”, alltså minska Hizbollahs makt och stärka den kapitulerande libanesiska militären. Källor: TRH, Al-Jazeera

Amos Hochstein (vänster) och Nabih Berri (höger) i Beirut på måndagen. Källa: CNN

Hizbollah påstod att de har dödat 55 israeliska soldater, skadat över 500 samt förstört fler än 20 Merkavastridsvagnar sedan Israel inledde markinvasionen. Bara under de senaste 24-timmarna skadades 23 israeliska soldater av motståndet.


I Brasilien grep militärpolisen en invånare av Barro Branco efter de grundlöst påstod att hans motorcykel var stulen. Hans rätt till advokat nekades även, men några timmar senare släpptes han. Källor: TRH, A Nova Democracia


Poliser, traktorer och beväpnade män fördrev familjer i den brasilianska kommunen Morrinhos, Ceará. Marken dessa personer bodde på ägs av stadssekreteraren Zé Albuquerque, men började bebos av bönder år efter den övergavs. Under samma dag, tidigt på morgonen i Paraná, förgiftades de inhemska böndernas plantage av jordägarnas hantlangare, skyddade av militärpolisen. Detta bryter mot överenskommelsen att respektera ursprungsbefolkningens gränser som upprättades av domaren Fernando Prazeres. Källor: TRH, A Nova Democracia


I Frankrike samlades nästan ettusen personer i över tio städer för att kräva Georges Abdallahs frisläppning framför statliga byggnader. De möttes av glädje och positivitet från förbipasserande och på många platser fick demonstranterna även stöd från andra grupper och organisationer.


I Turkiet beslutades det av domstolen att det ”inte finns något utrymme för åtalan” mot de tre Partizanläsarna som frihetsberövades från sina hem den 18/5. De är därför numera fria. De hade åtalats för att ha ”propagerat för en terrororganiation”.

Minst 72 människor mördades på Gazaremsan, varav 14 var barn som dog i ett flyganfall mot Khan Younis. Bosättare fördes in i norra Gazaremsan av ockupationsstyrkorna för att ta propagandabilder.

Ett israeliskt flyganfall riktades mot ett bostadshus för journalister i Hasbayya, Libanon, och dödade tre journalister för Al-Manar och Al-Mayadeen.


Israel anföll Iran ännu en gång med flygplan och robotar. Denna gång var det 20 olika platser som utsattes, i provinserna Teheran, Ilam och Khuzestan. Minst två iranska soldater dog. Israel angav alla militära operationer som Iran genomfört mot dem de senaste månaderna som orsaken. Flera av robotarna sköts ned, och det Islamiska revolutionsgardet led inga förluster trots att Israel hade nämnt det som ett mål.

Ett israeliskt anfall i Beit Lahiya, norra Gazaremsan, dödade 35 människor.

5 inkräktare oskadliggjordes permanent i södra Libanon. Hizbollah skickade ut egna utrymningsorder till 25 bosättningar i norra Israel som tjänade direkt militära syften för ockupationen.

Video producerad av Hizbollah som beordrar alla invånare i 25 nordliga israeliska bosättningar att utrymma. Källa: X


En förnyad attack mot Beit Lahiya dödade 10. En buss körde in i en busstation i Tel Aviv i närheten av Gilots militärbas och ett högkvarter för Mossad och skadade 50 varav 15 allvarligt. De skadade var alla soldater, ett faktum de imperialistiska medierna tiger om.

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Rapport om studentaktion vid Uppsala Universitet (Kommunistiska Föreningens)

Varje år hålls en karriärmässa på Ångströmslaboratoriet, det campus där Uppsalas fysiker, kemister, matematiker och ingenjörer håller till. Mässan kallas UTNARM, och på den närvarar över 1000 besökare, samt representanter från över 100 olika företag och institutioner. Bland dessa finns SAAB, Hitachi, Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut, Atlas Copco, Volvo, SSAB och flera andra företag som jobbar för att främja Sveriges och andra länders imperialism. Detta är mycket upprörande för många studenter, i synnerhet på grund av flera av dessa företags direkta kopplingar till apartheidstaten Israel och dess pågående folkmord mot det palestinska folket.

Sedan november i fjol har studenter vid Uppsala Universitet tagit ställning i ord och handlingar mot Universitetets samarbete med israeliska universitet och med de företag som stöttar ockupationsmakten. De har genomfört protester utanför och innanför olika campus samt fakultetsbyggnaden Segerstedthuset. De har startat ett läger utanför Engelska Parken, samt vid ett tillfälle avbrutit en examensceremoni, varpå flera aktivister dömdes av den reaktionära staten.

Vid varje tillfälle har studenterna ställt samma krav: universitetet ska avbryta sina samarbeten med israeliska universitet, precis som de behandlade ryska universitet efter invasionen av Ukraina. Trots detta enkla krav har universitetet vid varje tillfälle vägrat höra studenternas vilja. Studenterna valde därför att göra en aktion mot mässan för att skrämma universitetet och visa sin beslutsamhet.

Den 7:e November klockan 11:07 började en student skandera slagord med en megafon, och ett flertal andra studenter, med flaggor och banderoller i hand, ropade efter. Samtidigt släppte två maskerade studenter över tusen flygblad över mässans deltagare från våningen ovanifrån och retirerade från scenen. Detta spektakel drog uppmärksamhet från varenda en av mässans 1000 besökare och ett par studenter ur massan ställde sig i trappan och ropade med i solidaritet. Många besökare tog även upp och läste flygbladen, medan reaktionärerna hastigt försökte städa bord dem från golven.

Även reaktionen var intresserad av händelsen. Studenten med megafonen greps av ordningsvakter och varslades hastigt bort efter bara 15-20 sekunder- den klassiska reaktionära strategin att separera ledningen från massorna, i hopp om att aktionen ska kollapsa. Men det reaktionärerna inte förutsett var att studenterna var bättre förberedda än någonsinn förr. De fortsatte sin demonstration, trots att en av dem gripits, och höll på i nästan en halvtimma innan reaktionen kunde stoppa dem. Studenterna lämnade byggnaden precis samtidigt som polisstyrkor anlände för att arrestera dem, men eftersom studenterna redan var påväg ut ur byggnaden gick de fria.

Utöver den stora polisnärvaron hade reaktionärerna även uppfört ett strikt väskförbud under mässan för att förhindra denna sorts händelser, men de förbluffades när studenterna dök upp med banderoller, flaggor, otaliga flygblad och två megafoner. Studenterna hade på något vis smugglat in dem rätt under reaktionens näsa.

Reaktionärerna var under den dagen tydligt nervösa. De verkade känna igen studentaktivisterna och man kunda höra dem tala i sina radioapparater om att de inte hade tillräckligt med styrkor för att hindra protesten. De hade förväntat sig att någonting skulle hända den dagen, det var tydligt: borden för SAAB och försvarsmakten var precis brevid varandra vid en av nödutgångarna och var konstant övervakade av patrullerande ordningsvakter och polis. Det stod alltid åtminstone en vakt vid SAAB:s bord och en civilpolis i närheten. Trots detta lyckades de inte stoppa studenterna.

Reaktionärerna vet att de är skyldiga och att massorna hatar dem, deras behov av konstant polisrepression bevisar det. Trots närvaro av ett stort antal ordningsvakter, poliser och civilpoliser kallade reaktionen in ytterligare styrkor för att motverka en enkel protest av 14 studenter, och ett släpp av flygblad. De var skrämda.

Trots att reaktionärerna kontrollerat alla väskor, haft otaliga vakter, polis och civilpolis på plats, och konstant kommunicerat över radion hade studenterna lyckats visa att masssornas kreativitet alltid överträffar reaktionens. De visade den dagen att de var kapabla att planera och utföra mycket större aktioner än förut, och att de inte lät sig skrämmas av övervakning och polis, även när den mest framträdande av deras egna styrka gripits. Denna aktion påvisar det dialektiska förhållandet mellan reaktionär repression och massornas organistation: Ju kraftigare förtrycket blir, desto kreativare blir massorna. För varje revolutionär eller rebell som grips växer hatet mot reaktionen och därmed beslutsamheten i kampen mot den.

Trots att lag, polis och universitet säger till studenterna att det de gör är fel och att de borde deeskalera sin kamp, vet vi kommunister sanningen: Revolution är inte ett brott!

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Fransa Mahkemesi Georges Abdallah’ı Serbest Bırakma Kararı Aldı (ATIK Online)

HABER MERKEZİ|15.11.2024|Fransa’da bir mahkeme, 40 yıldır tutsak olan FHKC üyesi Lübnanlı devrimci Georges Ibrahim Abdallah’ın “Fransa’yı terk etmesi” şartıyla 6 Aralık’ta serbest bırakılmasına karar verdi. Abdallah, 1984 yılında tutuklanmış ve 1987’de ABD askeri ataşesi Charles Ray ile İsrailli diplomat Yakov Barsimentov’un Paris’teki suikastlerinden dolayı ömür boyu hapis cezasına çarptırılmıştı.

Fransız anti-terör savcıları, serbest bırakma kararına itiraz edeceklerini açıkladı: “Bugün alınan kararla mahkeme, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah’ın 6 Aralık’tan itibaren şartlı tahliyesine, Fransa topraklarını terk etmesi ve bir daha dönmemesi şartıyla onay verdi.”

Kendisini “Filistin halkının hakları için savaşan bir savaşçı” olarak tanımlayan 73 yaşındaki Abdallah, 1999’dan beri şartlı tahliye başvurusunda bulunma hakkına sahipti ancak önceki 10 başvurusu reddedildi. Avukatı Jean-Louis Chalanset, AFP’ye yaptığı açıklamada, “Bu karar hem hukuki hem de siyasi bir zaferdir” dedi.

Abdallah’ın davası, Fransa’daki adalet sistemine yönelik eleştirileri de gündeme getirdi. Ünlü Fransız yazar Annie Ernaux, geçtiğimiz ay L’Humanité gazetesinde yayımlanan bir yazısında, Abdallah’ın tutukluluğunu “Fransa’nın yüz karası” olarak nitelendirmişti.

Abdallah’ın serbest bırakılmasına özellikle ABD hükümeti yıllardır karşı çıkarken, Lübnan makamları ise defalarca Abdallah’ın serbest bırakılması gerektiğini savundu.

Fransa İçişleri Bakanlığı, Abdallah’ın 2013’te şartlı tahliyesini onaylamış ancak dönemin İçişleri Bakanı Manuel Valls bu kararı uygulamayı reddetmişti. Bu seferki mahkeme kararı, hükümetin onayına bağlı olmaksızın uygulanacak.

Georges Abdallah, 1970’lerde Marksist-Leninist Filistin Halk Kurtuluş Cephesi’ne (FHKC) katılmış ve 1978’de İsrail’in Lübnan’ı işgali sırasında yaralanmıştı. Daha sonra Lübnan Silahlı Devrimci Fraksiyonları (LARF) adlı militan grubu kurarak, İtalya’daki Kızıl Tugaylar ve Almanya’daki Kızıl Ordu Fraksiyonu (RAF) gibi sol örgütlerle bağlantılar geliştirdi.


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Iniciativas en Colombia en el marco del impulso de la Liga Antiimperialista Internacional (Nueva Democracia)

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Yeni Kadın: 25 Kasım’da Sokaktayız! (ATIK Online)


Dünyamızın dört bir yanında savaşlar on binlerce insanın yaşamını sonlarken, yeni bir dünya savaşı tehlikesi hızla büyümekte. Başta kadınlar ve çocuklar olmak üzere dünya halklarının yaşamının her gün daha fazla zorlaştırıldığı, her türden şiddetin daha fazla yaşamlarımızda yer ettiği bir süreçte karşılıyoruz, “25 Kasım, Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü”nü.

Irkçı Politikalar, Kadınlar Üzerinden Üretiliyor;

Bugün Avrupa’da yükselişte olan AfD vb. Faşist ırkçı partiler, göçmen-mülteci düşmanı, ırkçı politikalarını, kadın bedeni üzerinden üretirken, toplumun güncel sorunlarıyla harmanlayıp, çarpıtarak taban kazanmaya çalışıyorlar.

Gerçekte ise, kuluçka makinası görüp üretim alanlarından çekip eve kapatmak istedikleri kadınların toplumsal yaşamlarını, Hitler ve Mussolini’nin 3K politikaları üzerinden tekrar dizayn etmeyi planlıyorlar.

Böylece kadınları, ırkçı politikaların taşıyıcısı ve erkeğe bağımlı hale getirmek, toplumsal mücadeleden uzaklaştırmak, biat eden/itaatkâr varlıklar haline getirmek istiyorlar. Biliyorlar ki; kadınları itaakârlaştırılmış toplumu kontrol altında tutmak kolaydır. Diğer taraftan bu politikayla muhalif hareketin çok önemli bir ayağını keserek, toplumsal mücadeleyi kötürüm bırakıp, zayıflatmak istiyorlar.

Kürtaj Hakkı Gasp Edilmek İsteniyor;

Başta Papa ve Kiliseler olmak üzere, tüm faşist-ırkçı partiler, kürtajı “cinayet”, kürtaj yapan doktorları “kiralık katil” olarak tanımlamaktalar. Yüz yılı aşkındır verilen mücadelelerin kazanımı olan “KÜRTAJ HAKKI”na saldırarak, kadınları ucuz iş gücü ve savaşlarda can alıp/ can veren askerler doğurmaya zorlarken, bir yandan da kadın mücadelesini yok saymaya çalışıyorlar.

Eşit İşe Eşit Ücret Makasının Ağzı Açılıyor;

Halkların alım gücü her gün daha kötüye giderken, önümüzdeki süreçte başta Almanya’daki otomotiv sanayii olmak üzere, üretim alanlarındaki işçi çıkartmalarında ilk topun ağzında olanların kadınlar olacağı gerçekliğinden yola çıkarak,ücret eşitsizliğinde makasın ağzının daha fazla açılacağını, kadın yoksulluğunun daha artacağını söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Göçmen kadın işçi ve emekçiler açısından ise, bu cephedeki eşitsizlik zaten her zaman çok daha büyük.

Emperyalist savaşlar için sürekli büyütülen silahlanma bütçeleri, vergiler yoluyla işçi ve emekçilerin ücretlerinden, sağlık, eğitim, emeklilik, işsizlik gibi halkın yaşamsal ihtiyaçları için ayrılan bütçelerden kesilerek sağlanmaktadır.

Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Yükseliyor

3. Emperyalist Paylaşım Savaşı tehlikesinin yük- seldiği bu süreçte kadın ve çocuk cinayetleri dün- ya genelinde yükselişte. BM raporuna göre; 2022 yılında dünya genelinde yaklaşık 48.800 kadın ve kız çocuğu eşleri ya da en yakınlarındaki erkekler tarafından öldürüldü. Almanya’da 2021’de 113 olan kadın cinayetleri, 2023’te 163, 2024’ün ilk 10 ayında 146 olarak istatistiklere geçti. Fransa’da 134, İtalya’da 109, Avusturya’da 28, İsviçre’de 17 kadının katledildiğine dair veriler, kadın cinayetlerindeki yükselişi gösteriyor. Bu verilerin buz dağının sadece görünen yüzü olduğunu biliyoruz.

Tecavüzler Emperyalist Savaş Silahıdır

Savaş silahı olarak kullanılan taciz, tecavüz, kadın bedeninin metalaştırılması gibi kadına yönelik işkencelerin sonucu ortaya çıkan travmalar savaş sonrasında yıllarca kuşaktan kuşağa geçmekte. Çocuk pornosu ve organ mafyaları, en fazla bu süreçlerde çocuklarımızın hayatlarını çalmakta.

Mücadele Cephesini Güçlendirelim;

Bu yıl 25 Kasım’da yerli ve göçmen kadınlar olarak hep birlikte sokaklarda enternasyonal kadın mücadelesini güçlendirmek, sloganlarımızı daha güçlü haykırmak zorundayız. Emperyalizm var olduğu müddetçe savaşlar kaçınılmazken, onu engelleyebilecek tek güç, dünya halklarının mücadelesidir. Bu nedenle emperyalizme ve savaşa karşı mücadelenin güçlü özneleri olmalıyız.

Bu yıl alanları mağduriyetlerimiz ile değil, 1917 Şubatı’nda Rus Çarını deviren mücadeleci kadınların, 1960’ta Dominik diktatörünü deviren hal- kın öncülerinden Mirabel kardeşlerin devrimci dirençlerini kuşanarak dolduracağız.

Yaşasın Enternasyonal Kadın Mücadelemiz!

PDF TR – 25 Kasım bildirisi

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PE: Comitê de Apoio vende 60 jornais no Centro de Recife - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Na manhã do dia 02/11 os integrantes do Comitê de Apoio de Recife realizaram a venda de 60 jornais da edição nº 257 nas ruas próximas à Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Livramento dos Homens Pardos e ao Mercado São José, no Centro de Recife, pontos de maior movimento na cidade durante o feriado de finados.

O tema da Revolução Agrária foi central nas abordagens. Os ativistas comentaram principalmente sobre a Batalha Feroz de Barro Branco, ocorrida no dia 28 de setembro em Jaqueira (PE), na qual camponeses e estudantes resistiram contra 50 pistoleiros armados a mando do latifundiário Guilherme Maranhão e organizados pelo Movimento Invasão Zero em Pernambuco.

Uma faixa de cinco metros foi estendida (foto em destaque) em que estava escrito “Todo apoio ao Acampamento Menino Jonatas em Jaqueira/PE!“. O Acampamento Menino Jonatas foi levantado pelos camponeses de Barro Branco no dia 26 de outubro com o objetivo de recuperar as terras dos posseiros que haviam sido tomadas pelo latifúndio.

Para dar continuidade à disseminação da Heroica Resistência Camponesa, o portal do jornal A Nova Democracia também foi amplamente divulgado, no qual se encontram diversas matérias que aprofundam sobre a Batalha de Barro Branco.

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Yeni Demokrasi: Let us be part of the resistance and not part of the solidarity – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

We hereby share a translation we have received of an article by Yeni Demokrasi.

We are in a process in which we are forced to win against imperialism and Zionism. The Palestinian National Resistance Front, which has destroyed the theories of the revisionists and reformists in the name of peace, democracy, disarmament, reconciliation and normalisation with the Al-Aqsa flood, is marking a new stage in its long struggle against occupation, colonialism and imperialism, which began with the British occupation and lasted more than 100 years. The Palestinian people have died for their national liberation and continue this struggle at great sacrifice. After a year, it is clear that the Zionists and imperialists have not succeeded in dividing the national front: children, the elderly, women, young people and men continue to fight shoulder to shoulder for national liberation and a free Palestine. Their struggle is now a revolutionary reality that strengthens the anti-imperialist struggle. The unjust war waged by Zionism against the Palestinian people is no exception. In class societies, states resort to tyranny to supress the masses, maintain the production of surplus value and increase their share of the cake. While the states are pouring oil, valuable minerals, cheap labour, geographical and political superiority into their own coffers, they are bringing death, destruction and exploitation to the peoples. The rights of the oppressed nations, classes and genders do not matter. This practice, which reveals the true face of imperialism and world reaction in the Middle East, has massacred more than 40,000 people in Palestine alone. The number of journalists, doctors, academics, teachers and humanitarian aid workers massacred in Palestine is higher than the number of people killed in 20 years of the Vietnam War or in 8 years of the Iraq War. A promising front against this unjust war is the united struggle of the peoples of the world, which is rising up on all continents of the earth and exposing the reactionary character of imperialism. Dozens of practices show that when it comes to the class interests of the bourgeoisie, all war crimes, including genocide, are legitimate. All treaties and conventions on human rights are instruments that can be set aside by the institutions that claim to be the ‘guarantors’ of these treaties for the interests of the imperialists. The right to freedom of expression, assembly and organisation, which the Western imperialist states pride themselves on, is dismissed as a series of democratic rights that can easily be violated when it comes to showing solidarity with the Palestinian people in resistance.

The current situation and the increasingly loud voices show that the crisis of capitalism is deepening; the bourgeoisie’s manipulation and propaganda against the peoples are losing their effects day by day. Although the imperialists and their collaborators are supporting the Zionist reaction of Israel with all the means at their disposal, the honourable resistance of the Palestinian people and the united struggle of the peoples who are joining this resistance show that a new revolutionary wave is brewing. We are at a historic turning point, and historic turning points require historic interventions. We have no time to lose; we need systematic and broad coalitions of forces that can lead this rising progressive wave. History has shown time and again that if we as communists are unable to develop the means and methods to recognise our subjective role and make the right interventions at this moment of historical rupture, it will be the imperialists and their lackeys who will benefit from this rupture.

In this sense, it is important to look back at the practices of the day and of the past year, to evaluate them and to remember the links that have been created in the international struggle. To remember is to rescue the past, and to rescue the past is to rebuild the present.

In the face of the occupiers’ unjust war, many ideologically and politically fragmented discussions, organisations, unification efforts and unification practices against this war have emerged in our country. In the face of this brutal aggression, which is massacring the peoples of the region, various discussions were held, which were inadequate in the midst of quickly organised actions, assemblies and solidarity calls. Today, however, we consider it a revolutionary duty to take stock of the past year.

A consciousness that does not unite in the face of the attacks that have massacred the Palestinian and Lebanese people, that does not try to unite, that does not reflect on common ground and alliances, cannot constitute revolutionary consciousness. At the same time, our practices must not be limited to the words ‘side by side’, ‘solidarity’ and ‘common ground’. We can clearly state that the Palestinian cause is no longer an object of nostalgia and melancholy that we want to keep alive at all costs, but a direct part and front of the anti-imperialist class struggle. For us, Palestine is not a matter of conscience, but a historical responsibility that the class struggle has placed on our shoulders.

In the past year, many communities, platforms and democratic mass organisations have carried out actions in support of the Palestinian cause. It is clear that the Turkish state is a strategic ally of Israel and that this alliance is exacerbating the Palestinian problem by strengthening the occupying state. The Palestinian question is not only a foreign policy issue for Turkey, but also a direct element of domestic policy. While the action of the Islamic movements, whose existence is also conditioned by the ruling classes, aims to conceal this alliance and to reproduce the discourses about it over and over again, while the criminals are hidden by reducing the call for a boycott to a consumer boycott and individualising it, in which main areas have the left socialist forces carried out which actions?

The process shows that a Palestinian activism that only orients itself to the agenda and political tendencies of the respective institutions is not enough, but that we need a constant mobility that brings the Palestinian national liberation struggle to the current agenda of the masses. This mobility and perspective is the way to effective support that goes beyond the needs of the day. We must take a stand, in accordance with the principle of proletarian internationalism, against the wars of occupation and division waged by the imperialist powers among themselves and by their collaborators, and we must express why the Palestinian struggle is directly linked to the struggle of billions of poor and oppressed workers and labourers who long for a world worth living in. As the Anti-Imperialist League emphasises, we must take on the indispensable task of building an anti-imperialist world front that unites the broad masses of the people under the leadership of the proletariat against imperialism and all forms of reaction, strongly supports people’s wars and national liberation struggles, and serves the struggles of the peoples around the world.

First, a brief review of last year’s actions: Following the intensification of the attacks, BDS Turkey called for a boycott of products and companies originating from or associated with Israel, and actions were carried out with various specific aims in mind, to break off all commercial, diplomatic, military, academic and cultural relations with the occupying state. Zorlu Holding, which produces energy and spare parts for military ammunition for Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories; Socar, which is a de facto partner in the genocide through its oil production; MÜSİAD member companies that export oil, iron and steel, food, military clothing, ammunition and products for the war industry; Marmara University, which is directly linked to the academy of occupation and produces information for Zionist Israel; the Kürecik base, the US consulate, the port of Ambarlı, the municipal authorities of Adana, Izmir and Antalya, and the municipal authorities of Edirne, Marmaris and Kadıköy, which have signed partnership protocols directly with the occupying state.

The calls for mass participation, the leaflet and stand actions and the announcements continue. Although the joint actions of the Palestine Action Committee, which was founded after the call of BDS Turkey to the central organisation of actions, have made an important contribution to the current Palestinian activism, we consider it important to discuss the shortcomings of this work in order to develop it further and go a step further. The activities carried out to put the Palestinian national liberation struggle on the agenda of the masses remained mainly in the urban centres and could only be taken to the neighbourhoods where the working masses live to a very limited extent. The fact that the discussions about Hamas, which intensified after the Al-Aqsa flood, were along the same lines as the propaganda of the bourgeois Western media and the occupiers, and that the legitimacy of the Palestinian national liberation struggle and the resistance during that struggle was called into question, made it difficult to engage with the resistance as a whole. This went so far that it was felt in these discourses/slogans throughout the entire process. At the point we have reached today, it can be said that this struggle has been won to a large extent. Although slogans such as ‘Freedom for Palestine, Boycott Israel’, ‘Murderer Israel, collaborator AKP’ and slogans directed against the corporations and the political power are still being used, it can be said that the concentration of protest sites on the city centres, the consulate of the occupying Israel, the Zorlu and Socar companies, but we can say that is insufficient. It is clear that the expansion of the protests to the working-class neighbourhoods and the organisation of actions that directly harm capital will expand the masses’ participation in the Palestinian struggle.

We see the tasks that the urgency of the process we are going through imposes on us: the Palestinian national liberation struggle must be popularised, its boundaries broadened and the continuity of its activities ensured. The course of the actions organised during this process shows that after a year the Palestinian resistance is still on the agenda of the masses, no matter how strong the propaganda of the occupation and the bourgeois media is. Those who thought that people’s commitment to the struggle would fade over time and that they could deceive people with false claims have been mistaken. The growing mass of protests and the timeliness of the discussions prove this fallacy. It can be said that an important point is the practice of committee work in Focus Palestine, and our task now is to develop this practice. It is obvious that the mass mobilisations so far have become a routine for the masses, gathering to make a press statement and then dispersing. This is also shown by the actions with other agendas, which have been limited to this for several years. It is high time to continue this practice. Today, the attacks are still intense and the resistance is strong and current. The intifada is highly topical. While the intensified attacks in Palestine and Lebanon continue at this rate, we must wage the national liberation struggles against imperialism and its collaborators in a revolutionary way, we must organise a genuine and consistent anti-imperialist struggle against the imperialist system, which is the source of the problem, and the collaborating political power in our country, by addressing all social problems and contradictions in the context of the class struggle.

Solidarity in principle and action is not possible without putting an end to the economic, social, political, ideological, cultural and military domination of the Zionists in the Turkish state and breaking the means of domination and power of this reaction. It is not enough to say that we stand by the Palestinian people, it is not enough to take part in solidarity actions, we must attack, expose and destroy the entire presence of the occupying state in our country. Palestine is not far away for us and never has been, but the enemy is not far away either. The enemy is in the Ministry of Trade, the enemy is in the NATO bases, the enemy is in Marmara University, the enemy is at a Beşiktaş football match, the enemy is giving concerts at the Zorlu Performing Arts Centre. The way to advance the Palestinian struggle is to expel the occupier from the areas where we live, to isolate it and to shout its crimes from the rooftops. We must wage an active and open struggle in our countries against all regional and international propagandists and collaborators of Israeli Zionism. We must attack the sources that feed the occupation, massacres and genocide and give them credibility and legitimacy.

As communists and Marxist-Leninists-Maoists, we reiterate the call of the Anti-Imperialist League: All revolutionary, anti-imperialist and anti-occupation forces must support the Palestinian national liberation struggle and be part of the resistance, whatever the cost.

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“5 câmeras quebradas” (2012), de Emad Burnat e Guy Davidi – O Cinema Militante Palestino num período de contrarrevolução - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Esse texto continua os artigos sobre Cinema Palestino iniciados com “Uma introdução ao Cinema Militante Palestino“, publicado em 16 de fevereiro de 2024, e “ O Cinema Militante – do mundo, para a Palestina, para o mundo”.

O que se nomeia Cinema Militante Palestino existiu num período específico da Revolução Palestina – o que entremeia os fins dos anos 60 (com a reorganização geral das forças militantes da nação) e o início dos anos 80 (com a invasão sionista do Líbano e o cerco de Beirute). Nesse período, se produziu um Cinema e um fazer-cinema vinculado à revolução em curso, por artistas-militantes ativos nas várias organizações revolucionárias daquela sequência, lutando por afirmar um cinema que refletisse as aspirações do povo em forma e conteúdo.

O período posterior a esse pode ser dividido entre aquele que é marcado tanto pela gradual capitulação da OLP até os Acordos de Oslo (1993), com o estabelecimento da Autoridade Palestina num território não-contíguo, quanto pela resistência das massas em gigantescos levantes, destacando-se a Primeira (1987-1993) e a Segunda Intifada (2000-2005); e o período que vai do fim da Segunda Intifada até a reorganização da Resistência Nacional, que conclui-se na operação conjunta do Dilúvio de Al-Aqsa em 2023. Enquanto o primeiro representou um grande recuo da Revolução Palestina, o segundo foi a ofensiva total da contrarrevolução contra o povo árabe palestino. Com grande parte dos contingentes fedayin desarmados pelas promessas dos Acordos de Paz, cada vez mais caducas, e com a Autoridade Palestina assumindo um caráter burocrático e passivo, o projeto sionista pôde repartir a Cisjordânia em novos assentamentos, além de agredir o Líbano em 2006 e Gaza em 2008.

O Cinema Militante Palestino, como um cinema integrado às instituições históricas da revolução palestina, já não poderia mais existir como antes: precisaria renascer no ventre da luta do povo, onde ela se encontrava no momento. E é justamente em 2005, em Bi’lin, um pequeno povoado da Cisjordânia, que o camponês Emad Burnat inicia despretensiosamente a gravação do arquivo que culminará no filme “5 Câmeras Quebradas” em 2012 – um expoente do que pode ser considerado o Cinema Militante Palestino daquele período específico.

Em “5 câmeras quebradas”, acompanhamos o relato pessoal-comunitário de Emad, que, ao adquirir uma câmera de vídeo na data em questão para registrar o nascimento de seu filho Gibreel, é compelido a acompanhar por cinco anos a epopeia de protesto popular em Bi’lin contra a expansão de um assentamento sionista. Trata-se de um Cinema Militante, sim, de caráter espontâneo, inquieto, impreciso, e justamente por isso, expressão desse período específico, das certezas e dúvidas desse período, demonstrando com brilhantismo as suas várias contradições e as do próprio diretor.

A perspicaz montagem do arquivo (codirigida pelo realizador israelense Guy Davidi¹) acompanha o crescimento de Gibreel, em momentos-chave típicos de filmes de arquivo (nascimento, primeiras palavras, primeira escrita…) interpenetrando-se com a tragédia do cotidiano da ocupação e a teimosia engenhosa do protesto popular, desde os métodos não-violentos até as pedras voadoras. Os “personagens” desse protesto, gravados ternamente num longo período de tempo, destilam suas ambiguidades, produzindo uma imagem viva, portanto complexa, daquele povo: inocência-perda de inocência; certeza-dúvida; otimismo-pessimismo… Seguindo o ritmo do protesto espontâneo, que oscila em tensão-distensão; vitórias-derrotas, ofensivas-defensivas; mas que, num sentido geral, parte de um entusiasmo inicial para a melancolia – precisamente a impressão de “ciclo vicioso” que perpassa o julgamento dos “personagens”, mas que, de fato, meramente expressa a necessidade de um salto nas formas de luta.

É através dessa melancolia, especialmente após o assassinato de Phil, o símbolo do protesto não-violento em Bi’lin, que o filme chega a seu ponto de inflexão – o pequeno Gibreel, agora com 5 anos, pergunta a Emad porque ele não vingou a morte de seu amigo, tentando assassinar o soldado israelense com uma faca. Na ousadia desta pergunta, a pergunta que Emad não ousou fazer em nenhum momento do filme e que também não sabe como responder, as gerações se separam. A geração do novo período que se abre não viveu as esperanças dos Acordos de Paz, e só pôde experimentar a brutalidade da ocupação e o esgotamento do protesto civil palestino como forma principal de enfrentamento. Aqui a dignidade em permitir o contraditório do real vale mais que qualquer opinião pessoal dos autores do filme: é a própria História assumindo o controle da imagem, que hoje carrega muito mais peso que em 2012.

Fotogramas de “5 Câmeras Quebradas” (2012), de Emad Burnat e Guy Davidi.

Para além da a história individual de cada “personagem” e a história de Bi’lin, há também a “história” das cinco câmeras quebradas em uso, através da qual o filme encontra sua estrutura. Da ênfase na materialidade, na realidade das câmeras e do processo de captação não só provém o eixo narrativo do filme, mas traz a evidência, na imagem fílmica, da espontaneidade das condições de produção (no amadorismo das gravações, na baixa resolução da imagem), da violência colonial (no ruído de vídeo produzido pela avaria do dispositivo) e do crescente reconhecimento do próprio Emad como cineasta profissional (na gradual melhora da qualidade das imagens e da captação).

Porque, sobretudo, este é um filme sobre o imenso potencial democrático do cinema, sobre a vinculação com a matéria em movimento que “demanda” o manuseio da câmera, o que Emad chama de “obrigação” e “destino”: ao diretor, um camponês, bastou que a assumisse em suas mãos para que se iniciasse o processo de tornar-se um cineasta. Também, porque o fazer-cinema devém em sua forma específica de militância, com todos os mesmos riscos de qualquer militância e, nesse processo, a questão da recepção, da circulação das imagens e o impacto que provoca o “distanciamento” dos fatos é colocado em questão. Este fazer-cinema nos aproxima, quase que naturalmente, das mesmas conclusões do antigo Cinema Militante: sobre a importância do arquivo, sobre a importância da exibição coletiva, sobre a importância da vinculação com as lutas concretas do povo, sobre o Cinema como uma necessidade das massas.

A grande pergunta que nos resta após “5 Câmeras Quebradas” é: qual será o Cinema Militante do atual período da Revolução Palestina?


1 – Entrevistado pela imprensa israelense quando o documentário concorreu no Oscar em 2013, Guy Davidi disse que o filme não representava Israel na premiação, apenas ele mesmo, e que o filme era Palestino, ainda que co-produzido em Israel e França.

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CE: Primeiro encontro de Grupo de Estudos sobre Revolução Brasileira e Latino-Americana termina com homenagem aos 20 anos do PCI (Maoísta)  - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

No dia 25/10, o Coletivo estudantil Carcará e o Comitê de Apoio ao Jornal A Nova Democracia de Fortaleza (CE) realizaram o primeiro encontro do Grupo de Estudos sobre Revolução Brasileira e Latino-Americana.

O texto trabalhado no primeiro encontro foi o Alma Matinal, do destacado dirigente comunista peruano José Carlos Mariátegui, texto de caráter filosófico que defende a necessidade da fé, do mito e do heroísmo nas revoluções como fator de mobilização das massas.

Durante as intervenções foi exaltada a firmeza dos heroicos combatentes do povo que, mesmo em situações adversas, obtém vitórias em decorrência da firmeza e disciplina ideológicas, tais como os da Revolução Russa, os palestinos e, no caso do Brasil, os camponeses pobres em luta pela terra.

Foi nesse clima que o Grupo de Estudos encerrou seu primeiro dia com uma homenagem saudando os 20 anos de fundação do Partido Comunista da Índia (Maoísta), que dirige a revolução indiana há décadas para acabar com o latifúndio semifeudal e expulsar o imperialismo do país e que, segundo um dos ativistas presentes no encontro, “é um exemplo para os democratas e revolucionários de todo o mundo.”

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MG: Comitê de apoio ao AND de Belo Horizonte realizará debate sobre a luta pela terra na UFMG - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

O Comitê de Apoio ao Jornal A Nova Democracia de Belo Horizonte realizará, na próxima quinta feira (21/11) debate sobre a atualidade da luta pela terra e sobre a heroica batalha dos posseiros de Barro Branco.

O debate acontecerá às 18h no auditório 1007 da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) e será uma oportunidade para que estudantes e trabalhadores possam discutir a atualidade da Revolução Agrária e as lições tiradas por aqueles que estão na linha de frente na luta contra o latifúndio e os movimentos paramiliares no campo.

📅 Data: 21/11, quinta-feira  

🕜 Horário: 18h

📍 Local: Auditório 1007 da Faculdade de Letras  

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RS: Moradora de Condomínio Popular denuncia ameaça de despejo - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Uma moradora do condomínio popular Princesa Isabel denunciou ao AND a ameaça de despejo que sofre por parte do Velho Estado. Nelita Costa Carvalho tem 72 anos e mora há dezoito no seu apartamento; desde que foi presa injustamente em 2009, vive sob constantes ameaças de despejo.

As ameaças começaram com sua prisão injusta durante uma operação policial em 2009, em que homens que carregavam drogas e armas se esconderam em seu apartamento durante a invasão do condomínio. Ela ficou presa até 2014, cumprindo toda sentença, mas mesmo assim era constantemente ameaçada pelo Departamento Municipal de Habitação (DEMHAB) a ser despejada por estar supostamente guardando armas e drogas em seu apartamento.

Ela conta que desde a pandemia de Covid-19 não pode pagar o aluguel, o que levou ao DEMHAB a aumentar o tom das ameaças, chegando a receber uma carta que dizia que seria despejada pelo choque, mesmo sendo idosa e vivendo com um bebê de 2 anos de idade.

Quando perguntou ao DEMHAB o que ocorreria com ela, já que não tinha para onde ir, foi informada que deveria “ir para um asilo” e que a criança seria entregue ao conselho tutelar.

“A justiça acredita na polícia ao invés de acreditar nas pessoas, se a polícia disser que eu tenho um saco de sessenta quilos de droga no meu apartamento, a justiça acredita”, disse em depoimento ao AND.

A comunidade se mobilizou para repudiar a ação de despejo, e rapidamente o secretário do DEMHAB André Machado, que havia afirmado à Nelita que nada poderia ser feito, mudou o tom e informou que a ordem de despejo havia sido postergada indefinitivamente. 

Condomínio tem histórico de repressão

O condomínio Princesa Isabel é alvo de constante repressão e cerco por parte das polícias e do monopólio de imprensa. Em maio, policiais militares invadiram o condomínio e, sob sequestro, torturaram e mataram o trabalhador Vladimir Abreu.

Em setembro, os moradores enfrentaram uma outra invasão que deixou um morto dentro do condomínio. usando paus e pedras, eles fizeram os policiais recuarem.

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DF: Mesa-redonda na UnB discute a aplicação do Direito Internacional no caso palestino e a perseguição judicial contra atores pró Palestina  - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Foi realizada, às 19h de terça-feira, a mesa-redonda “Palestina e o Direito Internacional” no auditório do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília.

Organizado pelo Grupo de Estudos Retóricas do Poder e Resistências (GERPOR-UnB) e pelo Comitê de Solidariedade à Palestina do Distrito Federal (CSP-DF), o evento teve por objetivo tratar dos usos e limitações do Direito Internacional no caso palestino e da perseguição judicial (lawfare), no Brasil e no mundo, contra defensores da causa palestina.

O evento contou com a presença das pesquisadoras palestinas Rula Shadid e Nada Awad, do comunicador Thiago Ávila e da diplomata Cláudia Assaf, que aproveitou a ocasião para anunciar vitória judicial contra o lobby sionista no Brasil. O advogado Thiago Guilherme, especialista em relações étnico-raciais e representante legal de Assaf no processo, mediou o debate. 

Nada Awad, coautora do relatório Apartheid israelense: ferramenta do colonialismo sionista, destacou a importância do enfrentamento de narrativas coloniais sobre a questão palestina. Conforme Nada, enfrentar a versão das potências imperialistas sobre os eventos é a condição para tratar da raiz da questão palestina.

“Palavras, palavras, palavras… Não me importam!”

Rula Shadid, diretora do Instituto Palestino para a Diplomacia Pública (PIPD) relatou sua indignação com o que ouviu em reuniões com deputados e representantes do Ministério das Relações Exteriores do governo Luís Inácio. A especialista demonstrou surpresa e decepção com o conteúdo das reuniões oficiais que teve durante sua visita ao Brasil, uma vez que considerava possível ter em Luiz Inácio e seu governo um aliado da causa Palestina.

O Brasil segue mantendo negócios e acordos militares com um regime que o próprio Luiz Inácio já considerou cometedor de crimes similares ao holocausto nazista, apesar de em outra ocasião ter chamado a Resistência Nacional Palestina de “fanáticos”.

Dezenas de acordos militares estão em vigor, neste momento, com o Estado de Israel, incluindo 36 obuseiros e drones fabricados pelo governo israelense. Para Rula, é inaceitável normalizar de tal maneira a realidade do genocídio contra os palestinos.

Combatendo a perseguição política contra os defensores da causa Palestina

Cláudia Assaf e Thiago Ávila são notórios divulgadores da causa palestina no Brasil. Por esse motivo, ambos são constantemente difamados e perseguidos de diversas formas pelo lobby sionista.

“Construímos uma maioria social pró-palestina; e isso ninguém nos tira”, disse Thiago Ávila. O internacionalista crê que a maioria das massas de todo o mundo é hoje pró-Palestina, apesar dos esforços de propaganda imperialista e do controle que tal bloco exerce sobre a maior parte dos Estados-membros reconhecidos pelas Nações Unidas. Para Ávila, é preciso enfrentar sem medo as ameaças do lobby.

Cláudia Assaf relatou os detalhes da perseguição judicial que sofreu por parte do lobby sionista. Ela foi processada criminalmente, sob acusação de antissemitismo, por um notório lobista israelense no Brasil – o mesmo que, recentemente, conseguiu condenar o jornalista judeu antissionista Breno Altman por antissemitismo.

Com a ajuda de Thiago Guilherme, mediador do debate, Assaf conseguiu convencer o Judiciário brasileiro a arquivar, em duas instâncias, a acusação de que fora vítima. Tal vitória é importante, segundo ela, para a construção de jurisprudência em favor da liberdade de expressão dos militantes brasileiros contra o apartheid israelense.

Destacou-se a importância de combater o uso desonesto da definição de antissemitismo da Associação Internacional para a Memória do Holocausto (IHRA). Thiago Guilherme classificou a definição como um “cavalo de Tróia” que mistura definições válidas de antissemitismo com a interdição de qualquer crítica ao regime israelense.

De acordo com a IHRA, denunciar o fato objetivo do caráter racista do ente sionista, por exemplo – uma realidade inquestionável e fartamente documentada – seria antissemitismo. A adoção da IHRA por governadores reacionários de oito estados do Brasil, incluindo o Distrito Federal, é mais um sinal do avanço da perseguição política praticada pelo lobby sionista no Brasil. 

A mensagem final do evento, ecoada por todos os seus participantes, foi no sentido do encorajamento. Para Thiago Ávila, agora é a hora de redobrar os esforços no combate ao colonialismo israelense.

“O que quer que aconteça com os palestinos também acontecerá com os demais povos do Sul Global”, afirmou Ávila.

PDF Content:

AL-HAQ Israeli Apartheid Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
Authors Rania Muhareb, Elizabeth Rghebi, Pearce Clancy, Joseph Schechla, Nada Awad, and Maha Abdallah ISBN 978-9950-327-92-4 Design Hamza Dado Cover photo © Anne Paq/Activestills Publisher Al-Haq - © All Rights Reserved - 2022 Any quotation of up to 500 words may be used without permission provided that full attribution is given. Longer quotations or entire chapters or sections of this study may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without the express written permission of Al-Haq.Al-Haq - © All Rights ReservedAl-Haq - 54 Main Street 1st & 2nd Fl. - Opp. Latin Patriarchate Saint Andrew’s Evangelical Church - (Protestant Hall) P.O.Box: 1413 - Ramallah - West Bank - Palestine Tel: + 970 2 2954646/7/9 Fax: + 970 2 2954903 www.alhaq.org
Authors’ Information Rania Muhareb is an Irish Research Council and Hardiman PhD scholar at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in the School of Law at the University of Galway. She is an Al-Shabaka policy member and a former legal researcher and advocacy officer at Al-Haq. She holds an LLM in international human rights and humanitarian law from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and an undergraduate degree from Sciences Po Paris, Campus Moyen-Orient Méditerranée à Menton. Elizabeth Rghebi is the Levant researcher at the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, based in Tunis. She received her MA in Middle Eastern studies from Columbia University in the City of New York and her BA in government from Georgetown University. Pearce Clancy is an Irish Research Council PhD scholar at the Irish Centre for Human Rights in the School of Law at the University of Galway and holds the National University of Ireland’s EJ Phelan Fellowship in International Law. Pearce is a former legal researcher at Al-Haq. Joseph Schechla coordinates the Geneva and Cairo-based Housing and Land Rights Network of Habitat International Coalition. As a United Nations official, he has also represented the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Palestine and Tunisia and served as consultant for the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Support Mission in Libya. With an academic background in international relations, Joseph has studied in the United States and Germany, receiving an MA in contemporary Arab studies from Georgetown University. Nada Awad is a Palestinian activist with a master’s degree in international relations and international security from Sciences Po Paris. Her work focuses on addressing human rights violations through the United Nations Human Rights Council and its mechanisms. She was previously responsible for the Advocacy Unit at Al-Quds University’s Community Action Center, where she focused on the forcible transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem. Nada also worked as an archival researcher at the Institute for Palestine Studies in Beirut. Maha Abdallah is a legal researcher and human rights advocate. She has authored reports and publications in international human rights, humanitarian, and criminal law and in the areas of economic, social, and cultural rights, and business and human rights. Maha has carried out advocacy before United Nations and European Union institutions. She holds an LLM in international human rights law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights and a BA in political science, specialising in international law, from The American University in Cairo.
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Endorsing Organisations .......................................................................... I Table of Abbreviations ............................................................................. IV Acknowledgements ................................................................................... VI Dedication .................................................................................................... VII 1. Overview ................................................................................................. 1 1.1. An Ongoing Advocacy Campaign ................................................................................................... 5 1.2. Zionism and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid ............................................................................... 11 1.3. Establishing Israeli Apartheid ....................................................................................................... 13 1.4. Maintaining Israeli Apartheid ........................................................................................................ 15 1.5. The Need for a Comprehensive Articulation of the Apartheid Framework ........................ 18 1.6. Individual Criminal, State, and Corporate Responsibility for Israeli Apartheid ............... 24 1.7. Dismantling Israeli Apartheid ....................................................................................................... 29 2. Introduction ............................................................................................ 31 2.1. Growing Recognition of Israeli Apartheid .................................................................................. 33 2.2. Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 37 3. Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid .................... 39 3.1. Origins of Israeli Apartheid ............................................................................................................ 40 3.2. Zionist Settler Colonialism ............................................................................................................. 41 3.3. Fragmentation and the Limits of International Humanitarian Law ...................................... 52Table of Contents
4. Constructing Apartheid ....................................................................... 57 4.1. The Prohibition of Apartheid ......................................................................................................... 59 4.2. Elements of the Crime against Humanity of Apartheid ........................................................... 67 5. Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime ........................................................ 77 5.1. The Central Task of Zionist Parastatal Institutions .................................................................. 78 5.2. Nationality, Citizenship, and Residency Rights ........................................................................ 84 5.3. (Denying) Land and Property Rights ........................................................................................... 99 5.4. Fragmenting the Palestinian People ............................................................................................ 111 6. Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid ............................................ 121 6.1 Arbitrary Deprivation of Life ........................................................................................................... 122 6.2 Denying Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: The Example of the Right to Health ...... 135 6.3 Arbitrary Detention and Illegal Imprisonment .......................................................................... 154 6.4 Torture and Other Ill-Treatment .................................................................................................... 158 6.5 Collective Punishment ..................................................................................................................... 160 6.6 Persecution and Silencing of Opposition to Apartheid ............................................................ 163 7. Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime ................................................................................. 167 7.1. Third State Duty to Cooperate ....................................................................................................... 167 7.2. Universal Jurisdiction ....................................................................................................................... 171 7.3. The ICC .................................................................................................................................................. 172 7.4. Corporate Complicity ........................................................................................................................ 173 7.5. The UN Database of Businesses Operating with Israeli Settlements ................................... 175 7.6. UN Anti-Apartheid Mechanisms .................................................................................................... 178 8. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 181
9. Recommendations ................................................................................ 183 9.1. To all States ........................................................................................................................................ 183 9.2. To the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions ................................................. 188 9.3. On States’ Duty to Ensure Corporate Accountability ............................................................... 190 9.4. To Palestinian Officials ................................................................................... .................................. 191 9.5. To Member States of the Human Rights Council ....................................................................... 192 9.6. To UN Special Procedures ............................................................................................................... 192 9.7. To UN Treaty Bodies ......................................................................................................................... 193 9.8. To the Ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry ................................................................................. 193 9.9. To the CEIRPP and Other UN Bodies ............................................................................................ 194 9.10. To the UN General Assembly ........................................................................................................ 194 9.11. To the ICJ ............................................................................................................................................ 194 9.12. To the UN Security Council ........................................................................................................... 195 9.13. To Parliamentarians ....................................................................................................................... 195 9.14. To Local and Other Sub-national Spheres of Government ................................................. 196 9.15. To the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC ............................................................................... 196 9.16. To Corporate Entities and Financial Institutions ................................................................... 197 9.17. To Civil Society Organisations ..................................................................................................... 198
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IEndorsing Organisations This report is published by Al-Haq and is endorsed by partner organisations from Palestinian civil society. The endorsing organisations (the ‘Coalition’) are: Al-Haq, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer), Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights (Al Mezan), the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ), the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC), Community Action Center—Al-Quds University (CAC), and the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy—MIFTAH. Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the occupied Palestinian territory, Al-Haq has documented violations of Palestinians’ individual and collective rights for over 40 years. The organisation seeks to end such violations through advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding perpetrators accountable. Addameer (Arabic for conscience) is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. Established in 1991 by a group of activists interested in human rights, the organisation offers free legal aid to political prisoners, advocates their rights at the national and international levels, and works to end torture and other violations of prisoners’ rights through monitoring, legal procedures, and solidarity campaigns. Al Mezan is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental human rights organisation based in the Gaza Strip. Since its establishment in 1999, Al Mezan has been dedicated to protecting and advancing the respect of human rights, especially economic, social, and cultural rights, supporting victims of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and enhancing democracy, community, and citizen participation, and respect for the rule of law in the Gaza Strip as part of the occupied Palestinian territory. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights is an independent Palestinian human rights organisation based in Gaza City. PCHR was established in 1995 by a group of Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in order to protect human rights and promote the rule of law; create and develop democratic institutions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Palestinian society; and support all the efforts aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights to self-determination and independence in accordance with international law.
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IIIThe Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem was established in 2005 in order to contribute to effective mobilisation and cooperation of civil society vis-à-vis Israeli policies that undermine Palestinian rights, identity, and presence in the occupied eastern part of Jerusalem. CCPRJ’s members are Palestinian non-governmental organisations and community- based organisations working in the fields of culture, development, urban planning, and human rights, including the rights of children, youth, women, and Palestinian political prisoners and detainees. The Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center was established in 1974 by the American Friends Service Committee, formerly known as the Quaker Service Information and Legal Aid Center. In 1995, a local Board of Directors was appointed as a preliminary step toward JLAC’s independence, with JLAC officially becoming a Palestinian non-governmental and non-profit organisation in 1997. JLAC provides pro-bono legal aid, awareness, and advocacy efforts in tackling violations by the Israeli government and the Israeli occupying forces, as represented by the Israeli Civil Administration, as well as by the Palestinian Authority. Community Action Center - Al-Quds University is a semi-autonomous association affiliated with Al-Quds University, which aims to empower the Palestinian community in the eastern part of Jerusalem. The CAC, located in the Old City of Jerusalem as well as in the Al-Abraj Buildings in Abu Dis, is a Palestinian non-profit community rights-based organisation. The CAC aims to empower the disadvantaged Palestinians of East Jerusalem to access their rights and entitlements and negotiate the complex bureaucratic procedures that control the flow of these rights. This mandate translates into empowering local residents to organize to solve collective problems with particular attention to social and economic inequality, and to mobilize their own volunteer capacity. The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy - MIFTAH was established in 1998 as an independent Palestinian civil society institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue. MIFTAH’s main work during its beginning was on political concerns especially opening dialogue on ‘final status’ issues, disseminating the Palestinian narrative regionally and internationally, in addition to working on the local and national levels to support building the Palestinian state.
IVTable of Abbreviations CAC Community Action Center—Al-Quds University CATConvention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment CCPRJ The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem CEIRPPUnited Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People CERD United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination CESCR United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights DBIO Don’t Buy Into Occupation DCI-Palestine Defense for Children International—Palestine DIRCOZA Department of International Relations and Cooperation (South Africa) ESCWA United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia EU European Union FFM Fact-Finding Mission HSRC Human Sciences Research Council (South Africa) ICC International Criminal Court ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICERDInternational Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination ICESCR International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
VICJ International Court of Justice ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross ILC International Law Commission JA Jewish Agency (for the ‘Land of Israel’) JLAC Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center JNF Jewish National Fund OCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OHCHR United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights PCBS Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights UAWC Union of Agricultural Work Committees UN United Nations UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNRWAUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNSCOP United Nations Special Committee on Palestine UPWC Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees WGAD United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention WHO World Health Organization WZO World Zionist Organization
VI Acknowledgements The authors wish to extend our sincere gratitude to the Al-Haq team and partner civil society organisations who helped develop this report. For reviewing and sharing insightful comments and feedback, we thank in particular Dr Susan Power and Milena Ansari. Thanks also go to Shahd Qaddoura, Hind Shath, Kifah Zuhour, and Manaf Abbas for assisting with the launch of the report and developing related audio-visual materials. We thank Hamza Dado for the design and Shawan Jabarin, General Director of Al-Haq, for supporting the research and publication process. Any errors are those of the authors alone.
VII Dedication We dedicate this report to the Palestinian people across Palestine and in exile struggling for liberation in the face of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including activists, organisers, human rights defenders, and practitioners who continue to expose, challenge, and resist Zionist settler colonialism and Israeli apartheid in the pursuit of justice, dignity, and liberation.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQVIII © Al-Haq Images Library
Overview AL-HAQ1 1 Overview Much has been written about apartheid and settler colonialism in Palestine in recent years, building on decades of scholarship, activism, and advocacy for Palestinian liberation. For over a century, Palestinians have opposed the ongoing Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine. Since 1948, Palestinians have endured an ongoing Nakba (catastrophe) of forced displacement, refugeehood, and exile; the denial of their right to return to Palestine; and an ongoing process of domination, foreign occupation, annexation, population transfer, and settler colonisation. Throughout historic Palestine, Palestinians have been systematically fragmented, dispossessed of their land and property, and discriminated against in nearly every area of life. Palestinians have been arbitrarily deprived of their life, liberty, human dignity, freedom of movement and residence; their right to family life and family unification; their human rights to adequate housing, health, and their collective right to freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources, denied their means of subsistence and the right to determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development © Anne Paq/Activestills
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ2as integral components of their inalienable right to self-determination.1 Palestinian scholars have long understood that Zionist settler colonialism, premised on the removal and replacement of the indigenous Palestinian people from the land, is an inherently racial project, which Palestinian scholar and diplomat Fayez Sayegh described, as early as 1965, as akin to apartheid.2 Such critiques of Israeli apartheid, notably by Palestinian scholars, have since been rooted in a rejection of Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination and as a tool of settler colonial domination.3 Building on these critical contributions, the last two decades have seen tireless activism, organising, and campaigning by Palestinians and allies around the world to challenge Israel’s regime of occupation, colonialism, and apartheid. This ongoing mobilisation, at the grassroots level and in human rights advocacy, have led to mounting recognition by states, civil society, United Nations (UN) bodies and experts, scholars, and practitioners, that Israel has established an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people. Throughout two decades of advocacy in the national and international spheres, Palestinian human rights organisations have also conducted extensive legal research to determine the applicability under international law of the frameworks of apartheid and colonialism to the situation in Palestine.4 1  Articles 1(1), 6(1), 9(1), 12(1), 17(1), and 23(1), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (adopted 16 December 1966, entry into force 23 March 1976) 999 UNTS 171 (hereinafter ‘ICCPR’); Articles 1(1), 11(1), and 12(1), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (adopted 16 December 1966, entry into force 3 January 1976) 993 UNTS 3 (hereinafter ‘ICESCR’). 2  Fayez Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine (PLO Research Centre, 1965) 22 and 27 . 3  Noura Erakat, ‘Beyond Discrimination: Apartheid is a Colonial Project and Zionism is a Form of Racism’ (EJIL: Talk!, 5 July 2021) . See also UN General Assembly, Resolution 3379 (XXX), UN Doc A/RES/3379 (XXX), 10 November 1975. 4  WCAR, NGO Forum Declaration (3 September 2001) ; Virginia Tilley (ed), Occupation, colonialism, apartheid?: A re-assessment of Israel’s practices in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law (Human Sciences Research Council, 2009) 22 (hereinafter ‘HSRC Study 2009’) . See also Al-Haq, South African study finds that Israel is practicing colonialism and apartheid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (4 June 2009) .
Overview AL-HAQ3In this report, we analyse Israeli apartheid as a tool of Zionist settler colonialism. We do so in order to bring forward the eliminatory and population transfer logic of Israel’s apartheid system and its effort to displace and replace the indigenous Palestinian people on the land of Palestine.5 Palestinians have advocated for applying established decolonisation praxis in countering Israeli apartheid, recognising apartheid as a form of settler colonialism rather than pursuing a notion of ‘liberal equality’ without decolonisation.6 This view was endorsed in the first report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, who considered that a ‘holistic examination of the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole’ through the apartheid framework requires recognition of the illegality of the Israeli occupation and its settler colonial root causes.7 A decolonisation approach is central to the present report, which situates apartheid within the broader context of Zionist settler colonialism. While we are encouraged by the growing global recognition of Israeli apartheid, we note that Zionist settler colonialism and its eliminatory and population transfer logic remain missing from recent analyses and reports on apartheid by Israeli and international human rights organisations such 5  Patrick Wolfe, ‘Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native’ (2006) 8(4) Journal of Genocide Research 387; see also Patrick Wolfe, Settler Colonialism and the Transformation of Anthropology: The Politics and Poetics of an Ethnographic Event (Cassell, 1999) 1. 6  Lana Tatour, ‘Why calling Israel an apartheid state is not enough’ (Middle East Eye, 18 January 2021) ; Soheir Asaad and Rania Muhareb, ‘Dismantle What? Amnesty’s Conflicted Messaging on Israeli Apartheid’ (Institute for Palestine Studies , 15 February 2022) ; see also Rania Muhareb and Pearce Clancy, ‘Palestine and the Meaning of Domination in Settler Colonialism and Apartheid’ (2021) 6(6) República y Derecho . 7  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, 21 September 2022, UN Doc A/77/356, paras 9-10, see also para 74.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ4as Yesh Din,8 B’Tselem,9 Human Rights Watch,10 and Amnesty International.11 It is this gap that the present report seeks to fill. In May 2021, the Unity Intifada (uprising) sparked renewed hope for a future free from all forms of oppression and domination in Palestine: a new chapter written by the Palestinian people themselves, ‘reuniting Palestinian society in all of its different parts; reuniting our political will, and our means of struggle to confront Zionism throughout Palestine.’12 The Unity Intifada showed that despite decades of forced exile and fragmentation by the Israeli regime, the Palestinian people remain united in our struggle for liberation ‘in the face of racist settler colonialism in all of Palestine.’13 It is the ongoing Nakba of the Palestinian people that motivates this report and forms the basis of our understanding of Zionist settler colonialism and Israeli apartheid as structures of Palestinian dispersal, dispossession, discrimination, and domination. We remain convinced that without the complete and radical dismantling of Israeli apartheid and of Zionist settler colonialism, dignity, justice, liberation, and self-determination have no future in Palestine, or elsewhere on Earth. 8  Michael Sfard, The Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion (Yesh Din , July 2020) 26 . 9  B’Tselem, A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid (12 January 2021) . 10  Human Rights Watch, A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution (27 April 2021) . 11  Amnesty International, Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity (1 February 2022) . 12  Open Letter, ‘The Manifesto of Dignity and Hope’ (Mondoweiss, 18 May 2021) . 13  Ibid .
Overview AL-HAQ51.1 An Ongoing Advocacy Campaign For over two decades, Palestinian activists, organisers, and civil society have recognised and mobilised against Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime. Since its founding in 1998, Palestinian human rights organisation BADIL has widely published and produced work on Israeli apartheid within the context of Zionist colonisation, also conducting extensive advocacy within the UN human rights system.14 In 2001, Palestinian organisations joined global civil society at the World Conference against Racism in Durban, where ‘Israel’s brand of apartheid and other racist crimes against humanity’ were recognised in the NGO Forum Declaration.15 In 2002, the Palestinian grassroots Stop the Wall campaign began to challenge Israeli apartheid and the construction of the Wall in the occupied Palestinian territory.16 Critically, in 2005, a broad coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations issued the call for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel for its regime of settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation against the Palestinian people.17 Building on this longstanding work, the present report, in particular, follows nearly four years of active research and advocacy by a coalition of Palestinian and regional human rights organisations. This report is published by Al-Haq and endorsed by partner organisations from Palestinian civil society. The endorsing organisations (the ‘Coalition’) are: Al-Haq, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer), Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights (Al Mezan), the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ), the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC), Community Action Center—Al- Quds University (CAC), and the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy—MIFTAH. This group of Palestinian civil 14 See various issues of BADIL’s magazine, al-Majdal, including, notably Issue No 15, Autumn 2002, titled ‘Racism, Refugees and Apartheid,’ Issue No 33, Spring 2007, titled ‘Occupation, Colonization, Apartheid... Defining the Conflict,’ Issue No 38, Summer 2008, titled ‘BDS and the Global Anti- Apartheid Movement,’ Issue No 47, Autumn 2011, titled ‘Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis,’ Issue No 48, Winter 2012, titled ‘Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: The Vision of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle;’ for more see . 15 WCAR, NGO Forum Declaration (3 September 2001) 98 . 16  Stop the Wall, About us . 17  BDS Movement, Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ6society organisations will be referred to as ‘the Coalition’ in this report. Over the past few years, many more organisations from Palestine and around the world have joined the global campaign against Israeli apartheid and various efforts by the Coalition to seek international recognition of this reality.18 Cumulative efforts of Palestinian human rights organisations and civil society have contributed to a mounting international law recognition of the applicability of the apartheid analysis to the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole. This has included advocacy before UN human rights treaty bodies and with various other mechanisms, such as the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, which concluded in 2011 that ‘Israel’s rule over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside, collectively amounts to a single integrated regime of apartheid.’19 Previously, in 2009, a landmark study published by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) of South Africa, with the contribution of Palestinian human rights organisations Al-Haq and Adalah, concluded that the international law frameworks of occupation, colonialism, and apartheid concurrently apply to Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory.20 At the UN, Al-Haq, BADIL, and other Palestinian and regional human rights organisations, engaged critically with the reviews of Israel by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in 2007, 18  See, for example, Al-Haq, Global Response to Israeli apartheid: A call to the UNGA from Palestinian and international Civil Society Organizations (22 September 2020) ; see also , Al-Haq, Palestinian Civil Society Calls on the UNGA to Take Immediate and Effective Action to End Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians (21 September 2022) . 19  Russell Tribunal on Palestine, Executive summary of the findings of the third session of the RToP (7 November 2011) . 20  HSRC Study 2009, 277-278; see also Al-Haq, South African study finds that Israel is practicing colonialism and apartheid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (4 June 2009) .
Overview AL-HAQ72012, and 2019.21 In its Concluding Observations following these reviews,22 CERD found that Israeli policies and practices are inconsistent with Article 3 of the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD),23 of which Israel has been a state party since 1979,24 and which stipulates that: States Parties particularly condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction.25 The Coalition’s current campaign and research for this report began in 2019,26 in the lead up to the review of Israel by CERD in December 2019. In November of that year, the Coalition and partners presented a comprehensive joint parallel report to CERD, detailing Israel’s breach of its obligation to prohibit and eradicate apartheid within its jurisdiction and territory of effective control, as required by Article 3 of ICERD. The submission detailed Israel’s establishment of an institutionalised regime of systematic racial oppression and domination over the Palestinian people as 21  See BADIL Staff, ‘The UN Anti-Racism Committee Questions Israel’s Policy of Apartheid in Israel and the OPT and Calls for Equality in the implementation of the Right of Return’ (2007) al-Majdal 33, 48-52 ; Noura Erakat and Rania Madi, ‘UN Committee Concludes Israeli System Tantamount to Apartheid in 2012 Session’ (2012) al-Majdal 49, 9-10, ; Al-Haq et al , Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports (10 November 2019) (hereinafter ‘CERD Report’). 22  UN CERD, Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Israel, CERD/C/ISR/CO/13, 14 June 2007, paras 22-23, 33-35; UN CERD, Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Israel CERD/C/ISR/CO/14–16, 3 April 2012, paras 10 (recalling CERD/C/ISR/CO/13), 11, 15, 24-27; UN CERD, Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to nineteenth reports of Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/ CO/17-19, paras 21-24 and 44. 23  International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (adopted 7 March 1966, entry into force 4 January 1969) 660 UNTS 195 (hereinafter ‘ICERD’). 24  UNTC, ‘International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination’ . 25  Article 3, ICERD. 26  Al-Haq, Al-Haq and Partners Send Joint Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Ahead of Israel’s Review (6 September 2019) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ8a whole , constituting the crime of apartheid.27 The joint parallel report and the Coalition’s subsequent engagement with CERD Committee members in December 2019, together with partners from Palestinian civil society, including Adalah,28 led to further recognition by the Committee that Israeli policies and practices, on either side of the Green Line,29 are inconsistent with the prohibition of racial segregation and apartheid under the Convention. Accordingly, CERD called on Israel to: Eradicate all forms of segregation between Jewish and non-Jewish communities and any such policies or practices which severely and disproportionately affect the Palestinian population in Israel proper and in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.30 Drawing on the Coalition’s submission to CERD, the present report significantly expands on the analysis presented in 2019 and builds on Palestinian civil society organisations’ decades-long advocacy on the root causes of Palestinian oppression. For over three years, the Coalition’s joint advocacy efforts, particularly in the UN system, have allowed for important discussions on Israeli apartheid to take place with key actors, including civil society, states, policymakers, and practitioners, enabling a shift in the to date largely fragmented approach adopted with respect of the Palestinian people. The Coalition’s ongoing campaign has opened up a broader discussion on the need to address the root causes of Israel’s widespread and systematic human rights violations, including the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people. As a result, the UN Human Rights Council witnessed increasing discussions on Israeli apartheid between 2020 and 2022, including the recognition of Israeli apartheid by a growing number of states, such as South Africa 27  CERD Report. 28 See , notably, Adalah, For first time, UN body criticizes Israel’s policies of racial segregation against Palestinians in Israel and OPT – as a single entity (19 December 2019) . 29 References to ‘inside the Green Line’ or ‘within the Green Line’ are used throughout this report to identify the remaining territory of historic Palestine, outside that of the occupied Palestinian territory. 30  UN CERD, Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to nineteenth reports of Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para 23.
Overview AL-HAQ9and Namibia, and civil society organisations.31 Our Coalition welcomes such recognition and wishes to pay tribute to the peoples of South Africa and Namibia in their struggle against apartheid. We recognise the deep meaning of anti-apartheid for the peoples of South Africa and Namibia in their struggle for liberation and independence. On 27 May 2021, as campaigned for by the Coalition, the Human Rights Council established its first ever ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry to investigate the underlying root causes of systematic discrimination not only in the occupied Palestinian territory but also inside the Green Line, as well as with respect of Palestinian refugees and exiles abroad.32 The Commission of Inquiry’s first report, published in June 2022, drew attention to the State of Palestine’s ratification of the 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (hereinafter ‘Apartheid Convention’)33 and referred to Israel’s ‘longstanding discrimination’ against Palestinians as a root cause of recurring human rights violations in this context.34 Ninety civil society organisations have urged the ongoing Commission of Inquiry to address apartheid and settler colonialism as root causes in Palestine.35 31  Al-Haq, United Nations: In response to Unprecedented Recognition of Israel’s Apartheid Regime, States Must Take Concrete Steps to End this “unjust reality” (18 June 2022) . 32  UN OHCHR, Human Rights Council Establishes International Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel (27 May 2021) ; Al-Haq, Palestinian Civil Society Organisations Call for a Special Session on the Escalating Israeli Attacks against Palestinians on Both Sides of the Green Line (22 May 2021) . 33  International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (adopted 30 November 1973, entry into force 18 July 1976) 1015 UNTS 243 (hereinafter ‘Apartheid Convention’). 34  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, 9 May 2022, UN Doc A/ HRC/50/21, para 72; see also Rania Muhareb, ‘Addressing the ‘Full Context’: The First Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Root Causes in Palestine’ (Irish Centre for Human Rights Blog , 14 June 2022) . 35  Al-Haq, 90 Organisations Urge the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Palestine to Recognise and Address Zionist Settler Colonialism and Apartheid as the Root Causes of Israel’s Ongoing Violations (28 June 2022) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ10In addition, following Palestinian-led advocacy efforts, the former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, published a report in March 2022 detailing the Israeli authorities’ commission of the crime of apartheid within the context of Israel’s settler colonial project.36 Lynk’s report endorsed the findings of human rights organisations on apartheid and echoed the Coalition’s call for the reconstitution of the UN’s anti-apartheid mechanisms at the General Assembly level.37 His successor, Francesca Albanese, has since drawn on the apartheid framework as part of Israel’s settler colonialism ‘driven by the logic of elimination’ of Palestinians, in violation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.38 These contributions followed two previous recognitions of Israeli apartheid by the former UN Special Rapporteurs on Palestine, Richard Falk and John Dugard.39 In light of ongoing advocacy efforts and in support of growing mobilisation against Israeli apartheid, this report and the campaign by the Coalition seek to contribute to a better understanding of Israel’s apartheid regime as a tool of Zionist settler colonialism. This report highlights the responsibilities and obligations arising from the commission of the crime of apartheid by Israeli authorities and offers recommendations for dismantling this system of institutionalised oppression and domination over the Palestinian people. 36  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, 21 March 2022, UN Doc A/HRC/49/87, paras 42 and 59. 37 Ibid. , para 62. 38  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, 21 September 2022, UN Doc A/77/356, paras 10, 13, 40, 42, 66, 70, 73. 39  See, UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Richard Falk, 13 January 2014, UN Doc A/HRC/25/67, paras 51-77; UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, John Dugard, 29 January 2007, UN Doc A/ HRC/4/17, p 3.
Overview AL-HAQ111.2 Zionism and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid An understanding of Zionist settler colonialism is necessary for a comprehensive articulation of Israel’s apartheid regime and its root causes. The ideology that forms the basis of Israeli apartheid was expounded and institutionalised before the ‘proclamation’ of the State of Israel in 1948. Its roots lie in the preceding decades of Zionist settler colonisation of Palestine from the 19th century onward. Zionism emerged within the context of European imperial expansion in the 19th century and was modelled on racial conceptions of human sciences and the nation-state. In its quest for territorial conquest, Zionism was founded as a settler colonial movement whose ideological commitments were inherently racial.40 Despite the ethnic diversity of Judaism’s adherents through the millennia, the dual factors of European Christian persecution of Jews41 and the rise of racial theories in the 19th century42 sought to attribute adherence to Judaism with a single, distinct racial group. In this historical context, the late 19th century Zionist movement embraced this view of persons of Jewish faith as a distinct ‘race,’ enshrining it in the charters of Zionist institutions, including those of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1897, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in 1901, and the Jewish Agency (JA) established in 1921. These institutions apply this racialised distinction as a matter of unique Jewish privilege and supremacy over all others, exercised through the exclusive entitlement to ‘Jewish nationality,’ which is superior to mere citizens in Israeli law and policy. In 1947–1948, the start of the Nakba launched by Zionist militias became instrumental in the consolidation of Zionist settler colonial domination over the Palestinian people and since 1967 of the territory of historic Palestine in its entirety. In the immediate aftermath of the mass expulsion of indigenous 40  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine; Abdul-Wahab Kayyali, ‘Zionism and Imperialism: The Historical Origins’ (1977) 6(3) Journal of Palestine Studies 98; Fayez Sayegh, ‘Zionism: A Form of Racism and Racial Discrimination’ in Abdul Wahhab Al Kayyali (ed), Zionism, Imperialism and Racism (Croom Helm Ltd, 1979) 51. 41  Abel Mordechai Bibliowicz, Jews and Gentiles in the Early Jesus Movement: An Unintended Journey (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) 180-82; Pamela Eisenbaum, ‘Was Paul the Father of Mysogyny and Antisemitism?’ (2000) 50(4) CrossCurrents 506-24. 42  Talal Asad, (ed), Anthropology & the Colonial Encounter (Humanities Press, 1973).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ12Palestinians from and within historic Palestine, the foundations of Israeli apartheid, already enshrined in Zionist institutions, were operationalised through laws, policies, and practices, most notably those aimed at denying Palestinian refugees and displaced persons their right of return to their homes, lands, and properties, thereby entrenching their dispossession, fragmentation, and domination. Seventy-four years on, continued expulsions and dispossession of Palestinians from the Galilee in the north,43 to Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem, the southern Naqab region, and every other part of historic Palestine mean that the Nakba is far from over. The ongoing Nakba is a continuous process of deprivation and exemplifies Zionism’s settler colonial logic of elimination and transfer of indigenous Palestinians from their land.44 43  Khalil Nakhleh, ‘The Two Galilees’ (Association of Arab-American University Graduates, Occasional Paper No. 7, 1982). 44  Patrick Wolfe, ‘Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native’ (2006) 8(4) Journal of Genocide Research 387.
Overview AL-HAQ131.3 Establishing Israeli Apartheid In 1948, the Zionist leadership erected a regime in the newly established State of Israel to ‘legalise’ and, thereby, legitimise the crimes committed by Zionist militias against the Palestinian people before, during, and since the Nakba. These laws, policies, and related measures laid the foundations of Israel’s apartheid regime, particularly in the domains of land and property rights, nationality, citizenship, and residency, and nearly every other aspect of Palestinian life. This was done by instituting a legal and institutional framework to ‘obscure the issue of dispossession and refugees,’45 while also establishing legal and structural inequalities between Zionist settlers and indigenous Palestinians. Israeli laws, institutions, and policies dealing with nationality and land governance distinguish between the rights accorded to ‘Jewish’ and ‘non- Jewish’ persons, reflecting the Zionist movement’s racialist character. Within this logic, preferential treatment is granted to Jewish persons based on a constructed ‘Jewish nationality’ status, also referred to as ‘Jewish race or descent’ in Zionist doctrine and policy.46 The resulting strategy has combined adopting laws to provide legal cover to the dispossession of indigenous Palestinians, while facilitating further annexationist land grabs to create a comprehensive system to appropriate Palestinian land and force Palestinian expulsion therefrom. This brand of Israeli apartheid enables and sustains the continued displacement, dispossession, discrimination, and domination of Palestinians. A key policy in the establishment of Israeli apartheid is what Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley identified in their cornerstone 2017 report for the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), as the ‘strategic fragmentation’ of the Palestinian people. By fragmenting Palestinians legally, politically, and geographically, on either side of the Green Line and 45  BADIL, Land Confiscation and Denial of Use—Working Paper No 21 (19 October 2017) 9. 46  Joseph Schechla, ‘The Consequences of Conflating Religion, Race, Nationality and Citizenship’ (2010) 43 al-Majdal 10, 11.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ14in exile,47 Israel uses strategic fragmentation as a primary method to impose apartheid and deny the Palestinian people the exercise of their inalienable rights.48 Through fragmentation, as outlined in the Coalition’s report to CERD in 2019, Israel ensures that: Palestinians from different geographical areas of their native country are unable to meet, group, live together, share in the practice of their culture, and exercise any collective rights, including to self-determination and permanent sovereignty over their natural wealth and resources.49 Israel has administratively divided the Palestinian people into at least four legal ‘domains,’ comprising Palestinians with Israeli citizenship governed by Israeli civil law, Palestinians with permanent residency status in the eastern part of Jerusalem, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip subjected to Israeli military laws and orders, and Palestinian refugees and involuntary exiles living outside of historic Palestine, whose right of return to their homes, lands, and properties the Israeli regime has systematically denied and obstructed since 1948.50 47  Richard Falk and Virginia Tilley, Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid, Palestine and the Israeli Occupation (ESCWA 2017) 1 UN Doc E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/1 (hereinafter ‘ESCWA Report’) 37. 48  ESCWA Report, 37. 49  CERD Report, para 65. 50  ESCWA Report, 37-38.
Overview AL-HAQ151.4 Maintaining Israeli Apartheid The Israeli apartheid regime is sustained through institutionalised impunity and by weakening the capacity of the indigenous Palestinian people and institutions to challenge the myriad human rights violations and international crimes maintaining this regime. Through this manoeuvre, the Israeli regime employs policies of visible segregation and material discrimination against Palestinians in the exercise of their individual and collective rights. These underlying policies seek to dominate and oppress the Palestinian people. Spatial separation, isolation, suppression, and concentration of Palestinian communities, on either side of the Green Line, sustain the pattern of illegal population transfer and demographic manipulation inherent to the Zionist settler colonial project. The Israeli regime’s tactics to maintain apartheid over Palestinians include the policy of strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people and the commission of a broad range of inhuman(e) acts of apartheid, within the meaning of the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (hereinafter ‘Rome Statute’).51 Key among these, and integral to both Zionist settler colonialism and its implementation as Israeli apartheid, are the commission of the serious crime of population transfer, involving: the systematic denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees and exiles; demographic manipulation; and illegal colonial settlement construction and expansion. Within this context, the Israeli regime commits a series of inhuman(e) acts of apartheid against the Palestinian people, including, among others, arbitrary deprivation of life;52 arbitrary detention;53 torture and other ill-treatment;54 denial of freedom of peaceful assembly;55 restrictions on the right to freedom of movement and residency,56 particularly severe in the case of the 15-year illegal closure 51  Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (adopted 17 July 1998, entry into force, 1 July 2002) 2187 UNTS 3 (hereinafter ‘Rome Statute’). 52  Article II(a)(i), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(a) and 7(1)(b), Rome Statute. 53  Article II(a)(iii), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(e), Rome Statute. 54  Article II(a)(ii), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(f), Rome Statute. 55  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention. 56  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ16and blockade of the Gaza Strip; denial of the right to the highest attainable standard of health;57 the denial of the right to family life;58 expropriation of landed property;59 and various forms of collective punishment.60 Consistent with Article II(f) of the Apartheid Convention, the Israeli regime also persecutes individuals and organisations by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms because they oppose apartheid. This includes the arbitrary designation, in October 2021, of six leading Palestinian human rights and civil society organisations, including members of the Coalition, as ‘unlawful’ and so-called ‘terror organisations’ in order to undermine their work.61 Such tactics of threatening, persecuting, and criminalising Palestinian civil society have a long history both within the Green Line62 and in the occupied Palestinian territory.63 These are intended to silence and intimidate anyone who seeks to challenge the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime. The institutionalised oppression of the Palestinian people, through the commission of inhuman(e) acts, entrenches and sustains the Zionist settler 57  Article II(a)(ii), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(k), Rome Statute. 58  Articles II(c) and II(d), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(k), Rome Statute. 59  Article II(d), Apartheid Convention. 60  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(k), Rome Statute. 61  See discussion in Rania Muhareb, Elizabeth Rghebi, Susan Power, and Pearce Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society: Epistemic Violence, Silencing, and the Apartheid Framework (Institute for Palestine Studies, Current Issues in Depth Series, 2022) . 62  Shany Payes, ‘Palestinian NGOs in Israel: A Campaign for Civic Equality in a Non-Civic State’ (2003) 8(1) Israel Studies 60-90; Shany Payes, Palestinian NGOs in Israel: The Politics of Civil Society (I.B. Taurus, 2005), ; Arik Rudnitzky, Arab Citizens of Israel Early in the Twenty-First Century (Institute for National Security Studies, 2015). 63  UN Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, Outraged over Israel’s Designation of Six Civil Society Groups as Terrorists, Speakers Tell Palestinian Rights Committee Harassment against Human Rights Defenders Must End (7 December 2021) ; Al-Marsad, Arab Human Rights Centre in Golan Heights, Al-Haq, Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council, ESCR-Net, International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Cornell Law School International Human Rights Clinic and Boston University Law School International Human Rights Clinic, Report on the Repression of Human Rights Defenders in Israel the Occupied Territories of Palestine and the Golan (January 2022) .
Overview AL-HAQ17colonisation of Palestine’s natural and human resources. Key to this settler colonial enterprise are Zionist parastatal institutions, which have imposed both the ‘race-based’ notions of Jewish distinction and supremacy, as well as the correspondingly exclusive control of Palestine’s natural resources.64 Prior to 1948, the JNF assumed the task of acquiring and administering land resources essential to the formation of a Zionist state. Other similarly chartered institutions were established to capture and administer the other resources of the country. Among these was the Histadrut (General Federation of Hebrew Labor), founded in 1920. It was Histadrut that founded Haganah, the Zionist terrorist group, also in 1920, that later became the Israeli armed forces.65 David Ben-Gurion, Histadrut’s first Secretary-General, became chairman of the JA in 1935 and the first Israeli Prime Minister in 1948. Speaking of her role on the Histadrut Executive Committee, eventual Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir recalled that ‘this big labour union wasn’t just a trade union organization. It was a great colonizing agency.’66 Although Histadrut is less omnipresent today, it was the second-largest employer in Israel, owning 25 per cent of Israeli industry, before the serial privatisation of its enterprises in the 1980s and 1990s.67 Histadrut operated as an arm of Israeli and United States foreign policy from 1958 onward68 and actively collaborated with the South African apartheid regime.69 64  ESCWA Report, 5; see also CERD Report, para 40-42. 65  Zeev Sternhell, Founding Myths of Zionism (Princeton University Press, 1998) 180. 66  Quoted in Uri Davies, Utopia Incorporated (Zed Press, 1977) 142. 67  Sawt al-Amel, Separate and Unequal: The History of Arab Labour in pre-1948 Palestine and Israel (December 2006) 16 . 68  Benjamin Beit Hallahmi, The Israeli Connection: Whom Israel Arms and Why (I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., 1988) 39. 69  James Adams, Israel and South Africa: The Unnatural Alliance (Quartet Books, 1984).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ181.5 The Need for a Comprehensive Articulation of the Apartheid Framework For far too long, the international discourse on Palestine has fragmented the Palestinian people and obfuscated the root causes of the Israeli regime’s prolonged, widespread, systematic human rights violations, and extreme material discrimination. The long-prevailing ‘conflict’ paradigm has entrenched the fragmentation of the Palestinian people and international complicity in perpetuating Palestinian oppression. Describing the situation reductively as a ‘conflict’ between two parties that needs to be resolved by the parties is a misleading approach. Rather, the belligerent occupation is taking place in the context of ongoing Zionist settler colonisation and apartheid, of which it operates as a tool.70 Failure by third states to recognise this key distinction disregards applicable peremptory norms of general international law and the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, including the cardinal prohibition of the use of force.71 It further disregards third-party responsibility to refrain from assisting in the maintenance of the unlawful situation and the positive duty of states to cooperate to bring it to an end.72 The dispossession, fragmentation, discrimination, persecution, and domination of the Palestinian people, which practitioners and civil society are increasingly understanding as apartheid, is also not the result of incremental Israeli measures and tactical responses to purported ‘security’ challenges,73 nor merely a consequence of the rightward shift in Israeli politics. As this report chronicles, Israel’s institutionalised discrimination against the indigenous Palestinian people is not accidental or new; it is not 70 Amnesty International, Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity 105-108 (1 February 2022) . 71 Article 2(4), Charter of the United Nations (adopted 26 June 1945, entry into force 24 October 1945). 72 Article 41(1), International Law Commission, Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (November 2001, Supplement No 10, UN Doc A/56/10) (hereinafter ‘Draft Articles on State Responsibility’). 73 These have been rejected by the latest UN Commission of Inquiry on Palestine; see UN General Assembly, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, UN Doc A/77/328, 14 September 2022, para 79.
Overview AL-HAQ19a culmination or a by-product of the entrenchment of the Israeli occupation since 1967; it is instead inherent in the ideology operationalised in the founding institutions of the Zionist settler colonial project in Palestine. We concur with Noura Erakat and others who have insisted that ‘Israel did not become a discriminatory regime but is defined by such discrimination.’74 The apartheid framework allows us to shift the international discourse on Palestine from one focused on a misleading ‘conflict’ or ‘slippery-slope’ paradigm to one centred on implementing the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Applying the apartheid framework aims at overcoming Israel’s foundationally-racist and settler colonial regime, including the machinery perpetrating the ongoing Nakba, prolonged Israeli occupation, and the blockade of the Gaza Strip. In this, we further concur with the latest report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, that a paradigm shift is needed to realise the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.75 Building on the argument of Palestinian scholars such as Lana Tatour, we consider that a ‘liberal’ approach to Israeli apartheid that does not recognise settler colonialism, and thus the need for decolonisation, is wholly insufficient.76 The approach recognising Israeli apartheid moves from a focus on the symptoms of Israeli oppression to the root causes, including its roots in long-discredited racial theory.77 The apartheid framework defragments the Palestinian people and allows for connecting the Palestinian struggle for decolonisation with global struggles of other indigenous peoples against settler colonialism and associated forms of structural and institutionalised racism and discrimination. 74  Erakat, ‘Beyond Discrimination’ (emphasis in the original). 75  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, UN Doc A/77/356, 21 September 2022, para 70. 76  Lana Tatour, ‘Why calling Israel an apartheid state is not enough’ (Middle East Eye, 18 January 2021) . 77  See Ernest Beaglehole, Juan Comas, Luiz de Aguilar Costa Pinto, Franklin Frazier, Morris Ginsberg, Humayun Kabir, Claude Lévi Strauss and Ashley Montagu, The Race Question (UNESCO: 1950 and revised versions in 1951 and 1967); UNESCO, Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice (1978) and Declaration of Principles on Tolerance (1995).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ20Additionally, the apartheid framework exposes the inadequacy of the manner in which international law norms and UN mechanisms have been deployed in Palestine to date, in particular the failure to prevent, bring an end to, redress, and remedy institutionalised human rights violations and other breaches of international law committed against Palestinians. The present report advocates for adopting an integrated, comprehensive legal framework to end Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, encompassing the protections of international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, as a necessary first step to providing legal protection to the entirety of the Palestinian people, regardless of their geographical location or legal status. This comprehensive approach seeks to overcome decades of Israel’s strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people and the UN’s institutional shortcomings by examining the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole and challenging the racial domination and oppression at the heart of Israel’s institutions, laws, policies, and practices since the Zionist movement began and at its apartheid core. The comprehensive legal approach advocated for by this report seeks to overcome the inadequacy of the previous predominant focus on international humanitarian law in Palestine, often in isolation from other legal frameworks. International humanitarian law has only been applied to the situation in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, comprising the occupied Palestinian territory (Gaza Strip and West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem) and the occupied Syrian Golan. Thus, the same discriminatory Israeli practices on both sides of the Green Line have been addressed through different legal frameworks. This fragmentary approach has averted focus away from the commonalities, in policy and practice, of human rights violations across administratively constructed domains of Israeli control. By remedying fragmentation, the apartheid framework allows for a reconsideration of these violations within one overarching legal framework. As Falk and Tilley astutely observed in their 2017 ESCWA report: The international community has unwittingly collaborated with [Israeli fragmentation] by drawing a strict distinction between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory, and treating Palestinians outside the country as “the refugee problem”. The Israeli apartheid regime is built on
Overview AL-HAQ21this geographic fragmentation, which has come to be accepted as normative. The method of fragmentation serves also to obscure this regime’s very existence.78 At the international level, the apartheid framework allows for an interrogation of the fragmented treatment of the ‘Question of Palestine’ within the UN system. The UN system has played a role in fragmenting the Palestinian people through the creation of various mechanisms sought to consider segments of the Palestinian people rather than the root causes. In 1949, the UN established the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA),79 which, for over seven decades, has offered vital service—but no protection—for Palestine refugees who have been forcibly expelled and exiled. UNRWA was not mandated to provide international assistance to Palestinians similarly displaced and dispossessed inside the Green Line at the hands of the Zionist movement. Moreover, the effective end of the UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP) in 196480 left all Palestinians without protection. In 1967 and thereafter, the UN political bodies focused on the territories occupied by Israel during the war and the segments of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Eventually, the UN’s legal bodies, in particular, the human rights treaty bodies began to review Israel’s performance under international human rights treaties inside the Green Line, while considering the treaties’ application in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967 as an addendum. From 1993 onward, the UN Commission on Human Rights and, later, the Human Rights Council mandated Special Rapporteurs to investigate, report, and advise on human rights issues only in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967.81 Only the General Assembly’s Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP), established in 1975,82 is mandated to 78  ESCWA Report, 37. 79  UN General Assembly, Resolution 302, UN Doc A/RES/302 (IV), 8 December 1949, para 7. 80  Michael R. Fischbach, Records of Dispossession: Palestinian Refugee Property and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Columbia University Press, 2003). 81  See, recently, Richard Falk, ‘New anti-colonial UN report gives Palestinians welcome boost in legitimacy wars’ (Middle East Eye, 27 October 2022) . 82  UN General Assembly, Resolution 3376, UN Doc A/RES/3376 (XXX), 10 November 1975, para 3.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ22address the human rights of the Palestinian people as a whole. Yet, it has only nominally sought to do so. Instead, the CEIRPP has largely restricted its reporting to political events and developments in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967. In all their diversity, the Palestinian people have shared a unitary identity and culture over centuries. The Palestinian people possess global recognition as holders of the inalienable right to self-determination, reaffirmed in countless UN General Assembly resolutions.83 Yet, the institutional arrangement within the UN system has acquiesced to and administratively solidified the Palestinian people’s spatial segregation and fragmentation by the Israeli regime. While the UN bears permanent responsibility for the Question of Palestine until its resolution ‘in all its aspects in a satisfactory manner in accordance with international legitimacy,’84 the world organisation has yet to begin repairing its own disarticulated approach and structural flaws that have contributed to the denial of Palestinian self-determination, the right of return, and bringing an end to the unlawful situation created through Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and its associated international crimes. As such, employing the apartheid framework helps bring into sharper focus the illegality of the Israeli regime itself, not only of its constitutive elements. Meanwhile, the predominant focus on international humanitarian law to date has presented clear in-built limitations given that the laws of armed conflict do not outlaw occupation in and of itself. Nor does international humanitarian law, and the law of occupation, stipulate measures through which the Israeli occupation can be ended, despite offering important prohibitions of key features of the Israeli occupation, such as the construction of Israeli settlements, exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, destruction of civilian property in the absence of military necessity, and collective punishment. 83  See Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, UN Doc A/77/356, 21 September 2022, para 25. 84  A/RES/57/1067, 3 December 2002 and reaffirmed annually through Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, A/RES/74/20, 8 December 2020.
Overview AL-HAQ23Adopting the apartheid framework does not mean abandoning any standing instruments and principles of international humanitarian law, nor rejecting its applicability to Palestine, as Palestinians at official, academic, and civil society levels have reaffirmed since 1967. The former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, John Dugard, notably observed in his 2007 report to the Human Rights Council that ‘elements of the [Israeli] occupation constitute forms of colonialism and of apartheid, which are contrary to international law.’85 The subsequent 2009 study published by the HSRC further confirmed that colonialism and apartheid apply to the occupied Palestinian territory and that these do not displace the occupation law framework.86 Since then, the international articulation of the apartheid framework in Palestine has significantly developed to address the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole. In 2011, notably, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine confirmed the practice of apartheid by Israel over Palestinians wherever they reside, calling also on the UN General Assembly to re-establish the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre against Apartheid in response.87 85  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, John Dugard, 29 January 2007, UN Doc A/HRC/4/17, 3. 86  HSRC Study, 277-278. 87  The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, Summary of Findings (7 November 2011) 5 .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ241.6 Individual Criminal, State, and Corporate Responsibility for Israeli Apartheid Apartheid is absolutely prohibited under international law. International criminal law criminalises apartheid as a crime against humanity, giving rise to individual criminal responsibility for perpetrators of this crime. According to Article III of the Apartheid Convention: International criminal responsibility shall apply, irrespective of the motive involved, to individuals, members of organizations and institutions and representatives of the State, whether residing in the territory of the State in which the acts are perpetrated or in some other State, whenever they: (a) Commit, participate in, directly incite or conspire in the commission of the acts mentioned in article II of the present Convention; (b) Directly abet, encourage or co-operate in the commission of the crime of apartheid. The Apartheid Convention provides in Article V that persons accused of committing the crime of apartheid may be tried in the courts of states parties to the Convention or before an international tribunal. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has jurisdiction over the crime of apartheid under Article 7(1)(j) of the Rome Statute. The Court has opened an ongoing investigation88 into the Situation in Palestine, comprising the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. The ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor has previously acknowledged receiving allegations of apartheid in this context.89 The ongoing investigation by the ICC therefore provides an important avenue for individual criminal accountability, notwithstanding the limitations of Court’s personal, 88  ICC Office of the Prosecutor, Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, respecting an investigation of the Situation in Palestine (3 March 2021) . 89  ICC Office of the Prosecutor, Report on Preliminary Examination Activities (4 December 2017) para 63: ’in addition to allegations directly related to settlement activities, the Office has also received information regarding the purported establishment of an institutionalised regime of systematic discrimination that allegedly deprives Palestinians of a number of their fundamental human rights’ .
Overview AL-HAQ25temporal, and geographical jurisdiction in Palestine.90 In addition to international criminal law, apartheid is prohibited as a form of racial discrimination within general international law and international human rights law.91 Under international humanitarian law, apartheid is further prohibited as a grave breach.92 As a matter of customary international law binding on all states, apartheid and racial discrimination constitute a serious breach of jus cogens (peremptory) norms of international law.93 The breach of the prohibition of apartheid therefore gives rise to an internationally wrongful act, triggering the responsibility of the state responsible, Israel. In addition, under the law of third state responsibility, all states have a responsibility to ensure they do not contribute to the unlawful situation created as a result of a serious breach of international law.94 They must ensure that they do not recognise such a situation as lawful, do not aid or assist in its maintenance, and cooperate to bring it to an end.95 The denial of the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination invokes the Namibia Doctrine in international law, by which all states bear the obligation of non-recognition and non-cooperation with the unlawful 90 See , for example, Pearce Clancy and Rania Muhareb, ‘Putting the International Criminal Court’s Palestine Investigation into Context’ (Opinio Juris, 2 April 2021) . 91 Articles 1(3) and 55, UN Charter; Article 3, ICERD. 92 Article 85(4)(c), Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I) (adopted 8 June 1977, entry into force 7 December 1978) 1125 UNTS 3 (hereinafter ‘Additional Protocol I’). 93  ILC, Draft Articles on State Responsibility, p 112. 94  Article 41(2), Draft Articles on State Responsibility. 95  Articles 41(1) and 41(2), Draft Articles on State Responsibility.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ26situation,96 in particular, arising from the occupying state’s denial of the subject people’s right to self-determination.97 By virtue of this, third states have a responsibility to end Israel’s apartheid regime, including through effective, coercive measures. These have been advocated for by a broad coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations since at least 2005, who have urged sanctions, divestments, and boycotts of Israel—inspired by the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and occupied Namibia.98 States should take effective measures to bring the unlawful situation arising from Israeli apartheid to an end, notably through economic and targeted sanctions, implementation of a comprehensive and mandatory arms embargo, and the downgrading of diplomatic relations. Moreover, states should pursue accountability through the activation of universal jurisdiction mechanisms to hold individual perpetrators to account, including on the basis of the Apartheid Convention. 96 International Court of Justice, International Court of Justice, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 1971, 21 June 1971, p 16, para 123: ‘Member States, in compliance with the duty of non-recognition imposed by paragraphs 2 and 5 of [Security Council] resolution 276 (1970), are under obligation to abstain from sending diplomatic or special missions to South Africa including in their jurisdiction the Territory of Namibia, to abstain from sending consular agents to Namibia, and to withdraw any such agents already there. They should also make it clear to the South African authorities that the maintenance of diplomatic or consular relations with South Africa does not imply any recognition of its authority with regard to Namibia’; and para 133(2): ‘that States Members of the United Nations are under obligation to recognize the illegality of South Africa’s presence in Namibia and the invalidity of its acts on behalf of or concerning Namibia, and to refrain from any acts and in particular any dealings with the Government of South Africa implying recognition of the legality of, or lending support or assistance to, such presence and administration.’ 97  Ibid., para 52: ‘…the subsequent development of international law in regard to non-self- governing territories, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, made the principle of self-determination applicable to all of them. The concept of the sacred trust was confirmed and expanded to all “territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government” (Art. 73). Thus, it clearly embraced territories under a colonial régime. Obviously, the sacred trust continued to apply to League of Nations mandated territories on which an international status had been conferred earlier. A further important stage in this development was the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), which embraces all peoples and territories which “have not yet attained independence.” Nor is it possible to leave out of account the political history of mandated territories in general. All those which did not acquire independence, excluding Namibia, were placed under trusteeship. Today, only two out of fifteen, excluding Namibia, remain under United Nations tutelage. This is but a manifestation of the general development which has led to the birth of so many new States.’ 98  BDS, What is BDS? .
Overview AL-HAQ27Businesses and other corporate entities also have a responsibility to respect international law and human rights, must avoid violating human rights, and address ‘adverse human rights impacts’ associated with their operations.99 This responsibility has been broadly recognised with respect of corporate entities operating in Palestine, particularly those involved with and complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territory.100 Recognition of Israeli apartheid must broaden the scope of discussion around corporate responsibility and accountability for gross human rights abuses and violations, namely the crime of apartheid and associated inhuman(e) acts, across historic Palestine, including within the Green Line. To this end, at a minimum, business enterprises must conduct ongoing enhanced human rights due diligence and responsibly cease all activities and relationships with and disengage from Israel’s apartheid and settler colonial enterprise.101 Third states, namely home states of multinational corporations with activities or relationships in Palestine, must also ensure that corporate entities domiciled within their territory and/or jurisdiction respect international law and human rights in Palestine, including by taking the necessary effective measures relevant to states’ obligations under international law—at domestic and regional levels—toward corporate and other private actors.102 In this regard, the Apartheid Convention requires that ‘States Parties… declare criminal those organizations, institutions and 99  UN OHCHR, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework (2011) Principle 11, p 13. 100  See, notably, Marya Farah, Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory: Guidance for Upholding Human Rights (Al-Haq and GLAN, 2020) ; see also, UN Human Rights Council, Database of all business enterprises involved in the activities detailed in paragraph 96 of the report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, UN Doc A/HRC/43/71, 28 February 2020, para 31. 101  See, for example, UN Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, Statement on the implications of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in the context of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 6 June 2014, pp 9-11 . 102  Al-Haq, Al-Haq Submits Legal Position Paper to European Union on the Membership of Mr Haim Bibas, Mayor of Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, in the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) (2 March 2020) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ28individuals committing the crime of apartheid.’103 It is incumbent upon all states to hold corporate entities, including Zionist institutions operating abroad as so-called ‘charities,’104 to account for their role in contributing to the commission of the crime of apartheid in Palestine. 103  Article I(2), Apartheid Convention. 104  See Karen Pennington and Joseph Schechla, ‘Israel’s Para-state Institutions Operating in the United States’ (2009) 41 al-Majdal 25; see also Joseph Schechla, ‘The Consequences of Conflating Religion, Race, Nationality and Citizenship’ (2010) 43 al-Majdal 10.
Overview AL-HAQ291.7 Dismantling Israeli Apartheid Apartheid in South Africa and occupied Namibia was met with successive condemnations by UN bodies, including the General Assembly and Security Council,105 and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). South Africa’s apartheid regime prompted the establishment of specialised anti-apartheid mechanisms within the UN, the criminalisation of apartheid through the adoption of the Apartheid Convention, and the adoption of sanctions and arms embargoes against the South African apartheid regime.106 International political will and effective measures played a central role in driving the process toward the suppression of the crime of apartheid in South Africa and occupied Namibia. Such effective, coercive measures are essential to support Palestinian resistance to Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and ensure the realisation of Palestinians’ inalienable rights to self- determination and return. Further recognition of the commission of the crime of apartheid in Palestine, including by the ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry,107 an ICC investigation into the crime of apartheid in Palestine, the reconstitution of the UN’s anti-apartheid mechanisms, and further measures recommended by this report would provide key institutional support to the Palestinian liberation struggle in the face of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime. It was only through such concerted international action that the South African apartheid regime was formally brought to an end. Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people requires a similar, urgent and proactive response. 105  See, e.g., UN General Assembly, Resolution 2074 (XX), 17 December 1965, UN Doc A/RES/2074 (XX), para 4; UN Security Council, Resolution 392, 19 June 1976, UN Doc S/RES/392 (1976), para 3. 106  UN General Assembly, Resolution 1761 (XVII), 6 November 1962, UN Doc A/RES/1761, para 4; UN Security Council, Resolution 418, 4 November 1977, UN Doc S/RES/418 (1977), para 2. 107  Middle East Monitor, ‘UN to investigate apartheid charges against Israel’ (Middle East Monitor, 28 October 2022) .
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Introduction AL-HAQ31 2 Introduction In recent years, there has been mounting recognition of Israeli apartheid over the Palestinian people. A growing number of reports by civil society, scholarship, and statements by former and current state officials and policymakers have brought renewed focus to the discriminatory nature of the Zionist settler colonial project. For over two decades,108 Palestinian activists, civil society, and organisers have been at the forefront of international advocacy for the recognition of Israel’s apartheid regime against the Palestinian people. Central to this effort has been an understanding of apartheid as applying alongside the frameworks of occupation and (settler) colonialism, rather than in isolation from them,109 and as targeting the 108  See, for example, WCAR, NGO Forum Declaration (3 September 2001) paras 98-99 . 109  HSRC Study. © Activestills
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ32Palestinian people as a whole, within the context of the ongoing Nakba.110 Since 2019 in particular, this Palestinian-led Coalition of civil society organisations has led a joint international advocacy campaign for the recognition and adoption of effective measures against Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people. This campaign, and the present report, build on decades of critical scholarship, activism, and advocacy by Palestinians and allies toward understanding the root causes of Palestinian oppression. This report is also a continuation of decades of work by Palestinian organisations to advance accountability and international justice for the Palestinian people. While discussions on Israeli apartheid have become increasingly mainstream over the last three or more years, some aspects of Palestinians’ decades- long mobilisation against Israeli apartheid remain absent or insufficiently addressed in the current discourse. For some, apartheid has materialised only recently due to what are perceived as increasingly repressive Israeli government practices111 or the entrenchment of Israel’s prolonged military occupation since 1967.112 What this approach misses is a more structural understanding of Israeli apartheid as an inevitable outcome of settler colonialism in Palestine and the Zionist movement’s policy to eliminate the indigenous Palestinian people through removal from the land. Our analysis, building on the work of Palestinian scholars such as Fayez Sayegh, considers Israeli apartheid as rooted in the domination of the Palestinian people through Zionist settler colonialism.113 The starting point for this analysis is the Nakba of 1948 (and the context that led to it) and the Israeli regime’s subsequent institutionalisation of discriminatory laws, policies, and practices, to oppress 110  See discussion in: Rafeef Ziadah and Adam Hanieh, ‘Collective Approaches to Activist Knowledge: Experiences of the New Anti-Apartheid Movement in Toronto’ in Aziz Choudry and Dip Kapoor (eds), Learning from the Ground Up: Global Perspectives on Social Movements and Knowledge Production (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) 85. 111  See, for example, The Times of Israel, ‘Israeli author David Grossman says Israel’s West Bank control has become ‘apartheid’’ (9 December 2021) . 112  Michael Sfard, ‘Yes, It’s Israeli Apartheid. Even Without Annexation’ (Ha’aretz, 9 July 2020) . 113  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine; see also the discussion in Patrick Wolfe, Traces of History: Elementary Structures of Race (Verso Books 2016) 203 et seq.
Introduction AL-HAQ33and dominate the Palestinian people wherever they reside. We understand the Israeli occupation since 1967 as an outcome of this regime, rather than the starting point for the apartheid analysis. This is supported by Sayegh’s early scholarship on apartheid as a tool of colonialism.114 2.1 Growing Recognition of Israeli Apartheid Over the last three years, Israeli and international human rights organisations have issued reports concluding that Israeli authorities impose apartheid over the Palestinian people. In July 2020, the Israeli organisation Yesh Din issued its report titled The Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion, which concluded that Israeli authorities commit the crime of apartheid in the West Bank through its military occupation.115 In January 2021, the Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem issued a policy paper titled A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is Apartheid. B’Tselem’s paper argued that the Israeli regime imposes apartheid over Palestinians across historic Palestine, that is inside the Green Line and in the occupied Palestinian territory.116 Both analyses by Yesh Din and B’Tselem avoided discussion of the Palestinian people as a whole, in particular Palestinian refugees, dismissed the question of racial ideology and the role of Zionist institutions in establishing and entrenching apartheid, and therefore constituted what Tatour has referred to as a ‘liberal equality’ approach to Israeli apartheid.117 According to this approach, apartheid can be ended if the Israeli occupation comes to an end. Thus, the colonisation of Palestinian land by the Zionist movement from the late 19th century onward is legitimised, as is the dispossession of Palestinians and the denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees since the start of the Nakba. 114  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine. 115  Yesh Din, The Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion (June 2020) . 116  B’Tselem, A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is Apartheid (12 January 2021) . 117  Lana Tatour, ‘Why calling Israel an apartheid state is not enough’ (Middle East Eye, 18 January 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ34Shortly thereafter, Human Rights Watch released its report A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution in April 2021. Human Rights Watch made an important contribution to the discourse on Israeli apartheid advanced by Israeli organisations. Its report concluded that Israeli authorities have pursued ‘the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control vis-à-vis Palestinians over demographics and land’ on both sides of the Green Line and with regards to Palestinian refugees denied their right of return.118 This broader analysis of Israeli apartheid was further elaborated on by Amnesty International in February 2022, which issued its significant and comprehensive report titled Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity. By analysing Israel’s apartheid as a system of domination established since 1948, Amnesty International’s report came close to addressing the structural drivers of Israeli apartheid, further recognising that ‘[t]he totality of the regime of laws, policies, and practices described in the report demonstrates that Israel has established and maintained… a system of apartheid—wherever it has exercised control over Palestinians’ lives.’119 Yet, none of the reports by Israeli and international human rights organisations went so far as to consider Israeli apartheid within the context of colonialism, in particular settler colonialism, as Palestinians have.120 These recent reports and analyses on Israeli apartheid published by Israeli and international human rights organisations were preceded by over five decades of scholarship, activism, advocacy, and grassroots mobilisation by Palestinians who have long understood Israeli apartheid within its Zionist settler colonial context.121 Notably, in 2001, Palestinian civil society campaigned for the recognition of Israeli apartheid at the World Conference against Racism in Durban. Subsequently, the Stop the Wall campaign began to use the apartheid framework in 2002, followed in 2004 by the Palestinian 118  Human Rights Watch, A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution (27 April 2021) . 119  Amnesty International, Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of domination and crime against humanity (1 February 2022) 266 . 120  See , for example, Muhareb, ‘A state of apartheid.’ 121  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, 27.
Introduction AL-HAQ35Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which has since advocated for ‘Palestinian freedom, justice and equality.’122 During this time, students around the world began to organise Israeli Apartheid Weeks on campuses to raise awareness and challenge Israel’s regime of settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation. In 2005, Palestinian civil society organisations issued a broad call for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and realises the rights of the Palestinian people as a whole.123 The BDS Movement has since been at the forefront of Palestinian- led advocacy in building and mainstreaming the comprehensive analysis of Israel’s regime of settler colonialism, apartheid, and occupation. The Movement has advanced and proposed effective forms of accountability for grassroots organisers, movements, civil society, and parliaments to end complicity with the Israeli regime. It is thanks to this longstanding advocacy and campaigning that the apartheid analysis in Palestine has now gained recognition among Israeli and international civil society. Notably, prior to the 2009 HSRC study, the BDS Movement published a position paper titled United against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation: Dignity and Justice for the Palestinian People.124 Endorsed by over 90 civil society organisations from Palestine and around the world, this position paper aimed at building broad grassroots consensus around Israel’s regime of oppression against the indigenous Palestinian people as a whole, across historic Palestine and in exile. In doing so, the significant contributions of the BDS Movement helped move Palestinian human rights advocacy beyond the confines of the 1967 lines and toward a more comprehensive approach addressing the ongoing Nakba. In this report, the Coalition sets out its analysis of Israeli apartheid and provides recommendations for effective measures to dismantle this regime. We adopt a comprehensive approach to understanding Israel’s apartheid as 122  See BDS Movement, Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel . 123  BDS Movement, Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS . 124  BDS Movement, United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation: Dignity & Justice for the Palestinian People (October 2008) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ36it targets the Palestinian people as a whole since 1948. This report comes at a critical juncture as the Israeli regime continues to escalate its oppression of Palestinians. In May 2021, the Israeli occupying authorities’ targeting of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah was the trigger for the Unity Intifada, which saw Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line and in exile rise up against over a century of Zionist settler colonisation. In response, the Israeli regime attacked Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa mosque and protestors and journalists in Jerusalem, bombarded Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, supported settler mob violence against Palestinians inside the Green Line, and undertook an ongoing mass arbitrary detention campaign against Palestinians.125 Since then, the Israeli regime has further escalated extrajudicial executions, collective punishment, and an intensifying campaign to silence, intimidate, and persecute Palestinians, including the work of Palestinian civil society. In October 2021, the designation by the Israeli Defence Minister of six leading Palestinian civil society organisations as so-called ‘terror organisations’ represented a further dangerous escalation,126 threatening the ability of the targeted organisations and of Palestinian civil society at large to continue their work in monitoring, documenting, and seeking international accountability for widespread and systematic human rights violations, including suspected war crimes and crimes against humanity. In this context, the Coalition considers it more urgent than ever to advocate for immediate, effective coercive measures aimed at dismantling Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime. 125  Yara Hawari, ‘Defying Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New Palestinian Uprising’ (Al-Shabaka, 29 June 2021 . 126  Al-Haq, Palestinian Organizations Declared as ‘Unlawful Associations’ by Israeli Military File Objection: Illegal Decision Devoid of Due Process (3 February 2022) .
Introduction AL-HAQ372.2 Methodology For the purposes of analysing Israel’s widespread and systematic human rights violations against Palestinians through the lens of apartheid, this report relies on the definitions of the crime of apartheid within the meaning of Article II of the Apartheid Convention and Article 7(2)(h) of the Rome Statute. Both definitions have been viewed by civil society and the former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, as complementary with ‘reconcilable’ differences.127 Applying the elements of the crime against humanity of apartheid to Israeli policies and practices against Palestinians, this report shows how the Israeli regime systematically privileges Jewish settlers, in accordance with Zionist doctrine, while oppressing the indigenous Palestinian people. This report is not intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the broad range of human rights violations committed against Palestinians, which have been documented by Palestinian human rights groups for several decades. Rather, the report lays out the applicability of the apartheid framework to the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole under Zionist settler colonialism and discusses the relationship between these two frameworks. 127  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, 21 March 2022, UN Doc A/HRC/49/87, para 35.
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Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ39 3Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has entrenched a system of domination over the Palestinian people with the goal of engineering a Jewish demographic majority through Zionist settlement, colonisation, and the transfer of indigenous Palestinians from their lands. As prerequisites for the creation of an exclusively Jewish state in Palestine, the Zionist movement theorised and planned the forcible transfer of the indigenous Palestinian people and their dispossession. Through Israeli laws and policies, particularly those pertaining to nationality, residency, land, and property rights, the Israeli regime has racialised and fragmented Palestinians as a tool of domination. These longstanding policies are rooted in Zionist ideology and doctrine, which constitute Israel’s raison d’état.128 128  See CERD Report, paras 1, 7, 13, 48.© Al-Haq Images Library
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ403.1 Origins of Israeli Apartheid The roots of Israeli apartheid lie in the preceding decades of Zionist settler colonialisation. The late 19th century Zionist movement embraced the view of Jews as a distinct ‘race,’ enshrining it in the charters of Zionist institutions to create a national home for the Jews. The first and largest of these institutions include the twin WZO/JA established in 1897 and 1921 respectively and the JNF founded in 1901. These Zionist institutions have operated for over a century to serve exclusively persons of Jewish ‘race or descent,’ in pursuit of establishing a Zionist state that embodies and promotes a corresponding ‘Jewish nationality.’ This constructed civil status forms a pillar of the Israeli state ideology of racialised Jewish supremacy over all others and the requisite for their exclusionary enjoyment of human rights in Palestine. The Zionist movement had sought recognition of its Zionist national institutions in public international law129 as a priority for the purpose of meeting the criteria of eventual statehood within the law of nations.130 In the absence of a distinct population/people and land/territory, also recognised as essential to any modern state, these institutions and their affiliates became the proxy of the intended government, each chartered to serve only persons of ‘Jewish race or [biological] descent’ (emphasis added). The JNF was—and remains—chartered with the purpose and primary objective to acquire lands in Palestine131 exclusively for Jewish persons and to ‘promote the interests of Jews in the prescribed region.’132 These proto-state institutions uphold the theory and ideology equating Jews with a distinct race and ‘legal’ notion of ‘Jewish nationality,’133 a constructed civil status ‘racially’ superior to mere ‘citizens’ in Israel. 129  W Thomas Mallison and Sally V Mallison, The Palestine Question in International Law and World Order (Longman, 1986). 130  Article 1, Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (adopted 26 December 1933, entry into force 26 December 1934) 165 LNTS 20 (hereinafter ‘Montevideo Convention’). 131  Article 3(a), JNF Memorandum of Association (1901), and Article 3(i), JNF Memorandum of Association (1953). 132  Ibid ., Article 3(g) and Article 3(vii), respectively. 133  George Raphael Tamarin v. The State of Israel (CA 630 70), 1971; Udi Ornan et al v. Ministry of Interior (CA 8573 08) 2013.
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ413.2 Zionist Settler Colonialism Writing about Zionist colonisation in 1965, Fayez Sayegh saw racism as integral to the project of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.134 He argued that Zionist doctrine demanded ‘racial purity and racial exclusiveness.’135 Sayegh, who viewed Zionist colonisation as akin to apartheid already then, also understood the Zionist project as one of ‘racial elimination’ of the Palestinian people.136 Similarly, the French sociologist Maxime Rodinson observed at the time that: Wanting to create a purely Jewish, or predominantly Jewish, state in an Arab Palestine in the twentieth century could not help but lead to a colonial-type situation and to the development (completely normal, sociologically speaking) of a racist state of mind.137 Such analysis preceded the Israeli military occupation since 1967138 and thus helps us understand occupation as a product and tool of Israeli apartheid. Tellingly, some of the scholarship on Zionism and racism even predates 1948. In 1945, anti-Zionist Rabbi Elmer Berger published his book titled The Jewish Dilemma in which he rejected Zionism’s plan to ‘segregate’ Jews in a country of their own and made the case for Jewish emancipation in the countries where they lived around the world. The 1943 Statement of Principles of the American Council for Judaism, of which Berger was the vice-president and director,139 rejected Zionist racism and segregation, stating: We oppose the effort to establish a national Jewish state in Palestine or anywhere else… We dissent from all these related doctrines that stress the racialism, the nationalism and the theoretical homelessness of the Jews. We oppose such doctrines 134  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, 21; see also Kayyali, ‘Zionism and Imperialism’ 98-99. 135  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, 22-23 (emphasis in the original). 136  Ibid , 27. 137  Maxime Rodinson, ‘Israël : fait colonial ?’ (1967) Les Temps Modernes 215-216; Maxime Rodinson, Israel: A Colonial-Settler State? (Monad Press 1973) 77 (translated into English by David Thorstad). 138  Nimer Sultany, ‘Colonial Realities: From Sheikh Jarrah to Lydda’ (Mondoweiss, 12 May 2021) . 139  See Norton Mezvinsky, ‘In Memoriam: Rabbi Elmer Berger, 1908-1996’ (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs , 25 November 1996) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ42as inimical to the welfare of Jews in Palestine, in America, or wherever Jews may dwell...140 Through critical ‘third world’ contributions, the UN General Assembly would in 1975 determine that ‘zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination’ in Resolution 3379 (XXX). Adopted with 72 votes in favour, 35 against, and 32 abstentions, the determination was revoked in 1991 as a condition for Israel’s participation in the Madrid Conference.141 3.2.1 A Settler Colonial Logic Settler colonialism is a distinct form of colonialism in which settlers seek primarily to displace and replace indigenous peoples on the land.142 Settler colonialism involves a particular ‘mode of domination’ wherein the oppression and racialisation of indigenous peoples serves to entrench the colonisation of the land and the implantation of settlers therein.143 Critically, Patrick Wolfe has understood settler colonialism as premised on the ‘logic of elimination’ of indigenous peoples, involving continued dispossession from the land and denial of indigenous sovereignty.144 Settler colonialism is an ongoing process.145 In South Africa, the institutionalisation of apartheid as the official state policy in 1948 followed three centuries of European settler colonisation in southern Africa. During this time, ‘black South Africans were stripped 140  Elmer Berger, The Jewish Dilemma (Devin-Adair Company, 1945) 246-247. 141  UN General Assembly, Resolution 46/86, UN Doc A/RES/46/86, 16 December 1991. See also Noura Erakat and John Reynolds, ‘Understanding Apartheid’ (Jewish Currents, 1 November 2022) . 142  Patrick Wolfe, Settler Colonialism and the Transformation of Anthropology: The Politics and Poetics of an Ethnographic Event (Cassell, 1999) 1 (emphasis in the original). 143  Lorenzo Veracini, ‘Introduction: Settler colonialism as a distinct mode of domination’ in Edward Cavanagh and Lorenzo Veracini (eds) The Routledge Handbook of the History of Settler Colonialism (Routledge, 2017) 1, 4; see also Muhareb and Clancy, ‘Palestine and the Meaning of Domination.’ 144  Patrick Wolfe, ‘Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native’ (2006) 8(4) Journal of Genocide Research 387, 387-388. 145  Fiona Bateman and Lionel Pilkington (eds), Studies in Settler Colonialism: Politics, Identity and Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) 2.
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ43of their land, liberties, and political rights.’146 Through apartheid, they endured further political repression and fragmentation of their country.147 The establishment of the South African apartheid regime did not negate the settler colonial context. Instead, that context laid the necessary foundations for apartheid to be institutionalised. For example, the 1913 Natives Land Act, enacted prior to 1948, accelerated settler colonisation in South Africa and the dispossession of Black South Africans, who ‘could only purchase land in Scheduled Native Areas,’ which ‘represented seven percent of the territory of South Africa’ and allowed for the forcible removal of the indigenous people from their land.148 In Palestine, the Nakba was instrumental in the institutionalisation of Zionist settler colonialism and apartheid, aimed at denying Palestinian refugees and displaced persons their right of return, thereby entrenching their dispossession, Palestinian fragmentation, and domination. 3.2.2 The Ongoing Nakba In 1897, the First Zionist Congress held in Basel established the WZO and resolved to ‘create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law.’149 The British Mandate for Palestine (1922–1948) facilitated and provided fertile ground for the creation of a Zionist settler colonial state in Palestine. Crystallising the alliance between Zionist colonialism and the British empire,150 the British Foreign Secretary at the time, Arthur Balfour, made his infamous 1917 Declaration supporting the ‘establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.’ The Balfour Declaration added that the British government would ‘use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.’151 Thus, in 1920, the WZO’s public 146  John Dugard and John Reynolds, ‘Apartheid, International Law, and the occupied Palestinian territory’ (2013) 24(3) European Journal of International Law 867, 872-873. 147  Ibid . 148  Tshepo Madlingozi, Mayibuye iAfrika?: disjunctive inclusions and black strivings for constitution and belonging in ’South Africa’ (2018) (Thesis, Unpublished) 29-30 . 149  Central Zionist Archives . 150  Sayegh, Zionist Colonialism in Palestine, 11-19. 151  The Balfour Declaration (2 November 1917) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ44law status was recognised in Article 4 of the British Mandate for Palestine, which provided: An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the [British] Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home… The Zionist organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency...152 Throughout the British mandate period, the Zionist movement in Palestine grew stronger until it eventually became a ‘shadow government’ alongside the British mandate authorities.153 In 1947, the British empire withdrew from Palestine and transferred the Question of Palestine to the UN. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (II) recommending the partition of Palestine into an ‘Arab’ and a ‘Jewish’ state.154 As had been recognised by the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in September 1947, the ‘Jewish national home’ project and the anomalous nature of the British Mandate for Palestine—which was to ‘facilitate Jewish immigration’ to Palestine155—violated the principle of self-determination adhered to with respect of other Arab states whose sovereignty and independence were attained.156 The UN partition resolution also disregarded the demographic reality on the ground. Toward the end of the British mandate in 1947, the indigenous Palestinian people constituted over two thirds of the total population of the country. Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi observed that despite over 152  Article 4, League of Nations, British Mandate for Palestine (24 July 1922) (emphasis added) (hereinafter ‘British Mandate for Palestine’); see discussion in Mallison and Mallison, The Palestine Problem, 92-93. 153  Ibid. , 98-101. 154  UN General Assembly, Resolution 181 (II), 29 November 1947, UN Doc A/RES/181 (II). 155  Article 6, British Mandate for Palestine. 156  UN General Assembly, UNSCOP Report to the General Assembly, 3 September 1947, UN Doc A/364, para 176 ; see also Muhareb and Clancy, ‘Palestine and the Meaning of Domination’ 13 .
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ45seventy years of Zionist settler colonisation from the early 1880s onward, ‘Jewish-owned land on the eve of the partition resolution amounted to less than 7 percent of the total land area of the country.’157 Yet, the partition resolution allotted 56 per cent of mandatory Palestine to a Jewish state. According to Khalidi: what the UN was effectively saying to the Yishuv [the pre-state Zionist settler movement in Palestine] was: go seize those additional 13.3 million dunams that you don’t own from those who do—from the largely agricultural people who live in those areas and derive their livelihood from them.158 Highlighting the inconsistencies of the UN partition plan, which Palestinians rejected, Khalidi showed that: In Palestine… there was no agreement on the principle of partition between Arabs and Jews. There was little correlation between the areas allotted to the Jewish state and the demographic or land ownership situation on the ground. There was no central authority to oversee the process, the British having abandoned ship by 15 May 1948. And, of course, there was no agreed mechanism for implementation. Thus, what the UN [General Assembly] partition resolution basically did was to give the fully mobilized military forces of the Yishuv… an alibi to establish the new Jewish state by force of arms under the guise of conforming to the international will.159 In this context, the Zionist leadership developed strategies to deal with the indigenous Palestinian presence as a ‘demographic problem.’ On 3 December 1947, Ben-Gurion warned of the need to deal with the unfavourable demographic reality in the country: There are 40 [per cent] non-Jews in the area allocated to the Jewish state. This composition is not a solid basis for a Jewish 157  Walid Khalidi, ‘Revisiting the UNGA Partition Resolution’ (1997) 27(1) Journal of Palestine Studies 5, 13. 158  Walid Khalidi, ‘The Hebrew Reconquista of Palestine: From the 1947 United Nations Partition Resolution to the First Zionist Congress of 1897’ (2009) 39(1) Journal of Palestine Studies 24, 26. 159  Ibid. , 27.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ46state… Such a demographic balance questions our ability to maintain Jewish sovereignty… Only a state with at least 80 [per cent] Jews is a viable and stable state.160 In March 1948, Zionist efforts to transfer and dispossess the indigenous Palestinian people culminated with their adoption of Plan Dalet, which provided clear operational orders and called for Palestinians’ ‘systematic and total expulsion from their homeland.’161 Under the directives of Plan Dalet, Zionist militias were to wipe out the armed forces in Palestinian villages and expel Palestinians ‘outside the borders of the state’ in the event of resistance.162 During the Nakba, Zionist militias destroyed 531 Palestinian villages and 11 urban neighbourhoods in Palestinian cities and expelled 80 per cent of the indigenous Palestinian people from their homes, lands, and properties. Approximately 15,000 Palestinians were killed in over 70 massacres throughout the war that continued until 1949.163 On 14 May 1948, Ben-Gurion proclaimed the establishment of Israel on 77 per cent of the land of historic Palestine, where only about 150,000 indigenous Palestinians remained, a quarter of them internally displaced.164 To prevent Palestinian refugees and displaced persons from returning to their homes and ensure the consolidation of Zionist settler colonial domination, Israeli forces imposed a military administration and extended martial law over Palestinians inside the 1949 Armistice Agreements Line (the Green Line) for 19 years, lasting from 1948 until 1966. This policy was extended, in June 1967, with the ongoing Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the occupied Syrian Golan. 160  Cited in Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oneworld, 2006) 48. 161  Ibid. , 28; Walid Khalidi, ‘Plan Dalet: Master Plan for the Conquest of Palestine’ (1988) 18(1) Journal of Palestine Studies 4, 24. 162  Khalidi, ‘Plan Dalet,’ 29. 163  PCBS, ‘Dr. Ola Awad, reviews the conditions of the Palestinian people via statistical figures and findings, on the 72nd Annual Commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba’ (13 May 2020) . 164  See BADIL, ‘From the 1948 Nakba to the 1967 Naksa’ (BADIL Occasional Bulletin No 18, June 2004) ; see also Rania Muhareb, ‘The Nakba 70 Years On: Israel’s Failure to Erase Palestinian Collective Memory’ (Al-Haq , 15 May 2018) .
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ47During the Nakba, Zionist militias perpetrated mass atrocities against Palestinians, including the destruction and pillage of Palestinian villages and towns, the mass expulsion of the Palestinian civilian population from their homes, and the subsequent expropriation of Palestinian land and property for the implantation of Zionist colonial settlers. These acts amounted to violations of the laws and customs of war that had been recognised as constituting customary international law by 1945.165 Notably, the 1907 Hague Regulations prohibited wanton destruction of property without military necessity166 and pillage,167 while deportation of civilian populations for any purpose and ‘persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds’ in connection with the armed conflict were recognised in the 1945 Charter of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg as crimes against humanity.168 These norms were established prior to the Nakba and were applicable to the 1947–1949 war over Palestine. As Francesca Albanese and Lex Takkenberg write in relation to the rights of Palestinian refugees, ‘the legal framework in force in 1948, if enforced, would have been sufficient to either prevent or to address Palestinian displacement and dispossession.’169 Despite this, impunity for suspected international crimes committed against Palestinians has prevailed and Palestinian refugees have been denied their right to return to their homes, lands, and properties since 1948. As a result, the Nakba has been an ongoing process of displacement and dispossession for Palestinians, who continue to face house demolitions, forcible transfer, discriminatory planning and zoning, and other measures of demographic 165  See discussion in ICRC, Customary IHL Database, Rule 156: Definition of War Crimes : ‘The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg determined that violations of the Hague Regulations amounted to war crimes because these treaty rules had crystallized into customary law by the time of the Second World War.’ 166  Article 23(g), Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and Its Annex: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land (adopted 18 October 1907, entry into force 26 January 1910) (hereinafter ‘Hague Regulations’). 167  Article 47, Hague Regulations. 168  Article 6(c), Charter of the International Military Tribunal , annex to the Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of the Major War Criminals of the European Axis (adopted 8 August 1945 at London) (hereinafter ‘IMT Charter’). 169  Francesca Albanese and Lex Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (OUP 2020) 135- 136; Article 6(b), IMT Charter.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ48engineering by the Israeli regime to force their removal from the land. The ongoing Nakba thus conforms with settler colonialism’s logic of elimination of the indigenous Palestinian people. Notwithstanding, the right of return of Palestinian refugees has only gained further recognition as a matter of international law since 1948 and must ultimately be upheld.170 3.2.3 The Prohibition of Colonialism and its Associated Practices International law sets out the prohibition of colonialism and its associated practices through several principles, including: the prohibition of the use of force; the prohibition of population transfer; and the right of peoples to self-determination. Under public international law, the prohibition of the use of force is codified in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, which prohibits territorial conquests and the acquisition of territory by force.171 Additionally, population transfer counts among the most serious crimes under international law, prohibited both in wartime and in times of peace.172 International humanitarian law sets out the prohibition of forcible transfer in occupied territory in Article 49(1) of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949,173 providing: Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. Article 49(6) of the Fourth Geneva Convention further prohibits the transfer by the Occupying Power of ‘parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.’ In his 1958 Commentary on the Fourth Geneva Convention, Jean Pictet explained that Article 49(6) can be understood as intended: 170  See notably, Albanese and Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees, 179-180. 171  See also OHCHR, Annexation is a flagrant violation of international law, says UN human rights expert (20 June 2019) . 172  Schechla, ‘Ideological Roots of Population Transfer’ (1993) 14(2) Third World Quarterly 239. 173  Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (adopted 12 August 1949, entry into force 21 October 1950) 75 UNTS 287 (hereinafter ‘Fourth Geneva Convention’).
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ49to prevent a practice adopted during the Second World War by certain Powers, which transferred portions of their own population to occupied territory for political and racial reasons or in order, as they claimed, to colonize those territories.174 Unlawful transfer amounts to a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention under Article 147. Accordingly, the High Contracting Parties to the Convention have an obligation, under Article 146, to ‘provide effective penal sanctions for persons committing, or ordering to be committed’ this grave breach. The Rome Statute further enshrines the grave breach of ‘[u] nlawful deportation or transfer’ as a war crime in Article 8(2)(a)(vii) for the purposes of the ICC. In addition, Article 7(1)(d) of the Rome Statute codifies ‘[d]eportation or forcible transfer of population’ as a crime against humanity ‘when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack against any civilian population.’175 The Rome Statute defines the crime against humanity of forcible transfer of population as: forced displacement of the persons concerned by expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted under international law.176 Another inherent component of settler colonialism is the denial of the right to self-determination and sovereignty of the indigenous people(s),177 which right the UN established as a chartered principle in 1945.178 The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the provisional independence of Palestine had already been recognised in the 1920s, but was violated by the League of Nations’ British Mandate for Palestine in order to facilitate Zionist settler colonisation.179 Thus, the 1947 UN General 174  Jean Pictet, Commentary on the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Vol IV (ICRC, 1958) 283. 175  Article 7(1), Rome Statute. 176  Article 7(2)(d), Rome Statute. 177  This was recently affirmed by the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese; UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, 21 September 2022, UN Doc A/77/356, para 13. 178  Article 1(2), UN Charter. 179  Article 22, Covenant of the League of Nations (adopted 28 April 1919); see also , UN General Assembly, UNSCOP Report to the General Assembly, 3 September 1947, UN Doc A/364, para 176.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ50Assembly recommendation for the partition of Palestine violated sacrosanct principles of international law. The right of peoples to self-determination was further codified in 1966 when it was enshrined in Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and Article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), setting out the right of peoples to ‘freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development,’ and in doing so, to ‘freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources.’ By the 1960s, as highlighted by Albanese, ‘self-determination became the normative framework for advancing decolonization.’180 In 1960, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which determined that liberation necessitates ‘an end… to colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith.’181 The Declaration considered that: The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.182 It further determined that: Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.183 The Colonialism Declaration expressly prohibited ‘alien subjugation, domination and exploitation’ and the violation of a country’s national unity and territorial integrity as elements of colonialism. Meanwhile, in 1971 the ICJ advisory opinion in Namibia considered the colonial regime and continued presence of South Africa in Namibia, following 180  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, 21 September 2022, UN Doc A/77/356, para 20. 181  UN General Assembly, Resolution 1514 (XV), 14 December 1960, UN Doc A/RES/1514 (XV), preamble. 182  Ibid ., para 1. 183  Ibid ., para 6.
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ51the end of the League of Nations mandate, a violation of the right to self-determination and an illegal occupation.184 More recently, in relation to the Chagos Islands, the ICJ considered that ‘the peoples of non-self-governing territories are entitled to exercise their right to self- determination in relation to their territory as a whole, the integrity of which must be respected by the administering Power.’185 In 2009, the HSRC study applied the law on colonialism as derived from the Colonialism Declaration to the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory and determined that ‘the implementation of a colonial policy by Israel has not been piecemeal but is systematic and comprehensive.’186 In particular, the study identified as colonial practices the Israeli occupying authorities’ illegal annexation of parts of the occupied Palestinian territory, the violation of Palestine’s territorial contiguity through illegal settlement construction, and critically, the denial to the Palestinian people of their collective right to self-determination.187 The law on colonialism, taken together with principles of international law establishing the right of peoples to self-determination and the prohibition of the acquisition of territory by force and of population transfer, makes it abundantly clear that cross-border transfer and internal demographic manipulation inside the Green Line constitute colonial practices in flagrant violation of international law. These practices breach a wide range of Palestinians’ individual and collective rights, including their right of return to their country and freedom of movement, residence, and the right to family life within. 184  International Court of Justice, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) Notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 1971, 21 June 1971, p 16, paras 52 and 117-119. 185  International Court of Justice, Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965, Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 2019, 25 February 2019, p 95, para 160. 186  HSRC Study, 16. 187  Ibid ., 15-16 and 40-48.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ523.3 Fragmentation and the Limits of International Humanitarian Law Since 1967, the dominant legal framework that has been used to address the situation in the occupied Palestinian territory has been that of belligerent occupation under international humanitarian law. The occupation framework has allowed Palestinians to draw attention to the illegality of Zionist settler colonial practices targeting the Palestinian people, comprising population transfer, wilful killing, torture and other inhuman treatment, collective punishment, arbitrary deprivation of liberty, and other measures.188 These practices are also prohibited as a matter of international human rights law, as enshrined among others in the ICCPR,189 ICESCR,190 and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT).191 However, Israel, as the Occupying Power, did not ratify the majority of international human rights law treaties until 1991, with the exception of ICERD, which it ratified on 3 January 1979. Thus, for several decades, including through the early work of Palestinian human rights organisations such as Al-Haq, founded in 1979, the predominant legal framework used to analyse Israeli policies in the occupied Palestinian territory was that of international humanitarian law. This framework was supplemented in the 1990s with that of international human rights law, which has since been used by legal practitioners and scholars in tandem with international humanitarian law in an effort to maximise the legal protection of Palestinians under Israeli occupation.192 The concurrent applicability of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territory 188  Articles 32, 33, 49, 78, and 147 Fourth Geneva Convention. 189  Articles 6(1), 7, 9, 17(1), ICCPR (among other rights impacted by policies of collective punishment). 190  Articles 10(1), 11(1), ICESCR (among other rights impacted by policies of collective punishment). 191  Articles 1 and 2, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (adopted 10 December 1984, entry into force 26 June 1987) 1465 UNTS 85 (hereinafter ‘CAT’). 192  See discussion in Linda Bevis, The Applicability of International Human Rights Law to Occupied Territories: The Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (Al-Haq, 2003) .
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ53was recognised early on by the UN human rights treaty bodies,193 and subsequently by the ICJ in 2004.194 Using both frameworks in a complementary fashion allows for certain gaps to be bridged in the occupation law framework. Notably, a structural challenge has been that international humanitarian law does not in itself outlaw situations of military occupation. As a result, experts such as the former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, have authoritatively analysed how, as a matter of international humanitarian law, the Israeli occupation has in fact ‘crossed the red line into illegality’ through its prolonged nature, its violation of the prohibition of annexation, and the Occupying Power’s failure to administer the occupied territory in ‘good faith’ and in the ‘best interests’ of the occupied Palestinian population.195 More recently, the ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry on Palestine has also concluded that the Israeli occupation is illegal,196 while the General Assembly has since referred the question of the (il)legality of the Israeli occupation to the ICJ for an advisory opinion.197 This is relevant in light of the fact that Israeli military laws and administration have, first from 1948 onward and then since 1967, served as a tool for establishing and maintaining its apartheid regime over the Palestinian people.198 193  See, notably, CERD, Concluding observations on the seventh, eighth and ninth periodic reports of Israel, UN Doc CERD/C/304/Add.45, 30 March 1998, paras 4 and 10-12; Human Rights Committee, Concluding observations on the initial report of Israel, UN Doc CCPR/C/79/Add.93, 18 August 1998, para 10; CESCR, Concluding observations on the initial report of Israel, UN Doc E/C.12/1/Add.27, 4 December 1998, para 6; CRC Committee, Concluding observations on the initial report of Israel, UN Doc CRC/C/15/Add.195, 9 October 2002, para 2; CAT Committee, Report of the Committee against Torture (2002), UN Doc A/57/44, para 215. 194  International Court of Justice, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Advisory Opinion, ICJ Reports 2004, p 136, paras 109-112 (hereinafter ‘Wall Opinion’). 195  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk, UN Doc A/72/43106, 23 October 2017, paras 44-62. 196  UN General Assembly, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, UN Doc A/77/328, 14 September 2022, para 75. 197  UN General Assembly, Fourth Committee, Draft Resolution, 10 November 2022, UN Doc A/C.4/77/L.12/Rev.1, para 18. 198  See discussion in Al-Haq, Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole: Joint Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied Since 1967, Mr Michael Lynk (January 2022) . See also Amnesty International, Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity 105-108 (1 February 2022) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ54While overdue developments in relation to outlining the illegality of the Israeli occupation are encouraging and should lead to effective measures to end Israel’s prolonged occupation since 1967, the primary limitation of the occupation framework in Palestine has been the fragmented nature with which it has been applied to the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole. Thus, the international community only recognises the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, that is the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the occupied Syrian Golan, as occupied.199 In turn, the international community neither recognises the territory of historic Palestine that lies inside the Green Line as occupied nor has it recognised Palestinian collective rights therein, including to self- determination. Although belligerent occupation applies on the facts, when the warring army has been subjugated and the occupying force establishes military presence and substitution of governing authority, there are other categories of occupation which do not need to meet these criteria and which may be applicable inside the Green Line, for example, armistice occupation, post-debellatio occupation, or forcible peacetime occupations.200 Part of the challenge in applying international humanitarian law as the dominant legal framework in Palestine is linked to the fragmentation of the Palestinian people and of historic Palestine since the Nakba. This is due to the recognition the international community lends to Israel, while disregarding the state’s establishment through the inadmissible ‘acquisition of territory by war,’201 the ongoing mass forcible transfer of Palestinians, and the denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and involuntary exiles, contrary to international law.202 In this context, the occupation framework has proved insufficient on its own in addressing the totality of the Palestinian collective experience of dispossession, displacement, refugeehood, and settler colonial domination and persecution both inside the Green Line and in the occupied Palestinian territory. 199  See discussion in Muhareb and Clancy, ‘Palestine and the Meaning of Domination.’ 200  Adam Roberts, ‘What is a Military Occupation’ (1984) 55(1) British Yearbook of International Law 249-305. 201  UN Security Council, Resolution 242, 22 November 1967, UN Doc S/RES/242 (1967). 202  Albanese and Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees, 135-136 and 179-180 .
Zionist Ideology and the Roots of Israeli Apartheid AL-HAQ55This fragmented approach has only exacerbated the legal, political, and geographical fragmentation that Palestinians face on the ground due to the nature of Zionist settler colonial domination. In fact, predominant reliance on international humanitarian law in the context of Palestine means that some of the same discriminatory Israeli policies and practices targeting Palestinians’ indigenous presence on the land have been addressed through different legal regimes, with at times absurd consequences. For example, the international community has considered Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory illegal due to the unlawful displacement and dispossession of Palestinians from their lands and their replacement with Israeli settlers. Yet, exclusive Zionist settlement, involving the displacement and dispossession of Palestinians inside the Green Line, has in turn been normalised by the international community. Both are integral processes of Zionist settler colonialism and form part of the same policy of displacement and replacement of the indigenous Palestinian people on the land. By defying the fragmentation of the Palestinian people, the apartheid framework has the potential to draw attention to the continuity of settler colonial domination across historic Palestine and vis-à-vis Palestinian refugees and exiles denied their right of return.203 Yet, to date, the apartheid framework has also been used in ways that entrench Palestinian fragmentation rather than seek to overcome it, such as in Yesh Din’s examination of apartheid in the West Bank only, or in the distinction the report by Human Rights Watch drew between the same Israeli policies targeting Palestinians based on which side of the Green Line they are committed on.204 Adopting a comprehensive apartheid framework, as this report advances, allows for a consideration of the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole under Zionist settler colonialism, regardless of their geographical location or the legal status imposed on them by the Israeli regime. The apartheid analysis, which incorporates settler colonialism as the overarching 203  See for example: Rinad Abdulla, ‘Colonialism and Apartheid against Fragmented Palestinians: Putting the Pieces Back Together’ (2016) 5(1) State Crime Journal 51. 204  Rania Muhareb, ‘Apartheid, the Green Line, and the Need to Overcome Palestinian Fragmentation’ (EJIL: Talk!, 7 July 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ56framework, has therefore been advanced as a more comprehensive framework that takes into consideration the totality of the Palestinian collective experience.205 This is not to say that adopting the apartheid framework means abandoning that of occupation law. On the contrary, Palestinian civil society has long advanced the apartheid framework alongside the frameworks of occupation and colonialism as a comprehensive articulation of the reality on the ground.206 This report applies the apartheid framework as a vehicle to overcoming the fragmentation of the Palestinian people and that of international law as it has been predominantly applied to Palestine to date. It draws on international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and international criminal law to ensure comprehensive protection for the Palestinian people. 205  Nadia Hijab and Ingrid Jaradat Gassner, ‘Talking Palestine: What Frame of Analysis? Which Goals and Messages?’ (Al-Shabaka, 12 April 2017) . 206  BDS, Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS (9 July 2005) ; see also HSRC Study (to which Palestinian human rights organisations Al-Haq and Adalah contributed); see Al-Haq, South African study finds that Israel is practicing colonialism and apartheid in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (4 June 2009) .
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ57 4 Constructing Apartheid The history of apartheid will remain intrinsically linked to the regime of systematic racial oppression and domination formally imposed in South Africa and through the occupation of Namibia between 1948 and 1994. Despite having its origins in South Africa, apartheid is internationally prohibited as a form of racial discrimination and a crime against humanity. International human rights law, through Article 3 of ICERD, imposes an obligation on states parties to ‘prevent, prohibit and eradicate’ policies and practices of apartheid within their jurisdiction.207 International criminal law offers avenues to punish perpetrators of the crime of apartheid, including individuals, organisations, and institutions,208 and international humanitarian law designates practices of apartheid committed in situations of armed conflict and military occupation a grave breach of the 1977 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 207  Article 3, ICERD. 208  Article I(2), Apartheid Convention; Article 7(1)(j), Rome Statute.© Activestills
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ5812 August 1949 (Additional Protocol I).209 Additionally, the law of state responsibility requires third states: (1) not to recognise the unlawful situation arising from the imposition of apartheid; (2) not to aid or assist in the maintenance of the unlawful situation; and (3) to cooperate to bring such a situation to an end.210 Starting in the 1960s, the UN adopted increasingly restrictive and punitive measures to counter the South African apartheid regime. The General Assembly adopted a series of resolutions designating apartheid as a crime against humanity211 and, in 1973, adopted the Apartheid Convention toward the suppression and punishment of this crime.212 In 1976, against the backdrop of the South African apartheid regime’s violent suppression of the Soweto uprising,213 the Security Council finally recognised apartheid as ‘a crime against the conscience and dignity of mankind.’214 In 1998, following the formal end of the apartheid regime in South Africa and Namibia, the crime against humanity of apartheid was codified within the jurisdiction of the ICC.215 209  Article 85(4)(c), Additional Protocol I. 210  Articles 41(1) and 41(2), Draft Articles on State Responsibility. 211  UN General Assembly, Resolution 2074 (XX), 17 December 1965, UN Doc A/RES/2074 (XX), para 4; UN General Assembly, Resolution 2202A (XXI), 16 December 1966, UN Doc A/RES/2202A (XXI), para 1; see also Paul Eden, ‘The Role of the Rome Statute in the Criminalization of Apartheid’ (2014) 12 Journal of International Criminal Justice 171, 174. 212  UN General Assembly, Resolution 3068 (XXVIII), 30 November 1973, A/RES/3068(XXVIII). 213  See, for example, South African History Online, ‘The June 16 Soweto Youth Uprising’ . 214  UN Security Council, Resolution 392, 19 June 1976, UN Doc S/RES/392 (1976), para 3. 215  Article 7(1)(j), Rome Statute.
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ594.1 The Prohibition of Apartheid The prohibition of apartheid is rooted in the general prohibition of racial discrimination under public international law, notably enshrined in Articles 1(3) and 55 of the UN Charter.216 The prohibition can similarly be located within core instruments of international human rights law, including Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,217 Articles 2(1) and 26 of the ICCPR, Article 2(2) of the ICESCR, and in other international human rights treaties ratified by Israel, which are applicable within territories under its jurisdiction and subject to its effective control, including the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan. 4.1.1 ICERD On 21 December 1965, the UN General Assembly adopted ICERD, which expressly prohibits apartheid as a matter of international human rights law. As held by the Convention’s treaty body, CERD, in 2006, the prohibition ‘was strongly influenced by the cruel, inhuman and degrading effects of apartheid’ in South Africa.218 In its Preamble, states parties to ICERD expressed that they were: Alarmed by manifestations of racial discrimination still in evidence in some areas of the world and by governmental policies based on racial superiority or hatred, such as policies of apartheid, segregation or separation.219 Critically, Article 3 of ICERD enshrined that: States Parties particularly condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all 216  Articles 1(3) and 55, UN Charter; Max Du Plessis, ‘International Criminal Law: The Crime of Apartheid Revisited Recent Cases’ (2011) 24 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 417. 217  Article 2, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948, UN Doc 217A (III) (hereinafter ‘UDHR’). 218  CERD, Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on the initial to third periodic reports of South Africa, 19 October 2006, UN Doc CERD/C/ZAF/CO/319, para 2. 219  Preamble, ICERD.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ60practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction.220 While ICERD does not define apartheid, it prohibits this practice and imposes an obligation on all states parties to eradicate apartheid ‘in territories under their jurisdiction.’ Accordingly, the Convention is applicable with respect of Israeli laws, policies, and practices of racial discrimination, racial segregation, and apartheid on both sides of the Green Line. CERD has repeatedly affirmed that the territories under Israel’s jurisdiction and effective control, where the Convention applies, include not only the territory inside the Green Line but also the territories occupied since 1967.221 At the same time, the prohibition of apartheid under ICERD, and the obligation to eradicate this practice, is applicable with respect not only of Palestinians living in historic Palestine, but also to those Palestinians in exile denied their right of return. States have an obligation under Article 5 of ICERD to ensure that ‘[a]ll… refugees and displaced persons have the right to freely return to their homes of origin under conditions of safety’222 and that ‘[a]ll such refugees and displaced persons have, after their return to their homes of origin, the right to have restored to them property of which they were deprived in the course of the conflict and to be compensated appropriately for any such property that cannot be restored to them.’223 This is relevant in the Palestinian context in view of the Israeli Law of Return (1950), which grants ‘Every Jew… the right to come to this country’224 and to settle therein, while excluding Palestinians, notably Palestinian refugees and exiles, from exercising their right of return. This is why CERD has urged Israel to rescind racially discriminatory laws and to guarantee the right of return of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons in line with 220  Article 3, ICERD; note also Preamble, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (adopted 18 December 1979, entry into force 3 September 1981) 1249 UNTS 13. 221  CERD, Concluding observations on Israel 2019, paras 9-10. 222  CERD, General Recommendation 22, Article 5 and refugees and displaced persons, 49th session (1996), UN Doc A/51/18, annex VIII, p 126, para 2(a). 223  Ibid , para 2(c). 224  Article 1, Law of Return 5710-1950, 5 July 1950 (hereinafter ‘Law of Return 1950’).
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ61Article 5(d)(ii) of ICERD.225 The Coalition considers that the prohibition of apartheid under ICERD is binding on Israel with respect of its treatment of the Palestinian people as a whole. 4.1.2 The Apartheid Convention The first classification of apartheid as an international crime in a binding international treaty is found in the 1968 Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, according to which no statutory limitations shall apply to ‘inhuman acts resulting from the policy of apartheid.’226 On 30 November 1973, the General Assembly adopted the Apartheid Convention in Resolution 3068 (XXVIII).227 Article II of the Convention, which enshrines the most detailed definition of the crime of apartheid to date,228 reads: The term “the crime of apartheid”, which shall include similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practised in southern Africa, shall apply to the following inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them: a. Denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty of person: (i) By murder of members of a racial group or groups; (ii) By the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; 225  CERD, Concluding observations on Israel 2019, paras 15-16; UN CERD, Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Israel, UN Doc CERD/C/304/Add.45, 30 March 1998, para 18; UN CERD, Concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Israel, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/CO/13, 14 June 2007, para 18. 226  Article I, Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity (adopted 26 November 1968, entry into force 11 November 1970) A/ RES/2391(XXIII). 227  UN General Assembly, Resolution 3068 (XXVIII), 30 November 1973, A/RES/3068(XXVIII). 228  ESCWA Report, 12.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ62 (iii) By arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups; b. Deliberate imposition on a racial group or groups of living conditions calculated to cause its or their physical destruction in whole or in part; c. Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups, in particular by denying to members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work, the right to form recognized trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association; d. Any measures including legislative measures, designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups, the prohibition of mixed marriages among members of various racial groups, the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof; e. Exploitation of the labour of the members of a racial group or groups, in particular by submitting them to forced labour; f. Persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid.229 In addition to its detailed definition of the crime,230 the Apartheid Convention establishes individual criminal responsibility for ‘individuals, members 229  Article II, Apartheid Convention. 230  ESCWA Report, 12.
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ63of organizations and institutions and representatives of the State’ who ‘commit, participate in, directly incite or conspire in the commission of the acts mentioned in article II’ as well as those who ‘[d]irectly abet, encourage or co-operate in the commission of the crime.’231 Under the Convention, individual criminal responsibility shall apply whether the perpetrator is ‘residing in the territory of the State in which the acts are perpetrated or in some other State’ and ‘irrespective of the motive involved.’232 The definition also emphasizes necessity of intent to establish or maintain domination by one racial group over another.233 Once this intention has been established on the systemic level no further interrogation is necessary for the specific, individual intention of those involved.234 The Apartheid Convention requires that all organisations, institutions, and individuals involved in the commission of the crime of apartheid be declared as criminal.235 Finally, the Convention provides for universal jurisdiction as a means to prosecute perpetrators of the crime of apartheid, including non-nationals, in the courts of states parties.236 Because of its expansive scope and establishment of universal jurisdiction for the crime of apartheid, a majority of Western states have to date refused to ratify the Apartheid Convention due to the broad nature of the criminality it enshrines237 as a result of which, Carola Lingaas writes, ‘several states… feared indictment for aiding and abetting the 231  Articles III(a) and (b), Apartheid Convention. 232  Article III, Apartheid Convention. 233  Miles Jackson, ‘The Definition of Apartheid in Customary International Law and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination’ (2022) 71(4) International & Comparative Law Quarterly 831, 847-849. 234  Article III, Apartheid Convention. 235  Article I(2), Apartheid Convention. 236  Article V, Apartheid Convention. 237  Adriaan Barnard, ‘Slegs Suid Afrikaners – South Africans Only – A Review and Evaluation of the International Crime of Apartheid’ (2009) 7 New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law 317, 352; Paul Eden, ‘The Role of the Rome Statute in the Criminalization of Apartheid’ (2014) 12 Journal of International Criminal Justice 171, 179; Max Du Plessis, ‘International Criminal Law: The Crime of Apartheid Revisited Recent Cases’ (2011) 24 South African Journal of Criminal Justice 417, 421-422.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ64South African regime.’238 While South Africa itself has not yet ratified the Apartheid Convention, it has in the past year begun the process of ratifying the Convention.239 Such a step would lend important political recognition of the continued relevance of the Apartheid Convention today. As of November 2022, the Apartheid Convention counts 110 states parties.240 While the reference to policies of apartheid ‘as practised in southern Africa’ has led some to question the applicability of the Convention to other contexts, international treaties are not generally adopted with a specific context in mind.241 Notwithstanding the reference to apartheid in southern Africa, the criminalisation of apartheid in the Apartheid Convention is intended to be universal in scope.242 Such a view is supported by the practice of CERD, which observed in its General Recommendation XIX of 1995 on the prevention, prohibition, and eradication of racial segregation and apartheid that: The reference to apartheid [in Article 3 of ICERD] may have been directed exclusively to South Africa, but the article as adopted prohibits all forms of racial segregation in all countries.243 Similarly, the International Law Commission (ILC) considers the prohibition of apartheid to constitute a jus cogens norm of customary international 238  Carola Lingaas, ‘The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid in a Post-Apartheid World’ (2015) 2 Oslo Law Review 86, 88-89. 239  SA News, ‘Cabinet approves UN ICERD periodic report’ (26 February 2021) ; SA News, ‘National Assembly approves four Bills’ (8 September 2022) . 240  UNTC, International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (30 November 1973) . 241  Adriaan Barnard, ‘Slegs Suid Afrikaners,’ 358. 242  On the evolution of the crime of apartheid see ibid. ; Du Plessis, ‘International Criminal Law: The Crime of Apartheid’; Alexander Zahar, ‘Apartheid as an International Crime’ in Antonio Cassese (ed), The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice (Oxford University Press 2009); Ronald C Slye, ‘Apartheid as a Crime against Humanity: A Submission to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ (1998) 20 Michigan Journal of International Law 267. 243  CERD, General Recommendation 19, The prevention, prohibition and eradication of racial segregation and apartheid (1995), UN Doc A/50/18, at 140, para 1.
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ65law, giving rise to obligations erga omnes.244 It can thus be concluded that the prohibition of apartheid in international law, inclusive of international human rights law and international criminal law, was not limited to the context in South Africa and Namibia. 4.1.3 The Rome Statute The Rome Statute codifies apartheid as a crime against humanity entailing individual criminal responsibility in Article 7(1)(j) and provides a definition of the crime in Article 7(2)(h), as involving: Inhumane acts… committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.245 Like the Apartheid Convention, the articulation of the crime of apartheid under the Rome Statute focuses on the institutionalised, systematic, and oppressive character of the regime. However, some crucial distinctions can be observed. Firstly, the potential inhumane acts of apartheid enumerated in the Rome Statute are not as broad as the inhuman acts set out in the Apartheid Convention, although there is some overlap. An obvious omission in the Rome Statute is the silencing and targeting of those individuals and organisations seeking to oppose the apartheid system.246 Secondly, the apartheid definition in the Rome Statute is considerably more onerous in its contextual element. For inhumane acts to be prosecuted as apartheid by the ICC they must be ‘committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination,’ with the added requirement that there be a specific intention to maintain that regime. This can be compared with the construction in the Apartheid Convention, which includes inhuman acts committed ‘for the purpose of establishing’ racial domination, not simply acts committed after domination 244  Dugard and Reynolds, ‘Apartheid’; Du Plessis, ‘International Criminal Law: The Crime of Apartheid’ 417; ILC, Draft Articles on State Responsibility; Slye, ‘Apartheid as a Crime against Humanity.’ 245  Article 7(2)(h), Rome Statute. 246  Article II(f), Apartheid Convention.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ66has been established. For the Apartheid Convention, all that is required is that the intention behind the inhuman acts is to set about constructing a system of racial domination and oppression. Although the Rome Statute definition is considerably narrower than that found in the Apartheid Convention,247 it must be stressed that this does not result in a narrowing of the concept in general international law nor elsewhere in international criminal law.248 Like the Apartheid Convention, the articulation of the crime of apartheid under the Rome Statute focuses on the institutionalised, systematic, and oppressive character of the regime. In any event, in the Palestinian context, as demonstrated below, it is clear that an institutionalised regime of racial domination and oppression has already existed for decades. To date, no international or national court has ever prosecuted an individual for the crime of apartheid. However, the ICC’s Office of the Prosecutor has previously acknowledged receipt of allegations of the commission of the crime of apartheid in Palestine.249 The opening of the ICC’s investigation into the Situation in Palestine on 3 March 2021 and growing international recognition of Israeli apartheid mean that the ongoing ICC investigation represents an important judicial avenue for the investigation and prosecution of the crime of apartheid in Palestine.250 The Coalition thus urges the ICC Prosecutor to investigate suspected perpetrators of the crime of apartheid, among other international crimes committed in Palestine, as a first step toward challenging Israeli impunity. 247  Noura Erakat and John Reynolds discuss this narrowing as part of ‘[t]he ascendance of the liberal understanding of apartheid’ in Noura Erakat and John Reynolds, ‘Understanding Apartheid’ (Jewish Currents, 1 November 2022) . 248  Jackson, ‘The Definition of Apartheid,’ 854-844. 249  ICC’s Office of The Prosecutor, Report on Preliminary Examination Activities, 4 December 2017, para 63 . 250  See discussion in Noura Erakat and John Reynolds, ‘We Charge Apartheid? Palestine and the International Criminal Court’ (TWAIL Review, 20 April 2021) .
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ674.2 Elements of the Crime against Humanity of Apartheid This report applies both definitions of the crime of apartheid, as enshrined in the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, to the plight of the Palestinian people. These two treaties have been ratified by the State of Palestine and are thus applicable in the occupied Palestinian territory. While Israel has not ratified either treaty, the internationally wrongful act of apartheid is prohibited as a principle of customary international law, and also exists as a jus cogens norm, and is thus applicable with respect to Israeli laws, policies, and practices. The Apartheid Convention’s definition includes ‘inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them’ thereby clarifying the necessity that the crime occurs with the specific intention of creating and maintaining racial domination.251 Likewise, the Rome Statute defines the crime of apartheid as occurring ‘in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime,’ presupposing that the regime in question is already in place.252 Therefore, to meet the common threshold of the crime of apartheid spanning the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, the following elements must exist: (1) inhuman or inhumane acts; (2) committed as part of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination; (3) by one racial group over any other racial group or groups; (4) with the intention of maintaining that regime. This sub-section considers the four elements of the crime of apartheid as they relate to Israeli laws, policies, and practices committed against the Palestinian people. 4.2.1 Inhuman and Inhumane Acts It is important to note that under both the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, there is no requirement that all inhuman(e) acts must 251  Article II, Apartheid Convention. 252  Article 7(2)(h), Rome Statute.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ68be committed for the elements of the crime of apartheid to be fulfilled. As the HSRC study found, the Apartheid Convention’s list of inhuman acts ‘is intended to be illustrative and inclusive, rather than exhaustive or exclusive.’253 Accordingly, ‘a determination that apartheid exists does not require that all the listed acts are practiced: for example, Article 2(b) regarding the intended “physical destruction” of a group did not apply generally to apartheid policy in South Africa.’254 In the case of Palestine, the HSRC study concluded that numerous inhuman acts were satisfied, and that ‘Israel appears clearly to be implementing and sustaining policies intended to maintain its domination over Palestinians in the [occupied Palestinian territory] and to suppress opposition of any form to those policies.’255 While this report builds on the HSRC study, it extends the analysis to encompass the Palestinian people as a whole. In doing so, this report also applies elements of the crime of apartheid as enshrined in the Rome Statute. Under the Rome Statute ‘inhumane acts’ of the crime of apartheid are listed under Articles 7(1)(a)-(k) of the Rome Statute as crimes against humanity. They closely resemble those found in Article II of the Apartheid Convention. The Rome Statute’s inhumane acts include notably: * ‘Murder;’256 * ‘Deportation or forcible transfer of population;’257 * ‘Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;’258 * ‘Torture;’259 * ‘Persecution against any identifiable group or collectively on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender… or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law…;’260 253  HSRC Study, 17. 254  Ibid ., 17. 255  Ibid. , 20 (emphasis in original). 256  Article 7(1)(a), Rome Statute. 257  Article 7(1)(d), Rome Statute. 258  Article 7(1)(e), Rome Statute. 259  Article 7(1)(f), Rome Statute. 260  Article 7(1)(h), Rome Statute.
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ69* ‘Enforced disappearance of persons;’261 * ‘Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.’262 Numerous inhuman(e) acts against the Palestinian people have been documented and reported over the years. Palestinian human rights organisations have documented the following inhuman(e) acts, among others, committed by the Israeli authorities against the Palestinian people: * Murder;263 * Forcible transfer;264 * Deportation;265 261  Article 7(1)(i), Rome Statute. 262  Article 7(1)(k), Rome Statute. 263  See, for example, discussion of the crime against humanity of murder in Al-Haq et al , Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Extrajudicial Execution and Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat by the Israeli Occupying Forces on 23 June 2020 (13 July 2020) ; see also The Palestinian Disability Coalition et al , Joint Parallel Report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for its List of Issues on Israel’s Initial Report (24 July 2020) ; Al-Haq, Al-Haq Sends Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Extrajudicial Execution and Wilful Killing of Palestinian Person with Disability Iyad Al-Hallaq (9 June 2020) ; Al-Haq, Al-Haq Refutes Israeli Army and Media Claims on the Killing of Volunteer First Responder Sajed Mizher in Dheisheh Refugee Camp (8 April 2019) ; Adalah, Israeli police video reveals cops opened fire on Bedouin man before his car accelerated, contradicting police claims (19 January 2017) ; Adalah, The October 2000 Killings (11 August 2020) . 264  See, for example, Al-Haq, Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Submit Evidence to the ICC Prosecutor on Crimes Committed in West Bank (20 September 2017) ; Simon Reynolds, Coercive Environments: Israel’s Forcible Transfer of Palestinians in the Occupied Territory (BADIL, February 2017) . 265  See, for example, PHROC et al, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Imminent Threat of Forcible Transfer/Deportation of Salah Hammouri for “Breach of Allegiance” (30 September 2020) ; Addameer, Observations on Behalf of Victims (16 March 2020, ICC-01/18) ; Al-Haq et al, Omar Barghouti at Imminent Risk of Deportation as Israeli Interior Minister Initiates Proceedings to Punitively Revoke his Residency Status (4 November 2019) ; Addameer and BADIL, Deportation as Policy: Palestinian Prisoners & Detainees in Israeli Detention (17 April 2016) ; Al-Haq, Six Human Rights Organisations Submit an Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on Israel’s Imminent Deportation of Palestinian Jerusalemite (26 April 2019) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ70* Arbitrary detention and arrests;266 * Torture and other ill-treatment;267 * Persecution;268 * Enforced disappearance;269 and * Other inhumane acts, notably causing serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.270 Critically, these inhuman(e) acts do not stop at the Green Line, given the continuity of policies and practices of, inter alia, murder, arbitrary detention, denial of family unification, expropriation of landed property, and deportation.271 Additionally, Palestinian refugees continue to be denied their right of return contrary to Article II(c) of the Apartheid Convention and, as the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber I found in relation to the denial of the right of return of Rohingya refugees, this denial may constitute a crime against 266  See, for example, Addameer, Annual Violations Report 2019 (2020) ; Adalah, Adalah demands Israeli police end mass arrests of Palestinian citizens (27 May 2021) ; Al-Haq, Israeli Occupying Forces Violate the Right to Life of Mr Omar As’ad, an 80-year-old Man from Jaljiliyya (18 January 2022) . 267  See, notably, Addameer, Addameer Collects Hard Evidence on Torture and Ill-Treatment Committed against Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Interrogation Centers (23 December 2019) ; Adalah, What happened in the ‘torture room’ at Israel’s police station in Nazareth? (7 June 2021) ; Al Mezan, The Torture and Abuse of Children Fleeing Gaza’s Humanitarian Catastrophe (26 October 2020) . 268  See Al Mezan et al , Palestinian Human Rights Organizations & Victims’ Communication to the ICC on the Illegal Closure of the Gaza Strip: Persecution and Other Inhumane Acts Perpetrated against the Civilian Population as Crimes against Humanity (23 November 2016) . 269  See, notably, Al-Haq, Al-Haq Sends Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Enforced Disappearance of Saleh Omar Barghouthi (27 December 2018) ; Al-Haq, United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances Sends Response to Al-Haq on the Case of Saleh Barghouthi (31 December 2018) . 270  See, e.g., Al-Haq, Israel Deliberately Injures and Maims Palestinian Civilians, Prevents Evacuation of Wounded, and Denies Access to Vital Healthcare Facilities Outside the Gaza Strip (18 April 2018) ; Nidal Alazza (ed), Excessive Use of Force by the Israeli Army: Case Study (BADIL, April 2017) ; Al Mezan et al, Palestinian Human Rights Organizations & Victims’ Communication to the ICC on the Illegal Closure of the Gaza Strip: Persecution and Other Inhumane Acts Perpetrated against the Civilian Population as Crimes against Humanity (23 November 2016) . 271  Muhareb, ‘Apartheid, the Green Line, and the Need to Overcome Palestinian Fragmentation.’
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ71humanity.272 Thus, the Coalition argues that the element of inhuman(e) acts of the crime against humanity of apartheid is satisfied with respect of the Palestinian people as a whole. 4.2.2 Institutionalised Regime Acts illustrative of apartheid must take place within the context of a wider policy273 of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination. The framework of crimes against humanity requires that the underlying acts be ‘committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack.’274 The ICC’s Elements of Crimes clarify: The last two elements for each crime against humanity describe the context in which the conduct must take place. These elements clarify the requisite participation in and knowledge of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. However, the last element should not be interpreted as requiring proof that the perpetrator had knowledge of all characteristics of the attack or the precise details of the plan or policy of the State or organization. In the case of an emerging widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population, the intent clause of the last element indicates that this mental element is satisfied if the perpetrator intended to further such an attack.275 With reference to the crime of apartheid, the ICC’s Elements of Crimes list the following elements: 1. The perpetrator committed an inhumane act against one or more persons. 2. Such act was an act referred to in article 7, paragraph 1, of the 272  See PTC I, Decision on the “Prosecution’s Request for a Ruling on Jurisdiction under Article 19(3) of the Statute” (6 September 2018) ICC-RoC46(3)-01/18, para 77; Michael G Kearney, ‘The Denial of the Right of Return as a Rome Statute Crime’ (2020) 18(4) Journal of International Criminal Justice 985; see also Clancy and Muhareb, ‘Putting the International Criminal Court’s Palestine Investigation into Context.’ 273  ICC, Elements of Crimes (2011) 5. 274  Article 7(1), Rome Statute. 275  ICC, Elements of Crimes (2011) 5.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ72Statute, or was an act of a character similar to any of those acts. 3. The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the character of the act. 4. The conduct was committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups. 5. The perpetrator intended to maintain such regime by that conduct. 6. The conduct was committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population. 7. The perpetrator knew that the conduct was part of or intended the conduct to be part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.276 The term ‘regime,’ although not defined in either the Apartheid Convention or Rome Statute, refers to an institutional structure or system of governance. Lingaas writes: ‘[a]n established law or practice by a government or prevailing order is most likely the closest to a definition of an institutionalised regime one gets.’277 The finding of apartheid requires the existence of an institutionalised structure or system constitutive of a ‘regime,’ or in the case of the Apartheid Convention, an attempt to establish such a structure.278 Sections 5 and 6 of this report detail Israel’s laws, policies, and practices establishing and maintaining Zionist settler colonial domination over the Palestinian people as part of an institutionalised regime. These are asserted to be evidence of the existence of an institutionalised regime of domination and oppression constitutive of the crime of apartheid against Palestinians. 276  ICC, Elements of Crimes (2011), 12. 277  Lingaas, ‘The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid,’ 97-98. 278  Miles Jackson, ‘Expert Opinion on the Interplay between the Legal Regime Applicable to Belligerent Occupation and the Prohibition of Apartheid under International Law’ (Diakonia , 23 March 2021), paras 24-25 .
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ734.2.3 Racial Groups Race has been described as a social construct,279 meaning that it emerges from the particular local context in which it is ‘constructed.’280 Article 1(1) of ICERD adopts a wide definition of racial discrimination as: Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.281 Thus, Article 3 of ICERD prohibiting racial segregation and apartheid encompasses discrimination based on ‘race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin.’ The Apartheid Convention highlights this provision in its Preamble.282 In the specific context of international criminal law, general practice has been to eschew any attempt at identifying ‘race’ or other such outdated concepts in favour of the social construction approach.283 It is therefore appropriate to adopt the same approach to the current apartheid analysis. Therefore, the question is not whether Palestinians and Jewish Israelis are per se racial groups but whether their identities are racialised in the local context. Racialisation, notably, is a tool or ‘organizing grammar’ of settler colonialism284 and is deployed toward replacing the indigenous people(s) on the land.285 It is therefore important to consider how Israeli laws and 279  See, for example, Carola Lingaas, The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law (Routledge 2020) 35. 280  See Michael Banton, The Idea of Race (Travistock Publications 1977); see also Dugard and Reynolds, ‘Apartheid, International Law,’ 885 and 889. 281  Article 1(1), ICERD. 282  Preamble, Apartheid Convention. 283  In support, see Miles Jackson, ‘The Definition of Apartheid,’ 851, citing ICTY , Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brdjanin (Trial Judgement), IT-99-36-T (1 September 2004), para 683-684; see also Carola Lingaas, ‘The Elephant in the Room: The Uneasy Task of Defining ‘Racial’ in International Criminal Law’ (2015) 15 International Criminal Law Review 485. 284  Patrick Wolfe, Traces of History, 8. 285  See discussion in Muhareb and Clancy, ‘Palestine and the Meaning of Domination,’ 10-11.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ74policies create a distinction between ‘Jewish’ and ‘non-Jewish’ persons. The Law of Return (1950) establishes privileges for Jewish persons to immigrate to and settle in the country as olim (Jewish settlers).286 Pursuant to Amendment No 2 to the Law of Return of 1970, ‘[f]or the purposes of this Law, “Jew” means a person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism and who is not a member of another religion.’287 The 1970 Amendment to the Law of Return adds that: The rights of a Jew under this Law and the rights of an oleh [Jewish settler] under the Citizenship Law, 5712–1952, as well as the rights of an oleh under any other enactment, are also vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew, except for a person who has been a Jew and has voluntarily changed his religion.288 Key Israeli laws, such as the Law of Return and the Citizenship Law (1952), establish a strict distinction between Jewish and non-Jewish persons; thus, an individual defined as Jewish, born anywhere in the world, may enter the country as a ‘Jewish immigrant,’ settle the land, and receive Israeli citizenship and preferential treatment because of her or his status as a Jewish person under the law. Meanwhile, an indigenous Palestinian refugee whose family was expelled in and around 1948 is prohibited by Israeli law from returning to their homes, lands, and properties. Not only this, Palestinians inside the Green Line are accorded Israeli citizenship not based on birth but on the basis of residence in the land. Thus, the expulsion of Palestinian refugees was supplemented with a process of denationalisation.289 While Palestinian and Jewish identities are not in and of themselves racial, Israeli laws as well as Zionist ideology and policy categorise Jewish Israelis and Palestinians as distinct ‘racial groups,’ according to which rights and privileges, as well as exploitation and oppression, are determined at birth. In this context, the racialisation of Jewish Israelis and Palestinians operates 286  Article 1, Law of Return 1950. 287  Article 4B, State of Israel, Law of Return (Amendment No 2) 5730-1970 (hereinafter ‘Law of Return 1970 Amendment’) (emphasis added). 288  Article 4A(a), Law of Return 1970 Amendment. 289  Uri Davis, Israel: An Apartheid State (Zed Books, 1987) 25-38.
Constructing Apartheid AL-HAQ75as a tool to entrench the domination and oppression of Palestinians under Zionist settler colonialism. 4.2.4 Intention of Maintaining the Regime The crime of apartheid under the Rome Statute requires the presence of an intention to maintain the regime. Thus, it is important that any inhuman(e) acts committed are carried out as part of an institutionalised regime by one racial group to systemically dominate and oppress another group or groups, and it must be shown that such acts are committed with the intention of ensuring that this regime remains in place. The intention to maintain the domination of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians is clearly reflected in Zionist policies of population transfer and demographic manipulation, whereby Israel pursues the ‘Judaisation’ of the land, dispossession of Palestinians, and manipulation of Palestine’s demography to create a Jewish demographic majority. This report details Israeli laws, policies, and practices that establish domination over the Palestinian people. As will become apparent in the sections below, Palestinians are subjected to widespread and systematic human rights violations by the Israeli settler colonial state, amounting to inhuman(e) acts within the meaning of the crime of apartheid. These are committed with an intention to deny Palestinians their collective right to self-determination, through strategic fragmentation, the denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees and displaced persons, freedom of movement and access restrictions, and the exploitation of Palestinian land and other natural resources. Additionally, an examination of repressive Israeli policies and practices targeting the Palestinian people, such as excessive use of force, denial of the right to life, arbitrary detention, torture, collective punishment, and the persecution of individuals and organisations opposing apartheid, shows a clear intention on the part of the state authorities to maintain the regime by aiming to prevent Palestinians from mounting a unified resistance against their oppression.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ © Al-Haq Images Library 76
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ77 5Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime Upon its establishment through the Nakba of 1948, Israel installed a legal regime to legitimise and legalise its violations and crimes committed against the Palestinian people, thus laying the foundations of its apartheid regime. According to Yifat Holzman-Gazit, ‘what was notable about this process of transferring a very large percentage of the national territory from Arab to Jewish hands was the effort and energy expended by the authorities to construct a legal regime that would legitimize the expropriation.’290 George Bisharat and others have observed that ‘while justice and fairness were not present in the process of de-Arabization of the land, resort to law as a means for executing the negation of Arab ownership rights was a prime concern.’291 The laws adopted following 1948 were transposed as military orders to the occupied Palestinian territory in 1967. Since 1948, Israeli laws, policies, and practices have been designed to provide the legal basis for Israel’s apartheid regime. Israel’s overall objective today remains the 290  Holzman-Gazit, Yifat, Land Expropriation in Israel: Law, Culture and Society, (Routledge, 2007) 105. 291  Ibid ., 105. © Al-Haq Images Library
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ78expropriation of Palestinian land and alteration of Palestine’s demography by transferring Palestinians to expand Jewish settlement and effective control on both sides of the Green Line. New Israeli policies and laws are regularly adopted to achieve this objective. 5.1 The Central Task of Zionist Parastatal Institutions 5.1.1 Zionist Parastatal Institutions As clarified in the 1933 Montevideo Convention,292 the modern state is understood to comprise: (1) a permanent population; (2) a defined territory; (3) (institutions of) government; and (4) the ‘capacity to enter into relations with the other states.’ Israel’s case for constituting a state is unique, however. Well before Israel’s so-called ‘Proclamation of Independence’ in 1948, the Zionist movement’s pursuit of a state rested on first establishing proto- state institutions, before claiming to have a distinct population (people) or defined territory. The Zionist movement then set about establishing so- called ‘national’ institutions, predominantly in the forms of the WZO, in 1897, the JNF in 1901, and the JA, in 1921. The WZO and JA then conjoined in 1929 as the Zionist Executive.293 The founders developed and maintained a complementary division of roles between and among these institutions so as to assume the public functions of a ‘state in the making.’ The WZO/JA sought international recognition as ‘public’ institutions to make way for recognition as a ‘government.’ The Zionist leadership established other similarly chartered institutions as needed to capture and administer the other resources of the country. The consistent WZO/JA program and strategy have pursued the population transfer of Jewish persons to settle in Palestine for ‘agricultural colonization based on [exclusive] Jewish labour’ and land acquisition, or ‘redeeming’ land as ‘inalienable;’ i.e., for Jewish possession ‘in perpetuity.’ To manage the material dimensions of colonising Palestine (finance and acquisitions), the Fifth Zionist Congress in 1901 founded the JNF as a subsidiary of the 292  Article 1, Montevideo Convention. 293  CERD Report, para 38.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ79WZO and its eventual sister organisation, the JA. In 1905, the JNF began purchasing lands in Palestine. The JNF assumed the task of acquiring and administering land resources essential to the formation of a viable colony and settler colonial state. The JNF’s charter explicitly restricts its benefits ‘whether directly or indirectly, to those of Jewish race or descent’294 (emphasis added). Its chartered purpose and ‘primary objective’ were—and remain—to ‘acquire lands in Palestine’295 and to ‘promote the interests of Jews in the prescribed region.’296 In decoding Israel’s Zionist law and policy, any reference to these parastatal institutions in public functions means a statutory obligation to discriminate against all others. The JNF charter also stipulates that, ‘upon [its] dissolution…any properties whatsoever…shall be transferred to the Government of Israel,’297 further affirming its public and state functions. The close working relationship of the WZO/JA and JNF to the British mandate administration emerged as a ‘shadow government’ in Palestine,298 leading up to Israel’s 1948 ‘Proclamation of Independence.’ Those specialised settler colonial, apartheid, and population transfer institutions were soon fused to the Israeli settler colonial state by a series of legislative acts of the Israeli parliament (the Knesset), including: * WZO-JA (Status) Law (1952); * Keren Kayemet Le-Israel [JNF] Law (1953); * Covenant with Zionist Executive (1954, amended 1971); * Basic Law: Israel Lands [People’s Lands] (1960); * Agricultural Settlement Law (1967). The WZO/JA and the JNF remain pillars of Israel’s discriminatory systems of 294  That is ‘to purchase, acquire on lease, or in exchange, or receive on lease or otherwise, lands, forests, rights of possession, easements and any similar rights, as well as immovable properties of any class…for the purpose of settling Jews on such lands and properties’; Article 3(iii), JNF Memorandum of Association (1952). 295  Article 3(a), JNF Memorandum of Association (1901), and Article 3(i), JNF Memorandum of Association (1953). 296  Ibid ., Article 3(g) and Article 3(vii), respectively. 297  Ibid ., Article 6. 298  Mallison and Mallison, The Palestine Problem, 98-101.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ80housing, urban planning and development, and land administration. They advise, draft, promote, and implement laws and policies that discriminate— not always explicitly, but with deference to their discriminatory charters— against the indigenous Palestinian people, whether inside historic Palestine or in exile where today’s approximately eight million Palestinian refugees and displaced persons remain dispersed and dispossessed. In 1952, the Knesset adopted the WZO-JA (Status) Law (hereinafter ‘Status Law’),299 which authorises the WZO, JA, and affiliates to function in Israel as quasi-governmental entities. The Law states for its purposes that the WZO, operating also as the JA, continues to manage Jewish colonial settlement projects in the state. It authorises it to develop and settle Jews in the country and to coordinate with Jewish institutions and organisations active in those fields. The Status Law also establishes that their joint operations under a conjoined Zionist Executive constitute ‘[t]he mission of gathering in the exiles [sic]… the central task of the State of Israel.’ 5.1.2 Apartheid and Settler Colonial Charters Since their founding, these proto-state and now, parastatal, institutions have built on the ideological foundation, expressed in their respective charters, that persons of Jewish faith constitute a separate ‘Jewish nationality’300 defined in ‘racial’ supremacy terms with correspondingly exclusive control of, and benefit from the resources of Palestine. Israeli legislation, deferring to principles of the JA, for example, triggers the condition of only benefitting Jews as natural persons holding this superior ‘nationality’ status. Through these institutions’ extraterritorial operations, Israel imposes this status, distinct from Israeli citizenship, on persons of Jewish faith who are citizens of states other than Israel. Meanwhile, this supposed ‘Jewish nationality’ status entitles each member to automatic citizenship in Israel upon arrival in Palestine (except in certain cases of criminal conviction or apostacy). 299  WZO-JA (Status) Law 5713-1952 (hereinafter ‘Status Law’). 300  See generally, W T Mallison, Jr, ‘The Zionist-Israel Juridical Claims to Constitute “the Jewish People” Nationality and to Confer Membership in It: Appraisal in Public International Law’ (1963) 32 The George Washington Law Review 983.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ81The Status Law authorises the WZO, JA, and their affiliates to function in areas under Israel’s effective control—which, since 1967, include the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan—as quasi- governmental entities.301 The Law states for its purposes that the WZO, operating also as the JA, continues to manage Jewish settlement projects in the state and authorises it to develop and settle ‘Jewish nationals’ in the country and to coordinate with Jewish institutions and organisations active in those fields. Israel’s parastatal institutions, notably the WZO, JA, and the JNF, are chartered to carry out material discrimination against non-Jewish persons and have historically prevented the Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line from accessing or exercising control over their means of subsistence, including their natural wealth and resources, by exploiting and diverting these for the benefit of Jewish Israeli settlers. These institutions play a key role in Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people, its demographic manipulation, population transfer, and the colonisation of Palestinian land through Jewish settlement, with their principal task being ‘to work actively to build and maintain Israel as a Jewish State, particularly through immigration policy.’302 In 1998, the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) held that the ‘large-scale and systematic confiscation of Palestinian land and property by the State and the transfer of that property to these [Zionist] agencies constitute an institutionalized form of discrimination because these agencies by definition would deny the use of these properties to non-Jews.’303 All three of these sister apartheid institutions also operate extraterritorially, registered as tax-exempt ‘charities’ in some 50 countries around the world.304 301  Status Law. 302  ESCWA Report, 35. 303  CESCR, Concluding observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on Israel’s initial report, 4 December 1998, E/C.12/1/Add.27, para 11. 304  Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. See Jewish Agency for Israel Yellow Pages .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ82Shortly after anti-Zionist rabbis in the United States successfully challenged the WZO’s claim to non-governmental charity status in that country,305 the 1970 Zionist Congress resolved to rebrand itself and created a territorial division of labour between the two entities, at least nominally, with the JA determining development inside the Green Line and the WZO colonising the occupied Palestinian territory and occupied Syrian Golan. The JNF supports both operations.306 The Israeli state, its laws, and organs formally defer to Zionist parastatal institutions in all matters of legislation and policy affecting development, commerce, agriculture, access to and control over natural resources, urban planning, and civil matters.307 Thus, the granting of quasi-governmental status to Zionist institutions forms part and parcel of the institutionalisation of Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people, wherever they reside. Other such apartheid-chartered institutions include the Histadrut trade-union conglomerate (1920), managing (Jewish) labour resources,308 and Mekorot, formed in 1937 by Histadrut, the JNF, and the JA, to govern water resources with the same discriminatory purpose and effect. Histadrut, in turn, also founded the Haganah, the Zionist militia group in 1920, later to become the Israeli armed forces, and Mapai, the Israeli Labour Party in 1930.309 The most evident example of Israel’s exploitation of natural resources is its discriminatory control and allocation of Palestine’s water resources. In 1937, Histadrut, JA, and JNF collaborated to establish the Israeli publicly owned Mekorot organisation, which practices Jewish-only privilege over 305  American Council for Judaism v. United States Department of Justice , Superior Court, 9th District, Washington DC, 1968; for further information , see W Thomas Mallison, ‘The Legal Problems Concerning the Juridical Status and Political Activities of the World Zionist Organization / Jewish Agency: A Study in International and United States Law’ (1967) 9(3) William and Mary Law Review i. 306  David Blougrund, ‘The Jewish National Fund’ (2001) 49 Policy Studies 1. 307  CERD Report, para 39. 308  Formally known as the General Confederation of Hebrew Labour. From its inception, Histadrut excluded Arab labour and, thus, rejected worker solidarity in favor of national exclusivism; see Tony Greenstein, ‘Histradrut - Israel’s racist union’ (Electronic Intifada, 10 March 2009), ; William Frankel, Israel Observed: An Anatomy of the State (Thames and Hudson, 1980) 183-86. 309  Zeev Sternhell, Founding Myths of Zionism: Nationalism, Socialism, and the Making of the Jewish State (trs. David Maisel, Princeton University Press, 1998) 180.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ83the country’s water resources.310 After the proclamation of the Israeli state, Mekorot (Israel National Water Co.) was joined in 1951 by the Tahal Group, combining the efforts of the Israeli Agriculture Ministry with Mekorot’s engineering division in 1952. This implementation agency today operates with majority shares (52 per cent) held by the Israeli government, with the remainder divided equally between the JA and JNF. The apartheid charters of Zionist parastatal institutions have been incorporated into Israeli laws, policies, and practices. They have been deployed to displace and dispossess the indigenous Palestinian people, denying Palestinians the exercise of their right to self-determination, including permanent sovereignty over natural resources, and thus denying them their means of subsistence as a people.311 This configuration of Zionist parastatal institutions ensures superior status of ‘Jewish nationals’ in the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms, including the human right to water and sanitation. Beyond revoking the explicitly or implicitly discriminatory provisions in the charters of Zionist institutions, Israel should repurpose its Zionist parastatal institutions to apply their population- transfer and development expertise, assets, and programmes to implement full reparations for the Palestinian people by applying the UN reparations framework provided in General Assembly Resolution 60/147, comprising ‘restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition’ for ‘victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international humanitarian law.’312 310  See, Al-Haq, Water For One People Only: Discriminatory Access and ‘Water-Apartheid’ in the OPT (8 April 2013) 35 311  Amy Teibel, ‘Lawsuit brings murky West Bank land deals to light’ (Associated Press , 20 June 2009) ; in 2014, the Settlement Division received 130m NIS (US$34.7m) from Israel, see Nimrod Bousso, ‘Israel to Allocate $35m to World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division’ (Haaretz, 23 October 2014) . 312  UN General Assembly, Resolution 60/147, UN Doc A/RES/60/147, 21 March 2006, para 18.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ845.2 Nationality, Citizenship, and Residency Rights Since 1948, Israel has entrenched its apartheid regime through laws, policies, and practices in two main domains: land and nationality. With the start of the Nakba in 1948, around 80 per cent of the Palestinian people became refugees, dispossessed of their land and property and displaced to the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and neighbouring countries. The Palestinian people have endured an ongoing cycle of displacement and denial of return ever since, with a second wave of mass displacement following the 1967 war and Israel’s ongoing policy of population transfer.313 By the end of 2018, approximately 8.7 million Palestinians314 had been displaced, both within historic Palestine and abroad. Today, some 5.7 million Palestinian refugees are registered with UNRWA.315 Once domination was established through military conquest, occupation, and the extension of Zionist colonisation, the Israeli regime adopted a series of instrumental laws and related policies and practices pertaining to nationality, residency, and immigration to rationalise the displacement, dispossession, and transfer of the indigenous Palestinian people from their ancestral lands.316 Israeli laws pertaining to immigration and citizenship establish two separate and unequal legal categories for ‘Jews’ and ‘non- Jews,’317 in which Jews are prioritised, privileged, and receive preferential treatment, while indigenous Palestinians are further dispossessed of their lands and properties and face ongoing oppression. 313  BADIL, Q and A: What you need to know about Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (March 2020) 15-16 . 314  Ibid ., 16. 315  UNRWA, ‘UNRWA in Figures 2020-2021’ (6 September 2021) . 316  Baptiste Sellier, ‘L’usage du droit foncier par l’État d’Israël comme arme d’appropriation de l’espace Palestinien : Quelle comparaison avec l’ Algérie Coloniale ?’ 1 . 317  Uri Davis, Israel: An Apartheid State (Zed Books, 1987) 26-38.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ855.2.1 Constructing a Superior ‘Jewish Nationality’ Status The Law of Return (1950)318 is the cornerstone of Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people. It grants every Jewish person the exclusive right as an oleh (‘Jewish immigrant’) to enter and settle the land of historic Palestine. Since 1950, this law has been the basis for the immigration thereto of Jewish persons born anywhere in the world. The Law of Return is applicable exclusively to Jewish persons and cements the existence of two separate legal categories for ‘Jewish’ and ‘non-Jewish’ persons. Through incorporation of Zionist ideology into Israeli law, Israel thereby established a superior status for ‘Jewish nationals’ that is distinct from citizenship. In stark contrast, Palestinian refugees, whether living in the occupied Palestinian territory or abroad, are categorically denied their right of return. The Law of Return ‘assigns the right for “Jewish nationality” to every Jewish individual anywhere in the world,’ as BADIL has noted.319 The public law notion of ‘Jewish nationality’ is an extraterritorial concept. It encompasses Jewish persons with the citizenship of other states. This concept forms the core of Zionist ideology that claims that all Jewish persons belong to a separate ‘Jewish nation’ and, as a result, owe ‘allegiance’ to the Israeli state and hold exclusive rights to settle the land of Palestine. This status, according to Israeli law, is conferred upon birth to any Jewish person in the world. In a challenge to this notion by the American Council for Judaism, the United States Department of State rejected the notion of ‘Jewish nationality’ as a concept of international law already in the 1960s.320 In 1952, the Knesset adopted the Citizenship Law,321 which is often deceptively mistranslated as a ‘law of nationality,’ creating confusion 318  The Law of Return, 1950. 319  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer: The Case of Palestine – Denial of Residency Working Paper No. 16 (April 2014) 10 . 320  Letter of United States Assistant Secretary of State Phillip Talbot to the American Council for Judaism’s Executive Vice-President Rabbi Elmer Berger, 20 April 1964, reprinted in W. Thomas Mallison, Jr., ‘The Zionist-Israel juridical claims to constitute the `Jewish people’ entity and to confer membership in it: appraisal in public international law’ (1964) 32(5) The George Washington Law 983, 1075. 321  Citizenship Law (5712-1952).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ86and deflecting attention from the important distinction between these two kinds of status in Zionist policy. Israel’s Citizenship Law recognises ‘return’ as one pathway to Israeli citizenship. However, this pathway is unique to Jewish persons, defined as persons born to a Jewish mother or, in rare cases, who have converted to Judaism. The Citizenship Law sets out three other ways to become an Israeli citizen: by birth, marriage, or residency. However, because of the superior status of ‘Jewish nationality,’ citizenship is not and has never been a basis for equal rights in the Israeli legal system.322 Thus, the Citizenship Law entrenches Israel’s separate and unequal apartheid regime into Israeli law. Moreover, the Citizenship Law nullified the British mandate-era 1925 Palestinian Citizenship Order- in-Council that created the legal status of Palestinian citizenship in mandatory Palestine. As Tatour argued, ‘Israel’s decision to discontinue Palestinian citizenship was an act affirming Jewish independence and proclaiming sovereignty… an act of erasure.’323 The Citizenship Law confers automatic Israeli citizenship by birth to any Jewish person born anywhere in the world, who enters Israeli-controlled territory under the Law of Return. It grants Jewish persons the right to settle in any part of the territory under Israeli jurisdiction or effective control, including the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan. Since the start of its occupation, the Law of Return has been used by the Israeli regime to extend the same benefits and privileges to Jewish settlers illegally residing in the territories occupied since 1967, who are considered ‘residents of Israel’ or are entitled to ‘immigrate’ under the Law of Return. In turn, Palestinian rights or rather the denial thereof is justified under Israeli law on the basis of residency (or failure to prove residency) in the country. It is through this mechanism that millions of Palestinians who became refugees in and around 1948 have been legally denationalised and, through prevention of their right of return, denied residency in the country and barred from obtaining legal status in their homeland. Through 322  Roselle Tekiner, ‘Race and the Issue of National Identity in Israel’ (1991) 23(1) International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 39-55. 323  Tatour, ‘Citizenship as Domination: Settler Colonialism and the Making of Palestinian Citizenship in Israel’ (3 December 2019) 18 .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ87its discriminatory application to the benefit of ‘Jewish nationals,’ the Citizenship Law has precluded Palestinians who were displaced from or otherwise residing outside of historic Palestine between 1948 and 1952 (i.e., ‘absentees’) from obtaining Israeli citizenship.324 In essence, the Citizenship Law and related laws and policies, as Tatour argues, ‘function as the legal embodiment of wider processes of settler indigenization and native de-indigenization, in which “settlers and their polity appear to be proper to the land” and natives become foreign invaders.’325 These and similar laws empower the Israeli regime to manage and manipulate the demographics in the territories under its effective control in favour of Jewish settlement, while denying the realisation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian refugees and their descendants. Jewish nationals are accorded full rights and privileges under Israeli law, including to bring their spouses into the country. In this way, the constructed legal concept of ‘Jewish nationality’ operates through the inclusion of persons identified as superior and the exclusion of everyone else, particularly targeting the indigenous Palestinian people. In 2018, the Knesset adopted the Basic Law: Israel—The Nation-State of the Jewish People (hereinafter ‘Jewish Nation-State Basic Law’).326 The law exemplifies the apartheid nature of Israel’s legal system. It reaffirms the Zionist character of the Israeli state and further elevates the privileged status of Jewish persons therein, whether or not they hold Israeli citizenship. Through its articulation of the state’s character as ‘exclusively Jewish,’ the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law further weakens the constitutional status of the indigenous Palestinian people.327 As a Basic Law, it modifies the state’s constitutional framework to serve Jewish persons, as a racial group. It explicitly provides under Article 1(c) that: ‘The exercise of the right to national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.’ Article 7 of the law further provides: 324  HSRC Study, 212-14. 325  Tatour, ‘Citizenship as Domination,’ 10. 326  Basic Law: Israel – The Nation-State of the Jewish People (2018) (hereinafter ‘Jewish Nation-State Basic Law’) . 327  See Adalah, Israel’s Nation State Law .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ88The State views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its establishment and strengthening. Thus, throughout historic Palestine and in the occupied Syrian Golan, the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law provides for the entrenchment and expansion of Jewish colonial settlement at the expense of the indigenous peoples. As such, it escalates indigenous displacement and dispossession.328 Within the framework of international humanitarian law, the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law effectively extends illegal Israeli settlement as a ‘national value’ into the territories occupied since 1967, in direct violation of Israel’s obligations as the Occupying Power. The Jewish Nation-State Basic Law represents the most significant escalation in the overt legalisation of Israel’s apartheid regime against the Palestinian people since 1948. Yet, as discussed earlier in this report, it only entrenched what was already established under Zionist doctrine and policy since the start of settler colonisation in historic Palestine. Through Israeli legislation in the area of nationality, the Palestinian people are relegated to an inferior status and expressly denied their collective rights, notably to self-determination, return, and permanent sovereignty over natural resources. Such institutionalised discrimination exemplifies the use of Israeli apartheid legislation as a tool to enable and further entrench Zionist settler colonialisation. 328  See Al-Haq, Factsheet: Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law” and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (23 January 2019) .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ895.2.2 Denationalisation of Palestinians: (Denial of) Citizenship and Residency Through institutionalising a superior ‘Jewish nationality’ status under Israeli law, Israel has denationalised Palestinian refugees en masse since 1948. The denial of residency and citizenship rights to Palestinians is a key tool used by the Israeli regime as part of its wider strategy to transfer and fragment the Palestinian people, and thereby engineer a Jewish demographic majority. Palestinians permanently residing within the Green Line after 1948 were granted Israeli citizenship from 1952 onward. However, the process was by no means straightforward and for many Palestinian families it took years and even decades before they were granted Israeli citizenship. Indeed, approximately 63,000 of the estimated 160,000 Palestinians living inside the Green Line received citizenship with the enactment of the Citizenship Law in 1952.329 As noted by Tatour, ‘the decision to extend citizenship was motivated by a desire to solidify the demographic outcomes of the Nakba… by denying the possibility of citizenship to as many Palestinians as possible.’330 Given its bifurcation from ‘nationality’ status, Israeli citizenship remains a precarious status that can be revoked at any time by the Israeli regime, using broad and vague criteria. For example, the Israeli state has summarily revoked the citizenship of thousands of Palestinian Bedouin living in the Naqab region, thus rendering them stateless.331 Amendment No 30 (2008) to the Citizenship Law gave the Israeli government the power to revoke Israeli citizenship on grounds of ‘breach of allegiance’ to the Zionist state, a measure that is defined broadly. For example, it lists as grounds for revocation the act of residing in one of nine Arab and Muslim states as well as the Gaza Strip, without requiring a criminal investigation.332 The law has never been used against a Jewish Israeli citizen.333 329  Tatour, ‘Citizenship as Domination,’ 30. 330  Ibid ., 14. 331  Adalah, Israel illegally revoking citizenship from thousands of Bedouin citizens, leaving them stateless (18 September 2017) . 332  Haneen Naamnih, ‘New Anti-Arab Legislation’ (2008) 50 Adalah’s Newsletter 1 . 333  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 16 , 25-26.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ90In Jerusalem, the same process has been implemented through targeting Palestinians’ residency rights in the city. By creating the precarious status of ‘permanent residents’ for Palestinians in the eastern part of Jerusalem since 1967, the Israeli state created a situation whereby entry into and residency in Jerusalem is a revocable privilege as opposed to a right. Residency revocation is the most common and direct tool used to transfer protected Palestinians from the city of Jerusalem.334 Israeli occupying authorities instituted onerous requirements for Palestinians in Jerusalem to continuously prove that their so-called ‘centre of life’ is in the city in order to maintain their residency rights. In 1995, the Israeli Interior Ministry initiated a new policy whereby residency could be revoked if a permanent resident’s ‘centre of life’ had moved ‘outside of Israel,’ a policy that also included the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Palestinians with permanent residency in Jerusalem are required to provide proof that Jerusalem is their ‘centre of life’ through documentation such as home ownership papers, rent contracts, bills for municipal services, and children’s school registration in a stringent and non-transparent process.335 Palestinians in Jerusalem who cannot prove this severe criteria for seven years or more thereby lose their right to live in their city and are forced to leave their homes.336 Since 1967, the Israeli state has revoked the residency status of over 14,500 Palestinians from Jerusalem.337 Over the years, Israel has gradually expanded the criteria for the revocation of residency rights, including increasingly on punitive grounds. On 7 March 2018, the Knesset codified such practice with the adoption of Amendment No 30 to the Entry into Israel Law, which gave the Interior Minister the power to revoke the permanent residency status of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem for so-called ‘breach of allegiance to Israel.’338 According to 334  Al-Haq, Residency Revocation: Israel’s Forcible Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem (3 July 2017) . 335  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 16, 24. 336  Ibid . 337  Al-Haq, Punitive Residency Revocation: the Most Recent Tool of Forcible Transfer (17 March 2018) . 338  Al-Haq, Urgent Appeal: Israel Must Suspend and Repeal Recent Legislation Allowing for the Revocation of Permanent Residency Status from Palestinians in Jerusalem for ‘Breach of Allegiance’ (8 March 2018) .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ91the Interior Ministry, there have been 13 cases of residency revocation due to ‘breach of allegiance’ since 2006. In accordance with Article 45 of the Hague Regulations, international humanitarian law prohibits Israel, as the Occupying Power, from compelling the civilian population in the occupied territory to swear allegiance to the occupier. Nevertheless, as part of its establishment of an institutionalised regime of oppression and domination, the Israeli state continues to control the granting of residency status to Palestinians. After the 1967 war, the Israeli occupying authorities also put in place a residency system for Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip under Israeli military law. This system also included mechanisms for revoking residency status. Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory were required to acquire exit permits, at the discretion of the Israeli Interior Ministry, to travel abroad. If a resident failed to return before the expiration of their permit, they were at risk of being deleted from the population registry and losing their residency status.339 From 1967 until 1994, the Israeli state revoked the residency status of around 140,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and 108,878 from the Gaza Strip.340 Under the Oslo Accords, authority over the population registry was transferred to the newly-established Palestinian Authority in 1995. The Palestinian Authority was permitted to grant permanent residency in the West Bank, excluding the eastern part of Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip for family unification, subject to the approval of the Israeli occupying authorities. On this basis, the Palestinian Authority cannot issue valid identity cards for Palestinians on its own without Israel’s approval, as a result of which many Palestinians are left without documentation. Until October 2021, the Israeli occupying authorities had imposed a decade-long freeze on the process, during which almost no residency requests for Palestinians were approved.341 339  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 16 , 18. 340  HaMoked, ‘Ceased Residency’: between 1967 and 1994 Israel revoked the residency of some quarter million Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip (12 June 2012) . 341  The Times of Israel, ‘Israel approves residency for 4,000 Palestinians, after 10-year freeze’ (19 October 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ925.2.3 Targeting Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem In 1967, the Israeli occupying authorities illegally annexed the eastern part of Jerusalem, in violation of international law and seized control over and placed restrictions on the movement of people to, from, and within the occupied Palestinian territory. Under the Entry into Israel Law of 1952,342 Israeli occupying authorities imposed the precarious ‘permanent resident’ status on Palestinians present in the eastern part of Jerusalem following the 1967 war, effectively rendering Palestinians ‘foreign visitors’ in the city of their birth. As of May 2021, there were 358,804 Palestinian ‘permanent residents’ of Jerusalem.343 Residency revocation became a tool of Zionist population transfer and demographic manipulation in Jerusalem to implant Jewish settlers and settlements in their place, in violation of the status of the city of Jerusalem under international law and the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including permanent sovereignty.344 The 2000 Jerusalem Master Plan, the first comprehensive plan developed by the municipality of occupation for the whole city of Jerusalem, was tellingly drafted without any consultation with Palestinians living in the city. The plan clearly shows the Israeli settler colonial state’s intentions to dominate and control the city of Jerusalem, while imposing its desired demographic makeup. The occupation municipality’s plan is overtly discriminatory as it explicitly seeks to secure a demographic ratio of 70 per cent Israeli Jews to 30 per cent Palestinians in the city. At the same time, it recognises as more probable a ratio of 60 per cent Israeli Jews to 40 per cent Palestinians, ‘to create a demographic and geographic reality capable of curbing any efforts to challenge Israeli sovereignty in East Jerusalem.’345 For example, the plan calls for 13,500 new housing units for Palestinians in the city, far short of the projected 15,000–30,000 units needed by 2030. In contrast, 342  Entry into Israel Law (5712-1952) . 343  ACRI, East Jerusalem – Facts and Figures, 2021 (10 May 2021) . 344  Article 1, ICCPR and ICESCR. 345  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer: The Case of Palestine – Discriminatory Zoning and Planning Working Paper No. 17 (December 2014), 38 .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ93the plan allocates 5,000 dunams of land for the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements for 200,000 Jewish settlers.346 To further its demographic goals and incorporate the maximum amount of land with the minimum number of Palestinians, both the executive and legislative branches of the Israeli government have in recent years adopted and proposed bills before the Knesset seeking to expand the occupation’s municipal boundaries of Jerusalem to annex illegal West Bank settlements, while expelling thousands of Palestinians from the city.347 Today, at least 140,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem live in Jerusalem neighbourhoods separated behind the Annexation Wall, including in Shu’fat refugee camp, ‘Anata, and Kufr ‘Aqab.348 They make up roughly a third of the city’s Palestinian residents and yet are severed from Jerusalem through the Annexation Wall and Israeli checkpoints. The Israeli legislature’s so- called ‘Greater Jerusalem’ bills openly seek to alter the city’s demographic composition through forcing the removal of densely-populated Palestinian neighbourhoods from Jerusalem and the incorporation of roughly the same number of Jewish settlers. These measures are in addition to the Israeli state policy to isolate and physically separate Palestinians in Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a policy that has resulted in the severe obstruction and marginalisation of Palestinian political, social, economic, and cultural life in the city. Since construction began in 2002, the Annexation Wall and its associated closure and permit regime, including checkpoints and road closures, have radically transformed the city and entrenched Palestinian fragmentation.349 The route of the Annexation Wall in and around the city of Jerusalem serves Israel’s long-term demographic goals to annex as much land as possible with minimal Palestinian presence.350 346  Ibid ., 39-40. 347  Al-Haq, The Occupation and Annexation of Jerusalem through Israeli Bills and Laws (15 March 2018) . 348  Jaclynn Ashly, ‘Palestinians in Kufr Aqab: “We live here just to wait”’ (Al Jazeera , 7 January 2018) . 349  See generally, UNCTAD, The Palestinian economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring annexation, isolation and disintegration (2013) . 350  B’Tselem, The Separation Barrier (11 November 2017) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ94Through its fragmentation of the occupied Palestinian territory and closure of Jerusalem, Israel has pursued the social and economic suffocation of Palestinians in Jerusalem while attempting to redirect Palestinian presence away from the city.351 The Israeli policy toward Jerusalem has worked to radically alter the character and composition of the city through ‘Judaisation’ of street names and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements,352 including within Palestinian neighbourhoods such as Sheikh Jarrah353 and Silwan.354 These policies have been further apparent in the Old City of Jerusalem, which remains a central target of Israel’s goal to erase Palestinian presence, culture, heritage, and identity in the city.355 5.2.4 Denial of Family Life and Child Registration In accordance with Zionist doctrine, Israeli policy pertaining to the domains of family life and child registration is materially discriminatory and intended to escalate the transfer of Palestinians from their homes and lands. Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as Palestinian exiles who are citizens of third states, face significant challenges in receiving family unification permits when marrying a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem or a Palestinian citizen of Israel.356 Such racially-motivated restrictions not only undermine the right to family life, but also prevent natural Palestinian population growth and place severe stress and uncertainty on Palestinian families and children. 351  Marya Farah, Occupying Jerusalem’s Old City: Israeli Policies of Isolation, Intimidation and Transformation (Al-Haq, 2019) . 352  Al-Haq, Atarot Settlement: The Industrial Key in Israel’s Plant to Permanently Erase Palestine (2020) . 353  Al-Haq, ‘Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan: Ongoing Nakba and Israeli Dispossession of Palestinians’ (27 May 2021) . 354  Antoine Frère, House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem (Al-Haq, 2020) . 355  Marya Farah, Occupying Jerusalem’s Old City , 57. 356  Al-Haq, Engineering Community: Family Unification, Entry Restrictions and other Israeli Policies of Fragmenting Palestinians (13 February 2019) 6-7 .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ95The Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, first enacted in 2003 as a Temporary Order by the Knesset, prohibits the granting of residency or citizenship status to Palestinian spouses from the occupied Palestinian territory who are married to Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, thereby denying them of their rights to family unification, family life, equality in marriage, and choice of spouse, contrary to Article 23 of the ICCPR. In 2008, the Israeli state completely banned family unification for Palestinians from the Gaza Strip.357 Meanwhile, Palestinians with Jerusalem residency status who marry West Bank residents are required to apply for family unification. Palestinian residents of Jerusalem must provide a long list of supporting documents to the Israeli Interior Ministry, which has the discretion to decide not to grant the couple’s family unification request. It can take two years to receive an answer from the Ministry, during which time the couple cannot ‘legally’ live together in Jerusalem.358 Prior to 2003, the spouse of a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem would receive permanent residency status in the city following a very long and discriminatory family unification process by the Interior Ministry.359 However, since the adoption of the 2003 Temporary Order spouses, if approved, would only receive temporary residency to be renewed annually. The Temporary Order also set a minimum age requirement for Palestinians requesting family unification: women must be 25 years of age or older and men must be 35 years of age or older, effectively banning family unification for those who do not meet the age requirement.360 357  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 16 , 37. 358  Ibid ., 31. 359  The Society of St. Yves, Catholic Center for Human Rights, Palestinian Families Under Threat: 10 Years of Family Unifi cation Freeze in Jerusalem (December 2013) 8-9 . 360  Haaretz, ‘Israel Can’t Keep Denying Palestinian Family Unification, Top Court Says’ (11 January 2022) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ96Over a third of family unification applications coming from Palestinian Jerusalem residents were denied between 2000 and 2013.361 By November 2020, some 12,700 Palestinians were said to have been living with temporary permits in Jerusalem through the family unification procedure, with around 70 per cent deprived of social security rights or status within the Israeli system.362 In many cases, Palestinians may have their family unification permits cancelled for so-called ‘security reasons.’ If a member of the extended family is declared a ‘security threat’ by the Israeli regime, their relatives living in Jerusalem through family unification will also have their permit to live in the city punitively revoked as collective punishment.363 In 2019, the Israeli Population and Immigration Authority began rejecting family unification requests based on ‘intolerable workload’ rather than the merits of the request.364 Despite criticism from UN human rights treaty bodies, notably CERD,365 the racist Temporary Order was renewed on an annual basis until July 2021 when it was voted down by the Knesset as a result of political infighting between the ruling coalition, Likud, and Religious Zionism.366 Despite the law’s expiration, the Israeli Interior Minister and the state prosecutor’s office continued to apply the discriminatory law to 361  Al-Haq, Living Under Israeli Policies of Colonization in Jerusalem (4 February 2017) ; official Israeli papers specifically relate to the ‘demographic balance’ in Jerusalem (see for instance: Jerusalem Local Outline Plan 2000, Report No. 4 – The Suggested Plan and the Planning Policy, August 2004, p 202). 362  HaMoked, Ministry of Interior data reveals: some 12,700 Palestinians live in East Jerusalem and Israel by virtue of family unification processes; of them, some 70% are without social security rights or status in Israel (23 November 2020) . 363  See UN OCHA, Concern about collective punishment: new measures targeting the residency rights of East Jerusalem Palestinians (13 April 2017) ; HaMoked, Minister of Interior announced yesterday he had revoked the status of relatives of the Armon HaNatziv attacker: ‘Only immediate and practical acts will deter assailants. I am convinced that the revocation of family members’ status will serve as a warning for others’ (26 January 2017) . 364  Nir Hasson, ‘Israel Seeks to Block All East Jerusalem Family Reunification Hearings Over ‘Workload’’ (Haaretz, 1 May 2019) . 365  CERD, Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to nineteenth reports of Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 24-25. 366  Haaretz, ‘In Blow to Bennett, Knesset Votes Down Extending Citizenship Law’ (5 July 2021) .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ97Palestinian applications in 2021,367 demonstrating that such discriminatory policy does not end when Israeli laws are not renewed. In March 2022, the Knesset approved the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) of 2022, which bans Palestinian family unification, including with Palestinian citizens of Israel and ‘with spouses from “enemy states”, including Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran.’368 With respect to child registration, the Israeli state imposes severe restrictions on the registration of children born of couples where one or both spouses are Palestinian residents of Jerusalem,369 while new-borns of Israeli Jewish citizens immediately receive an identification number at the hospital. After the child’s birth, Palestinian permanent residents of Jerusalem receive only a form titled ‘notification of live birth,’ and face significant obstacles to register their child, thereby leaving them in a vulnerable situation. This deprives the child of the right to live permanently in the place where they were born or where their parents reside.370 The parents must then submit to the Israeli Interior Ministry a ‘request to register a birth’ and include a long list of documents as proof that the family’s ‘centre of life’ has been in Jerusalem for the previous two years.371 Such documents include: a rental lease agreement, home ownership documents, water and electricity bills, and payment of the municipal tax.372 Moreover, the Israeli Interior Ministry does not always inform parents that their child does not have an identity number or that they must initiate the child registration process before the child reaches 14 years of age, after which the Ministry only grants ‘temporary permits’ resembling a tourist visa that allows the child to remain inside the Green Line or in Jerusalem.373 367  Haaretz, ‘Months after Citizenship Law lapses, ban on Palestinian spouses still in place’ (7 October 2021) . 368  Adalah, ‘Israel Reinstates Ban on Palestinian Family Unification’ (10 March 2022) . 369  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 16 , 39. 370  Ibid ., 40. 371  Ibid , 40-41. 372  Ibid ., 40. 373  Ibid ., 41.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ98According to an estimation by the Society of St. Yves, between 2004 and July 2013, some 10,000 Palestinian children were not registered in Jerusalem.374 For children, the Israeli Interior Ministry has based its rejection of child registration on so-called ‘security concerns’ and by claiming that the family does not fulfil its requirements to prove Jerusalem is their ‘centre of life.’375 Thus, under the Israeli regime, fragmented Palestinians face a systematic denial of their right to family life, including family unification and child registration, in direct violation of Articles 23 and 24 of the ICCPR. They are forced to live apart or live ‘illegally’ together under constant risk of arrest and forcible transfer. 374  The Society of St. Yves, Catholic Center for Human Rights, Palestinian Families Under Threat , 10. 375  Ibid .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ995.3 (Denying) Land and Property Rights Since 1948, the Israeli state has devised a system to ‘legalise’ and otherwise legitimise its illegal seizure of Palestinian land, homes, and properties taken by force. Israeli law and Zionist parastatal institutions then expanded this demographic-manipulation system through discriminatory zoning and planning policies to further confiscate and appropriate Palestinian land, restrict and confine the growth of Palestinian villages and cities, and exclude Palestinians from residing in exclusive Jewish settlements on both sides of the Green Line. After annexing the whole of the Naqab region in the south, the Israeli military proceeded to demolish 108 Naqab villages and village points, while transferring their Palestinian inhabitants into a central- Naqab enclosure, known as siyaj, in what Israeli planners called rekuzim (concentrations), where they mostly are confined today.376 Within weeks after the 1967 war, the Israeli military government extended such laws and practices, already well established under Israeli military administration inside the Green Line (1948–1966), to the occupied Palestinian territory.377 These actions violated the international humanitarian law prohibition against an Occupying Power altering the legal institutions in an occupied territory.378 As in the 1948 Nakba, these included depopulating and transferring Palestinians from strategic areas to achieve the desired Jewish-majority demography and justifying the annexation of additional Palestinian territory. The legal planning regime devised by Israel has effectively rendered the indigenous Palestinian people ‘trespassers’ in their own land ‘[b]y retracing the boundaries of domains and their possible legal uses, changing the procedures for land sales and acquisition, [and] redefining property regimes as well as the statutes and rights of the populations previously occupying these spaces.’379 376  See Anthony Coon, Steven Kahanovitz, Miloon Kothari, Rudolfo Stavenhagen, The Goldberg Opportunity: A Chance for Human Rights-based Statecraft in Israel (HIC-HLRN, 2010) . 377  Nakhleh, ‘The Two Galilees.’ 378  Articles 43 and 47, Hague Regulations. 379  Baptiste Sellier, ‘L’usage du droit foncier par l’État d’Israël comme arme d’appropriation de l’espace Palestinien : Quelle comparaison avec l’ Algérie Coloniale ? ’ 1 (authors’ translation from French) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ100In addition to the international law prohibition of cross-border population transfer and demographic manipulation domestically, the UN Vancouver Declaration and Action Plan (Habitat I, 1976) recognised that: The ideologies of States are reflected in their human settlement policies. These being powerful instruments for change, they must not be used to dispossess people from their land or entrench privilege and exploitation.380 Subsequently, the 1998 UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement prohibited arbitrary displacement ‘when it is based on policies of apartheid, “ethnic cleansing” or similar practices aimed at/or resulting in altering the ethnic, religious or racial composition of the affected population.’381 Through discriminatory planning and zoning and the exploitation of land and other natural resources, the Israeli regime displaces and dispossesses Palestinians, denying them their means of subsistence as part of their collective right to self-determination.382 These policies, in turn, contribute to the constant threat—and actual experience—of forced displacement and dispossession for indigenous Palestinians. 5.3.1 Expropriation and Appropriation of Palestinian Land After conducting a series of strategic massacres, Zionist militias drove at least 750,000 Palestinians,383 including 80,000 from the western part of Jerusalem, whose homes, lands, and properties were seized by Zionist militias and settlers.384 Israel now claims to control 93 per cent of the land 380  Preamble, para 3, Vancouver Action Plan . 381  UN, Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (1998), Principle 6(2)(a). 382  Article 1(2), ICCPR and ICESCR. 383  Figure cited in UNWRA, Palestine Refugees ; see estimation of 770-780,000 expelled, in Janet L Abu Lughod, ‘The demographic transformation of Palestine’ in Ibrahim Abu Lughod (ed), The Transformation of Palestine, 1948–1967 (Northwestern University Press, 1971) 161. 384  Adam Raz, Looting of Arab Property in the War of Independence (Carmel Publishing House, 2020) Avi-ram Tzoreff, ‘Carpets, books, and jewelry: Why looting was central to the Nakba’ (+972 magazine, 24 March 2022) .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ101inside the Green Line.385 The new state began to institute a legal framework that would serve to ‘obscure the issue of dispossession and refugees,’ while also establishing structural inequality between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians.386 In doing so, the Israeli state sealed the dispossession of Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and other Palestinians who were abroad at the time of the 1948 war, by legally classifying them as ‘absentees,’ thus barring their inalienable right of return and appropriating their property. In addition to conquest, the Israeli state legalised and expanded its control of Palestinian land through both de jure confiscation, which transfers ownership to the state, and de facto confiscation, which hinders or denies the owner of use and access to their property after it has been designated for various uses, such as closed military zones, ‘national parks,’ checkpoints, and by-pass roads.387 These laws, policies, and practices already well- established within Israeli polity were then extended and operationalised in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967 and have continued to evolve as a main tool of population transfer and apartheid.388 In 1950, the Israeli legislature adopted the Absentee Property Law,389 the main law regulating the property of Palestinians who were forced to flee, were away from their property, or were deported with the start of the Nakba.390 The law defines as ‘absentee’ any person who was expelled, fled, or left the country after 19 November 1947 and designates their movable and immovable property as ‘absentee property.’ Through this law, 385  Adalah, Challenging ILA Policy of Tenders Open Only to Jews for Jewish National Fund Lands, . 386  Baptiste Sellier, ‘L’usage du droit foncier par l’État d’Israël comme arme d’appropriation de l’espace Palestinien : Quelle comparaison avec l’ Algérie Coloniale ? ’ 3 . 387  BADIL, Land Confiscation and Denial of Use – Working Paper No. 21 (October 2017) 9-10 . 388  Ibid ., 10-11. 389  Absentee Property Law (5710-1950) . 390  Norwegian Refugee Council, Legal Memo: The Absentee Property Law and its Application to East Jerusalem (February 2017) 1 .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ102Palestinian property deemed to be ‘absentee property’ was confiscated by the state and the control thereof was transferred to the Custodianship Council for Absentee Property, stripping Palestinians of their rights to their property ever since. In 1967, the Israeli occupying authorities extended the law to the eastern part of Jerusalem along with its illegal annexation. Since then, Israeli settler groups have used the Absentee Property Law to further pursue Palestinian dispossession across the city.391 The Absentee Property Law has created significant obstacles for Palestinians to successfully establish their rights to property or land. This law did not only apply to Palestinians outside of historic Palestine, but also to Palestinian survivors of the Nakba, including those internally displaced inside the Green Line. It has also resulted in significant difficulties for Palestinians when seeking to obtain Israeli-issued licenses to build and complete property transactions.392 The Absentee Property Law also created the paradoxical category of ‘present absentees’ for Palestinians who were internally displaced within the Green Line and whose properties were confiscated by the state.393 In addition to the Absentee Property Law, the Israeli state adopted the Prevention of Infiltration Law (1954). This legislative device considered Palestinians whom Zionist militias had expelled to be ‘infiltrators’ who could be imprisoned for up to five years or heavily fined for returning to their homes and properties. In January 1949, shortly after Zionist forces ethnically cleansed much of Palestine, the Israeli settler state conferred one million dunams of Palestinian refugees’ land and other properties to the JNF. In October 1950, the state transferred another 1.2 million dunams of refugees’ lands to the JNF. The tactical meaning of these land transfers is important, because, as explained by a JNF spokesperson in 1951, the transfer of title to the JNF was intended to ‘redeem the lands and… turn them over to the Jewish people—to the people and not the state, which in the current composition 391  Ibid . 392  Ibid . 393  Haneen Naamnih, ‘Palestinian Refugees’ Property in Their Own Land: Politics of Absence and Alienation’ in Nadim N Rouhana and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury (eds), The Palestinians in Israel: Readings in History, Politics and Society (2nd volume, Mada al-Carmel Arab Center for Applied Social Research, 2018) 50.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ103of population cannot be an adequate guarantor of Jewish ownership.’394 In September 1953, the Israeli Custodian of Absentee Properties executed a contract with the Israeli Department of Construction and Development, whereby the Custodian transferred the ownership of all the Palestinian lands under his control to the latter. The price for these properties was to be retained by the Israeli Department of Construction and Development as a loan. At the same time, the Custodian conveyed the ownership of the houses and commercial buildings in the cities to Amidar, a quasi-public Israeli company founded to settle Jewish persons,395 and thus began a practice that forms an unbroken pattern to this day. Three months before that 1953 transaction, the JNF also executed a contract with the Israeli Department of Construction and Development, acquiring 2,373,677 dunams of land. By this time, the JNF had become statutorily fused to the Israeli state by the Status Law. The deal was completed after the Department concluded its transaction with the Custodian. As a result, Palestinian property changed hands and its consolidation under the JNF, whose ‘ownership’ totalled over 90 per cent of the total territories that fell under the control of the Israeli state in 1948. The landed properties are referred to in Israel as ‘national land,’ a subtle-but-important distinction, understood to mean that it is limited to exclusive use by Jews (‘Jewish nationals’), whoever and wherever they may be, and foreclosed to the indigenous Palestinian people, including its rightful private and collective owners.396 In addition, the Land Acquisition Law (Actions and Compensation), adopted in 1953, allowed for the transfer of land ownership from its Palestinian owners to the state that had been previously taken for military and development purposes or existing and newly-established Jewish settlements.397 As a result, 394  Jewish National Fund, Report to the 23rd Congress, 32-33 (emphasis in original), cited in Walter Lehn and Uri Davis, The Jewish National Fund (Kegan Paul, 1988) 108. 395  Sabri Jiryis, The Arabs in Israel (Monthly Review Press, 1976) 77-101; Usama Halabi, ‘Israeli Law as a Tool of Confiscation, Planning, and Settlement Policy’ (2000) 2 Adalah’s Review 7-13. 396  Jiryis, The Arabs in Israel , 77-101. 397  Baptiste Sellier, ‘L’usage du droit foncier par l’État d’Israël comme arme d’appropriation de l’espace Palestinien : Quelle comparaison avec l’ Algérie Coloniale ?’ 4 .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ104an additional 1.2 to 1.3 million dunams of land were expropriated from the Palestinian people.398 In conjunction, the Land Ordinance of 1943 and its amendments, originating from the British mandate era, has also been used to confiscate Palestinian land for ‘public purposes’ and transfer it to state ownership.399 Much of the confiscations of Palestinian land inside the Green Line took place between 1948 until the end of military rule in 1966, but they continue under various other pretexts.400 Other laws imposed following Israel’s establishment also contribute to the ‘legalisation’ of the acquisition of territory by force and the forcible transfer of Palestinians. The Basic Law: Israel Lands (1960) ensured that the ownership of ‘Israel lands’—namely land, houses, buildings, and anything permanent fixed to land—by Israeli state institutions and Zionist parastatal institutions is non-transferrable beyond three entities, the state, the JNF, and the Development Authority, thereby preventing its return to Palestinians.401 In parallel, the Israel Lands Administration Law (1960) established the Israel Lands Administration to administer the newly-gained land acquired by conquest, confiscation, and expropriation, and the Israel Lands Council, which is empowered to develop the land policy and supervise the activities of the administration.402 However, the law allows for the transfer of ownership among those three entities and remains fully consistent with the JNF charter’s cardinal rule: to manage and lease land on behalf of Jews only.403 It must be understood that, within the founding principles of the WZO/JA and JNF, the designation as public and state land renders said land exclusively for Jewish use. Hence, Israel’s Public Lands Law (Eviction of Squatters) of 1981 398  Land Acquisition Law (Actions and Compensation ) (1953) . 399  Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance – Amendment No. 10 (2010) . 400  Human Rights Watch, Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians (12 May 2020) . 401  Basic Law: Israel Lands (1960) . 402  Israel Lands Administration Law (1960) . 403  See CERD Report, paras 42-46.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ105enables the state to remove from public and state lands persons from ‘land, houses, buildings and anything permanently fixed to land’ who fall outside that privileged category. A 2005 amendment to this law expanded the Israel Lands Administration’s powers and those of its agencies to use administrative orders to dispossess Palestinians. Although Israeli state agencies have applied it to alter the demographic composition of Jerusalem404 and elsewhere, the 2005 amendment was aimed primarily against the Palestinian Bedouin in the southern Naqab. In 1967, Israel extended the application of the Absentee Property Law to the eastern part of Jerusalem following its illegal annexation. As a result, most property in there was considered ‘absentee property,’ because it was within the ‘territory of Israel’ and the Palestinian owners were Jordanian citizens following Jordan’s control over the West Bank from 1948 to 1967.405 This issue was partially resolved following the passage of the Legal and Administrative Matters Law in 1970, which determined that Palestinian residents of Jerusalem would not be considered absentees for their property in the city, yet Palestinians residing outside the eastern part of Jerusalem remained defined as ‘absentees.’406 Palestinian Jerusalem residents remained absentees with respect to their property within the Green Line as well. The Legal and Administrative Matters Law cemented the dispossession and displacement of Palestinians in Jerusalem, and allowed Israeli Jews to pursue claims for land and property allegedly owned by Jewish persons in the eastern part of Jerusalem prior to the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948.407 Under the law, the assets of Jews in the eastern part of Jerusalem, which had been managed by the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy 404  Gil Stern Stern Zohar, ‘The land is whose land? Private landowners, urban planners and political activists grapple with territorial disputes in east Jerusalem’ (The Jerusalem Post, 26 July 2007) ; Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, ‘Arab Squatters Evicted From Jerusalem House Owned by Jews for 140 Years’ (Breaking Israel News, 5 September 2017) ; see also CERD Report, para 99. 405  Norwegian Refugee Council, Legal Memo , 5-6. 406  Ibid ., 5. 407  Al-Haq, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on Forced Evictions in Jerusalem (10 March 2021) 4 .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ106Property until 1967, were transferred to the Israeli Custodian General within the Israeli Justice Ministry, who can release the property to Israeli Jews who claim ownership or inheritance of properties from before 1948.408 Utilising this discriminatory law, ‘[i]deological settler organisations have exploited these legal mechanisms and the support they enjoy from state bodies like the General Custodian to advance [expulsions] of Palestinians and takeovers of their homes as a means to establish settler strongholds in the heart of Palestinian neighbourhoods.’409 Like the Absentee Property Law, the Legal and Administrative Matters Law has served to dispossess Palestinians of their homes, lands, and properties. Article II(d) of the Apartheid Convention considers ‘the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof’ as an inhuman act of the crime of apartheid. 5.3.2 Discriminatory Zoning and Planning Laws The Israeli state has combined a strategy of adopting laws to legalise and legitimise the dispossession that took place during the periods of conquest while also facilitating future land grabs creating a comprehensive plan to appropriate Palestinian land. The second phase of this process uses discriminatory zoning and planning policies on both sides of the Green Line to hem in Palestinian villages and cities, restricting their natural growth and expansion, while driving the transfer of Palestinians for the benefit of Jewish localities and illegal settlements.410 The Israeli authorities have instituted increasingly aggressive planning and zoning policies targeting Palestinians within the Green Line, particularly in the Naqab, and in the occupied West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, that deprive them of their rights to freedom of movement and residence, adequate housing, and access to and control over their land and other natural resources.411 These policies 408  Ibid ., 4. 409  Ir Amim, Ir Amim with Sheikh Jarrah Residents Submit Legal Petition against the Israeli General Custodian (31 December 2020) . 410  Baptiste Sellier, ‘L’usage du droit foncier par l’État d’Israël comme arme d’appropriation de l’espace Palestinien : Quelle comparaison avec l’ Algérie Coloniale ?’ 6 . 411  Articles 5(d)(i) and 5(e)(iii), ICERD; Article 1(2), ICESCR and ICCPR.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ107have dramatically reduced the amount of land available for Palestinian use as a result of unlawful appropriation, illegal expansion of settlements, and designation of lands as ‘state land’ and closed military zones. The National Planning and Building Law (1965)412 is one of the main laws pertaining to planning. It gives the Israeli government extensive powers, including the design of national land-use plans.413 Following the expulsion of the majority of the Palestinian people, the Israeli state destroyed almost 80 per cent of Palestinian towns and villages, which were then deemed ‘closed military areas.’414 Israeli authorities currently control 93 per cent of the land inside the Green Line and in the eastern part of Jerusalem, which is either direct ‘property’ of the state, the JNF, or the Development Authority.415 The remaining 36 Palestinian villages in the Naqab were not included in the original plans and were not recognised by Israel. According to the National Planning and Building Law, all buildings in these villages became illegal and under threat of demolition.416 In 2013, these villages came under additional threat following the passage of the Prawer-Begin Bill by the Knesset, which authorised the mass expulsion of Palestinians in the Naqab and the destruction of the 36 villages.417 In the Naqab, the Palestinian Bedouin village of al-‘Araqib was demolished for the 209th time on 14 November 2022.418 The Israeli courts have played a role in imposing fines on affected Palestinian citizens for the cost of demolishing and evacuating their village, under the pretext that the indigenous Palestinian people of the Naqab are ‘trespassing’ 412  National Planning and Building Law, 5725-1965 . 413  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 17 , 15. 414  BADIL, Israel’s Land Laws as a Legal-Political Tool (December 2004) 4 . 415  Israel Land Authority, Israel Land Authority Projects . 416  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 17 , 19. 417  Ibid . 418  Middle East Monitor, ‘Israel demolishes Palestinian village of Al-Araqeeb for 209th time’ (14 November 2022) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ108on ‘state-owned’ land.419 In January 2022, Israeli authorities continued their dispossession and displacement of Palestinian Bedouin citizens in the Naqab. The JNF restarted its unsustainable ‘afforestation’420 in the Bedouin village of Sa’wa on lands allocated by the Israel Lands Authority despite registered claims of ownership and agricultural use by Palestinian residents.421 In the past year, protests by Palestinians in the Naqab against the JNF’s ‘afforestation’ campaign have been met with excessive use of force by the Israeli police.422 The National Planning and Building Law established the National Council for Planning and Construction and the Regional Councils for Planning and Construction, centralising planning inside the Green Line under the national government. Jewish Agency representatives maintain a constant voting majority in the Regional Councils, while part of their role is to exclude Palestinian citizens of Israel. Following the occupation and annexation of the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Israeli occupying authorities used the National Planning and Building Law to preclude the authorisation of permits for areas not zoned for construction or which otherwise lack planning schemes.423 For example, Palestinians are allowed, on rare occasions, to build up to a maximum of three floors, while Jewish Israeli settlers are allowed to build up to nine floors or more.424 Local town planning schemes are supposed to define development and allocate territory to respond to expected demand, population growth, and infrastructure needs. However, since the occupation of the eastern part of Jerusalem in 1967, no town planning scheme has been approved. This makes it impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits and forces many to 419  WAFA, ‘Israel demolishes Naqab Bedouin village for 157th time’ (2 September 2019) . 420  Alon Rothschild, From “Improving Landscape” to Conserving Landscape: The need to stop Afforestation in Sensitive Natural Ecosystems in Israel and Conserve Israel’s Natural Landscapes (trs., Esther Lachman, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, May 2019) 24. 421  Adalah, Israeli police violently dispersed demonstrations by Palestinian Bedouins and human rights activists over the Jewish National Fund’s afforestation work in the Naqab (16 January 2022) . 422  Yumna Patel, ‘What’s happening in the Naqab? Israel uproots Palestinians to plant trees’ (Mondoweiss, 14 January 2022) . 423  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 17 , 37. 424  Ibid .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ109build without permits, putting their structures at risk of demolition.425 In the rest of the West Bank, the oppressive zoning and planning framework consists of a complex tapestry of land laws from Ottoman rule, the British mandate period, and Jordanian control, supplemented by numerous Israeli military orders designed to displace Palestinians from large areas of land through arbitrary declarations of land as ‘state land’ belonging to the Occupying Power, in order to replace Palestinians with Jewish settlers.426 Overall, Al-Haq documented the demolition of 2,451 Palestinian structures in the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, between 2012 and 2018, resulting in the displacement of 6,473 Palestinians, including 3,348 children.427 Palestinian citizens of Israel reside in three main areas, namely the Galilee and the Triangle in the north and the Naqab in the south. Since 1948, only a handful of government-planned townships were created to concentrate Palestinian Bedouin communities in the Naqab and the Galilee, while in contrast more than 900 Jewish localities have been created.428 In order to confine Palestinian towns and villages, Israeli authorities have systematically designated the land surrounding them for ‘security zones,’ Jewish regional councils, ‘national parks,’ nature reserves, and highways.429 As a result, some 15 to 20 per cent of homes in Palestinian towns and villages lack permits, putting some 60,000 to 70,000 Palestinian homes inside the Green Line at risk of demolition.430 In contrast, the state provides sufficient land and zoning permissions for Jewish Israelis, ‘to facilitate their growth.’431 In the Gaza Strip, while isolating Palestinians through an illegal 15-year- long land, sea, and air blockade and closure, the Israeli occupying authorities designated land along the Gaza fence as ‘access restricted area’ or ‘buffer zone’ to restrict Palestinians’ access to their land. The ‘buffer zone’ extends to land within 100–300 metres of the Gaza fence, expanded 425  Ibid ., 38. 426  Ibid ., 27. 427  Al-Haq, Monitoring and Documentation Department (2019); see also CERD Report, 102. 428  Human Rights Watch, Discriminatory Land Policies . 429  Ibid . 430  Ibid . 431  Ibid .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ110during times of military escalation, that is only accessible by foot by farmers and remains difficult to access. The zone within 100 metres of the fence is a military ‘no-go zone,’ in which access and the planting of plants and trees higher than 80 centimetres is strictly prohibited.432 The Israeli occupying authorities have also completed a new underground fence equipped with sensory equipment433 and have constructed an undersea wall of boulders extending some 200 metres into the sea, a concrete wall, and a fence to further restrict access to the sea from the Gaza Strip.434 These restrictions affect up to 35 per cent of Gaza’s agricultural land, with deleterious effects on Gaza’s ability to be food sufficient for its population of approximately two million Palestinians.435 432  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 17 , 50. 433  Al Jazeera, ‘Israel completes ‘iron wall’ underground Gaza barrier’ (7 December 2021) . 434  Times of Israel, ‘Israel’s Gaza sea barrier nears completion’ (1 January 2019) ; Judah Ari Gross, ‘“A wall of iron, sensors and concrete”: IDF completes tunnel-busting Gaza barrier’ (The Times of Israel, 7 December 2021) . 435  BADIL, Forced Population Transfer, No. 17 , 50.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ1115.4 Fragmenting the Palestinian People According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), by mid- 2022, there were 14.3 million Palestinians around the world.436 Strategic fragmentation is the primary method through which Israel imposes apartheid and exerts its control over the Palestinian people, a key finding outlined in the 2017 ESCWA report authored by Falk and Tilley.437 It is through this systematic and widespread fragmentation that the Israeli regime obfuscates the reality of apartheid and represses the ability of the Palestinian people to effectively challenge the regime. As outlined in the ESCWA report, Israel’s apartheid has administratively divided the Palestinian people into at least four legal ‘domains,’ including Palestinians with Israeli citizenship subject to Israeli civil law, Palestinians with permanent residency status in occupied East Jerusalem, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip subject to Israeli military law, and Palestinian refugees and exiles abroad, whose right of return continues to be denied.438 By 2019, there were approximately 1.9 million Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, comprising some 21 per cent of the state’s citizens.439 As non- Jewish persons, they are accorded an inferior legal status, face discrimination in access to services, limited budget allocations, and restrictions in access to jobs and other professional opportunities. While Palestinians are represented in the Knesset, their representation is superficial, because their elected officials are barred by Israel’s Basic Laws from challenging or introducing legislation that would compromise the ‘Jewish character’ of the state.440 For example, when the Joint List attempted to challenge the proposed bill for the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law in 2018 by submitting a bill titled ‘Israel as the Nation-State of all its Citizens,’ the Knesset presidium 436  Wafa, ‘PCBS: Some 14.3 million Palestinians in the world in mid-2022’ (7 July 2022) ; PCBS, ‘Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Presents the Conditions of Palestinian Populations on the Occasion of the International Population Day,’ (11 July 2022) . 437  ESCWA Report, 37. 438  Ibid ., 37-38. 439  IMEU, ‘Fact Sheet: Palestinian Citizens of Israel’ (17 March 2021) . 440  Ibid ., 4.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ112refused to allow discussion of the proposal.441 In the occupied Palestinian territory, there are some 3.19 million Palestinians in the West Bank, including 871,537 Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA, and some 2.17 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including 1.47 million Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA.442 Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory are governed by Israeli military law, while Jewish Israeli settlers, whose mere presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal, are subject to Israeli civil law. The latter is extended to the occupied territory in violation of the Israeli occupying authorities’ responsibilities under the Hague Regulations and the Geneva Conventions.443 Zionist settler colonisation was supplemented within the occupied territory by a segregated legal system with different jurisdictions over Palestinians and Jewish settlers. This discrimination affects almost every aspect of Palestinian life under Israeli occupation.444 Palestinian refugees and involuntary exiles make up the fourth ‘domain’ in which Israel has fragmented the Palestinian people.445 While they may find themselves outside the territory under Israel’s jurisdiction or territory of effective control, Israeli state policy in accordance with Zionist ideology denies them their inalienable right of return as part of an institutionalised regime of systematic racial oppression and domination. There are some 5.7 million Palestinian refugees registered with UNRWA today in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, and in Jordan.446 Palestinians, wherever they reside, are collectively denied the exercise of their right to self-determination. 441  See Adalah, ‘Israeli Supreme Court refuses to allow discussion of full equal rights & ‘state of all its citizens’ bill in Knesset,’ (30 December 2018) . 442  PCBS, ‘Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Presents the Conditions of Palestinian Populations on the Occasion of the International Population Day,’ (11 July 2022) . UNRWA, ‘UNRWA in Figures 2020-2021’ (6 September 2021) . 443  Article 43, Hague Regulations; Article 64, Fourth Geneva Convention. 444  The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, One Rule, Two Legal Systems: Israel’s Regime of Laws in the West Bank (October 2014) 7 . 445  ESCWA Report, 37-38 and 47-48. 446  UNRWA, ‘UNRWA in Figures 2020-2021’ (6 September 2021) .
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ1135.4.1 Denial of Collective Rights to Return and Self-Determination The right of return of Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and exiles is firmly rooted in the prohibition of deportations and expulsions enshrined in the laws and customs of war, which had gained customary character by 1945.447 It is similarly reflected in the law of state responsibility, which requires states to provide reparations to victims of serious breaches of international law.448 The UN General Assembly specifically recognises the right of return of Palestinian refugees in Resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948, which resolves ‘that the refugees wishing to return to their homes… should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date.’449 Reaffirmed in over a hundred UN resolutions since, General Assembly Resolution 194 reflects binding customary international law as it stood at the time, which requires Israel to fulfil the right of return of Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and exiles.450 In the same vein, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly on 10 December 1948, enshrines the right of everyone ‘to leave any country, including his[/her] own, and to return to his[/her] country.’451 The same language was adopted in 1965 in Article 5(d)(ii) of ICERD, which prohibits racial discrimination in the enjoyment of ‘[t]he right to leave any country, including one’s own, and to return to one’s country.’452 The Israeli authorities thereby have a legal obligation to fulfil the right of return of Palestinians displaced, dispossessed, and denationalised.453 In 1973, the Apartheid Convention expressly recognised denial of the right of return as an inhuman act of the crime of apartheid in Article II(c).454 447  IMT, Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (1947) 253-54. 448  Albanese and Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees, 352-353, 360; see also Mallison and Mallison, The Palestine Problem, 177, 409. 449  UN General Assembly, Resolution 194 (III), 11 December 1948, UN Doc A/RES/194 (III), para 11. 450  Albanese and Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees, 350; Susan M Akram, ‘Myths and Realities of the Palestinian Refugee Problem: Reframing the right of return’ in Susan M Akram, Michael Dumper, Michael Lynk, and Iain Scobbie (eds), International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A rights- based approach to Middle East peace (Routledge, 2011) 30. 451  Article 13(2), UDHR. 452  See also CERD, General Recommendation 22, Article 5 and refugees and displaced persons, 49th session (1996), UN Doc A/51/18, annex VIII, p 126, para 2(a). 453  Albanese and Takkenberg, Palestinian Refugees, 358. 454  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention (emphasis added).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ114The Israeli state’s persistent denial of the right of return of millions of Palestinians constitutes a root cause of ongoing oppression and is a core element in its establishment and maintenance of Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole. It maintains the Israeli state’s Zionist policy of population transfer and demographic manipulation on both sides of the Green Line and precludes all Palestinians from exercising their collective right to self-determination. The 2017 ESCWA report concluded that denial of the right of return of Palestinian refugees and exiles: ensures that the Palestinian population never gains the demographic weight that would either threaten Israeli military control of the occupied Palestinian territory, or provide the demographic leverage within Israel to allow them to insist on full democratic rights, which would supersede the Jewish character of the State of Israel. In short, [it] ensures that Palestinians will never be able to change the system…455 The Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination is internationally recognised and has been reaffirmed in countless UN General Assembly resolutions. As advocated for by the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, its realisation requires a decolonisation praxis and paradigm shift as well as ‘recognition of the absolute illegality of the settler-colonialism and apartheid’ imposed by the Israeli regime.456 5.4.2 Restricting the Right to Freedom of Movement As this section has highlighted, the Israeli regime has imposed draconian restrictions on Palestinian residency rights, family life, sovereignty over natural resources as part of the right to self-determination, while dispossessing and displacing Palestinians from their land and properties. Integral to the fragmentation of the Palestinian people are further restrictions on movement and access varying across ‘domains’ of Israeli control. Article II(c) of the Apartheid Convention considers denial of ‘the 455  Ibid. , 48. 456  Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, UN Doc A/77/356, 21 September 2022, paras 25 and 68-70.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ115right to freedom of movement and residence’ an inhuman act of the crime of apartheid. Restrictions on the right to freedom of movement and residence within the occupied Palestinian territory and inside the Green Line severely impact Palestinian rights to family life, choice of residence and spouse, adequate housing, an adequate standard of living for oneself and one’s family, and ultimately the right to self-determination. Within the occupied Palestinian territory, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been subjected to a cruel 15-year closure and blockade, which isolates them from the rest of the Palestinian people, denies them their right of return to their villages and towns of origin, and has detrimentally impacted virtually every aspect of their life. Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are largely denied the right to travel to the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, the rest of historic Palestine, and abroad, through an Israeli-imposed permit regime. In addition to the blockade of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian communities across the occupied Palestinian territory and inside the Green Line are severed from one another through the Annexation Wall and its associated permit and closure regime, the denial of family unification, and ongoing Israeli settlement construction and expansion. Some of the Israeli regime’s measures for Palestinian dispossession and fragmentation are more visible than others, including the physical separation of Palestinians between the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem, inside the Green Line, and in exile. In the occupied Palestinian territory, the Israeli occupying authorities have established checkpoints, roadblocks, and other barriers, which severely impact the freedom of movement of Palestinians, denying them access to essential services, including healthcare in Jerusalem, Israel, and abroad, and access to places of worship in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and elsewhere. In 2004, the ICJ determined that the Annexation Wall and its associated regime violate Israel’s obligation to realise the Palestinian people’s right to self- determination.457 Despite this, Israel has not halted its construction of the Annexation Wall, which remains standing and continues to result in material discrimination against Palestinians, including the appropriation 457  Wall Opinion, paras 122 and 151.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ116of Palestinian land for illegal Israeli settlement construction and expansion.458 At the same time, the Israeli regime has also imposed less visible measures designed to fragment the Palestinian people and to undermine the exercise of their inalienable rights, notably through its control of the population registry on both sides of the Green Line, its implementation of a tiered and racially discriminatory ID system, its denial of Palestinian family unification, and its control over who is allowed to enter and exit the occupied Palestinian territory.459 These restrictions have also resulted in extreme hardships for foreign national spouses, including Palestinians with foreign citizenship status, who are married to Palestinians with West Bank, Gaza Strip, or Jerusalem IDs, including those who live without Israeli-issued permits, in constant fear of arrest and expulsion.460 Israel’s fragmentation of the Palestinian people, including denial of Palestinian refugee return and restrictions on freedom of movement and residence across historic Palestine, constitute core methods of its apartheid regime.461 458  CERD Report, 4. 459  Al-Haq, Engineering Community: Family Unification, Entry Restrictions and other Israeli Policies of Fragmenting Palestinians (February 2019) 4, . 460  Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, John Dugard, 29 January 2007, UN Doc A/HRC/4/17, para 48. 461  This is also the analysis adopted by Falk and Tilley in the ESCWA Report.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ1175.4.3 A Palestinian Bantustan: The Closure and Blockade of the Gaza Strip The Israeli occupying authorities have imposed a land, sea, and air blockade, and comprehensive closure of the Gaza Strip as collective punishment since 2007, detrimentally impacting the entire population of over two million Palestinians. In November 2021, the Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights published its report titled The Gaza Bantustan: Israeli Apartheid in the Gaza Strip. The report showed that the Israeli closure of the Gaza Strip, unprecedented in its duration and severity, has ‘isolated, segregated, and cut off the two million Palestinians in Gaza,’ approximately 70 per cent of whom are Palestinian refugees from 1948, from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, historic Palestine, and the world, ‘making it one of the world’s largest “open air prisons” and a Bantustan.’462 The Israeli occupying forces’ recurring full-scale military assaults, de-development policies, and 15 years of illegal closure and blockade ‘have undermined all social, economic, cultural, civil, and political rights’ of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, forcing over two million Palestinians into ‘profound levels of poverty, aid dependency, food insecurity, and unemployment, and… [causing] the collapse of essential public services, including health care and water, sanitation, and hygiene.’463 The former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, John Dugard, noted in an interview with Al Mezan that the Israeli occupying authorities’ policies targeting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are far more severe than what was experienced in South African Bantustans, saying: The Israeli government is determined to impoverish the people of Gaza rather than to advance their welfare. The Bantustans did not have to endure military attacks as we have seen in the Gaza Strip. The restrictions on freedom of movement imposed on the Gaza Strip are much more draconian than were experienced in Bantustans.464 462  Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, The Gaza Bantustan: Israeli Apartheid in the Gaza Strip (2021) 18 . 463  Ibid ., 21 464  Ibid ., 23.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ118The illegal Israeli blockade and closure regime amount to a prohibited form of collective punishment465 as recognised by, among others, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon466 and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).467 In his July 2020 report, the former Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, found that ‘the actions of Israel towards the protected population of Gaza amount to collective punishment under international law.’468 The term ‘closure’ denotes the list of Israeli policies and practices beyond blockade measures that collectively amount to effective control and, therefore, occupation of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupying authorities. These restrictions and enforcements include Israeli administrative control over the population registry, telecommunications, water, sanitation, and fuel. Moreover, the frequent presence of Israeli occupying forces inside the Gaza Strip to conduct incursions and military operations shows the Israeli regime’s ability to enter the territory at will.469 The deliberate Israeli policy of separation and fragmentation of the occupied Palestinian territory and of the Palestinian people ensure that the Palestinian government remains divided, the Palestinian people are without effective representation, and that the Israeli regime has more leeway in colonising historic Palestine. Both physical and political separation are key to enforcing a scheme that prevents the Palestinian people from exercising their right to self-determination. Palestinian families are forcibly divided between the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, as well as inside the Green Line, in exile, and elsewhere abroad. As a result, Palestinian parents, children, spouses, brothers, and sisters 465  ICRC, Customary IHL, Rule 103: Collective Punishments . 466  UNOCHA OPT, The Humanitarian Impact of the Closure (July 2015) . 467  See, for example, ICRC, News Release 14-06-2010 Geneva/Jerusalem (ICRC) – The hardship faced by Gaza’s 1.5 million people cannot be addressed by providing humanitarian aid. The only sustainable solution is to lift the closure: . 468  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, 15 July 2020, (A/HRC/44/60), para 60 . 469  According to Al Mezan’s monitoring and documentation, since 2012 the Israeli military has entered the Gaza Strip 403 times.
Israel’s Apartheid Legal Regime AL-HAQ119have been unable to visit each other, let alone live together, for decades even within the occupied Palestinian territory. Students from the Gaza Strip are unable to attend universities in the West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, where they previously constituted up to 35 per cent of the mixed student body. They are also frequently denied or delayed the requisite travel permits to exit for study abroad. Businesspeople and traders are impeded in conducting their professional activities, even within the occupied Palestinian territory, as exports are virtually banned470 and imports are severely restricted or included in the banned ‘dual-use’ goods or commodities list.471 As a direct result of repressive Israeli policies, Palestinian familial, cultural, and economic linkages are ruptured both within the occupied Palestinian territory, inside the Green Line, and abroad. While preventing Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip from accessing the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory and historic Palestine, the Israeli regime also promotes the emigration of Palestinians from Gaza to other countries, both explicitly472 and implicitly by making the Gaza Strip unliveable. In 2017, the UN reported that the Gaza Strip would be unable to properly support human life by 2020.473 Now, in 2022, the Gaza Strip has clearly been rendered uninhabitable due to the Israeli-imposed closure and blockade resulting in extreme de-development and economic decline. Additionally, the Israeli occupying authorities enforce a maritime and land ‘buffer zone,’ also referred to as ‘access restricted area,’ where the Israeli military enforces its unilaterally imposed movement restrictions within Palestinian coastal waters and the Gaza side of Israel’s perimeter fence. Similarly, the Gaza Strip’s agricultural sector has been undermined by 470  Al Mezan, Report on Israel’s Decision to Suspend Gaza Customs Code (2007) . 471  Gisha, List of dual use items: . 472  Times of Israel, ‘Israel actively pushing Palestinian emigration from Gaza, official says’ (19 August 2019) ; see also Ynet News, ‘Israel will help Palestinians leave Gaza, if they have new country to go to’ (20 August 2019) . 473  UN Country Team in the occupied Palestinian territory, Gaza Ten Years Later (July 2017) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ120the closure policy. Over a third of Gaza’s agricultural land, about 27,000 dunams, falls within the 300-metre-wide Israeli-enforced ‘buffer zone’ inside the territory of the Gaza Strip, putting farmers at risk of injury or death from unlawful live fire. Meanwhile, Gaza’s territorial sea is mostly closed off to fishermen and is used to secure the main pipeline route to export gas between Israel and Egypt.474 The blockade and closure regime over the Gaza Strip form part of the Israeli authorities’ campaign to separate and fragment Palestinian communities within the occupied Palestinian territory, in historic Palestine, and in exile, as well as to deny the Palestinian people their right to self-determination. Al Mezan’s report concluded that the Israeli occupying authorities have imposed living conditions that are calculated to cause the physical destruction of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip in whole or in part, in violation of Article II(b) of the Apartheid Convention.475 474  Susan Power, Annexing Energy: Exploiting and Preventing the Development of Oil and Gas in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Al-Haq, 2015) . 475  Al Mezan, The Gaza Bantustan, 32-42.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ121 6Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid The Israeli settler colonial state’s discriminatory legal foundations establish the basis for its creation and maintenance of an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people. This section examines how Israeli apartheid is maintained through inhuman(e) acts committed against Palestinians, which violate Palestinians’ fundamental rights and freedoms and work to undermine Palestinian resistance to Israeli oppression. Among the policies and practices discussed in this section are excessive use of force, including extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention, torture and other ill-treatment, collective punishment, and the denial of the rights to health and dignity, including underlying determinants. This section concludes with a discussion of Israeli measures of persecution and silencing of individuals and organisations opposing the apartheid regime, including the targeting and criminalisation of Palestinian civil society organisations. Underpinning all of this is a system of institutionalised impunity for widespread and systematic human rights violations committed against the Palestinian people, which enable the recurrence of grave violations and suspected international crimes.© Al-Haq Images Library
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1226.1 Arbitrary Deprivation of Life The Apartheid Convention recognises as an inhuman act of apartheid the ‘[d]enial to a member or members of a racial group or groups the right to life,’ as well as denying them ‘basic human rights and freedoms.’476 Similarly, the Rome Statute prohibits murder as a crime against humanity ‘when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population’477 and codifies wilful killing in the context of international armed conflict as a war crime ‘when committed as part of a plan or policy or as part of a large-scale commission of such crimes.’478 Under international human rights law, the right to life is protected as ‘the supreme right from which no derogation is permitted even in situations of armed conflict’479 under Article 6(1) of the ICCPR. As of the time of writing, the year 2022 has been the deadliest year for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 2005, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.480 Since 1948, Israeli authorities have systematically resorted to lethal and other excessive force against Palestinians, targeting Palestinian lives, bodies, and livelihoods throughout historic Palestine. The denial to Palestinians of their right to life has been integral to the Zionist settler colonial project and is part and parcel of its ‘logic of elimination’ of Palestinians. Israel’s widespread and systematic violation of the right to life of Palestinians has been a pillar of its establishment and maintenance of an apartheid regime since 1948. Arbitrary deprivations of Palestinian life serve to create a repressive environment designed to undermine the exercise by the Palestinian people of their collective rights. 476  Articles II(a) and II(c), Apartheid Convention. 477  Article 7(1)(a), Rome Statute. 478  Articles 8(1) and 8(2)(a)(i), Rome Statute. 479  Human Rights Committee, General comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life, 30 October 2018, UN Doc CCPR/C/GC/36, para 2. 480  UN OCHA, Protection of Civilians Report | 11-24 October 2022 (1 November 2022) ; see also Huthifa Fayyad, ‘West Bank: October was deadliest month in ‘deadliest year’ for Palestinians’ (Middle East Eye, 1 November 2022) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ1236.1.1 Massacres and Targeted Assassinations Since the Start of the Nakba Since 1948, Israel has committed largescale massacres and targeted assassinations of Palestinians, suppressed Palestinian protests, and conducted successive largescale military offensives against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, the latest of which was in August 2022.481 These policies have led to arbitrary deprivation of Palestinian life, including as a result of excessive use of force, an ongoing shoot-to-kill policy by the Israeli occupying forces, and the fostering of lawlessness and organised crime within Palestinian communities inside the Green Line. Extrajudicial killings are perpetuated by a system of impunity, which shields Israeli perpetrators from accountability.482 During the Nakba of 1948, it is estimated that some 15,000 Palestinians were killed by Zionist militias483 who committed at least 31 massacres against Palestinians.484 These included the massacre of over a hundred Palestinians in Deir Yassin in the Jerusalem district on 9 April 1948 in an effort to ‘break Arab morale’ and ‘create panic throughout Palestine.’485 On 15 May 1948, Zionist militias massacred 200 Palestinians in Tantura in the Haifa district, and on 29 October 1948, Israeli soldiers entered the village of Dawayma in the Hebron district, killing up to 300 Palestinians.486 In the immediate aftermath of the Nakba, Israeli authorities imposed military rule on some 150,000 Palestinians inside the Green Line, including internally displaced Palestinians, with the aim of preventing 481  UN OCHA, Escalation in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #2 as of 18:00, 8 August 2022 (8 August 2022) . 482  See, for example, Al-Haq, Impunity for Extrajudicial Killing: Israeli Soldier and Killer of Abdel Fattah Al-Sharif Released after Mere 9 Months in Prison (11 May 2018) . 483  See, for example, Al Jazeera, ‘The Nakba did not start or end in 1948’ (23 May 2017) . 484  Pappé, The ethnic cleansing of Palestine, 258; see also BADIL, ‘Massacres and the Nakba’ (2000) 7 al-Majdal . 485  BADIL, ‘Massacres and the Nakba’ (Autumn 2000) 7 al-Majdal. 486  Ibid .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ124Palestinian refugees’ return.487 According to BADIL, between 1948 and 1956, ‘Israeli forces killed some 5,000 Palestinian refugees trying to return to their homes inside Israel.’488 These massacres continued throughout the decades that followed, with 49 Palestinians killed by Israeli border police during the Kufr Qassim massacre on 29 October 1956, many of them returning from their fields unaware that a curfew had been imposed on the village earlier that day.489 Thereafter, Ilan Pappé writes, ‘there was Qibya in the 1950s, Samoa in the 1960s, the villages of the Galilee in 1976, Sabra and Shatila in 1982, Kfar Qana in 1999, Wadi Ara in 2000 and the Jenin Refugee Camp in 2002,’ concluding that: ‘[t]here has never been an end to Israel’s killing of Palestinians.’490 Over the decades, the Israeli regime further adopted a policy of political assassinations targeting Palestinian resistance within and outside of Palestine in an effort to ‘erode the Palestinian leadership’ and with the effect of undermining the exercise by the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination.491 As scholars observed, ‘Israel has gained notoriety for its willingness to resort to assassination,’ including of key Palestinian armed resistance figures.492 Carried out since 1948, targeted killings have been approved by the Israeli establishment at the highest political and military levels.493 487  BADIL, ‘From the 1948 Nakba to the 1967 Naksa’ Occasional Bulletin No. 18 (June 2004) 1 . 488  Ibid . 489  Adel Manna, ‘The Massacre of Kufr Qassem’ in Nadim N Rouhana and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury (eds), The Palestinians in Israel: Readings in History, Politics and Society (Mada al-Carmel, 2011) 74, 75; see also Ofer Aderet, ‘60 Years After Massacre, Kafr Qasem Doesn’t Want an Apology from the Israeli Government’ (Haaretz, 28 October 2016) . 490  Pappé, The ethnic cleansing of Palestine, 258. 491  Nir Gazit and Robert J Brym, ‘State-directed political assassination in Israel: a political hypothesis’ (2011) 26(6) International Sociology 862, 872. 492  Thomas Ward, ‘Norms and Security: The Case of International Assassination’ (2000) 25 International Security 105, 114; see also Patty Nieberg and Fares Akram, ‘A look at Israel’s targeted killings of militant leaders’ (AP News, 12 November 2019) ; see also Al-Haq, Al-Haq condemns practice of “targeted killings” in Gaza, calls for an immediate investigation into deaths of Gazan civilians, including children (16 November 2019) . 493  Al-Haq, Wilful Killing: The Assassination of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories by the Israeli Security Forces (Al-Haq Briefing Paper, 2001) 21 ; Steven R David, ‘Fatal choices: Israel’s policy of targeted killing’ Mideast Security and Policy Studies No 51 (Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, 2002) 1, 3-4; see also Leila Shahid, ‘The Sabra and Shatila Massacres: Eye-Witness Reports’ (2002) 32(1) Journal of Palestine Studies 36.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ1256.1.2 Suppression of Palestinian Demonstrations The Apartheid Convention considers as inhuman acts of apartheid the denial of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association as well as denying the rights to freedom of opinion and expression.494 Since the Nakba, the Israeli regime has deployed excessive use of force, including lethal force, against Palestinians, notably in the suppression of peaceful assemblies demanding the realisation of Palestinians’ inalienable rights. On Yawm al-Ard (or Land Day) on 30 March 1976, Palestinian citizens inside the Green Line organised a general strike in protest of the Israeli government’s approval of a plan to expropriate 21,000 dunams of Palestinian land in the Galilee and the Triangle areas.495 The Yawm al- Ard demonstrations, now commemorated annually in Palestine and by Palestinians in exile, were violently suppressed by the Israeli police at the time, who killed six Palestinian citizens, injured 50 others, and arrested 300 Palestinians protesting the plan to illegally confiscate their lands.496 Such repression is illustrative of how Israeli apartheid policies are aimed at furthering Zionist colonisation. The Israeli occupying authorities’ suppression of Palestinian protests was also a prominent feature of the First Intifada, which began on 9 December 1987, born out of ‘twenty years of a regime designed to suppress, humiliate, and perpetually disenfranchise Palestinians’ and the Israeli regime’s continued efforts to eliminate the Palestinian national movement in exile.497 During the First Intifada, the Israeli occupying forces pursued an assassination policy against Palestinian activists.498 Israeli repression of the Palestinian Intifada and mass extrajudicial executions of Palestinians, as Edward Said put it, were ‘part of an orchestrated campaign to exterminate Palestinians as a political presence in Palestine.’499 Between 1988 and 1993, Israeli forces killed over 1,200 Palestinians, including 200 youth under the 494  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention. 495  Khalil Nakhleh, ‘Yawm al-Ard (Land Day)’ in Nadim N Rouhana and Areej Sabbagh-Khoury (eds), The Palestinians in Israel: Readings in History, Politics and Society (Mada al-Carmel, 2011) 83, 84. 496  Ibid . 497  Edward Said, ‘Intifada and Independence’ (1989) 22 Social Text 23, 23 and 28. 498  Al-Haq, Wilful Killing , 7. 499  Said, ‘Intifada and Independence’ 29.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ126age of 16.500 According to Al-Haq’s documentation in the 1980s, the Israeli occupying forces ‘opened fire directly at people.’ Such incidents were determined to be ‘not isolated,’ illustrating ‘consistent illegality by Israeli army personnel in their use of force in response to demonstrations.’501 The suppression of Palestinian protests continued during the Second Intifada, with an open Israeli acknowledgement of its policy of targeted killings of Palestinians,502 aimed at suppressing the Intifada and thus denying the exercise by Palestinians of their collective rights.503 At the time, Al-Haq found that ‘[t]he decision to kill is seemingly taken by a cabal of intelligence officials and senior military and political figures who effectively act as judge, jury and executioner, which is completely at odds with due process procedures.’504 In October 2000, Israeli police killed 13 unarmed Palestinians, including 12 Palestinian citizens and one resident of the Gaza Strip, during protests against Israeli oppression.505 An Israeli inquiry into these killings, the Or Commission, found that there was no justification for the use of live fire by the Israeli police. Yet, 22 years on, not a single Israeli officer or official has been held accountable, a testament to Israeli impunity for the arbitrary deprivation of Palestinian life.506 Israel’s policy of excessive use of force against Palestinians remains ongoing, as evidenced by the Israeli occupying forces’ systematic suppression of the Great March of Return demonstrations in the Gaza Strip in 2018–2019. The demonstrations called for the realisation of the right of return of Palestinian refugees and an end to the illegal closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip. 500  Rami Nasrallah, ‘The first and second Palestinian intifadas’ in Joel Peters and David Newman (eds), The Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Routledge, 2013) 56, 60. 501  Al-Haq, Punishing a Nation: Human Rights Violations During the Palestinian Uprising, December 1987-1988 (Al-Haq, 1988) 17-18 . 502  Nir Gazit and Robert J Brym, ‘State-directed political assassination in Israel: a political hypothesis’ (2011) 26(6) International Sociology 862, 862-863; see also Al-Haq, Wilful Killing, 6. 503  Nizar Ayoub, The Israeli High Court of Justice and the Palestinian Intifada: a stamp of approval for Israeli violations in the Occupied Territories (Al-Haq, 2004) 46 . 504  Al-Haq, Wilful Killing , 6. 505  Adalah, The October 2000 Killings (11 August 2020) . 506  Ibid .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ127During over 80 weeks of protests, the Israeli occupying forces killed 217 Palestinians during the demonstrations, including 48 children, nine persons with disabilities, four paramedics, and two journalists.507 Additionally, 9,517 were injured by live ammunition.508 According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), 207 Palestinians suffered permanent disability as a result of their injuries, including 149 who required amputation.509 Statistics compiled by Al Mezan found that ‘upper-body gunshot wounds [were] the leading cause of death,’ constituting 89 per cent of killings during the Great March of Return.510 Additionally, statements by Israeli officials confirmed that the use of live fire by Israeli snipers was deliberate and planned511 and that clear orders were given to Israeli snipers to shoot-to-kill Palestinians, including children, during the demonstrations.512 The UN Commission of Inquiry on the demonstrations ‘found reasonable grounds to believe that Israeli snipers shot at journalists, health workers, children and persons with disabilities, knowing they were clearly recognizable as such’513 and urged the Israeli occupying forces to bring their rules of engagement for the use of live fire in line with international human rights law.514 These recommendations remain unimplemented.515 507  Al Mezan, Attacks on Unarmed Protesters at the “Great March of Return” Demonstrations: A Two- Year Report from the Start of Demonstrations on 30 March 2018 (2020) 7 . 508  Ibid ., 9. 509  PCHR, 2nd Anniversary of the Great March of Return: Impunity Continues to Prevail (30 March 2020) . 510  Al Mezan, Attacks on Unarmed Protesters , 8. 511  Al-Haq, Planning to Kill: Israel’s Public and Stated Plans to Commit War Crimes (11 June 2018) . 512  Ali Abunimah, ‘Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms’ (The Electronic Intifada, 22 April 2018) . 513  UN OHCHR, No Justification for Israel to Shoot Protesters with Live Ammunition (28 February 2019) . 514  Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,18 March 2019, UN Doc A/HRC/40/ CRP .2, para 793, p 226. 515  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, UN Doc A/HRC/50/21, 9 May 2022, p 1.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1286.1.3 Successive Israeli Military Offensives Over the Gaza Strip Over the past 15 years, the Israeli occupying forces have carried out six large-scale military offensives against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip in 2006, 2008–2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2022. On 27 December 2008, the Israeli occupying authorities launched a 22-day military offensive against the Gaza Strip code-named ‘Operation Cast Lead’ that involved massive aerial bombardments and a ground invasion that began on 3 January 2009.516 During ‘Operation Cast Lead,’ 1,172 Palestinian civilians including 342 children were killed.517 Al-Haq and Al Mezan found ‘a glaring disregard for civilian life, both in the orders received and the practices carried out by the invading [Israeli] troops.’518 The Palestinians human rights organisations concluded that ‘[p]rima facie evidence exists of the commission of war crimes amounting to grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, most notably wilful killing of civilians’.519 Between 8 and 21 November 2012, the Israeli occupying forces launched ‘Operation Pillar of Defence’ against the Gaza Strip, firing indiscriminate and disproportionate airstrikes against Palestinians; 173 Palestinians were killed, of whom 113 were civilians, including 38 children.520 Video testimonies collected by Al-Haq highlighted massive devastation and loss of Palestinian life.521 Between 8 July and 26 August 2014, the Israeli occupying forces launched ‘Operation Protective Edge’ against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, in which 2,215 Palestinians were killed, including 1,639 civilians, 516  Al-Haq, ‘ Operation Cast Lead’: A Statistical Analysis (August 2009) . 517  Ibid ., 3. 518  Ibid . 519  Ibid., 15.; see also Human Rights Council, Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, 25 September 2009, UN Doc A/HRC/12/48, para 1938. 520  Al-Haq, Questions & Answers: Al-Haq’s Legal Analysis on the Escalation of Attacks in the Gaza Strip between 8 and 21 November 2012 (27 November 2012) 2 . 521  Al-Haq, Voices from Gaza: enduring devastation (17 December 2012) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ129of whom 556 were children.522 The UN Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza conflict noted that ‘[t]he death toll alone speaks volumes… all the more so in the many cases in which several family members died together.’523 The Israeli occupying forces’ practice of killing entire Palestinian families resumed during the Israeli military assault on the Gaza Strip in May 2021.524 Between 10–21 May 2021, 240 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli occupying forces in the Gaza Strip, comprising 151 civilians, including 59 children.525 Most were killed in or near their homes.526 Between 5 and 7 August 2022, 33 Palestinians, including 17 civilians, were killed by the Israeli occupying forces in a further Israeli military escalation.527 In its October 2022 report on the escalation, Amnesty International concluded that the Israeli regime: has benefited from impunity for the apparent war crimes and crimes against humanity it committed during the [Gaza] offensives, the deadly repression of protests against the blockade, the blockade itself… and Israel’s overall cruel and institutionalized regime of domination and oppression against the entirety of the Palestinian people, which amounts to the crime of apartheid.528 522  Susan Power and Nada Kiswanson van Hooydonk, Divide and Conquer: A Legal Analysis of Israel’s 2014 Military Offensive against the Gaza Strip (Al-Haq, 2015) 7 and 28, . 523  Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent commission of inquiry established pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution S-21/1, 24 June 2015, UN Doc A/HRC/29/ CRP .4, para 574. 524  See Daniel Estrin, ‘22 Members of One Family Killed in Gaza’ (NPR , 23 May 2021) . 525  Al-Haq, Al Mezan, and PCHR, Assault on Gaza in Numbers: A Statistical Report of Civilian Casualties and Damage to Private and Public Properties by Israeli Occupation Forces During Israel’s Full-scale Military Operation on the Gaza Strip Between 10–21 May 2021 (January 2022) 13-14 . 526  Ibid . 527  Amnesty International, ‘They Were Just Kids’: Evidence of War Crimes During Israel’s August 2022 Gaza Offensive (Research Briefing, 25 October 2022) 3 . 528  Ibid. , 6.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1306.1.4 A Shoot-to-Kill Policy Targeting Palestinians In September 2015, the Israeli security cabinet relaxed measures for the use of live fire,529 authorising the use of live ammunition by the Israeli police against Palestinians not only when their lives are at risk, but also should they determine ‘an immediate and concrete danger to police or civilians.’ Since then, an increase in killings and injuries of Palestinians by Israeli fire has been documented by Palestinian human rights organisations. Between 1 October 2015 and 30 September 2019, Al-Haq documented the killing of 704 Palestinians, including 184 children in the occupied Palestinian territory, as a result of what has been identified as the Israeli occupying forces’ systematic ‘shoot-to-kill’ policy against Palestinians.530 These killings have taken place in various contexts, including Israeli military raids and arrest and detention operations across Palestinian villages, towns, and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, as well as in the targeting of Palestinian peaceful assemblies across historic Palestine, and other recurrent Israeli attacks. In January 2017, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) found that the Israeli occupying forces ‘often use firearms against Palestinians on mere suspicion or as a precautionary measure, in violation of international standards.’531 Israeli officials have also encouraged use of force by Israeli settlers against Palestinians with impunity.532 Al-Haq found in 2013 that: 529  See, for example, Peter Beaumont, ‘Israel relaxes live-fire rules against Palestinian stone-throwers’ (The Guardian , 25 September 2015) . 530  See, e.g., the analysis contained in Al-Haq, ‘83 Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat, Urging International Justice and Accountability for Israel’s Shoot-to-Kill Policy’ (14 July 2020) . 531  UN General Assembly, Implementation of Human Rights Council resolutions S-9/1 and S-12/1, Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 25 January 2017, UN Doc A/HRC/34/36, para 11 (emphasis added); see also Al-Haq, ‘83 Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat, Urging International Justice and Accountability for Israel’s Shoot-to-Kill Policy’ (14 July 2020) 6 . 532  See, notably, Valentina Azarov, Institutionalised Impunity: Israel’s Failure to Combat Settler Violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Al-Haq, 2013) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ131Israel’s… systematic lack of law enforcement against [Israeli] settlers as well as the failure to investigate such incidents have led to the creation of a culture of impunity and contributed to an increase in the frequency and severity of such attacks.533 In 2022, in a context of ongoing escalations of widespread and systematic attacks against Palestinians, notably in the occupied West Bank, Al-Haq documented ‘a sharp spike in settler attacks, and collective punishment’ by the Israeli occupying forces, including military incursions, excessive use of force, and extrajudicial killings.534 Settler violence has included raids on towns supported by the Israeli occupying forces, attacks against Palestinians and their properties, and disruption of the Palestinian olive harvest, a longstanding practice throughout Israel’s military occupation.535 In March 2019, the UN Commission of Inquiry on the Great March of Return found reasonable grounds to believe that during the demonstrations, the Israeli occupying forces ‘killed and gravely injured civilians who were neither participating directly in hostilities nor posing an imminent threat to life.’536 Inside the Green Line, Adalah has called for ‘an end to Israeli police killings of Palestinian citizens, and to the state culture of impunity’537 adding that this ‘impunity also has a collective aspect, as it leaves all Palestinian Arab citizens… vulnerable to state violence and encourages the recurrence of grave human rights violations against them.’538 Yet, institutionalised 533  Ibid ., 6. 534  Al-Haq, Al-Haq Urges Third States to Take Concrete Actions to Halt Israel’s Grave Escalation of Military Raids, Killings, Settler Violence and Collective Punishment in the West Bank (19 October 2022) . 535  See, for example, Al-Haq, Israeli Settlers Attack and Destroy Palestinian Olive Trees (10 October 2013) ; Al-Haq, The Olive Harvest Season Disrupted by Settler Violence and Israeli Restrictions Imposed on Palestinian Farmers (7 November 2014) ; B’Tselem, West Bank olive harvest, 2021: Settlers attack farmers, steal olives and damage trees with full state backing (25 January 2022) . 536  Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,18 March 2019, UN Doc A/HRC/40/ CRP .2. 537  Adalah, Adalah: Israel’s perception of Palestinian citizens as ‘enemy’ continues to grant blanket impunity to police for killings (1 October 2020) . 538  Ibid .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ132impunity prevails for excessive use of force against Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line, and for acts of settler violence.539 The continued systematic arbitrary deprivation of Palestinian life with impunity led 83 Palestinian, regional, and international civil society organisations in July 2020 to call for international justice and accountability for Israel’s shoot-to- kill policy targeting the Palestinian people.540 This policy remains ongoing, and on 11 May 2022, the Israeli occupying forces killed Shireen Abu Akleh, 51, renowned Al Jazeera journalist, while she was reporting on an Israeli military raid on Jenin refugee camp. Shireen and fellow journalists wore clearly marked ‘PRESS’ vests when Israeli occupying forces shot live fire directly at them and fatally shot Shireen in the head. Al-Haq found that Shireen’s targeting amounts to: wilful killing, a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and a war crime under the Rome Statute, and contributes to commission of the crime against humanity of murder, considering the [Israeli occupying forces’] widespread and systematic shoot-to-kill policy and excessive use of force on both sides of the Green Line.541 The Coalition understands Israel’s resort to lethal and other excessive force against the Palestinian people since the start of the Nakba as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against the Palestinian civilian population, satisfying the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute.542 Arbitrary deprivation of Palestinian life and violations of Palestinians’ right to freedom of peaceful assembly543 have been used to impose and continuously maintain apartheid over Palestinians, aimed at preventing them from challenging the regime. 539  Azarov, Institutionalised Impunity . 540  Al-Haq, 83 Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat, Urging International Justice and Accountability for Israel’s Shoot-to-Kill Policy (14 July 2020) . 541  Al-Haq, Legal Brief on the Extrajudicial Killing of Shireen Abu Aqleh (3 November 2022) para 16 . 542  Article 7(1), Rome Statute. 543  Articles 6(1) and 21, ICCPR.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ1336.1.5 Lawlessness in Palestinian Communities inside the Green Line In contrast to Israeli authorities’ excessive policing of Palestinian demonstrations, incidents of crime and homicide in Palestinian communities within the Green Line remain largely neglected.544 Fuelled by Israeli policy allowing the spread of firearms and a deliberate failure to hold perpetrators accountable when the victims are Palestinian, between 2000 and 2020, 1,466 Palestinian citizens are reported to have been killed from gun violence.545 According to the Palestinian youth association Baladna, 85 homicides of Palestinians were recorded in 2019,546 and in 2018, ‘the homicide rate was effectively eight times higher in the Arab Palestinian society than it was in the Jewish Israeli sector.’547 Overall, between 2011 and 2019, Baladna found that the rate of homicides in Palestinian towns within the Green Line multiplied by 1.5.548 Baladna also found that 74.3 per cent of homicides targeting Palestinians between 2011 and 2019 were carried out by perpetrators using firearms.549 For its part, the Israeli police has not only shown indifference to organised crime within Palestinian communities, but has even actively encouraged Palestinian crime organisations as part of a policy to weaken Palestinian society.550 Notably, the policy ensures that Palestinians are kept busy ‘trying to survive’ while distancing them from central issues, including the Israeli occupation, and the denial of Palestinians’ collective rights. It 544  Nisreen Salameh Shahbari, ‘The Arab public wants better policing — and Israeli police don’t care’ (+972 Magazine , 26 August 2018) . 545  Shahrazad Odeh, ‘How crime became a cover for Israel to tighten control of Palestinian citizens’ (+972 Magazine , 4 December 2020) . 546  Baladna and Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK, Nine Years of Bloodshed: A Statistical Report on Homicide Cases among Arab Palestinians in Israel (2011-2019) (June 2020) 6 . 547  Ibid . 548  Odeh, ‘How crime became a cover’; see also Baladna and Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK, Nine Years of Bloodshed ; Suha Arraf, ‘How organized crime took over Israel’s Palestinian communities’ (+972 Magazine , 20 January 2020) . 549  Baladna and Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, UK, Nine Years of Bloodshed , 12. 550  Arraf, ‘How organized crime took over.’
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ134aims to sever Palestinians’ connection to the land and is indirectly geared toward pushing Palestinians to leave the country.551 Meanwhile, at least 70 per cent of firearms in Palestinian communities within the Green Line come from the Israeli military and police.552 In stark contrast, Israeli authorities mobilise full resources to locate and prosecute perpetrators of attacks against Jewish Israelis and to seize their weapons.553 Following October 2000, no Israeli officers were indicted for the killings of Palestinians. Instead, in an effort to prevent political mobilisation by Palestinian citizens, Israeli authorities fostered a climate of lawlessness and organised crime within Palestinian communities.554 In turn, Israeli authorities refuse to address the structural conditions that fuel violence within Palestinian communities, including poverty, high unemployment, the inability to expand due to denial of building permits, and the lack of land to build on due to systematic confiscation of Palestinian land and dispossession.555 The UN Human Rights Committee has understood that ‘[d]eprivation of life involves an intentional or otherwise foreseeable and preventable life-terminating harm or injury, caused by an act or omission.’556 Accordingly, Israeli policy not to investigate and prevent the killings of Palestinians constitutes another aspect of its systematic disregard for Palestinian life, amounting to an inhuman(e) act of apartheid. 551  Henriette Chacar, ‘Protests against gun violence trigger a political awakening for Palestinians in Israel’ (+972 Magazine, 23 October 2019) . 552  Arraf, ‘How organized crime took over’; Judith Sudilovsky, ‘‘No one cares’: Palestinian citizens decry Israeli inaction on gun violence’ (+972 Magazine , 29 September 2020) . 553  Charlie Hoyle, ‘A deadly gun violence epidemic has gripped Palestinian communities. Is Israeli police neglect to blame?’ (The New Arab, 18 October 2019) . 554  Odeh, ‘How crime became a cover.’ 555  Sudilovsky, ‘No one cares.’ 556  UN Human Rights Committee, General comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life, UN Doc CCPR/C/GC/36, 30 October 2018, para 6.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ1356.2 Denying Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: The Example of the Right to Health The Apartheid Convention prohibits any measures ‘calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country,’ including preventing the full development of a group by denying them basic human rights and freedoms.557 Article II(c) of the Convention lists both violations of civil and political rights as well as violations of economic, social, and cultural rights. Notably, the word ‘including’ in Article II(c) makes clear that the provision does not provide an exhaustive list of human rights violations, which may amount to inhuman acts of apartheid. Thus, the Apartheid Convention potentially encompasses the denial of the full spectrum of human rights and fundamental freedoms as inhuman acts of apartheid, including the failure to ensure the full realisation of economic, social, and cultural rights.558 Article 7(1)(k) of the Rome Statute, in turn, codifies ‘[o]ther inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health’ as a crime against humanity and as inhumane acts of apartheid within the meaning of Article 7(2)(h). This part examines Israeli violations of the right to health to illustrate measures taken to prevent the full realisation of Palestinians’ economic, social, and cultural rights. Indeed, under international human rights law, the right to health is recognised as encompassing the underlying determinants of health and well-being, such as the rights to adequate ‘food and nutrition, housing, access to safe and potable water and adequate sanitation, safe and healthy working conditions, and a healthy environment.’559 Examination of the Israeli regime’s violations of the right to health of Palestinians allows for consideration of structural violence560 as it impacts the lives, health, and livelihoods of Palestinians, including socio-political factors precluding their full enjoyment in the context of apartheid. 557  Article II(c), Apartheid Convention. 558  Article 2(1), ICESCR. 559  CESCR, General Comment No 14 (2000): The right to the highest attainable standard of health (Article 12 of the ICESCR), UN Doc E/C.12/2000/4, 11 August 2000, para 4. 560  David Mills et al , ‘Structural violence in the era of a new pandemic: the case of the Gaza Strip’ (The Lancet, 27 March 2020), .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1366.2.1 The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health ICERD prohibits racial discrimination in the enjoyment of ‘[t]he right to public health, medical care, social security and social services.’561 The ICESCR further proscribes racial discrimination562 in ‘the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.’563 This requires Israel, as a state party,564 to adopt measures aimed at reducing the stillbirth rate and infant mortality, provide for the healthy development of the child,565 improve ‘environmental and industrial hygiene,’566 prevent, treat, and control epidemic and other diseases,567 and create conditions ‘which would assure to all medical service and medical attention in the event of sickness.’568 While Israel has obligations to respect, protect, and fulfil the right to health of Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line,569 including under its military occupation,570 the health status and health access of Palestinians differs significantly based on the rights accorded to them by the Israeli regime. Indeed, Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line experience health inequities resulting from discriminatory Israeli policies and practices in the provision of and access to healthcare. In 2019, CERD expressed concern ‘[a]bout the disproportionately poor health status of the Palestinian and Bedouin populations, including shorter life expectancy and higher rates of infant mortality compared to those of the Jewish population.’571 The Committee went on to recommend that Israel, as state party, ‘[t]ake 561  Article 5(e)(iv), ICERD. 562  CESCR, General Comment No. 14 (2000) on Article 12, The right to the highest attainable standard of health, 11 August 2000, UN Doc E/C.12/2000/4, para 18. 563  Article 12(1), ICESCR. 564  Israel ratified the ICESCR on 3 October 1991, which entered into effect for it on 3 January 1992. 565  Article 12(2)(a), ICESCR. 566  Article 12(2)(b), ICESCR. 567  Article 12(2)(c), ICESCR. 568  Article 12(2)(d), ICESCR. 569  CESCR, Concluding observations on the fourth periodic report of Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, paras 8-9. 570  Article 56, Fourth Geneva Convention. 571  CERD, Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to nineteenth reports of Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para 38(c).
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ137concrete measures to improve the health status of the Palestinian and Bedouin populations.’572 CERD was particularly concerned about the dire health situation in the occupied Gaza Strip. The Committee considered that ‘the blockade continues to violate the right to freedom of movement, access to basic services, especially to health care, and impedes the ability to access safe drinking water.’573 6.2.2 Health Apartheid: Israel’s Discriminatory Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic Israeli authorities systematically violate the right of Palestinians to health and accord various degrees of rights and privileges to Palestinians under its effective control. Such violations range from its discriminatory response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to the de-development and neglect of the Palestinian healthcare system in the occupied Palestinian territory, including in the eastern part of Jerusalem, the denial of access to healthcare particularly impacting Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, excessive use of force against Palestinians, including attacks on healthcare workers and facilities, and the denial of underlying determinants of Palestinian health under conditions of structural violence.574 The Covid-19 pandemic exposed and further exacerbated these stark health inequities,575 which form part of Israel’s apartheid regime.576 In March 2020, when the Covid-19 outbreak began, Israeli authorities initially failed to provide real-time updates and public health information in Arabic for Palestinian citizens and Jerusalem residents. Virtually all 572  Ibid. , para 39(c). 573  Ibid. , para 44. 574  See, for example, Osama Tanous, ‘A New Episode of Erasure in the Settler Colony’ (Critical Times, 9 April 2020) . 575  See, for example, Al-Haq ‘Human rights organisations welcome Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on racial segregation and apartheid on both sides of the Green Line’ (21 December 2019) . 576  See Al-Haq, COVID-19 and the Right to Health of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation, Colonisation, and Apartheid (8 December 2020) ; see also Ramzy Baroud, ‘Covid-19 under Apartheid: How Israel manipulates suffering of Palestinians’ (Middle East Monitor, 12 January 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ138information issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health at the time was in Hebrew, creating barriers in access to essential information about the pandemic’s spread.577 In the weeks that followed, Israeli authorities failed to release accurate real-time data on the spread of Covid-19 within Palestinian communities inside the Green Line, who were absent(ed) from Israeli Ministry of Health maps.578 The Israeli occupying authorities also failed to disaggregate data for infections in the eastern part of Jerusalem,579 where the gap left in official data reporting required the establishment of an ad hoc Palestinian civil society alliance.580 Overall, tracking Covid-19 infections among Palestinians was largely undermined by Israel’s policy of political and legal fragmentation.581 Israeli authorities also initially showed reluctance to open drive- through testing centres in Palestinian communities. Within the Green Line, Palestinian villages and towns, which already suffer from poor infrastructure, faced delays in the opening of testing facilities, even while Israeli authorities established testing centres for the Jewish Israeli population.582 At the time, the authorities also failed to allocate resources 577  See Adalah, Israel fails to provide real-time coronavirus updates in Arabic for Palestinian citizens (10 March 2020) ; see also OHCHR, COVID-19: Israel has ‘legal duty’ to ensure that Palestinians in OPT receive essential health services – UN expert (19 March 2020) . 578  Osama Tanous wrote at the time, for example, ‘The following maps taken from the website of the Israeli Ministry of Health show confirmed cases of COVID-19. Palestinian towns are almost completely absent from these maps with zero confirmed cases’; see Osama Tanous, ‘A New Episode of Erasure in the Settler Colony.’ 579  Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect of Palestinians in East Jerusalem (14 July 2020) 7-8 . 580  Ibid., 6; see also Daoud Kuttab, ‘Jerusalem alliance fills gap in coronavirus awareness’ (Al-Monitor, 18 March 2020) . 581  Al-Haq, COVID-19 and the Right to Health, 4-5; see also Rania Muhareb and Rita Giacaman, ‘Tracking COVID-19 responsibly’ (The Lancet, 27 March 2020) ; Ali Abunimah, ‘Johns Hopkins COVID-19 map faulted for erasing Palestinians’ (The Electronic Intifada, 27 March 2020) . 582  Nihaya Daoud, ‘The Reluctance to Test Israeli Arabs for COVID-19 Is a Ticking Time-bomb’ (31 March 2020) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ139for Covid-19 testing and emergency medical services for unrecognised Palestinian villages in the Naqab.583 Similarly, there were delays in establishing Covid-19 testing centres in the eastern part of Jerusalem, which hampered preparedness efforts by an already over-burdened and under-resourced Palestinian hospital network.584 Only about a month into the outbreak were testing centres finally opened by Israeli authorities in Palestinian communities inside the Green Line and in the eastern part of Jerusalem, demonstrating grave negligent conduct vis-à-vis Palestinians’ health during the pandemic.585 As the pandemic continued to spread, the Israeli occupying authorities further undermined the health and dignity of Palestinian workers from the occupied Palestinian territory by continuing to exploit their labour under precarious conditions during lockdown.586 Israeli occupying authorities failed to test and treat Palestinian workers prior to their return to the occupied Palestinian territory, while Palestinian workers who displayed symptoms were denied treatment in Israeli clinics.587 This led to the stigmatisation and dehumanisation of Palestinian workers and their families, who made up most of the Covid-19 infections in the West Bank by May 2020.588 Israeli occupying authorities even obstructed measures 583  See Adalah, Before disaster strikes: Adalah submits urgent Israeli Supreme Court petition demanding immediate access to coronavirus testing, bolstered ambulance services in Bedouin villages (14 April 2020) . 584  Al-Haq Israeli Apartheid Undermines Palestinian Right to Health Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic (7 April 2020) ; Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect , 7. 585  Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect , 6-7. 586  Al-Haq et al , Joint Open Letter – Protection of Palestinian Workers During and After COVID-19 (5 May 2020) 2 ; see also Al-Haq, Civil Society Groups Send Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Rights and Dignity of Palestinian Workers in Israel during COVID-19 (15 April 2020) . 587  Al-Haq, Civil Society Groups Send Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Rights and Dignity of Palestinian Workers in Israel during COVID-19 (15 April 2020) 3 ; see also Suha Arraf, ‘The moment a worker is sick, they throw him to the checkpoint like a dog’ (+972 Magazine , 24 March 2020) . 588  Al-Haq et al , Joint Open Letter – Protection of Palestinian Workers During and After COVID-19 (5 May 2020) 2 ; see also Al-Haq, Civil Society Groups Send Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Rights and Dignity of Palestinian Workers in Israel during COVID-19 (15 April 2020) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ140taken by the Palestinian Authority to contain the spread of Covid-19 among Palestinian workers and their families by opening gates in the Annexation Wall and clipping passages through barbed fence for returning Palestinian workers, to circumvent Palestinian preparedness efforts.589 In Israeli prisons, the pandemic further exacerbated the vulnerabilities of Palestinian prisoners and detainees. Despite global calls by UN human rights experts for the release of those arbitrarily detained in the context of Covid-19,590 including political prisoners591 and human rights defenders,592 the Israeli occupying authorities refused to do so. Meanwhile, the Israel Prison Service started releasing hundreds of ‘non-violent prisoners’ in March 2020 amid fears of a Covid-19 outbreak.593 Those selected for release included prisoners serving lighter sentences and nearing the end of their prison time selected on the basis of age and health condition, but excluded Palestinian political prisoners.594 As Al-Haq and Addameer stressed at the time, ‘[t]his decision lays bare Israel’s institutionalised regime of systematic racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people.’595 The Israeli occupying authorities also failed to adequately mitigate the spread of 589  Al-Haq, Civil Society Groups Send Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Rights and Dignity of Palestinian Workers in Israel during COVID-19 (15 April 2020) 4 . 590  UN OHCHR, Urgent action needed to prevent COVID-19 “rampaging through places of detention” – Bachelet (25 March 2020) . 591  UN OHCHR, Human rights experts call for immediate release of political prisoners and detainees in Yemen given risk of spread of COVID-19 (30 March 2020) . 592  See, for example, OHCHR, Citing COVID risk, Bachelet calls on Iran to release jailed human rights defenders (6 October 2020) . 593  The Jerusalem Post, ‘Israel releases 230 prisoners early to reduce crowding amid COVID-19 fears’ (29 March 2020) . 594  Al-Haq and Addameer, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures: Urgent Intervention Needed to Protect Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons Amidst Concerns over COVID-19 Exposure (1 April 2020) 3 . 595  Ibid ., 3.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ141Covid-19 in Israeli prisons,596 including by continuing to arbitrarily detain Palestinians during the pandemic.597 In July 2020, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that Palestinian prisoners and detainees had no right to social distancing protection against Covid-19 in Israeli prisons.598 Critically, in early 2021, Israel’s discriminatory Covid-19 vaccination campaign exposed Israeli ‘medical apartheid’ worldwide.599 In violation of its obligations as the Occupying Power under Article 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel refused to vaccinate millions of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, even while it had vaccinated the most individuals per capita in the world by mid-January 2021.600 The Israeli authorities vaccinated Israeli settlers illegally residing in the occupied West Bank as part of their overtly discriminatory vaccination programme, even while excluding millions of Palestinians under prolonged Israeli military occupation and illegal closure and blockade in the Gaza Strip from receiving vaccines.601 The refusal to vaccinate Palestinians under 596  See Al-Haq, On Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, Civil Society Calls for Urgent Release of Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees in Israeli Prisons (17 April 2020) . 597  Al-Haq, Israel’s Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Face of COVID-19 (Reporting Period 8 - 29 March 2020) (3 April 2020) . 598  Adalah, Israeli Supreme Court rules: Palestinian prisoners have no right to social distancing protection against COVID-19 (23 July 2020) . 599  See, for example, Democracy Now, ‘“Medical Apartheid”: Israeli Vaccine Drive Excludes Millions of Palestinians in Occupied Territories’ (5 January 2021) ; see also Amnesty International, Denying COVID-19 vaccines to Palestinians exposes Israel’s institutionalized discrimination (6 January 2021) ; Al-Haq, Racism and Institutionalised Discrimination in the Roll-Out of the COVID-19 Vaccine (18 January 2021) . 600  Times of Israel, ‘Israel hits 2 million vaccinated with 1st dose; police to up closure enforcement’ (14 January 2021) . 601  See, for example, Guy Davies, ‘Israel is leading the world in its vaccinations, but the program is not without controversy’ (ABC News, 16 January 2021) ; Mustafa Barghouthi, ‘Israel’s Vaccination Drive Is Going Great. But We’re Being Sidelined’ (The New York Times, 12 January 2021) ; Oliver Holmes and Hazem Balousha, ‘Palestinians excluded from Israeli Covid vaccine rollout as jabs go to settlers’ (The Guardian , 3 January 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ142occupation,602 coupled with obstruction of the Palestinian Authority’s vaccination efforts,603 violate Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Notably, the International Commission of Jurists found that ‘[t]o the extent that the lack of necessary COVID-19 vaccines has caused deaths among the Gaza population, or endangered their right to life, Israel’s policies and practices have… breached article 6 of the ICCPR.’604 By 26 October 2022, only 51.4 per cent have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 in the occupied Palestinian territory according to the World Health Organization (WHO),605 and as of 18 November 2022, there have been 5,708 Covid-19-related deaths in the occupied Palestinian territory.606 6.2.3 De-development, Fragmentation, and Discriminatory Healthcare Provision The Israeli authorities’ discriminatory Covid-19 response falls within a broader policy to de-develop the Palestinian healthcare system and fragment the Palestinian people and the occupied Palestinian territory.607 The prolonged Israeli occupation and illegal closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, denial of sovereignty over natural resources,608 movement and access restrictions, and further discriminatory measures have undermined the development of the Palestinian healthcare system and the functioning 602  Yara Hawari, ‘The dark side of Israel’s vaccine success story’ (Al Jazeera , 11 January 2021) . 603  Oliver Holmes, ‘Israel blocked Covid vaccines from entering Gaza, say Palestinians’ (The Guardian , 16 February 2021) . 604  International Commission of Jurists, Under Occupation: Unprotected and Unvaccinated Israel’s Denial of Equitable Access to COVID19 Vaccines in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (October 2021) 20 . 605  WHO, COVID-19 vaccination in the occupied Palestinian territory (26 October 2022) . 606  WHO, WHO Health Emergency Dashboard (18 November 2022) . 607  See WHO, Right to Health 2018 (October 2019) 16 . 608  Suha Jarrar, Adaptation under Occupation: Climate Change Vulnerability in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Al-Haq, 2019) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ143of its hospital networks, while fuelling unemployment, impoverishment, and entrenching Palestinian dispossession.609 In the occupied Palestinian territory, ongoing Zionist settler colonial expansion and 15 years of illegal closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip have produced a captive Palestinian market and accelerated economic de-development.610 The UN Conference on Trade and Development described ‘asymmetric economic relations [that] continue to reinforce the imposed Palestinian economic dependence on Israel.’611 In 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, WHO concluded that ‘[t]he health system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 is fragmented and fragile.’612 Palestinian hospitals suffer from a lack of specialised health services613 and have faced decades of systematic neglect.614 In the besieged Gaza Strip, the illegal Israeli blockade and closure and successive, brutal Israeli military escalations have directly targeted Palestinian health infrastructure and driven the Palestinian healthcare system to the brink of collapse.615 The siege and de-development have resulted in long-term shortages and depletion of essential medicines.616 According to UNRWA: the health sector across the Gaza Strip lack[s] adequate physical infrastructure and training opportunities. Facilities are overstretched, and service is frequently interrupted by power cuts. 609  UNCTAD, Report on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Developments in the Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (September 2017), UN Doc TD/B/64/4, pp 12-13 . 610  UNCTAD, The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: Cumulative Fiscal Costs (2019) ; UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, 22 October 2020, UN Doc A/75/532, para 55; see also Mark Samander, Captive Markets, Captive Lives | Palestinian Workers in Israeli Settlements (Al-Haq, 2021) . 611  UNCTAD, Report on UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People, 2. 612  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018 (2019) 16 . 613  Ibid ., 19. 614  Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect . 615  See, for example, Al-Haq, Gaza Closure Enters its Tenth Year (19 June 2017) . 616  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 25.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ144These challenges further threaten the health of the population, which is already at increasing risk. Food insecurity and rising poverty mean that most residents cannot meet their daily caloric requirements, while over 90 per cent of the water in Gaza has been deemed unfit for human consumption… Across the Gaza Strip, psychological trauma, poverty and environmental degradation have had a negative impact on residents’ physical and mental health; many, including children, suffer from anxiety, distress and depression.617 In the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Palestinian hospital network treating patients from the West Bank and Gaza Strip has faced chronic underfunding, which has undermined healthcare provision for Palestinians across the occupied Palestinian territory.618 In Area C, which makes up about 60 per cent of the West Bank, Palestinians are largely prevented from building permanent structures and do not have a single permanent healthcare centre.619 Some 35 per cent of 300,000 Palestinians in Area C of the West Bank ‘depend on mobile clinics for access to essential primary health services.’620 In 2018, six of these clinics were denied access to communities for a period of at least two weeks and Israeli occupying authorities confiscated one mobile clinic vehicle.621 In March 2020, at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak, Israeli occupying authorities confiscated tents designated for a field clinic in Khirbet Ibziq, a Palestinian community in the northern Jordan Valley in Area C.622 Similarly, a clinic set up to test Covid-19 in Silwan in the eastern part of Jerusalem was shut down, despite delays by the Israeli occupying authorities at the time to open Covid-19 testing 617  UNRWA, Health in the Gaza Strip . 618  Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect , 6-7 and 9. 619  MAP UK, New MAP briefing exposes how Israel’s occupation obstructs the development of Palestinian healthcare (23 June 2017) . 620  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 23. 621 Ibid. , 66. 622  B’Tselem, During the Coronavirus crisis, Israel confiscates tents designated for clinic in the Northern West Bank (26 March 2020) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ145facilities for Palestinians in the city.623 In the rest of the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority’s capacity for adequate healthcare provision has been hampered by the Israeli occupation. According to WHO, the Palestinian Ministry of Health spends more than a third of its expenditure on purchasing services from non-state providers, while the Palestinian health system faces a shortage of nurses and midwives and a scarcity of doctors for certain medical specialties.624 In December 2020, Al-Haq concluded that geographical fragmentation, ‘[c]ompounded by physical closures, closed areas, zones with restricted access, bureaucratic barriers, and political oppression,’ render provision and development of Palestinian healthcare ‘virtually impossible.’625 Overall, Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory continue to be denied the right to develop a functioning healthcare system under conditions of occupation, settler colonialism, and apartheid.626 6.2.4 Denial of Access to Healthcare and Coercion of Patients As a result of Israeli de-development policies, the Palestinian healthcare system lacks specialised health services and faces shortages in essential medicines, creating a dependence on hospitals in Jerusalem, the rest of the West Bank, and inside the Green Line for medical treatment.627 In the Gaza Strip, all Palestinians, including patients, their companions, and health workers require permits issued by the Israeli occupying authorities to leave the Strip, including to access healthcare.628 In the West Bank, only Palestinian men over the age of 55, Palestinian women over 50, and children under 14 traveling with a permitted adult companion are exempted and can access Jerusalem and Israel without Israeli-issued permits.629 623  Al-Haq, JLAC, and MAP UK, COVID-19 and the Systematic Neglect , 8. 624  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 8. 625  See Al-Haq, COVID-19 and the Right to Health , 9-10. 626  Ibid ., 7. 627  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 19. 628  Ibid . 629  Ibid .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ146The Israeli occupying authorities’ discriminatory restrictions on access to healthcare in the occupied Palestinian territory illustrate an intention to punish the Palestinian civilian population, particularly in the Gaza Strip. As a general rule, Israeli occupying authorities prevent patients from travelling to receive medical treatment with the exception of some life-saving cases whose treatment is unavailable in Gaza.630 In turn, the steep decline of Gaza’s healthcare system and unavailability of specialised medical services have increased the need for patients to be referred for more advanced facilities in the West Bank, including in the eastern part of Jerusalem, inside the Green Line, and abroad.631 Some 70 per cent of patients in the Gaza Strip required permits for treatment outside of the Gaza Strip in 2018632 and in 2019.633 The Israeli permit system arbitrarily and unlawfully preconditions Palestinian access to healthcare, contrary to the Israeli occupying authorities’ obligation to realise the right to health without discrimination.634 Due to the illegal Israeli closure, between 2008 and 2021, 839 Palestinian patients died while waiting for a response to their permit applications to access treatment from the Israeli occupying authorities.635 A survival analysis conducted by WHO found that Palestinian ‘cancer patients initially denied or delayed permits to access chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy outside Gaza from 2015 to 2017 were 1.5 times less likely to survive in the following six months or more, compared to those initially approved 630  PCHR, Treatment Denied: A Report on Israeli Policy of Denying Patients Treatment Abroad, Claiming Treatment is Available in the Gaza Strip or is only for ‘Improving Quality of Life’ and not for ‘Life- Saving’ (16 October 2019) . 631  UN OCHA, Recent trends in Palestinian access from Gaza: Erez and Rafah crossings (8 October 2018) . 632  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 35. 633  Al-Haq, PCHR, Al Mezan, and CIHRS, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Denial of Access to Healthcare for Palestinian Patients from the Gaza Strip (26 June 2020) 2-3 . 634  Ibid ., 2. 635  WHO, 15 Years of Gaza Blockade and Barriers to Health Access (2022) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ147permits.’636 Moreover, between 2018 and 2021, 43 per cent of Palestinian children accessing healthcare outside of the Gaza Strip were forced to travel without their parents.637 CESCR expressed its concern about the: significant increase in the number of requests for permits that have been refused or delayed [by the Israeli occupying authorities], with devastating consequences, including the death of patients waiting for permits and the carrying out of critical medical procedures on children without their parents at their side.638 Accordingly, in November 2019, CESCR called on the Israeli occupying authorities to: a. Facilitate the entry of essential medical equipment and supplies and the movement of medical professionals from and to Gaza; b. Review the medical exit-permit system with a view to making it easier for residents of Gaza to access, in a timely manner, all medically recommended health-care services; c. Ensure that all children referred for medical treatment outside Gaza can be accompanied by at least one parent.639 In March 2019, the UN Commission of Inquiry on the Great March of Return called on Israel, the Occupying Power, to lift its closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip with immediate effect.640 WHO and Health Cluster partners in the occupied Palestinian territory similarly called for ‘an immediate end 636  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018 , 35; see also Ben Bouquet et al , ‘Comparative survival of cancer patients requiring Israeli permits to exit the Gaza Strip for health care: A retrospective cohort study from 2008 to 2017’ (2021) 16(6) PloS one . 637  WHO, 15 Years of Gaza Blockade and Barriers to Health Access. 638  CESCR, Concluding Observations on the Fourth Periodic Report of Israel, UN Doc E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, 12 November 2019, para 58. 639  Ibid ., para 59. 640  Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,18 March 2019, UN Doc A/HRC/40/ CRP .2, para 797, p 226.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ148to the blockade of the Gaza Strip’ in 2022.641 In its consideration of the ‘root causes’ of systematic discrimination in Palestine, the ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry has considered that: The continuing occupation… the 15-year blockade of Gaza and longstanding discrimination within Israel are all intrinsically linked, and cannot be looked at in isolation. The conflict and the occupation must be considered in their full context.642 An additional practice compounding the denial of access to healthcare for Palestinians from the Gaza Strip has been the Israeli occupying authorities’ attempt to coerce Palestinian patients and their companions to collaborate with them as a prerequisite for permit processing.643 In November 2015, the Israeli occupying authorities imposed more severe restrictions on permit processing for patient companions from the Gaza Strip—not only for those under the age of 35 as was the case until then—but for all male companions aged 16 to 55 and female companions aged 16 to 45.644 Under this policy, the Israeli occupying authorities deny Palestinian patients the right to access healthcare outside of Gaza under the guise of ‘security.’ Between January 2008 and May 2022, WHO recorded 3,815 cases of Palestinian patients who were summoned for Israeli ‘security’ interrogations as a prerequisite for receiving permits for treatment outside of the Gaza Strip.645 An additional 1,075 patient companions were similarly summoned for interrogations as preconditions to receiving permits.646 641  WHO, 15 Years of Blockade and Health in Gaza (July 2022) 2 . 642  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, UN Doc A/HRC/50/21, 9 May 2022, para 72. 643  Al-Haq, PCHR, Al Mezan, and CIHRS, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Denial of Access to Healthcare for Palestinian Patients from the Gaza Strip (26 June 2020) 12 ; see also Al-Haq, Al-Haq Statement on World Health Day (7 April 2017) . 644  WHO, Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory 2018, 37. 645  WHO, 15 Years of Gaza Blockade and Barriers to Health Access. 646  Ibid .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ149Palestinian human rights organisations have documented countless cases where Palestinian patients and their companions have been called in for interrogation at Beit Hanoun (Erez) checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip, with Israeli intelligence officers attempting to coerce patients into collaborating in exchange for accessing healthcare. In October 2016, in an emblematic case documented by Al-Haq, 17-year-old Palestinian patient, Ahmad Hassan Shubeir, who was born with congenital heart disease and had been receiving treatment in hospitals outside of the Gaza Strip since birth, was summoned for Israeli interrogation at Beit Hanoun (Erez) checkpoint as a precondition for receiving a permit. Ahmad was strip- searched and all his medicines were confiscated during an interrogation that lasted seven hours. An Israeli intelligence officer told him: ‘[w]e know that your health condition is very difficult and we are ready to… give you the best doctors in exchange for your cooperation with us.’ Refusing to collaborate with the Israeli occupying authorities, Ahmad died on 14 January 2017, denied the right to access lifesaving treatment.647 In November 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, ten patients from the Gaza Strip were required to undergo interrogation as a prerequisite to permit processing.648 This repressive policy may amount to cruel and inhuman treatment of Palestinian patients and their companions649 and is emblematic of the Israeli authorities’ systematic disregard for Palestinian health, dignity, and life under its effective control. 647  Al-Haq, Al-Haq Statement on World Health Day (7 April 2017) ; see also Al-Haq, Gaza Closure Enters its Tenth Year (19 June 2017) 8 ; Al-Haq, PCHR, Al Mezan, and CIHRS, Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Denial of Access to Healthcare for Palestinian Patients from the Gaza Strip (26 June 2020) 12 . 648  WHO, Health Access: Barriers for patients in the occupied Palestinian territory, Monthly Report (November 2020) 3 . 649  Article 7, ICCPR.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1506.2.5 Attacks on Healthcare The Israeli occupying authorities have also carried out deliberate attacks on Palestinian healthcare, including the killing and injury of Palestinian healthcare workers; raids and assaults on Palestinian hospitals; obstruction of ambulance access; and denying medical assistance to Palestinians injured by Israeli forces and settlers. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Al-Haq documented Israeli attacks on three Palestinian hospitals in Gaza, Tulkarm, and Ramallah between December 2020 and January 2021.650 These attacks on healthcare, in violation of Israel’s obligations as Occupying Power651 and under international human rights law,652 put the lives of healthcare workers and patients at risk.653 Such incidents are not unprecedented. WHO found that Israeli occupying authorities carried out: [Sixty-eight] attacks on health care in the West Bank in 2019, with 33 of these involving physical attacks against health staff or facilities, 36 involving obstructions to access and two incidents of incursion into Palestinian hospitals. There were nine incidents recorded of obstruction of medical teams to accessing to provide medical assistance to 11 Palestinians who had been fatally wounded.654 In May 2021, two senior Palestinian doctors, Dr Ayman Tawfik Abu Al-Ouf, 50, head of internal medicine at Al-Shifa hospital, and Dr Mo’een Ahmad Al-’ Aloul, 67, a psychiatric neurologist, were killed by the Israeli occupying forces in airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.655 Between 12 April and 28 May 2022, WHO recorded damage to 38 health facilities in the Gaza Strip from Israeli military bombardment, including ten hospitals and 25 clinics as well as the 650  Al-Haq, Special Focus: Amidst a Global Pandemic, IOF Continue to Attack Palestinian Hospitals, Disregarding the Legal Obligations of the Occupying Power (17 January 2021) . 651  Article 27, Hague Regulations; Article 18, Fourth Geneva Convention. 652  Article 12(1), ICESCR. 653  Al-Haq, Special Focus: Amidst a Global Pandemic. 654  WHO, Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan, Report by the Director-General (5 November 2020) UN Doc A73/15, para 37. 655  Joseph Stepansky, ‘“Huge loss”: Experienced Gaza doctors killed in Israeli attacks’ (Al Jazeera , 17 May 2021) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ151injury of two healthcare workers.656 Since 2018, WHO has recorded 645 attacks on healthcare in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupying forces.657 In addition to direct attacks on healthcare, injured Palestinians are systematically denied access to medical care by the Israeli occupying forces.658 Such denial of medical assistance forms part of Israel’s shoot-to- killed policy targeting Palestinians.659 In 2019, Al-Haq documented 114 cases where Israeli soldiers failed to provide medical assistance or first aid to Palestinians injured by Israeli fire.660 On 30 May 2020, the Israeli occupying forces killed Iyad Khayri Al-Hallaq, 31, in the eastern part of Jerusalem, while he was on his way to a day centre for youth and adults with disability in the Old City. Iyad was shot with live fire by Israeli border police from a distance not exceeding five metres and was denied access to medical care until some 20 minutes after he had been critically injured.661 On 23 June 2020, Israeli occupying forces killed Ahmad Mustafa Erekat, 26, at a West Bank checkpoint. Ahmad was shot and left to bleed to death for an hour and a half, despite the presence of an Israeli ambulance at the scene.662 As part of its shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians, the Israeli occupying forces have also employed lethal and other excessive force against healthcare workers. During the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip between 30 March 2018 and the end of 2019, Israeli snipers extrajudicially 656  Al-Haq, Special Focus: Al-Haq Condemns Israel’s Targeting of Health Facilities and Workers in the Gaza Strip (2 June 2021) . 657  WHO, 15 Years of Blockade and Health in Gaza, 1. 658  Al-Haq et al , Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Extrajudicial Execution and Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat by the Israeli Occupying Forces on 23 June 2020 (13 July 2020) 10 . 659  Ibid ., 11. 660  Ibid. 661  Al-Haq, Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Extrajudicial Execution and Wilful Killing of Palestinian Person with Disability Iyad Al-Hallaq by the Israeli Occupying Forces on 30 May 2020 in East Jerusalem (8 June 2020) . 662  Al-Haq et al., Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the Extrajudicial Execution and Wilful Killing of Ahmad Erekat, 1.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ152executed four Palestinian healthcare workers. By December 2019, WHO had recorded 565 attacks by the Israeli occupying forces on healthcare during the demonstrations. In addition, WHO found that 844 healthcare workers had been injured, 118 ambulances had sustained damage, as well as ten other forms of health transport, six health facilities, and one hospital.663 The UN Commission of Inquiry on the demonstrations found that Palestinian healthcare workers killed during the Great March of Return were clearly marked as such and posed no imminent threat to Israeli soldiers at the time.664 6.2.6 Denial of Underlying Determinants International human rights law recognises that the right to health is not limited to the right to receive medical care but encompasses ‘a wide range of socio-economic factors that promote conditions in which people can lead a healthy life, and extends to the underlying determinants of health.’665 Similarly, WHO considers that ‘conditions in which people live and work can help to create or destroy their health.’666 Zionist settler colonialism, ongoing Nakba and displacement, prolonged occupation, and blockade have deprived the Palestinian people of the progressive realisation and full enjoyment of their economic, social, and cultural rights,667 including their right to health and to an adequate standard of living, which includes the 663  WHO, Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan, Report by the Director-General (5 November 2020) UN Doc A73/15, para 31 ; see also WHO, Attacks on health care during the Gaza Great March of Return (March 2018 to December 2019) . 664  Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,18 March 2019, UN Doc A/HRC/40/ CRP .2, paras 523-524 and 526, pp 151-152 and 154. 665  CESCR, General Comment No. 14 (2000) on Article 12, The right to the highest attainable standard of health, 11 August 2000, UN Doc E/C.12/2000/4, para 4. 666  WHO, Commission on Social Determinants of Health Brochure, UN Doc Ref WHO/EIP/EQH/01/2006, 3 . 667  Al-Haq, Al-Haq’s Follow-Up Written Responses to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for Israel’s Fourth Periodic Review (8 October 2019) 14 .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ153corresponding state obligation to ensure ‘the continuous improvement of living conditions.’668 In its March 2019 findings, the UN Commission of Inquiry on the Great March of Return concluded that: The right to life includes the right to a life with dignity… the ongoing blockade of Gaza and its impact on the health-care system in Gaza, and the ensuing deprivation of essential goods and services necessary for a dignified life, including basic medical supplies, safe drinking water, electricity and sanitation, constitute violations of the fundamental rights to life and health.669 The Israeli regime’s strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people and of historic Palestine has detrimentally impacted the enjoyment by Palestinians under its effective control of their right to the highest attainable standard of health.670 This includes ensuring the underlying determinants necessary for the enjoyment of health, well-being, and human dignity.671 To ensure Palestinians’ full enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights, structural interventions are necessary to end Israeli oppression of Palestinians.672 668  Article 11(1), ICESCR. 669  See, for example, Human Rights Council, Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,18 March 2019, UN Doc A/HRC/40/CRP .2, para 701, pp 200-201. 670  Article 12(1), ICESCR. 671  CERD, Concluding observations on the combined seventeenth to nineteenth reports of Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para 38(c). 672  Al-Haq, COVID-19 and the Right to Health of Palestinians under Israeli Occupation, Colonisation, and Apartheid, 13, 25.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1546.3 Arbitrary Detention and Illegal Imprisonment ‘[A]rbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups’ constitutes an inhuman act of apartheid under Article II(a)(iii) of the Apartheid Convention. The Rome Statute lists ‘[i]mprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law’ as a crime against humanity under Article 7(1)(e), also constituting an inhuman act of apartheid. With reference to the detention of Palestinians by the Israeli occupying forces, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has considered detention to be arbitrary in cases when: (i) ‘it is clearly impossible to invoke any legal basis justifying the deprivation of liberty;’ (ii) it is based on the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms; (iii) the violation of fair trial rights ‘is of such gravity as to give the deprivation of liberty an arbitrary character;’ and (iv) when it is based on prohibited grounds of discrimination.673 As this part discusses, these four instances apply to the Israeli regime’s arbitrary detention and imprisonment policies targeting the Palestinian people. The Israeli regime has consistently resorted to widespread arbitrary detention of Palestinians both as a measure of collective punishment and to silence, intimidate, and undermine any resistance to its apartheid regime. An estimated 13,000 Palestinian children have been arrested by the Israeli occupying forces in the West Bank since 2000, and some 500 to 700 Palestinian children are prosecuted in Israeli military courts each year.674 As of October 2022, the Israeli regime continues to detain around 4,700 Palestinian political prisoners and detainees across 17 prisons, four interrogation centres, and four detention centres.675 Palestinian political prisoners detained in Israeli prisons include nine members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, 190 Palestinian children, and 30 women. Children as young as 14 have been placed under administrative detention by the Israeli occupying authorities and serve out their detention in the same facilities 673  WGAD, Opinion No 8/2021 concerning Layan Kayed, Elyaa Abu Hijla and Ruba Asi (Israel), UN Doc A/HRC/WGAD/2021/8, 7 June 2021, para 3. 674  DCI-Palestine, Factsheet: Palestinian Child Detainees (12 January 2022) . 675  Addameer, Statistics (18 November 2022) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ155as adults.676 Currently, 820 Palestinian administrative detainees, including four children and three women continue to be detained indefinitely in Israeli prisons without charge or trial.677 Former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, observed in 2020 that: Administrative detention… allows a state to arrest and detain a person without charges, without a trial, without knowing the evidence against her or him, and without a fair judicial review… It is a penal system that is ripe for abuse and maltreatment.678 Already in its 2012 concluding observations on Israel’s report, CERD had raised concerns about the widespread use of administrative detention, in particular against Palestinian children, and the use of ‘secret evidence’ in Israeli military courts. The Committee recommended that the Israeli regime ‘ensure equal access to justice for all persons residing in territories under [its] effective control’ and urged Israel ‘to end its current practice of administrative detention, which is discriminatory and constitutes arbitrary detention under international human rights law.’679 The frequency of the use of administrative detention as a method of subjugation, intimidation, and control by the Israeli regime has fluctuated over the years. Since 1948, the Israeli regime has relied on arbitrary detention and imprisonment of Palestinians, notably of political leaders,680 but also of activists, human rights defenders, and others as collective punishment.681 Indefinite administrative detention without charge or trial is one of the many aspects of the discriminatory Israeli judicial system. Since the start of 2022, over 6,000 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces, according to 676  Ibid . 677  Ibid . 678  UN OHCHR, UN expert calls for Israel to end practice of administrative detention and immediately release Maher Al-Akhras (23 October 2020) . 679  CERD, Concluding Observations on the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Periodic Reports of Israel, UN Doc CERD 4 /C/ ISR /CO/116, 9 March 2012, para 27. 680  See, for example, John Quigley, ‘Apartheid Outside Africa: The Case of Israel’ (1991) 2(1) Indiana International and Comparative Law Review 221, 241. 681  See, e.g., Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society, 13 and 27; see also Uri Davis, Israel: An Apartheid State (Zed Books, 1987) 67.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ156the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, with 1,829 administrative detention orders issued since the start of the year. The majority of detentions targeted Palestinians in Jerusalem, with 2,700 detained as of early November 2022.682 Israeli authorities’ use of administrative detention has become a key tool to silence Palestinians and to undermine any challenge to Israel’s apartheid regime. The Israeli regime continues to detain over 800 administrative detainees indefinitely without charge or trial based on ‘secret evidence.’683 The Israeli regime has continued to escalate its policy of arbitrary detention of Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line. In May 2021, Israeli police launched ‘Operation Law and Order’ targeting Palestinian citizens, as a form of collective punishment for their participation in the Unity Intifada.684 This ‘operation’ led to mass arrests of Palestinian citizens in order to ‘penalise those who have taken part in demonstrations against settler violence, the Israeli forces’ crackdown on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and the military’s 11-day bombardment campaign of Gaza,’ to entrench fragmentation and undermine Palestinian unity.685 In March 2022, to undermine Palestinian resistance in the West Bank, the Israeli occupying forces launched ‘Operation Break the Wave’ as part of which the Israeli military stated it has arrested over 1,500 Palestinians.686 Within the understanding of WGAD, these ‘operations’ are intended to undermine the exercise by the Palestinian people of their fundamental rights and freedoms, with this exercise often forming the basis for arbitrary detentions in the first place. Thus, arbitrary detention and imprisonment are deployed to maintain Palestinian oppression and to undermine any effort at challenging the Israeli regime. 682  Middle East Monitor, ‘Report: Israel detained 6,000 Palestinians so far in 2022’ (Middle East Monitor, 9 November 2022) . 683  Addameer, Statistics (10 October 2022) . 684  Mariam Barghouti and Yumna Patel, ‘What is happening in the West Bank right now: a full breakdown’ (Mondoweiss, 17 October 2022) . 685  Farah Najjar, ‘’ A war declaration’: Palestinians in Israel decry mass arrests’ (Al Jazeera , 24 May 2021) . 686  Barghouti and Patel, ‘What is happening in the West Bank right now.’
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ157The Israeli regime’s imprisonment policy is marred with gross violations of Palestinians’ rights to a fair trial. Notably, the Israeli Military Commander exercises judicial, legislative, and executive functions. Palestinians may be denied access to a lawyer for up to 60 days in the Israeli military court system as well as to interpreters and are subjected to a near-99 per cent conviction rate within military courts.687 In its November 2022 submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese, Addameer highlighted the racially discriminatory nature of the Israeli judicial system, contrary to Articles 9 and 14(1) of the ICCPR and Article 3 of ICERD.688 Notably, with reference to Israeli Military Order 1651, which ‘authorises’ administrative detention in the occupied West Bank, WGAD has found that this practice ‘is particularly directed against Palestinians.’689 In 2011, Sahar Francis, General Director of Addameer, analysed the Israeli policy of deprivation of liberty as an inhuman act of apartheid, concluding that: Israel’s arrest and detention of Palestinians in the [occupied Palestinian territory] and within Israel proper is governed by a regime of laws and institutions almost completely separate from the one administering the arrest of Jewish Israelis. Because this system enables the large-scale arbitrary arrest of Palestinians while generally affording them lower protections and guarantees than Jewish Israelis, it should be understood as a discriminatory institutional tool of domination and oppression against them.690 Thus, Israeli authorities commit the inhuman(e) act of arbitrary detention and imprisonment against the Palestinian people, with the intention of maintaining the regime. 687  Addameer, Illegal and Arbitrary: The Deprivation of Liberty of Palestinians in Occupied Territories (10 November 2022) 3-5 . 688  Ibid. , 5-6, 8, 15-16. 689  Ibid. WGAD, Opinion No 31/2017 concerning Omar Nazzal (Israel), UN Doc A/HRC/WGAD/2017/31, 25 July 2017, para 35; see also International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School and Addameer, Apartheid in the Occupied West Bank: A Legal Analysis of Israel’s Actions (28 February 2022) 15 . 690  Sahar Francis, ‘Denial of the right to life and liberty of person as an act of apartheid’ (2011) 47 al- Majdal 20, 21.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1586.4 Torture and Other Ill-Treatment The infliction of ‘serious bodily or mental harm… by subjecting [persons] to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’ is an inhuman(e) act of apartheid under Article II(a)(ii) of the Apartheid Convention and Article 7(1)(f) of the Rome Statute. The Israeli judicial system has repeatedly sanctioned the use of physical and psychological torture and other forms of ill-treatment as ‘interrogation’ techniques that are systematically used against Palestinians. Israeli authorities have resorted to systematic torture and ill-treatment against Palestinian detainees in violation of the absolute and non-derogable prohibition of torture.691 Affidavits and documented cases gathered by various human rights organisations, including Addameer, have shown that the Israeli occupying authorities use torture as a core technique in extracting statements from Palestinian detainees, in violation of their rights to bodily integrity, physical safety, and dignity, doing so with legal cover provided by the Israeli courts.692 In 2016, the UN Committee against Torture, in its concluding observations on Israel, expressed its concerns regarding: allegations of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of persons deprived of liberty, including minors. According to these allegations, torture and ill-treatment are mostly perpetrated by law enforcement and security officials, mainly from the Israel Security Agency, the police and the Israeli [military], particularly during arrest, transfer and interrogation. In addition, the Committee remains concerned at allegations that Israel Security Agency interrogators continue to resort to interrogation methods that are contrary to the Convention, such as stress positions and sleep deprivation.693 Torture techniques, including physical pressure and methods of psychological torture, have been used since the beginning of the Israeli 691  See, notably, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Customary International Humanitarian Law Database, Rule 90, Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment ; see also Article 32, Fourth Geneva Convention; Article 7, ICCPR; Article 2(1), CAT. 692  See International Human Rights Clinic, Harvard Law School, and Addameer, Apartheid in the Occupied West Bank, 18-19; Ardi Imseis, ‘Moderate Torture on Trial: Critical Reflections on the Israeli Supreme Court Judgement concerning the Legality of General Security Service Interrogation Methods’ (2001) 19(2) Berkeley Journal of International Law 328. 693  UN Committee against Torture, Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of Israel, UN Doc CAT/C/ISR/CO/5, 3 June 2016, para 30.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ159occupation and have become standard operating procedure.694 Examples of such techniques include physical beatings, stress positions, sleep deprivation, isolation, and solitary confinement during interrogation, subjection to sounds of torture from neighbouring cells, deliberate medical neglect, screaming and cursing, threats of sexual harassment, particularly against women and children, and threats of harming family members. Moreover, Addameer’s documentation indicates that Israeli occupying authorities continue to develop new methods of psychological torture that are used in conjunction with physical torture.695 According to Defense for Children International—Palestine (DCI-Palestine), the majority of detained Palestinian children report being subjected to harsh interrogation techniques, amounting to torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment, to coerce them into self-incrimination through the extraction of confessions.696 Another Israeli technique is the use of informants to extract information from detainees by misleading, luring, or threatening them. Informants exert psychological pressure by threatening detainees and their family members with physical violence or harm.697 As Addameer has found, torture has been committed by the Israeli authorities since 1948. In the most extreme cases, Palestinian detainees have died in Israeli detention as a result.698 Finally, Addameer has highlighted: The [Israeli] judicial and medical systems contribute in concealing crimes of torture by often refraining from documenting the torture Palestinian detainees endure, extending the detention of detainees for the purpose of interrogation in a complete disregard of markings of torture littering their bodies, as well as perpetually certifying that detainees are medically fit to withstand interrogation despite their pains and suffering.699 694  Yara Hawari, ‘The Systematic Torture of Palestinians in Israeli Detention’ (Al Shabaka, 28 November 2019) . 695  Addameer, Cell 26: A Study on the Use of Torture against Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Interrogation Center (13 June 2022) . 696  DCI-Palestine, Youth Convection: Palestinian Children Describe Solitary Con finement in Israeli Military Prisons (20 December 2014) . 697  CERD Report, para 128; Addameer, Cell No. 26 , 40-41. 698  CERD Report, para 128; Addameer, Cell No. 26 , 48, 127. 699  Addameer, Cell No. 26, 48, 127; Derek Summerfield, ‘The campaign about doctors and torture in Israel five years on’ (2014) 349 The BMJ ; see also Sharmila Devi, ‘Israeli doctors accused of collusion in torture’ (2013) 381(9869) The Lancet .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1606.5 Collective Punishment Collective punishment has been a staple of Israel’s apartheid regime and prolonged 55-year military occupation, in a continuation of the colonial tactics of the British mandate. Collective punishment, that is the punishment of an individual for ‘an offence he or she has not personally committed,’ is expressly prohibited under international humanitarian law as set out in Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.700 Israeli authorities utilise a range of such policies and practices to collectively punish the Palestinian people, with damaging effects on Palestinian families and communities. In the occupied West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, Israeli occupying authorities carry out home demolitions and sealings of homes to collectively punish Palestinians. Such demolitions and sealings are carried out with reference to the sweeping permissions provided for under Regulation 119 of the 1945 Defence (Emergency) Regulations inherited from the British mandate system. Under this regulation, the Military Commander may forfeit, seal off, or destroy the property of individuals whom he suspects of having allegedly committed acts of violence against the state; this practice has also been directed against the family members of those accused of carrying out alleged attacks, as well as their immediate neighbours.701 Punitive house demolitions and the threat thereof serve to punish entire Palestinian families and communities based wholly on allegations from the Israeli authorities. A particularly disturbing form of collective punishment used by the Israeli occupying authorities is that of withholding the bodies of Palestinians killed by the occupying forces. As discussed earlier, a common policy of Israeli military operations throughout the occupied Palestinian territory is the use of excessive, disproportionate, and unnecessary lethal force, executed through a shoot-to-kill policy amounting to an official practice of unlawful and extrajudicial killing. Following such operations, the Israeli occupying forces may withhold the bodies of deceased Palestinians and obstruct the collection of information and evidence, thereby frustrating attempts to investigate and ascertain the exact circumstances of the killings. Many of the bodies withheld 700  Article 33, Fourth Geneva Convention; Article 50, Hague Regulations. 701  See Al-Haq, Punitive House Demolitions (31 October 2015) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ161are buried in ‘cemeteries of numbers,’ effectively anonymous mass graves, in undisclosed locations without identification markers.702 The total number of such cases is unknown; however according to Palestinian civil society, as of the end of May 2020, at least 62 bodies of deceased Palestinians were being withheld by the Israeli occupying authorities in addition to those buried in the cemeteries of numbers.703 The withholding of bodies is a particularly cruel policy by the Israeli regime and violates a range of Palestinians’ fundamental rights and freedoms. In 2020, the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center, Al-Haq, and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies submitted to the UN special procedures that: Israel’s refusal to repatriate the mortal remains of indigenous Palestinians violates, inter alia, Article 12(2) of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It also contravenes the customary [international humanitarian law] rules on the disposal of the War Dead’s bodies as well as the human rights to dignity, family life, religious freedom and cultural customs, and the prohibition against degrading or inhuman treatment.704 The 15-year Israeli closure of the Gaza Strip stands as one of the most notable examples of collective punishment targeting the Palestinian people. As held by the ICRC: ‘[t]he whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law.’705 Former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, similarly highlighted that: 702  See Al-Haq, Human Rights Groups Submit to UN experts on the Israeli policy of withholding the mortal remains of indigenous Palestinians (27 June 2020) . 703  JLAC, Al-Haq, and CIHRS, Joint submission to EMRIP and UN experts on the Israeli policy of withholding the mortal remains of indigenous Palestinians: Response to Call for Inputs: Comments on the Study on the Right to Land under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the Report on the Right to Repatriation of ceremonial objects, human remains, and intangible properties under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (22 June 2020) 5 ; see also UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 (22 December 2020) UN Doc A/HRC/44/60, para 72. 704  JLAC, Al-Haq, and CIHRS, Joint submission to EMRIP and UN experts, 2. 705  ICRC, Gaza Closure: Not Another Year! (14 June 2010) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ162An additional important purpose behind Israel’s closure of Gaza is to accelerate the separation of Gaza from the West Bank… Creating and entrenching the fragmentation of these territories—beyond sinking the chances for creating a viable Palestinian economy as well as blocking Palestinians from building the larger collective and political bonds with each other that nourish a functioning society—is designed to prevent the independence of Palestine.706 Al Mezan argued that the Israeli occupying authorities’ policies and practices against the Gaza Strip are designed to institute economic subjugation and dependency, force Palestinians into poverty, and inflict ‘serious bodily or mental harm upon members of a racial group and subjecting them to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and further constitute a deliberate imposition of living conditions that are calculated to cause the physical destruction of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, in whole or in part.’707 The use of collective punishment against Palestinians constitutes a key component of Israeli authorities’ commission of the crime of apartheid and serves to maintain the regime. While collective punishment is not specifically included as an inhuman act within either the Apartheid Convention or the Rome Statute, the discrete policies and practices underlying Israel’s broader policy of collective punishment, not limited to those described above, fall under the ‘inhuman acts’ as described in Article II of the Convention and the ‘inhumane acts’ listed in Article 7 of the Rome Statute. Through such policies, the Israeli regime inflicts serious bodily and mental harm on Palestinians and prevents their exercise of political, social, economic, civil, and cultural rights. 706  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 (15 July 2020) UN Doc A/44/60, para 57. 707  Al Mezan, The Gaza Bantustan, 47.
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ1636.6 Persecution and Silencing of Opposition to Apartheid Under Article II(f) of the Apartheid Convention, the ‘[p]ersecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid’ is considered an inhuman act of the crime of apartheid. The Rome Statute does not replicate this provision. The Israeli authorities have long pursued a campaign of intimidation, harassment, and delegitimisation of human rights defenders and human rights and civil society organisations calling for justice and accountability for Israel’s widespread and systematic human rights violations. The Israeli government, through its former Strategic Affairs Ministry, which has since been merged into the Foreign Affairs Ministry, and affiliated groups, carries out ongoing, systematic, and organised attacks amounting to a concerted smear campaign against human rights defenders and organisations advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people. This is done through, inter alia, incitement to racial hatred and violence, character assassinations, defamation, seeking to brand Palestinian human rights defenders as ‘terrorists,’ and exerting direct attacks and raids on human organisations and their resources to undermine—and eventually halt—their human rights and accountability work, and with the goal of impeding the granting and award of funds from international donors to Palestinian organisations.708 Palestinian human rights organisations seeking international accountability for suspected Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity have been specifically targeted by Israeli state-led smear campaigns. They have experienced attacks against staff members, including death threats against themselves and their families as a direct result of their work at the ICC. Over the years, Palestinian human rights groups have been targeted by Israeli officials, newspapers, and organisations and institutions both at the local 708  See, for example, Al-Haq, Al-Haq submits a joint urgent appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on the ongoing Israeli smear campaign against Al-Haq (24 August 2019) ; see also Al-Haq, Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs Campaign of Institutionalised Harassment Continues with the Alleged Closure of Palestinian NGOs’ Financial Accounts (19 June 2019) ; see also FIDH and OMCT, Target Locked: The Unrelenting Israeli Smear Campaigns to Discredit Human Rights Groups in Israel, Palestine, and the Syrian Golan (27 April 2021) .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ164and international levels in an attempt to derail their work.709 Attempts have been made to target the relationships of Palestinian non-governmental organisations and human rights defenders with universities abroad,710 funding from states and bodies such as the European Union (EU),711 and their ability to travel out of Palestine and abroad.712 Israeli authorities also use punitive residency revocation under the Entry into Israel Law to target Palestinians seeking accountability under international law. In September 2020, Salah Hammouri, Palestinian- French human rights defender and lawyer at Addameer, was notified by Israeli occupying authorities of their intention to revoke his permanent residency status in Jerusalem, the city where he was born, for so-called ‘breach of allegiance’ to the Occupying Power.713 On 18 October 2021, the Israeli Interior Minister announced the official revocation of Salah’s Jerusalem residency status. More recently, on 7 March 2022, Salah was arbitrary detained and placed under administrative detention.714 709  See, for example, Al-Haq, Al-Haq Under Attack – Staff Member’s Life Threatened (3 March 2016) . 710  See Washington Examiner, ‘Universities promoting “human rights” internships with group tied to terrorists’ (26 October 2019) . 711  Jerusalem Post, ‘Erdan to EU: Make sure your funds don’t go to NGOs with terror ties’ (2 January 2020) . 712  The Guardian, ‘I co-founded the BDS movement. Why was I denied entry to the US?’ (16 April 2019) ; Amnesty International, Israel/OPT: Court to rubber stamp travel ban on Amnesty campaigner, a bitter blow for justice and human rights (31 May 2020) ; Middle East Eye, ‘Palestinian human rights advocates refused entry to US, blocked from leaving Palestine’ (5 May 2022) . 713  Al-Haq, Human Rights Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures on the Imminent Threat of Forcible Transfer of Salah Hammouri (5 October 2020) . 714  UN OHCHR, UN experts condemn Israel’s ‘sadistic’ punitive measures against French-Palestinian rights defender Salah Hammouri (9 October 2022) . See also Addameer, ‘Salah Hammouri’ (last updated 9 August 2022) .
Israel’s Policies to Maintain Apartheid AL-HAQ165On 19 October 2021, the Israeli Defence Minister announced the designation of six leading Palestinian human rights and civil society organisations as so-called ‘terror organisations,’ including Addameer, Al-Haq, Bisan Center for Research and Development, DCI-Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.715 On 3 November 2021, the Israeli Military Commander-in-Chief signed a military order that declared the six organisations as ‘unlawful associations’ thereby activating the designation in the occupied Palestinian territory.716 Subsequently, during the early morning of 18 August 2022, the Israeli occupying forces raided the offices of the aforementioned designated organisations, as well as the Health Work Committee, confiscated various pieces of office equipment, and sealed the doors of each with metal plates. Military orders declaring the organisations ‘unlawful’ were also affixed by their doorways.717 The space for these organisations to continue their work thus continues to shrink substantially, with their staff now at risk of being targeted for their work, including through travel bans and arbitrary detention. The culminative effect of such practices and policies is to create an environment wherein the ability of the Palestinian people, as well as those sympathetic to their predicament, to resist and organise against Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime is curtailed in order to preserve the ongoing existence and maintenance of an institutionalised regime of racial oppression and domination. Under the terms of the Apartheid Convention, this repression amounts to a component of the crime of apartheid itself and is prosecutable by domestic courts in the same way as other underlying inhuman acts of apartheid listed elsewhere in Article II. 715  NPR, ‘Israel designates 6 Palestinian human rights groups as terrorist organizations’ (23 October 2021) . 716  Al-Haq, Palestinian Organizations Declared as ‘Unlawful Associations’ by Israeli Military File Objection: Illegal Decision Devoid of Due Process (3 February 2022) . 717  Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society, 20-21.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ 166© Al-Haq Images Library
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ167 7Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime In line with the prohibition of apartheid as a jus cogens norm of international law, Israel’s apartheid regime triggers obligations on the part of all states to cooperate to end the unlawful situation. 7.1 Third State Duty to Cooperate The construction and maintenance of an apartheid regime constitutes a breach of jus cogens norms of international law giving rise to obligations erga omnes.718 As noted by the former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Michael Lynk, ‘[t]he purpose for these special third-party responsibilities is to counteract the challenge that such serious breaches pose to the legal, political and moral order of the international community as a 718  See Dugard and Reynolds, ‘Apartheid, International Law,’ 883.© Al-Haq Images Library
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ168whole.’719 The essence of these principles stem from a legal principle whereby legal rights cannot be derived from an unlawful act; accordingly, the assumption of unlawful power through illegitimate means may not be recognised by the international community, which may include ‘sovereign title to annexed territory, lawful condonation of its practices of racial discrimination or apartheid, or legal acceptance of its denial of self- determination through its sustained defiance and the passage of time.’720 States must ensure that they do not contribute toward the maintenance of this regime, either directly or indirectly, including through private and corporate entities domiciled within their territory,721 and through their relationships with local and regional authorities.722 Finally, states must take positive actions to bring the unlawful situation to an end, which should include measures such as economic sanctions.723 In the commentaries to the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,724 it is noted, in the context of Principle 9(b) that ‘the obligations of a state under international human rights law may effectively be triggered when its responsible authorities know or should have known the conduct of the 719  UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Michael Lynk (21 October 2019), UN Doc A/74/507, para 47. 720  Ibid ., para 48. 721  Marya Farah, Business and Human Rights in Occupied Territory, 79-80. 722  On this, see Al-Haq, Al-Haq Submits Legal Position Paper to European Union on the Membership of Mr Haim Bibas, Mayor of Modi’in-Maccabim-Re’ut, in the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) (2 March 2020) . 723  Al-Haq, Al-Haq Response to ‘Regulation’ Bill: Time for Actions, Time for Sanctions (7 February 2017) ; Al-Haq, Al-Haq Condemns as Illegal Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Stated Plans to Annex West Bank Settlements and Calls on Third States to Apply Economic Sanctions on Israel (10 September 2019) ; Al-Haq, Al-Haq’s Open Letter to the UN Security Council on Israel’s Plans to Annex the West Bank (23 April 2020) ; see also James Crawford, ‘Opinion: Third Party Obligations with respect to Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories’ (25 January 2012) . 724  ETO Consortium, Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2013) (hereinafter the ‘ Maastricht Principles’).
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ169state will bring about substantial human rights effects in another territory,’ and in the context of Principle 9(c), ‘that there are situations where a state is required to take measures in order to support the realization of human rights outside its national territory.’725 This is supported by the analysis of the UN Human Rights Committee, which has held that: With regard to the [ICCPR], such obligations may exist where a jurisdictional link is established with persons affected by such activities. Such a link of jurisdiction may be established… on the basis of: (a) the effective capacity of the State to regulate the activities of the businesses concerned and (b) the actual knowledge that the State had of those activities and their necessary and foreseeable consequences in terms of violations of human rights recognized in the Covenant.726 These obligations, in conjunction with those of third state responsibility,727 further extend to states’ roles as members of international organisations: As a member of an international organisation, the State remains responsible for its own conduct in relation to its human rights obligations within its territory and extraterritorially. A State that transfers competences to, or participates in, an international organisation must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the relevant organisation acts consistently with the international human rights obligations of that State.728 Thus, a state’s extraterritorial obligations as a member of an international organisation under the Maastricht Principles are closely aligned with those under the 2011 Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International 725  Olivier De Schutter, Asbjørn Eide, Ashfaq Khalfan, Marcos Orellana, Margot Salomon and Ian Seiderman, ‘Commentary to the Maastricht Principles on Extraterritorial Obligations of States in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ (2012) 34 Human Rights Quarterly 1109 (hereinafter the ‘Maastricht Commentary’). 726  UN Human Rights Committee, Decision adopted by the Committee under article 5(3) of the Optional Protocol, concerning communication No. 2285/2013: Concurring opinion of Committee members Olivier de Frouville and Yadh Ben Achour, 7 December 2017, UN Doc CCPR/C/120/D/2285/2013, para 10. 727  See Principle 11, Maastricht Principles . 728  Principle 15, Maastricht Principles .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ170Organizations: A State member of an international organization incurs international responsibility if, by taking advantage of the fact that the organization has competence in relation to the subject-matter of one of the State’s international obligations, it circumvents that obligation by causing the organization to commit an act that, if committed by the State, would have constituted a breach of the obligation.729 States have a positive obligation, particularly arising from the ICCPR and ICESCR, which encompass the right to self-determination, to ensure that their acts and omissions do not result in breaches of their human rights obligations to respect and protect self-determination in foreign territories, including through their actions in international and regional organisations. Read in parallel with analogous obligations under the law of state responsibility, it is abundantly clear that states must take active measures to ensure that they do not contribute, both in their own individual acts or omissions or those done in their capacity as member states of institutions such as the EU or UN, toward the violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, and the continued maintenance of an apartheid regime, which systematically violates the gamut of human rights enshrined under the ICCPR and ICESCR. Nonetheless, many third states have systematically failed in this regard. 729  Article 61, Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations (2011); Maastricht Commentary, 1120.
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ1717.2 Universal Jurisdiction Universal jurisdiction provides an important legal avenue to challenge Israel’s pervasive impunity for its apartheid regime and other suspected international crimes. Despite the legal obligation for third states to try suspected perpetrators of grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention under Article 146, the obligation to try those suspected of torture under CAT,730 and of the crime of apartheid under the Apartheid Convention,731 the activation of universal jurisdiction mechanisms has been undermined through politicisation, particularly in the context of Israeli conduct. Palestinian organisations and claimants who have sought justice through such mechanisms have been accused of ‘forum-shopping,’ painting their use of the doctrine as illegitimate, and frustrating the pursuit of genuine and effective accountability.732 While the ICC is an important avenue for international accountability for suspected crimes committed in Palestine, its jurisdiction is limited only to alleged crimes committed since 13 June 2014 in the occupied Palestinian territory and to those crimes enumerated in the Rome Statute. In this context, universal jurisdiction remains a potent avenue for the pursuit of international accountability for international crimes, including the crime of apartheid, and related widespread and systematic human rights violations targeting the Palestinian people as a whole.733 730  Article 5(2), CAT. 731  Article 4(b), Apartheid Convention. 732  See Bil’In (Village Council) v. Green Park International Inc. (18 September 2009) QCCS 4151, para 328; for more on the case, see, inter alia , Al-Haq, Update on the case of Bil’in v. Green Park in Canada – Hearings scheduled 22-25 June (13 October 2010) ; Al-Haq, Bil’in Seeks Permission to Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada the dismissal of its case (11 December 2010) ; Al-Haq, Bil’in Village Council v. Green Park (12 October 2011) . 733  As noted by Valentina Azarova and Triestino Mariniello, ‘Thus far, many of the attempts to trigger the universal jurisdiction of third states under their domestic laws, have been thwarted by political pressures and legislative amendments to ensure political vetting’: Valentina Azarova and Triestino Mariniello, ‘Why the ICC Needs A ‘Palestine Situation’ (More Than Palestine Needs the ICC): On the Court’s Potential Role(s) in the Israeli-Palestinian Context’ (2017) 1 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 115.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1727.3 The ICC The ICC is a permanent international court established through the Rome Statute, in order to investigate and try individuals suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity, the crime of genocide, and the crime of aggression.734 Following the accession of the State of Palestine to the Rome Statute in January 2015,735 the ICC Prosecutor formally opened an investigation into the Situation in Palestine in March 2021.736 In addition to having subject-matter jurisdiction over the crime of apartheid,737 the Court also has jurisdiction over many of the constitutive elements of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including population transfer,738 wilful killing,739 extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity,740 persecution,741 pillage,742 the use of torture and other ill-treatment,743 and the denial of the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.744 734  ICC, Understanding the International Criminal Court, 3 . 735  See UN, State of Palestine: Accession (6 January 2015) Ref. C.N.13.2015.TREATIES-XVIII.10 (Depository Notification). 736  OTP , Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, respecting an investigation of the Situation in Palestine (3 March 2021) . 737  Article 7(1)(j), Rome Statute. 738  Articles 7(1)(d) and 8(2)(b)(viii), Rome Statute. 739  Articles 7(1)(a), 7(2)(a), and 8(2)(b)(i), Rome Statute. 740  Article 8(2)(a)(iv), Rome Statute. 741  Article 7(1)(h), Rome Statute. 742  Article 8(2)(b)(xvi), Rome Statute. 743  Article 7(1)(f), 8(2)(a)(ii), Rome Statute. 744  On this, see Scottish Legal News, ‘Edinburgh meeting hears Britain’s refusal to allow Chagos Islanders to return home is “crime against humanity”’ (20 January 2020) ; see also, ICC, Situation in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh/Republic of the Union of Myanmar: Request for authorization of an investigation pursuant to article 15 (4 July 2019) ICC-01/19-5, para 75 .
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ1737.4 Corporate Complicity As with apartheid in South Africa, Israel’s apartheid regime has been supported and legitimised through the partnership of Israeli and multinational corporate entities. Facilitated through the aligned interests of maintaining the existing regime of domination, exploitation, and profit,745 corporate entities, financial institutions, and non-governmental organisations, including registered non-profits and charities, have contributed to, inter alia, the continued economic subjugation and displacement of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory and the appropriation of refugee property within the Green Line.746 As noted in the report of the Don’t Buy Into Occupation (DBIO) Coalition: [w]hile the State of Israel has played a key role in advancing the construction and expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, their maintenance and growth would not have been possible without private actors, including non- profits such as the Jewish National Fund, the World Zionist Organisation, and the Israel Land Fund, as well as Israeli and multinational business enterprises.747 Moreover, corporate activities conducted at the expense of the rights of the Palestinian people, on both sides of the Green Line, have served to normalise Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and undermine the realisation of the rights of the Palestinian people, including to self- determination, permanent sovereignty, and the right of return.748 745  See Pearce Clancy, ‘Corporate Capture and Solidarity during Occupation: The Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territory’ (Business and Human Rights Journal Blog, 20 February 2020) . 746  On this, see WhoProfits, Profiting through Dispossession: Another Side of Airbnb’s Complicity (October 2019) . 747  Al-Haq, Don’t Buy into Occupation: Exposing the financial flows into illegal Israeli settlements (30 September 2021) 25 . 748  On the corporate profiting of the denial of the right of return beyond the Green Line, see Who Profits, Profiting Through Dispossession .
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ174Among other activities, by continuing to allow trade with illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including the eastern part of Jerusalem, exploiting appropriated Palestinian refugee property, and failing to prevent business enterprises domiciled in their territories and/ or jurisdiction from respecting international law, states are acting in direct violation of the principle of non-maintenance of unlawful situations.749 As with the commission of international crimes by Israeli state agents, activating and incorporating domestic legislation to give effect to universal jurisdiction as a means to pursue accountability for private actors, including corporate entities and ‘charities,’ is key, particularly considering the countless documented cases of their sustained involvement in grave breaches and internationally recognised crimes.750 This mechanism and principle should therefore be activated, including in relation to companies that are listed in the UN Database of businesses involved in illegal Israeli settlements, as well as others that commit, or are otherwise involved in, serious breaches of international law, including the crime of apartheid, on both sides of the Green Line. 749  Article 41(2), Draft Articles on State Responsibility. 750  See, for example, Al-Haq and SOMO, Violations Set in Stone: HeidelbergCement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (4 February 2020) ; Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights, LPHR files OECD Guidelines Complaint against JCB for involvement in human rights breaches in the occupied Palestinian territory (10 December 2019) ; UN OHCHR, UN rights office issues report on business activities related to settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (12 February 2020) .
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ1757.5 The UN Database of Businesses Operating with Israeli Settlements The UN Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 31/36 on 24 March 2016, which requested the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ‘to produce a database of all business enterprises involved in the activities detailed in paragraph 96’ of the 2012 UN Fact-Finding Mission’s (FFM) report to be updated annually.751 The FFM concluded that ‘business enterprises have, directly and indirectly, enabled, facilitated and profited from the construction and growth’ of Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise and identified a number of activities and related issues that raise particular human rights concerns.752 These activities include: the supply of equipment and materials that facilitate the construction and expansion of Israeli settlements and the demolition of Palestinian housing and property, the Annexation Wall and associated infrastructure, including checkpoints, the supply of surveillance and identification equipment for Israeli settlements, the destruction of agricultural farms, greenhouses, and crops, the supply of security services, equipment, and materials to enterprises operating in Israeli settlements, and the provision of services and utilities supporting the maintenance and existence of settlements, including through loans and the development of business.753 It is thus impossible to engage in Israel’s unlawful settlement enterprise without being complicit in some form of international wrongdoing. OHCHR warned in 2018 that: Considering the weight of the international legal consensus concerning the illegal nature of the settlements themselves, as laid out in Human Rights Council resolution 31/36, and the systemic and pervasive nature of the negative human rights impact caused by them, the report notes that “it is difficult to imagine a scenario 751  UN Human Rights Council Resolution 31/36 (20 April 2016) UN Doc A/HRC/RES/31/36, para 17. 752  UN Human Rights Council, Report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (7 February 2013) UN Doc A/HRC/22/63, para 96. 753  Ibid ., para 96.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ176in which a company could engage in listed activities in a way that is consistent with the [UN] Guiding Principles [on Business and Human Rights] and international law.”754 Given the sweeping nature of Israel’s institutionalised regime of racial domination and oppression, it is similarly unlikely that businesses and corporate entities can responsibly engage with illegal Israeli settler colonisation without being complicit in the international wrong and crime of apartheid, on whichever side of the Green Line their activities may take place. The UN Database’s delayed publication in February 2020 lists 112 Israeli and multinational corporate enterprises out of the 321 reviewed in the process.755 While the list is limited and does not reflect the full picture of corporate involvement in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, the Database provides a stark illustration of corporate involvement in Israel’s apartheid regime, and the corporate contributions toward the regime’s maintenance and normalisation as well as its human rights violations. Despite the ongoing delay of the mandated annual updating of the Database, it has had an impact on driving corporate entities to end their involvement in or with Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, such as the Norwegian KLP pension fund756 and Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Holdings Inc.757 The maintenance and annual updating of the Database is integral to ending the economic incentives for private actors that help maintain and expand Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, which represents a key manifestation of Israel’s apartheid regime. 754  UN OHCHR, UN rights office issues report on business and human rights in settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory (31 January 2018) . 755  UN Human Rights Council, Database of all business enterprises involved in the activities detailed in paragraph 96 of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (12 February 2020) UN Doc A/HRC/43/71. 756  Reuters, ‘Nordic fund KLP excludes 16 companies over links with occupied West Bank’ (5 July 2021) . 757  Ben & Jerry’s, Ben & Jerry’s Will End Sales of Our Ice Cream in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (19 July 2021) .
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ177For Israel’s apartheid regime to be meaningfully challenged, states must take serious steps based on information made available through the Database and other credible sources, including those made available by civil society. This includes providing political and financial support for the annual updating of the Database to provide a comprehensive list of all business entities involved in Israel’s unlawful settlement enterprise. Despite its limitations, the Database provides a stark illustration of corporate involvement in Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, and the extent of corporate involvement in maintaining and normalising this regime and associated human rights violations. Moreover, mandatory labelling758 guidelines for settlement products pursued by a number of states have proven ineffective at deterring the selling of settlement products and services. Therefore, it is important that states prohibit trade with Israel’s unlawful settlements, ban settlement goods and services from their markets, and impose economic sanctions to challenge the corporate incentives linked to Israel’s apartheid regime, population transfer, and settler colonialism on both sides of the Green Line. In this vein, in September 2021, a European citizen-led initiative was registered with the European Commission, and later launched in February 2022, calling for legislation to prohibit products originating from illegal settlements, including those in Palestine, from entering the EU market and to ban EU exports to them.759 758  Al-Haq, EU Takes a Step Forward with CJEU Ruling in Favour of Accurate Labelling (19 December 2019) ; Al-Haq, Al-Haq Welcomes Advocate General Hogan’s CJEU Opinion Explicitly Requiring Labelling of Settlement Goods, but calls on States and the EU to Prohibit the Import of Illegal Settlement Goods (4 July 2019) . 759  See < https://stopsettlements.org/>.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1787.6 UN Anti-Apartheid Mechanisms The UN and the international community played a central role in supporting South African, Namibian, and international activists and civil society toward bringing the South African apartheid regime to an end. The establishment of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid (the Special Committee) and the UN Centre against Apartheid (the Centre) were key tools in the anti-apartheid struggle.760 In 1962, the UN General Assembly established the Special Committee to ‘keep the racial policies of the Government of South Africa under review’ and to report to the General Assembly and the Security Council.761 The Special Committee promoted the international campaign against apartheid and worked to build support for international collective action,762 while legitimising calls for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against the apartheid regime.763 In 1976, the Centre was created under the auspices of the Special Committee to coordinate UN anti- apartheid activities.764 The Centre reported on third state compliance with international law and countermeasures such as the arms embargo,765 and otherwise assisted the anti-apartheid movement.766 On 17 March 2021, Namibia became the first state at the UN Human Rights Council to publicly call for the reconstitution of the Special Committee to address Israeli apartheid policies and practices. Namibia affirmed its support 760  Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society, 37-38. 761  United Nations General Assembly, Resolutions Adopted on the Reports of the Special Political Committee, 17th Session, Res. 1761 (XVII). 762  African Activist Archive, Special Committee Against Apartheid . 763  ESCWA Report, 53-54; Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society, 38. 764 United Nations, General Assembly, Report of the Special Committee on Apartheid, A/9022, 1974, 60 . 765  See for example George Houser, ‘Relations Between the United States and South Africa’ (United Nations Centre Against Apartheid, August 1984) . 766  United Nations, General Assembly, Report of the Special Committee on Apartheid, A/9022, 1974, 60-61 ; Enuga S. Reddy, ‘The U.N.’s World Campaign Against Apartheid’ (The UNESCO Courier: Southern Africa at Grips with Racism , November 1977) 7 ; Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society.
Responsibility and Accountability for Israel’s Apartheid Regime AL-HAQ179for the ‘restoration’ of the Special Committee ‘to ensure the implementation of the Apartheid Convention to the Palestinian situation.’767 Then, on 8 June 2021, South Africa and Namibia hosted a high-level side event on Israeli apartheid at the General Assembly, during which the South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation further expressed support for the call to reconstitute the Special Committee.768 The UN’s anti-apartheid mechanisms meaningfully contributed to the international movement against apartheid in South Africa and occupied Namibia. There have been calls for their reconstitution to address apartheid in Palestine for over a decade.769 Such a step would lend support to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.770 767  UN Human Rights Council, Statement by Ms. Julia Imene, Chanduru, Ambassador/Permanent Representative at the 46th Session of the Human Rights Council (17 March 2021) . 768  DIRCOZA, Virtual Side Event on Justice for the Palestinian People (YouTube, 8 June 2021) . 769  See Russell Tribunal on Palestine, Executive summary of the findings of the third session of the RToP (7 November 2011) ; ESCWA Report, 53. 770  Muhareb, Rghebi, Power, and Clancy, Persecution of Palestinian Civil Society, 40.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ © Activestills 180
Conclusion AL-HAQ181 8 Conclusion Through the implementation of the Zionist settler colonial project, Israel has institutionalised a regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people. This is not a new reality but the continuation of decades of settler colonialism, ongoing Nakba, and apartheid. The international law framework prohibiting apartheid offers avenues to punish perpetrators of the crime, whether in the courts of third states through the principle of universal jurisdiction or at the ICC. It requires third states not to recognise the unlawful situation resulting from Israeli apartheid, not to aid or assist in its maintenance, and to cooperate to bring Israeli apartheid to an end. These obligations are enshrined in the Apartheid Convention and, more broadly, in the law of state responsibility. While these obligations are also contained in international humanitarian law provisions, up to this date, they have not been enforced to hold Israeli authorities to account. Moreover, their scope has largely been limited to the occupied Palestinian territory, maintaining the fragmentation of the Palestinian people. Unlike the previous approaches, a comprehensive apartheid framework allows us to overcome the fragmentation of the Palestinian people in law and in practice.© Activestills
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ182Successive condemnations by the UN General Assembly and Security Council, the establishment of UN anti-apartheid mechanisms, and the adoption of effective measures cumulatively contributed to the international community’s efforts to suppress and eradicate the crime of apartheid in South Africa and occupied Namibia. Political will played a central role in advancing decolonisation in this process. Only through such concerted action, including adoption of coercive measures by third states, can a similar effort be led toward dismantling the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime. Importantly, Israel’s institutionalised regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people as a whole cannot be understood nor dismantled without an appreciation of its settler colonial character. The dismantlement of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime must involve a decolonisation praxis toward the dismantlement of all structures of domination, exploitation, and oppression and the realisation of the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights, including to return to their homes, lands, and properties, as provided for under international law. The right of return, and the dismantlement of the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime are essential to realising the collective right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. It is for the Palestinian people to reclaim their agency and to pave the way toward a future of justice, dignity, self-determination, return, and liberation. We hope that this report has done justice to the decades of tireless work by Palestinian activists and organisers on the ground, who have advanced our understanding of the root causes of Palestinian oppression.
Recommendations AL-HAQ183 9Recommendations 9.1 To All States 1. Recognise and condemn, including through regional and international organisations and fora, that Israel’s discriminatory laws, policies, and practices have cumulatively established and continue to maintain an apartheid regime of systemic racial oppression and domination over the Palestinian people as a whole, as part of the Zionist settler colonial project, using strategic fragmentation as its primary tool, giving rise to individual criminal responsibility in addition to engaging Israel’s state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts; 2. Uphold the Namibia Doctrine under peremptory norms of international law by formally recognising the inalienable right of the Palestinian people as a whole to self-determination and bring an end to efforts aimed at denying that right;© Activestills
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1843. Take positive action to ensure the full realisation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including under Article 1 of the ICCPR and ICESCR, and cooperate toward the full realisation of complete freedom and independence of the Palestinian people, who are subjected to ongoing settler colonialism, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire; 4. Refrain from recognising any legitimacy of the unlawful situation created by Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and ensure they do not contribute, directly or indirectly, toward the maintenance of Israeli apartheid, in line with extraterritorial obligations; 5. Cooperate to bring the unlawful situation created by Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime to an end, including by taking effective measures toward the dismantlement of Zionist parastatal institutions, including the WZO/JA, and JNF, and by implementing economic sanctions nationally and multilaterally and by severing diplomatic, cultural, and trade ties with Israel as required by international law and suspend existing trade and cooperation agreements with Israel, including at the national and regional levels; 6. Pressure Israel to cease all measures and policies and practices that contribute to the fragmentation of the Palestinian people, including the denial of the rights of return and self-determination, the denial of family unification, the closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, the construction and maintenance of the Annexation Wall and its associated regime, and other movement and access restrictions, as core elements of Israel’s apartheid regime; 7. Demand Israel cease conferring public functions of the state to the WZO/JA, JNF, and affiliated Zionist institutions, which are chartered to carry out material discrimination against non-Jewish persons and have historically prevented the Palestinian people from exercising control over their means of subsistence, including their natural resources, by exploiting and diverting these for the benefit of Zionist settler colonisation;
Recommendations AL-HAQ1858. Rescind ‘charitable’ and other tax-exempt or ‘non-governmental’ status of parastatal institutions and their affiliates operating within domestic jurisdiction, recognising instead their actual status as foreign agents; 9. Demand Israel cease forthwith and lift with immediate effect the ongoing closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, including lifting restrictions on dual use items and access to essential services, including healthcare, for Palestinians; 10. Call on the Israeli regime to release all Palestinian political prisoners, to end its widespread and systematic use of arbitrary detention and commission of torture and other ill-treatment in Israeli prisons and detention centres, as well as to end the trial of Palestinian civilians, including children, in the Israeli military court system; 11. Recognise that the Israeli civilian and military court systems are complicit in Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and have normalised and entrenched the pervasive impunity enjoyed by Israeli military and state officials, including for systematic torture and other ill-treatment by state bodies in the unlawful extraction of information for use in judicial proceedings; 12. Impose travel bans and asset freezes on Israeli political, military, and government officials as well as settlers associated with Israel’s apartheid regime, its illegal settler colonial enterprise, and related international crimes; 13. Demand that Israel immediately cease any and all practices of intimidation, harassment, smear campaigns, and other forms of silencing of human rights defenders and civil society organisations for their opposition to apartheid, including by repealing with immediate effect the unlawful October 2021 designations of the six Palestinian human rights and civil society organisations both under Israeli domestic law and under military orders; 14. Ensure that in their own laws, policies, and practices, the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, freedom of assembly and
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ186association, of Palestinians and anyone advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people are respected, protected, and fulfilled, including their right to engage in boycotts and, where relevant, to immediately repeal all legislation and other measures that aim to criminalise boycotts of Israel; 15. Implement a mandatory and comprehensive arms embargo nationally or multilaterally against Israel that includes: (i) Prohibition of the provision to Israel of arms and related matériel of all types, including the sale or transfer of weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, security equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned; (ii) Termination of all existing and forthcoming contractual arrangements with and licenses granted to Israel relating to the manufacture and maintenance of arms, ammunition, military equipment, vehicles, and security and surveillance equipment; (iii) Prohibition of any cooperation with Israel in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons; 16. Demand that Israel ensures the immediate and full realisation of the inalienable rights of Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and involuntary exiles, including to return to their homes, lands, and properties in their villages, towns, and cities of origin, as well as to restitution of their property and compensation for the damages inflicted upon them as a result of the ongoing Nakba, as integral to realising the Palestinian people’s right to self- determination; 17. Demand that Israel repeal all domestic legislation and military orders enshrining racial discrimination, domination, and oppression over the Palestinian people as a whole, including the Law of Return (1950), the Absentee Property Law (1950), the Citizenship Law (1952), the Status Law (1952), the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (1952), the Legal and Administrative
Recommendations AL-HAQ187Matters Law (1970), the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law (2018), the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) (2022), and all other laws and measures imposing material discrimination against the Palestinian people; 18. Demand an immediate end to Israel’s discriminatory planning and zoning policies as manifestations of the crimes of population transfer and apartheid, including illegal house demolitions, the destruction of Palestinian property, and denial of access to land and other natural resources; 19. Warn against the direct and indirect legal risks and consequences of carrying out and maintaining business activities and relationships with Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including through public advisories and notices disseminated among businesses, financial institutions, and other private actors; 20. Declare as criminal organisations, institutions, and individuals committing and/or complicit in the crimes of apartheid and population transfer against the Palestinian people; 21. Activate universal jurisdiction mechanisms to try suspected perpetrators of grave breaches and other international crimes, including the crimes of population transfer and apartheid, against the Palestinian people in their own domestic courts, including on the basis of the Apartheid Convention; 22. For states who have not already done so, ratify relevant international treaties, including the Apartheid Convention, Rome Statute, and international human rights law instruments; and 23. Support the Prosecutor of the ICC in conducting a prompt, thorough, and comprehensive investigation into the Situation in Palestine and urge the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of the crimes of apartheid and population transfer, among other international crimes.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1889.2 To the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions 24. Consider individual, joint, and collective measures to implement common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions, which requires the High Contracting Parties ‘to respect and ensure respect’ for the Conventions in all circumstances by undertaking practical measures of enforcement and effective measures available under the Fourth Geneva Convention to bring an end to Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and other breaches of international humanitarian law, including but not limited to:771 (i) Engaging the enquiry procedure under Article 149 of the Fourth Geneva Convention; (ii) Dispatching an International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission to report back to the High Contracting Parties; (iii) Applying corresponding domestic adjudication obligations, in particular, through the application of universal jurisdiction mechanisms; (iv) Putting an end to the Israeli closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, recognising its illegality, not rendering aid or assistance in maintaining it; (v) Divesting from and imposing economic and military sanctions on Israel and other states abetting grave breaches of international humanitarian law; (vi) Downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel and other states abetting grave breaches; (vii) Freezing the assets of legal and natural persons responsible for gross violations and grave breaches; (viii) Recognising Israel’s parastatal institutions (WZO/JA, JNF, United Israel Appeal, and affiliates) as organs of the 771  These recommendations were put forward in 2010 by civil society from Palestine and other countries in a letter to Switzerland for convening the High Contracting Parties. See NGO Joint Letter to Switzerland on HCP Conference (5 February 2010) .
Recommendations AL-HAQ189Israeli state where they operate in the territory of a High Contracting Party and claim ‘non-governmental,’ private, ‘charitable’ and/or other tax-exempt status, while engaging in population transfer, including the implantation of settlers and settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory and the occupied Syrian Golan; (ix) Applying international and, as appropriate, domestic law to sanction Israel’s parastatal institutions and other organizations where they are found to engage in grave breaches of international humanitarian law, including population transfer, and other humanitarian and criminal breaches of international law; (x) Refraining from supplying Israel with any weapons and related equipment, and suspending any military assistance that Israel receives from them; (xi) Refraining from acquiring any weapons or military equipment from Israel; (xii) Suspending economic, financial and technological assistance to and cooperation with Israel; and (xiii) Ensuring that the specialised agencies and other international organisations conform their relations with Israel to these remedial terms.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1909.3 On States’ Duty to Ensure Corporate Accountability 25. Ensure that individuals, corporate actors, and other for-profit and non-profit organisations involved in and/or complicit in the commission of the crime of apartheid, other crimes against humanity and war crimes, and grave human rights violations are held to account through all available mechanisms at national, regional, and international levels; 26. Provide political and financial support for the annual update of the UN Database on corporate entities involved in illegal Israeli settlements and take effective steps to ensure that the list of companies continues to be updated, as mandated, and as a comprehensive and living tool for corporate accountability, and to broaden the scope to include all business entities and for-profit and non-profit organisations that are complicit in apartheid; 27. Legislate, in domestic legal systems, for mandatory human rights due diligence procedures for all corporate entities and for-profit and non-profit organisations engaged in activities within and outside their jurisdictions, with special attention afforded to conflict-affected areas, occupied and annexed territory, where enhanced mandatory human rights due diligence is necessary. Such legislation should align with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Organisation for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines, and relevant provisions of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, as applicable; 28. Adopt legislation, domestically and regionally, to prohibit the import of goods and services from illegal settlements, including in Palestine, and ban trade with and economic support for the illegal settlement enterprise; as Israel’s largest trade partner, the EU should lead by example in this regard; 29. Apply public procurement law in line with relevant obligations and responsibilities for states under international law, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD
Recommendations AL-HAQ191Guidelines, which entails denying public contracts to companies involved in grave violations of international law; 30. Investigate and prosecute private enterprises and individual ‘charities’ that materially or otherwise support the Israeli settler colonial apartheid regime; and 31. Incorporate legislation to give effect to the principle of universal jurisdiction domestically for the prosecution of business entities, financial institutions, for-profit and non-profit organisations, and individuals for the crimes of apartheid and population transfer, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, and other international crimes to ensure perpetrators are held to account. 9.4 To Palestinian Officials 32. Continue to recognise and condemn, including through regional and international organisations, that Israel’s discriminatory laws, policies, and practices have cumulatively established and continue to maintain an apartheid regime of systemic racial oppression and domination over the Palestinian people as a whole, as part of the Zionist settler colonial project, using strategic fragmentation as its primary tool, giving rise to individual criminal responsibility in addition to engaging Israel’s state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts; 33. Ensure that they do not render direct or indirect assistance to Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including by not contributing to the Israeli policy of strategic fragmentation; and 34. Ensure a comprehensive representation of the Palestinian people as a whole, including Palestinian refugees and exiles abroad and Palestinian citizens inside the Green Line, through functional and democratic institutions, in pursuing the realisation of the collective right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1929.5 To Member States of the Human Rights Council 35. Adopt a resolution recognising that Israel has established and maintains an apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole and adopt effective measures to dismantle the regime; 36. Continue to mainstream and mobilise support against Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime by delivering statements recognising and condemning this regime in national capacities as well as through cross-regional statements; 37. Ensure the ongoing Commission of Inquiry on root causes of systematic discrimination on both sides of the Green Line is provided with sufficient funding, resources, and staffing to conduct its investigations, work, the compiling of a list of suspected perpetrators, and the preservation of evidence and documentation; 38. Adopt a resolution to expand the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 to encompass the human rights of the Palestinian people as a whole, including Palestinian citizens inside the Green Line and Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and exiles abroad; and 39. Ensure the UN Database of businesses involved in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise is updated annually and broaden the scope of the Database to include businesses entities and other for-profit or non-profit organisations that are complicit in Israeli apartheid on both sides of the Green Line. 9.6 To UN Special Procedures 40. Continue to examine the detrimental human rights impacts of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and build on the mounting recognition that Israeli laws, policies, and practices amount to the commission of the crime of apartheid over the Palestinian people as a whole as well as other war crimes and
Recommendations AL-HAQ193crimes against humanity; 41. Adopt a comprehensive approach that places violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people as a whole within the wider context of Zionist settler colonialism and Israeli apartheid, focusing on the need for states to adopt effective, coercive measures toward ending Israel’s institutionalised regime of systematic racial oppression and domination and the colonial subjugation of the Palestinian people; and 42. Provide meaningful support for the work of Palestinian civil society and human rights organisations and defenders, in their monitoring, documentation, and reporting on widespread and systematic human rights violations and international crimes committed on both sides of the Green Line. 9.7 To UN Treaty Bodies 43. Examine and recognise Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime as an underlying root cause and determinant of the widespread and systematic human rights violations committed against Palestinians in their concluding observations on Israel; and 44. Build on and take note of the previous concluding observations and reporting by CERD, CESCR, and the Human Rights Committee, among others, who have made determinations regarding Israel’s systematic and institutionalised discrimination against Palestinians. 9.8 To the Ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry 45. Examine Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime in its investigations into the root causes of systematic discrimination in the occupied Palestinian territory and in Israel, including material racial discrimination carried out by Zionist parastatal institutions in their effort to displace, dispossess, and replace the indigenous Palestinian people on the land.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1949.9 To the CEIRPP and Other UN Bodies 46. Address the Palestinian people as a whole in investigations, reporting, statements, and deliberations, in order to de-fragment the UN’s treatment of those subjected to Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime; and 47. Recognise and condemn Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime in its reporting, events, and other relevant activities and work to counter the fragmentation of the Palestinian people in its research, work, dissemination, and recommendations. 9.10 To the UN General Assembly 48. Adopt effective, coercive measures under the Uniting for Peace resolution and take other necessary steps to ensure international justice and accountability and an end to Israeli impunity for the crime of apartheid and other international crimes and wrongful acts; and 49. Adopt a resolution to reconstitute the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre against Apartheid to address Israeli authorities’ commission of the crime against humanity of apartheid and its elements against the Palestinian people as a whole and empower these bodies to proactively pursue the dismantlement of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime. 9.11 To the ICJ 50. Address Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime targeting the Palestinian people as a whole and legal responsibilities arising therefrom in its consideration of ‘the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem,
Recommendations AL-HAQ195and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation and measures.’772 9.12 To the UN Security Council 51. Restore legal and operational integrity by implementing a mandatory and comprehensive arms embargo under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, similar to the one imposed on the former South African apartheid regime, including: (i) Prohibition of the provision to Israel of arms and related materials of all types, including the sale or transfer of weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, security equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned; (ii) Termination of all existing and forthcoming contractual arrangements with and licenses granted to Israel relating to the manufacture and maintenance of arms, ammunition, military equipment, vehicles, and security and surveillance equipment; and (iii) Prohibition of any cooperation with Israel in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons. 9.13 To Parliamentarians 52. Incorporate language in relevant statements, resolutions, and relevant internal and external documents that recognise the context of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and its strategic fragmentation of the Palestinian people; 53. Put forward parliamentary resolutions recognising and condemning Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole; such legislation should call on the corresponding state to adopt effective measures and end 772  UN General Assembly, Fourth Committee, Draft Resolution, 10 November 2022, UN Doc A/C.4/77/L.12/Rev.1, para 18(a).
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ196complicity in Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including but not limited to filling any legislative gaps necessary to apply universal jurisdiction domestically for the prosecution of gross violations, grave beaches, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of peremptory norms of international law; and 54. Adopt legislation prohibiting the import of illegal settlement goods and services into their jurisdiction. 9.14 To Local and Other Sub-national Spheres of Government 55. Declare municipal jurisdictions to be ‘Apartheid-Free Zones’ and facilitate public deliberations and learning events to inform the public about Zionism, Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, and its dire consequences on the Palestinian people, the region, and the world; 56. Exercise extraterritorial obligations as organs of the state under international human rights law treaties and peremptory norms of international law to avoid recognition of, cooperation, and transaction with entities supporting or otherwise benefitting from Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including through selective-procurement resolutions and other responsible mechanisms; and 57. Expand engagement and cooperation with Palestinian municipalities and local councils to foster exchanges and practical solidarity. 9.15 To the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC 58. Ensure that the current ICC investigation into the Situation in Palestine proceeds without undue delay and involves a full, thorough, and comprehensive examination of suspected international crimes, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, comprising, inter alia, the crimes of apartheid, population transfer, appropriation and destruction of property, pillage, persecution, wilful killing, murder, torture, and other
Recommendations AL-HAQ197inhumane acts, including the denial of the right to return, committed by Israeli military and state officials and associated actors, including representatives of private entities, businesses, and other for-profit and non-profit organisations. 9.16 To Corporate Entities and Financial Institutions 59. Responsibly cease and disengage from all business activities and relationships that may render them complicit, or otherwise contribute to the maintenance and entrenchment of Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime, including its illegal enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territory; 60. Respect all applicable provisions of international law in all activities and relationships linked to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory; 61. Use the UN Database to bring their business activities, conduct, and relationships in line with relevant international responsibilities; 62. Introduce and commit to undertaking ongoing, rigorous enhanced human rights due diligence to ensure that operations and relationships are in full compliance with relevant responsibilities, namely under international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and 63. Introduce appropriate reparations and remedial processes, in consultation with those directly affected, i.e., the Palestinian people, to provide for redress and effective remedy for violations and harm caused by direct and indirect business relationships or activities linked to Israel’s settler colonial project in Palestine.
ISRAELI APARTHEID Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism AL-HAQ1989.17 To Civil Society Organisations 64. Adopt organisational positions that recognise and condemn Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime over the Palestinian people as a whole, including Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory, Palestinians inside the Green Line, and Palestinian refugees, displaced persons, and exiles around the world; and 65. Call upon their respective governments, representatives, and state agencies to adopt immediate effective, coercive measures, including the aforementioned recommendations for states, toward dismantling Israel’s settler colonial apartheid regime and ensuring the full realisation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people as a whole to return and self-determination.
Recommendations AL-HAQ 199
201 AL-HAQ AL-HAQ Israel’s Illegal Measures to Annex Jerusalem Since 1948Annexing A City About AL-HAQ Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the OPT, the organisation has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT, irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator, and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable. Al-Haq conducts research; prepares reports, studies and interventions on the breaches of international human rights and humanitarian law in the OPT; and undertakes advocacy before local, regional and international bodies. Al-Haq also cooperates with Palestinian civil society organisations and governmental institutions in order to ensure that international human rights standards are reflected in Palestinian law and policies. Al-Haq has a specialised international law library for the use of its staff and the local community. Al-Haq is the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists - Geneva, and is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), ESCR- Net – The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), and the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO). In 2018, Al-Haq was a co-recipient of the French Republic Human Rights Award, whereas in 2019, Al-Haq was the recipient of the Human Rights and Business Award. AL-HAQ About AL-HAQ Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the OPT, the organisation has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT, irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator, and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable. Al-Haq conducts research; prepares reports, studies and interventions on the breaches of international human rights and humanitarian law in the OPT; and undertakes advocacy before local, regional and international bodies. Al-Haq also cooperates with Palestinian civil society organisations and governmental institutions in order to ensure that international human rights standards are reflected in Palestinian law and policies. Al-Haq has a specialised international law library for the use of its staff and the local community. Al-Haq is the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists - Geneva, and is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), ESCR-Net – The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), and the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO). In 2018, Al-Haq was a co-recipient of the French Republic Human Rights Award, whereas in 2019, Al-Haq was the recipient of the Human Rights and Business Award. and TerriT orial Jurisdic Tion at the international criminal courtPalestine AL-HAQ Pre-Trial chamber decision: AL-HAQ AL-HAQ AL-HAQ 2022About Al-Haq Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the OPT, the organisation has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT, irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator, and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable. Al-Haq conducts research; prepares reports, studies and interventions on the breaches of international human rights and humanitarian law in the OPT; and undertakes advocacy before local, regional and international bodies. Al-Haq also cooperates with Palestinian civil society organisations and governmental institutions in order to ensure that international human rights standards are reflected in Palestinian law and policies. Al-Haq has a specialised international law library for the use of its staff and the local community. Al-Haq is the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists - Geneva, and is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), ESCR- Net – The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), and the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO). In 2018, Al-Haq was a co-recipient of the French Republic Human Rights Award, whereas in 2019, Al-Haq was the recipient of the Human Rights and Business Award. In 2020, Al-Haq received the Gwynne Skinner Human Rights Award presented by the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) for its outstanding work in the field of corporate accountability. Finding David: Unlawful Settlement Tourism in Jerusalem’s so-called ‘City of David’ Finding David: Unlawful Settlement Tourism in Jerusalem’s so-called ‘City of David’ T A L A: Trace, Authenticate, Locate, and Choose to Act! Questions and Answers: Israel’s De Facto Annexation of Palestinian TerritoryHouse Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from JerusalemCaptive Markets, Captive Lives: Palestinian Workers in Israeli Settlements Hidden In Plain Sight: The Village Of Nabi SamwilAtarot Settlement: The Industrial Key in Israel’s Plan to Permanently Erase PalestineAfter the Pre-Trial Chamber Decision: Palestine and Territorial Jurisdiction at the ICC Finding David: Unlawful Settlement Tourism in Jerusalem’s so-called ‘City of David’Occupying Jerusalem’s Old City: Israeli Policies of Isolation, Intimidation, and TransformationPrevention of Torture: Monitoring, Documentation and Means of Confrontation Khudair Warehouse: Israel’s chemical attack on the Gaza StripAnnexing A City: Israel’s Illegal Measures to Annex Jerusalem Since 1948
202 STAY CONNECTED AND UPDATED SMART PHONES Al-Haq’s Website: www.alhaq.org Al-Haq on Facebook: www.facebook.com/alhaqorganization Al-Haq on Twitter: www.twitter.com/AlHaq_org Al-Haq Multimedia Channel on Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/alhaq Al-Haq Multimedia Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com/Alhaqhr AL-Haq - 54 Main Street 1st & 2nd Fl. - Opp. Latin Patriarchate Saint Andrew’s Evangelical Church - (Protestant Hall) P .O.Box: 1413 - Ramallah - West Bank - Palestine Tel: + 970 2 2954646/7/9 Fax: + 970 2 2954903 www.alhaq.org

AL-HAQ About Al-Haq Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organisation based in Ramallah in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Established in 1979 to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the OPT, the organisation has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Al-Haq documents violations of the individual and collective rights of Palestinians in the OPT, irrespective of the identity of the perpetrator, and seeks to end such breaches by way of advocacy before national and international mechanisms and by holding the violators accountable. Al-Haq conducts research; prepares reports, studies and interventions on the breaches of international human rights and humanitarian law in the OPT; and undertakes advocacy before local, regional and international bodies. Al-Haq also cooperates with Palestinian civil society organisations and governmental institutions in order to ensure that international human rights standards are reflected in Palestinian law and policies. Al-Haq has a specialised international law library for the use of its staff and the local community. Al-Haq is the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists - Geneva, and is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), ESCR- Net – The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), and the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO). In 2018, Al-Haq was a co-recipient of the French Republic Human Rights Award, whereas in 2019, Al-Haq was the recipient of the Human Rights and Business Award. In 2020, Al-Haq received the Gwynne Skinner Human Rights Award presented by the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) for its outstanding work in the field of corporate accountability.

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New attack by the latifundium on the peasants of Barro Branco – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

Featured image: arson in Barro Branco, Pernambuco. Source: A Nova Democracia.

A Nova Democracia (AND) reported a new and criminal attack against the peasants in Barro Branco, Pernambuco, who had resisted the attacks by the latifundium heroically and had made its “Invasão Zero” goons retreat.

The Support Committee for the Struggle of the Occupiers of Barro Branco published a series of images showing several fires caused by unidentified criminals.


It was quickly understood wherefrom this criminal attack came: it was carried out by the latifundium. Its gunmen “were seen around the plantations.” These gunmen are led by the big landlord company Agropecuária Mata Sul S.A. Their objective was to attack a prosperous and fundamental crop in the area: sugar cane. Other attacks they had carried out have been with poison, trying to expel peasants from their lands, but everything has been unsuccessful.

As we have reported, the peasants of Barro Branco, led by the League of Poor Peasants (LCP), are fiercely resisting the attacks of the latifundium, supported by students and democratic intellectuals, for example in the Glorious Battle of Barro Branco on September 28. The harassment by the gunmen as well as by the old Brazilian State continues, but that has not prevented them from continuing their struggle and mobilization.

This is the price to be paid by those who not only combat and resist, but also defeat the latifundium, make it retreat and its goons flee. But as the peasants report and AND reports on the gunmen: “They will not succeed in intimidating the occupiers of Barro Branco, who will struggle night and day to gain the lands that rightfully belong to them!”

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Chile: In face of the new arson, solidarity and struggle flourish! – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

As the newspaper El Pueblo reports, the ‘Toma Dignidad’ in La Florida, Chile, suffered an arson on 12th of November. Due to that, 60 houses were destroyed.

As it is denounced, the struggle of the residents for housing became stronger in the last years and they are combating and resisting the evictions. This is a problem for the State, specifically for the municipality of La Florida, which planned the eviction since some time ago and, as it is also denounced, would have used the old tactic of using thugs to set the fire.

Solidarity among the people flourished and several ‘Tomas’ already denounced the events. Among the ones which expressed solidarity with the ‘Toma Dignidad’ were the Coordinator of San Antonio – Cartagena, the Toma Cordillera from Puente Alto and the Toma 17 de Mayo from Cerro Navia who made a video denouncing the situation.

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Solidarity with the masses of the Spanish State – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

We hereby share two statements. First we share an unofficial translation of a further excerpt of the Weekly Newsletter from Sol Rojo Mexico, published on Monday.

Resistance and Solidarity in the Spanish State

In the last week, we have reported on the resistance and solidarity of the people in the Spanish State, especially in the regions affected after the damage caused by the Isolated Depression at High Levels (DANA) and the lack of response by the State, resulting in a high cost of hundreds of human lives, leaving more than a thousand missing. The people has denounced the murderous role of the State and have rejected the propaganda attempts by its representatives, including the clown-king. In response, class solidarity is spreading and is described in a report by the newspaper “Serve the People.” An impressive mass mobilization took place on November 9 in Valencia, one of the most affected regions. According to the State’s misleading numbers, 130,000 people participated, which leads us to believe that the actual number was quite higher. During the mobilization, there were heavy clashes between protesters and police, resulting in at least 31 injured pigs and 4 detained protesters. The participation of communists was seen during the demonstration, along with the presence of flags from the International Communist League (ICL) and the Anti-Imperialist League (AIL).

Down with the Spanish imperialist State!

Solidarity with the peoples of Valencia and Letur!


We hereby share an unofficial translation of a statement published by Tjen Folket Media.

Tjen Folket Media (Norway) – Spain: It is the imperialists, not the weather, what kills the people!

From the editorial board of Tjen Folket Media.

Tjen Folket Media sends its greetings and solidarity to the masses and comrades who are heroically struggling side by side against the brutal State repression that Spanish imperialism has implemented against the people’s protests following the DANA storm.

Several hundred have been declared dead, and thousands are still listed as “missing,” but instead of sending help, the State is deploying its armed forces to suppress protests against the government’s betrayal.

More than anything else, what is currently unfolding in Spain demonstrates that Spanish imperialism is against the masses. Instead of providing assistance both before and after the DANA, the Spanish State has chosen to send police forces and the military to defend the imperialist murderers who have abandoned the masses to fend for themselves. Thus, the entire Spanish State is being revealed in its purpose to the masses in Spain and around the world. Once again, reality clearly shows that the imperialists do not stand on the side of the people; on the contrary, they contribute to the suffering and death of the masses.

We therefore strongly condemn the Spanish imperialist State, which is the true culprit behind the rising death toll in the streets of Valencia. At the same time, we equally condemn their cynical lackeys and hypocritical accomplices in the bourgeois media, who, through their manipulation and falsehoods, attempt to cover up the reality. In this way, Spanish imperialism is protected by its obedient media. In addition to trying to portray the situation as less severe for the masses, these bourgeois dogs attempt to lie by claiming that the police and military are deployed there to help the masses. Who receives help when the just demands of the masses are suppressed with batons and tear gas?

DANA is severe, but it is primarily the catastrophic and criminal handling by the Spanish State that lies behind all the suffering and all the deaths. It is typical for bourgeois States and media to present such events as mere “natural disasters,” while the number of dead and injured is usually due to poverty, poor infrastructure, and inadequate assistance from the States.

As history shows time and again, it is the masses who are the real heroes, and the example of DANA is no exception. It is the masses who change the world, and the rulers tremble to their foundations when the masses stand united and rebel. Here and now, the masses are uniting not only in their condemnation of the authorities, in protests that have gathered several hundred thousands in the streets, but are also coming together to help their neighbors, their class brothers and sisters. The masses are organizing the emergency aid by themselves, what is lacking from the Spanish State.

The protests continue, defying the opportunists who seek to dampen the just anger. The king, queen, and president have been expelled from the scene by angry crowds. We honor those who struggle, we encourage our readers to show solidarity, and we join the slogans raised by the comrades in Valencia:

Mazón, murderer!

Proletarians in Valencia, we stand with you!

It was not the rain, it was the Spanish State! Sánchez, Mazón, murderers!

The editorial board of Tjen Folket Media

November 11, 2024

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El dolor de las madres de los «Falsos Positivos» se respeta | Revolución Obrera (Revolucion Obrera)

El dolor de las madres de los «Falsos Positivos» se respeta 1
Congresista Polo Polo y su ofensa a las victimas de Falsos Positivos

Asesinar a un joven por un permiso, un pollo asado, una recompensa de $3.500.000 o $5.000.000, que los altos mandos militares exigieran “litros de sangre” y para ello, hacer pasar a muchachos de los barrios pobres de las ciudades —algunos de ellos discapacitados— como guerrilleros en combate, ha sido de los más viles crímenes cometidos por el Estado burgués y eso que han sido muchos los que se han cometido en 200 años de república “democrática”.

Pueden imaginarse ustedes lo que significa para una madre que a su hijo lo desaparezcan, si de mi hija no se al final del día siento que se me derrumba el mundo, qué pueden sentir las madres a quienes no solo les desaparecieron sus hijos, sino que después de meses de búsqueda en todas partes y en ninguna, le informan que fue asesinado porque era un guerrillero que tenía las botas de caucho nuevas y al revés.

¿Pueden imaginarse el dolor de esa madre? pienso que se siente en el pecho un dolor agudo y frío, una presión que impide respirar y no desaparece, pienso que las fuerzas de las piernas y los brazos se van desvaneciendo, pienso que se llega al punto de la locura, de la que solo algunas pueden salir gracias a su capacidad de resiliencia, forjada por los permanentes golpes de la vida… pienso que al final es indescriptible ese dolor.

El dolor de estas madres del pueblo, no tiene perdón ni olvido. En ese sentido hacer memoria, recordar quienes fueron los responsables de estos crímenes y exigir castigo a los que dieron la orden, debe ser una labor permanente no solo de las madres de los asesinados como bajas en combate, sino de todo pueblo.

Ver: https://revolucionobrera.com/actualidad/6402/

Es por ello que la afrenta del Congresista Polo Polo —al homenaje que las Madres de Soacha realizaron en la plaza Rafael Núñez del Congreso—, botando a la basura las botas que se dispusieron en un acto de memoria y desmintiendo que se cometieron 6402 crímenes de Estado es una ignominia. Polo Polo —un simple títere de las clases dominantes— expresa claramente el sentir de estas clases explotadoras: el desprecio al pueblo que solo importa como fuente de su riqueza.

El monigote Polo Polo nos muestra abiertamente cómo piensan los “notables” ricos del país, gracias a él sabemos que no les interesa el bienestar de la sociedad, no les interesa reconocer sus crímenes, no les interesa la verdad, mucho menos la reparación. No les interesa un “acuerdo nacional”, a menos que este sea uno en donde se lleven todo el pastel.

Gracias al pelele Polo Polo, reafirmamos que no se puede perdonar, ni conciliar, con la burguesía, los terratenientes y los imperialistas, quienes fueron responsables de estos crímenes, del desplazamiento de más de 10 millones de campesinos, del dolor de miles de madres que hoy tratan de encontrar algo de paz dentro de su ser, al menos logrando que la sociedad reconozca que sus hijos no merecían morir.

Así mimo, este acto nos recuerda que la guerra contra el pueblo es cruel y sanguinaria y por eso, los desposeídos debemos organizarnos políticamente para dirigir la guerra popular que arrase con el podrido Estado burgués y todas las causas de la guerra.

¡Ni perdón, ni olvido!

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Oaxaca: el plantón de la familia de Sandra Domínguez y el 2° informe de gobierno. (Periódico Mural)

El pasado 6 de noviembre la familia de la defensora de derechos humanos desaparecida, Sandra Domínguez Martínez, decidió instalarse en plantón permanente frente al palacio de gobierno de Oaxaca, el cual desde la represión del 2006 ha sido rebautizado por algunas organizaciones como “palacio de la ignominia”.

Ese día la familia denunció mediante conferencia de prensa la inacción de las autoridades en la búsqueda y presentación con vida de la abogada feminista Ayuuk, así como una serie de actos de acoso, intimidación y seguimiento contra diversos integrantes de la familia y los abogados que acompañan el caso. Para la madre y hermanas de Sandra instalarse en plantón ha sido un mecanismo de seguridad para salvaguardar su integridad mientras sostienen la exigencia de presentación con vida.

La firmeza de la señora Aracely y sus hijas Kenia y Kisha ha conmovido a los pueblos de Oaxaca y a amplios sectores organizados que han mostrado su solidaridad con la familia Domínguez Martínez acuerpando el plantón. La presencia de organizaciones como Consorcio Oaxaca, Corriente del Pueblo Sol Rojo y la Comedora Comunitaria ha sido notoria desde el primer momento, y también hemos sido testigos de la “jornada de solidaridad con la familia Domínguez Martínez” impulsada por radialistas, poetas, artistas y miembros de la sociedad civil quienes han realizado diversas actividades a lo largo de esta semana. En ese sentido ha sido destacable el trabajo de los compañeros de Radio Plantón 92.3FM quienes el 11 de noviembre transmitieron en vivo durante cuatro horas consecutivas.

Al cierre de esta edición el plantón de la familia Domínguez Martínez aún continúa, y justamente mañana el gobernador del estado, Salomón Jara Cruz, rendirá su 2° informe de gobierno para lo cual ya ha dispuesto de un templete en pleno zócalo de la ciudad.

¿Será que el Estado ya dio con el paradero de Sandra y eso es lo que se informará justo en frente del plantón?

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ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ | Το Πολυτεχνείο ήταν, είναι και θα είναι αγκάθι στην καρδιά του συστήματος! - Συγκεντρωση 2.30μμ Σταδίου και Χρ. Λαδά (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

Το Πολυτεχνείο ήταν, είναι και θα είναι αγκάθι στην καρδιά του συστήματος!

Έξω οι ΗΠΑ! Έξω το ΝΑΤΟ!


-> Όλοι στον τριήμερο εορτασμό στο κάτω Πολυτεχνείο 

-> Όλοι στη μεγάλη αντιιμπεριαλιστική διαδήλωση στις 17/11 σε Αμερικανική πρεσβεία και πρεσβεία Ισραήλ.

Συγκεντρωση 2.30μμ Σταδίου και Χρ. Λαδά

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pc 15 novembre - Siena. I tagli del governo si abbattono sull’università. Lunedi assemblea - info (proletari comunisti)

di Cravos - organizzazione studentesca

La manovra finanziaria in via di approvazione segna un drammatico ritorno all’austerità nella gestione delle risorse pubbliche, con pesanti ripercussioni sulle Università. Il Fondo per il Finanziamento Ordinario (FFO) subisce infatti un taglio da parte del Governo Meloni di 700 milioni di euro, un ridimensionamento che non si vedeva dal 2013 e che risparmia solo 6 Atenei italiani su 84.

Per l’Università per Stranieri di Siena (Unistrasi) questo si tradurrà in una riduzione di 620mila euro, mentre l’Università di Siena dovrà fare i conti con un taglio di ben 8,9 milioni di euro. Questi numeri non sono solo cifre, ma la prospettiva di un vero e proprio blocco della vita accademica, con inevitabili ripercussioni su servizi, corsi di studio e, in prospettiva, un possibile aumento delle tasse studentesche.

I tagli alle Università, con il blocco delle assunzioni e un turnover limitato al 75%, sono accompagnati

da una riforma del pre-ruolo che rende ancora più precaria la condizione dei ricercatori negli Atenei italiani, con contratti e tutele sempre più fragili. Questo incide pesantemente sulla libertà di ricerca, ormai condizionata dalla precarietà e dalla dipendenza da finanziatori privati.

Pur riconoscendo che il problema di fondo è l’assenza di finanziamenti strutturali a medio lungo termine agli Atenei da parte del Ministero, non possiamo accettare che l’Università di Siena risponda a questa crisi prevedendo il blocco delle assunzioni e ulteriori tagli, che ricadranno su tutti i membri della comunità accademica.

Critichiamo inoltre l’aumento della quota premiale dell’FFO, determinata in base ai parametri ANVUR, un sistema di finanziamento che, anziché supportare, penalizza le università più in difficoltà, riducendo ulteriormente le loro risorse. Nel 2014, la quota base rappresentava il 73% del FFO, oggi è intorno al 50%, mentre la quota premiale è aumentata dal 17% a circa il 27%.

Questo spostamento ha cambiato la logica di distribuzione dei fondi, che prima si basava su criteri legati alle spese annuali degli Atenei, garantendo un aiuto più equo. Ora, invece, i fondi vengono ripartiti sempre di più in base a criteri di “merito”, “produttività” e “competizione”, favorendo le università più grandi e penalizzando quelle più piccole e periferiche. L’Università di Siena non può limitarsi ad accettare passivamente queste regole del gioco, che alimentano le disuguaglianze tra gli Atenei e non rispondono alle reali necessità della comunità accademica.     

Per questo è urgente unirci per sollecitare modifiche alla Legge di Bilancio, che sarà approvata definitivamente a fine dicembre, rivendicando maggiori risorse per l’Università e la Ricerca, in particolare per la quota non vincolata del FFO. È fondamentale un finanziamento strutturale, stabile e a lungo termine per garantire il diritto allo studio e all’accesso al lavoro universitario.

Invitiamo quindi studenti, dottorandi, ricercatori, docenti e lavoratori dell’Università a partecipare all’assemblea che si terrà lunedì 18 novembre dalle ore 16:30 nell’Aula Magna storica del Rettorato dell’Università di Siena, per analizzare l’impatto dei recenti tagli al FFO sulla nostra università, condividere preoccupazioni e raccogliere proposte.”


Venerdì 15 novembre aderiremo al No Meloni Day, dopo due anni di governo il bilancio è disarmante, soprattutto se si guarda alla prossima manovra di bilancio. Le politiche portate avanti da questo governo sono in assoluta continuità con il passato, confermano l’intoccabilità delle fasce più ricche a discapito della fascia medie e dei più poveri.

Nonostante gli annunci non ci sono stati aumenti delle tasse per le banche, la grande imprenditoria è uscita illesa dalla manovra di bilancio, la quale invece attaccherà il settore pubblico, tagliando su ambiti strategici come la Sanità ,che perderà quasi un punto di investimenti nel Pil del paese, e l’istruzione con mezzo miliardo di tagli alle università e 5660 docenti e 2174 Ata in meno nella scuola dal 2025.

Passo indietro anche per le pensioni, nonostante il palliativo dell’aumento di 3 euro nelle pensioni minime, il depotenziamento di “Quota 103” è di fatto una restaurazione della legge Fornero, tanto per confermare che questo non è un paese per giovani.

A tutto ciò aggiungiamo la mancanza di un piano abitativo serio, nessun investimento reale, per rilanciare il meridione,se non l’ennesima serie di sgravi fiscali per le grandi imprese. Inoltre possiamo aggiungere una sottomissione totale alla Nato e agli Stati uniti, perché al suon del “ce lo chiede l’Europa” il governo Meloni risponde investendo 35 miliardi per le spese militari, continuando a sostenere la guerra in Ucraina e a mostrare vicinanza ad Israele, nonostante l’affronto di un attacco diretto alle basi ONU italiane.

Insomma, il giudizio su questo governo è assolutamente negativo, e i tagli previsti, così come le prossime riforme della costituzione ci devono spingere a creare un’opposizione dal basso, nuova, che sia capace di rispondere alle nostre esigenze di cittadini.

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pc 15 novembre - Oggi sciopero studentesco NO Meloni day - massimo appoggio (proletari comunisti)

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pc 15 novembre - Basta armi a Israele - MANIFESTAZIONE DEL 16 NOVEMBRE a Torino (proletari comunisti)

Contro l’occidente genocida, colonizzatore e guerrafondaio, resistenza fino alla vittoria. Manifestazione regionale 16 novembre

Da più di un anno, il mondo assiste in silenzio ad un genocidio trasmesso per la prima volta in diretta streaming.
La striscia di Gaza è devastata, decine di migliaia di vittime, donne, uomini e bambini subiscono una violenza quotidiana e implacabile delle bombe israeliane.
Secondo un gruppo di medici americani operanti a Gaza, le vittime sono circa 119.000, mentre la rivista Lancet stima un totale di oltre 180.000.
Questo genocidio si inserisce nel più ampio progetto sionista di colonialismo di insediamento e di pulizia etnica del popolo palestinese dalle loro terre, un progetto iniziato nel 1948 che prosegue imperterrito sino ad oggi.
L’occupazione israeliana non accenna a fermare la sua furia genocida che viene giustificata da narrazioni e ideologie islamofobe e arabofobe che non fanno altro che dipingere il popolo palestinese e arabo come un manipolo di terroristi violenti.
La retorica usata da Israele nel descrivere le persone palestinesi come animali umani ha il principale obiettivo di deumanizzarle.

Le comunità palestinesi non sono brutalmente attaccate solo a Gaza ma anche in Cisgiordania, dove i coloni armati devastano i villaggi.
Recentemente, la macchina di guerra israeliana ha esteso il proprio raggio di sterminio e di

colonialismo in Libano, Siria, Yemen e Iran, causando migliaia di vittime e mirando al progetto di costruzione della “Grande Israele”.
Nonostante l’ampliamento del massacro, e le mire di guerra di Israele che coinvolgono sempre più Paesi e soggetti, la comunità internazionale continua vigliaccamente a giustificare l’operato israeliano mostrando visibilmente come sia la prima ad avere profondi interessi politici ed economici nel mantenere attiva la colonizzazione e la guerra nei confronti di questi paesi.
La complicità attiva dell’Occidente e degli Stati Uniti è da sempre stata un perno fondante
nell’occupazione e nello sterminio della popolazione palestinese, in particolare gli Stati Uniti che hanno recentemente stanziato oltre 20 milioni di dollari per sostenere l’esercito israeliano, oltre al mantenimento di un ponte aereo per favorire la fornitura di materiale bellico.
Una complicità che si estende anche nella recente sospensione dei fondi UNRWA da parte dell’entità sionista, che ha visto la comunità internazionale ancora una volta ricoprire un ruolo di profonda passività.
Anche l’Italia gioca un ruolo fondamentale: invece di opporsi, il governo italiano supporta politicamente il genocidio e l’occupazione, rifiutando di condannarlo nelle sedi internazionali, e si colloca al terzo posto mondiale per esportazioni di armi verso Israele. Questo significa che armi e munizioni prodotte in Italia finiscono nelle mani di chi perpetua il massacro in Palestina e che le collaborazioni accademiche e scientifiche italiane con istituzioni israeliane sostengono direttamente e indirettamente un complesso militare oppressivo.
Solo in Piemonte la Leonardo S.p.A, una delle maggiori aziende nella quali si produce materiale bellico esportato poi in Israele, ha ben quattro sedi, collaborando non solo con industrie private ma anche con le Università come il Politecnico e l’Università di Torino, supportando e finanziando un sapere che va utilizzato per il massacro e lo sterminio del popolo palestinese.
Il genocidio in corso e l’ampia guerra che ne consegue non sono eventi lontani: hanno un impatto diretto anche su di noi. Oltre al drammatico sostegno all’industria bellica, il governo italiano ha recentemente stanziato 32 miliardi di euro (con un incremento di oltre il 7% rispetto all’anno scorso) per il bilancio della difesa 2025, una cifra record destinata all’industria militare.
Ogni euro speso per le armi sottrae risorse alla sanità, all’istruzione e al welfare, alla messa in sicurezza dei territori piegati dalle crisi climatiche, mentre la crisi sociale si aggrava. Il costo della vita si innalza sempre di più, i salari restano insufficienti, e i servizi essenziali crollano.
I tentativi di criminalizzazione della solidarietà alla Palestina si inseriscono in un contesto nazionale di repressione sempre più capillare e permeante della nostra società, che si istituzionalizzano proprio a partire dall’approvazione del ddl 1660. 

Mobilitarsi è quindi oggi più che mai un dovere, verso noi stessi e verso le generazioni future, per garantire giustizia e un futuro libero da ogni forma di oppressione.
Chiediamo con forza e determinazione:

• Fermare la vendita e l’invio di armi verso l’entità coloniale sionista 
• Cessare ogni accordo militare con l’entità coloniale sionista
• Cessare ogni accordo accademico con l’entità coloniale sionista
• Ridurre drasticamente la spesa pubblica per le armi e reindirizzare questi fondi verso servizi pubblici essenziali come la sanità e l’istruzione, per rispondere alle vere necessità della popolazione.

Il 16 novembre, scendiamo in piazza, tuttə insieme, per opporci alla violenza dell’occupazione sionista e a sostegno del popolo palestinese e libanese. Vogliamo che la nostra voce sia unita contro il genocidio e i massacri che continuano interrottamente in tutta l’area, una voce unita contro le politiche imperialiste e coloniali di Israele, Stati Uniti, Europa.
Scendiamo per ribadire il nostro incondizionato supporto alla resistenza del popolo palestinese fino alla sua liberazione dal fiume fino al mare.


Coordinamento Torino per Gaza

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pc 15 dicembre - Milano 58° sabato in piazza contro il GENOCIDIO palestinese e l'impunità sionista israeliana - 16 Novembre (proletari comunisti)


tutte e tutti in piazza con le Associazioni palestinesi di Milano per il 58° CORTEO A MILANO.

ORE 14,30 davanti al KFC in Porta Genova per iniziativa di boicottaggio con striscione, bandiere e volantini a firma collettiva e megafono e poi

Corteo con partenza ore 15 stazione porta Genova (M2 linea verde)

termine in piazza Medaglia d'Oro - Porta Romana - (M3 linea gialla)




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pc 15 novembre - Il governo Meloni-Salvini con la precettazione va avanti per attaccare lo sciopero del 29 novembre (proletari comunisti)

Ma l'unica risposta è rompere i divieti, che non dimentichiamo diventano realtà oggi dopo le minacce dei giorni scorsi di Salvini: «Non possono esserci scioperi di 24 ore. Se i sindacati aderiranno alle richieste della commissione di garanzia bene, altrimenti c’è lo strumento della precettazione. L’ho già fatto». 

Salvini chiede e la presidente Paola Bellocchi esegue a dimostrazione del servilismo governativo e affinità ideologica delle nomine ai vari livelli istituzionali, in questo caso della commissione di garanzia che già l'anno scorso era stata al centro di una interrogazione parlamentare per un'altra mobilitazion

e  sindacale generale in quanto aveva affermato che:"...i presupposti dello sciopero generale non ricorressero». 

La replica di Cgil e Uil: «Non decide lui, è un diritto garantito dalla Costituzione».

Quindi ora non ci sono vie di fuga per i sindacati che vogliono difendere i lavoratori e i loro diritti, di fronte all'avanzata di un governo di stampo fascista che quelle di non rispettare le imposizioni della commissione di garanzia e fare scioperare comunque tutti i lavoratori.

Vediamo se alle parole di Landini, che denuncia la precettazione come "un atto politico gravissimo" e che "il governo Meloni mette in discussione il diritto al conflitto" seguiranno i fatti visto che come dice: ".. mettere in discussione il diritto di sciopero vuole dire mettere in discussione la democrazia nel nostro paese"

Sicuramente questa denuncia di attacco politico e necessità di mobilitazione è portata dallo Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe tra le fila dei lavoratori nella campagna dello sciopero del 29 come parte centrale e motivo di scendere in piazza verso una reale rivolta sociale necessaria contro il sistema dei padroni che marcia verso una dittatura aperta.

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pc 15 novembre - L’attacco di Elon Musk ai giudici italiani nasconde, ma non troppo, i suoi interessi economici in Italia (proletari comunisti)


Come si sa nella “squadra di mostri” che Trump sta organizzando per governare gli Stati Uniti nei prossimi anni c’è anche Elon Musk che l’altro ieri ha attaccato i giudici italiani, sollevando il solito “vespaio” di polemiche.

Ma le sparate di Musk sui giudici, condivise dalla sua amica Meloni, non sono quelle di un pazzo ma di chi ha un interesse preciso ad avere un governo amico che metta mano al portafoglio e compri, per esempio, i suoi sistemi satellitari come Starlink.

Non ci sono misteri dunque o stranezze, ma solidi bassi interessi capitalisti-imperialisti di uno degli

uomini più ricchi del mondo (patrimonio personale di 340 miliardi di dollari, secondo Forbes, e padrone di aziende che valgono oltre 1.000 miliardi) che ha tutto l’interesse di continuare a fare affari in giro per il mondo, dalla Cina all’Ucraina… con le auto elettriche Tesla, con X, OpenAI, SpaceX e il suo sistema satellitare Starlink che “è in grado di offrire connessioni a internet ad alta velocità per gli usi più disparati, compresi quelli militari” e che vuole vendere anche all’Italia.

Come riporta il quotidiano Domani del 13 novembre, infatti, “I migranti sono da sempre uno dei bersagli preferiti degli attacchi via social di Elon Musk. Se a questo si aggiunge l’esibita amicizia del miliardario americano per Giorgia Meloni, l’attacco ai giudici di ieri non pare esattamente una sorpresa.”

L’attacco ai giudici italiani non è un mistero anche perché la magistratura sta indagando il suo portavoce in Italia, Andrea Stroppa, nel caso di corruzione che coinvolge la Sogei di proprietà dello Stato italiano (Società Generale d'Informatica S.p.A. - è la società di Information Technology 100% del Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze), in cui le aziende di Musk sarebbero state agevolate per vincere gli appalti statali.

Scandalo che per adesso sembra sparito dalle pagine dei quotidiani, dall’informazione televisiva ecc.

Se il governo amico di Musk decide di acquistare il sistema satellitare, dice il quotidiano Domani, “Il governo di Roma potrebbe consegnare le chiavi di attività strategiche come le telecomunicazioni in ambito civile e militare alle aziende di un singolo imprenditore, che per di più svolge un ruolo politico nella nuova amministrazione di Washington. Per Musk sarebbe di sicuro un ottimo affare…”

Non solo, ma a quanto pare si tratta di “Un business in cui, paradossalmente, il gruppo Usa si trova a fare concorrenza a due operatori entrambi partecipati dal Tesoro di Roma, cioè Fibercop e Open Fiber.”

Ma per gli amici, fascisti come lei, la Meloni fa questo e altro…

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Governador de Alagoas é cobrado em protesto de posseiros em Messias - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Camponeses posseiros do município de Messias, Alagoas, que foram despejados de suas terras pelos latifundiários da Usina Utinga Leão, cobraram uma atitude do governador do estado, Paulo Dantas, durante uma visita institucional do governo ao município no dia 13 de novembro.

O despejo ocorreu no final de outubro na Área Revolucionária Renato Nathan. Mais de mil famílias camponesas viviam nas terras ocupadas desde 2008. Os camponeses tinham construído casas de alvenaria e produziam cotidianamente para abastecer as feiras locais. Tudo foi destruído pelo despejo, que contou com apoio do governo do estado através da mobilização da Polícia Militar.

PM de Alagoas promove despejo ilegal em Área Revolucionária a serviço de latifundiário ligado ao Ministro da Defesa – A Nova Democracia
Após décadas de resistência camponesa vitória contra a pistolagem da Utinga Leão, contra a marginalidade da região e contra as forças militares do Velho Estado, os inimigos do povo conseguiram, em uma ação relativamente rápida e totalmente ilegal, promover destruição em parte da Área Revolucionária Renato Nathan. 

A visita de Paulo Dantas ao município foi para inaugurar uma creche. Ela foi anunciada de última hora, talvez para evitar um protesto dos posseiros. O governador também se reuniu, na surdina, com o prefeito de Messias, para tratar da situação dos posseiros, mas sem a participação dos camponeses, que são os mais afetados pela situação.

LCP descobriu visita e mobilizou camponeses

A Liga dos Camponeses Pobres (LCP) soube da visita de Dantas e de pronto mobilizou os camponeses para protestar. Integrantes do Comitê de Apoio aos Posseiros de Messias e estudantes do Diretório Central dos Estudantes da Universidade Federal de Alagoas também foram ao protesto.

Durante o ato, os manifestantes exigiram a desapropriação das terras da Usina Utinga Leão, entrega da área aos camponeses e indenização aos posseiros no valor dos bens destruídos e perdidos durante o despejo.

O protesto se concentrou em uma praça próxima à creche. A Polícia Militar (PM) acionou homens fortemente armados para cercar os posseiros e impedir a chegada até a creche. Os posseiros não se intimidaram e continuaram com a manifestação.

Ô Usineiro, pode esperar! A sua hora vai chegar! e É terra! É terra! A quem nela trabalha! Viva agora e já a Revolução Agrária! É morte! É morte! Ao latifundiário! E viva o poder camponês e operário! foram alguns dos gritos dos camponeses.

Os posseiros também levantaram bandeiras vermelhas com a sigla da Liga dos Camponeses Pobres, cartazes com as exigências dos camponeses e uma faixa pintada com as palavras Viva a Revolução Agrária! Morte ao latifúndio! Fora Utinga Leão!.

Governador chegou de helicóptero

O governador Paulo Dantas chegou no evento de helicóptero e foi embora da mesma foram, sem conversar com as famílias. De acordo com fontes do correspondente local de AND, a única referência do governador às famílias durante o evento foi a promessa vazia de que “tentaria ajudar os desabrigados”.

Os posseiros se revoltaram com a postura do governador. Alguns denunciaram o caráter farsesco da eleição por meio de gritos como Eleição é farsa! Não muda nada não! Organizar o povo pra fazer Revolução!.

Outros falaram que a creche não vai funcionar por conta do estado da cidade. “Messias está sem energia por conta dos cortes que a Usina fez. Ele veio inaugurar creche sem nem sequer estar com um sistema de água e energia funcionando lá dentro? Veio só para aparecer e nem pisou no chão”, disse. “E ainda, lá de dentro, diz que vai nos ajudar! Por que não veio aqui, falar na nossa cara? Covarde!”.

AL: Município de Messias em clima de guerra após crimes da Usina Utinga Leão – A Nova Democracia
O comitê de apoio de Messias relatou em seu Instagram que foi montada uma “verdadeira operação de cerco e arrasamento” e que “desligaram a energia do município e iniciaram operações de terror com a retroescavadeira.”

“Para que construir uma creche se as crianças nem tem casa para morar?” questionou outro camponês.

Segundo avaliação de uma ativista da LCP, o ato foi “vitoriosíssimo por encorajar os posseiros que em movimento aumentam sua disposição de luta e de retomar suas terras. Também foi importante no sentido de desmascarar o governo estadual, que vira as costas para os camponeses, evidenciando que na luta pela terra é necessária a confiança no próprio povo e em sua organização, e que só o povo organizado retomará suas terras. O povo hoje fez tremer os usineiros e seus defensores e esse é só o começo”.

Novos protestos

Segundo a LCP e o Comitê de apoio aos Posseiros de Messias, os ativistas vão organizar, no dia 20 de novembro, Dia do Povo preto, um protesto para cobrar a desapropriação da usina, as indenizações e defendendo a retomada das terras pelos camponeses.

O AND seguirá acompanhando a situação.

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Família denuncia negligência médica após morte de bebê de 1 ano em Três de Maio, RS - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

A bebê foi encaminhada na manhã do dia 4 para o Hospital São Vicente de Paula, na cidade de Três de Maio. Os pais relatam quadros de febre alta e vômito no dia anterior à consulta. Porém, a médica que a examinou, constatou que seria apenas de um quadro gripal, mas sem realizar nenhum exame prévio de acordo com os familiares.

“Em momento algum, desde que a Maria Clara internou, eles fizeram uma ecografia, uma tomografia na minha filha, em nenhum momento eles fizeram isso. Não, eles não fizeram, eles não investigaram, eles sabiam que havia uma infecção ali, só que não foi investigada” Declarou Gabriela Hirt Soares, a mãe da bebê, ao monopólio de imprensa RBS.

Após a consulta, a família retornou a noite para casa, onde a filha apresentou piora nos sintomas, novamente retornando para o hospital, onde Maria precisou ser internada por desenvolver um quadro de laringite e anemia, porém o médico pediatra compareceu no local apenas 10 horas após a internação da bebê.

“Faltou empatia, gente. O pediatra foi solicitado à noite, ele não foi. Ele receitou a minha filha pelo celular, ele não olhou a minha filha, ele nem tocou na minha filha” relatou Dieison Soares, pai da bebê.

No sábado, dia 9 de outubro, familiares realizaram um  protesto nas ruas de Três Passos, com balões brancos e cartazes pedindo justiça e melhor atendimento local, eles marcharam até a frente do Hospital São Vicente de Paula. Franklin Capaverde, diretor técnico da instituição, garantiu que fatos serão investigados e que a instituição não se eximirá de culpa ou de responsabilização de eventuais envolvidos, caso seja necessário.

Diversos moradores da região relatam um péssimo atendimento no atendimento público do hospital, do qual faz descaso com pacientes, demorando horas para serem atendidos e sem a devida atenção, agravado por casos de corrupção em outras unidades e cidades, como no escândalo de corrupção na fila do SUS em Ivoti.

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‘De Chancay a Shanghai’: Novo porto no Peru eleva tensões entre China e EUA pelo saqueio da América Latina - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

A inauguração de um novo porto de águas profundas na costa do Peru está produzindo tensões entre China e Estados Unidos pela disputa da dominação das semicolônias na América Latina. O porto de Chancay, localizado a 80 quilômetros ao norte de Lima, é a nova joia do colar de pérolas chinês na América Latina. A inauguração ocorreu nesta quinta-feira, 14, e contou com a presença do presidente chinês Xi Jinping e sua contraparte peruana Dina Baluarte, além de autoridades civis e militares.

Durante a inauguração Xi disse aos presentes: “Devemos concluir com sucesso a construção e a operação desse porto, de modo que ‘De Chancay a Shanghai’ seja um verdadeiro caminho de prosperidade na promoção do desenvolvimento comum entre a China e o Peru, e entre a China e a ALC [América Latina e Caribe]”.

O anúncio veio ao fim da reunião da APEC em Lima (sigla em inglês para Cooperação Econômica Ásia Pacífico, uma organização de estados banhados pelo oceano Pacífico), da qual fizeram parte tanto Xi Jinping quanto o presidente Joe Biden.

A expectativa dos reacionários e imperialistas é de que o porto custe um total de 3 bilhões de dólares para ser construído e, uma vez completo, seu centro de logística de alta tecnologia será operado exclusivamente pela gigante chinesa Cosco, sendo um aprofundamento do capital imperialista chinês no Peru.

A empresa investiu um total de 1,3 bilhão no projeto até agora. Outras empresas chinesas também terão controle absoluto sobre as operações de guindastes e caminhões de última tecnologia.

Chancay poderá receber os maiores navios do mundo

A primeira fase do porto, destinada a operações de navios de pequeno porte, deve ficar operacional ainda este mês, porém, ao ser concluído, Chancay poderá receber os maiores navios do mundo, da classe pós-panamax, ou seja, que são grandes demais para passar pelo canal do Panamá.

A operação deve elevar a penetração de capital chinês no país, que já comercializa 36 bilhões de dólares por ano com o gigante asiático, seu maior parceiro comercial.

A China tem outros 11,4 bilhões de dólares investidos no setor de mineração peruano que contém minérios importantíssimos para a indústria de semicondutores, além do cobre e o tradicional guano, usado em fertilizantes.

A mineração é uma área de constantes conflitos no Peru, por dividir os interesses do povo peruano pelas terras saqueadas e contra a exploração das riquezas naturais por empresas imperialistas, de um lado, e dos magnatas da mineração, de outro. Em maio de 2022, o município de Apurímac foi palco de um grande levantamento camponês contra a mineradora chinesa MMG. Em abril de 2024, pequenos garimpeiros advindos do campesinato pobre peruano realizaram sabotagens contra torres da mineradora Poderosa, empresa de capital compartilhado (49% nas mãos de imperialistas e 51% dividido entre lacaios).

A aposta da vende-pátria Dina Baluarte é que a construção do porto de Chancay facilite também a instalação de uma montadora da empresa BYD, fabricante de carros elétricos chinesa no Peru.

Ianques se preocupam com possível base naval

As preocupações dos ianques, além do aspecto da competição econômica com os chineses, vem justamente da possibilidade de que o porto de Chancay possa receber navios militares. O que seria possível do ponto de vista da capacidade técnica do porto. Foi o que expressou a general Laura Richardson, até a pouco a frente do Comando Sul das Forças Americanas (Southcom) ao dizer que “com certeza” Chancay poderia abarcar navios militares e que tal movimentação da marinha chinesa seria condizente com um  “manual que já vimos em outros lugares”.

‘A gazela mais lenta morre’: Novo comandante do Comando Sul dá o tom da intervenção imperialista no subcontinente – A Nova Democracia
Em sua solenidade de posse o militar ianque ressaltou o papel de combater a “influência maligna” de Rússia e China na América Latina.

A China já opera mais de 40 portos similares em todo o mundo, e muitos que poderiam ser usados para fins militares como no Paquistão, Sri Lanka e Guiné Equatorial, além de possuir uma base naval no Djibouti, localizado num ponto estratégico do Chifre Africano que dá acesso ao canal do Suez, e pretender construir uma nova base no Camboja, também estratégico para o controle do fluxo de navios que passam pelo estreito de Malacca.

Estes projetos fazem parte da estratégia de expansão do capital imperialista chinês lançada por Xi Jinping em 2013, chamada de Nova Rota da Seda, ou Rota e Cinturão, que consiste na realização de investimentos bilionários de infraestrutura por pontos estratégicos no mundo todo, buscando conectar rotas comerciais por mar e terra e facilitar o saqueio de matérias-primas e escoamento de produtos chineses.

Como parte da Nova Rota da Seda, a China já expressou o desejo de conectar o porto de Chancay ao Brasil através da construção de uma linha férrea cruzando ambos os países e a Bolívia.

Estados Unidos se preparam para aprofundar a intervenção no subcontinente

Os Estados Unidos por outro lado estão vendo sua importância econômica diminuir por todo o subcontinente. 21 países latino-americanos já assinaram acordos de cooperação e interesse mútuo com a China. Desde 2000 o comércio China-América-latina cresceu 35 vezes, atingindo 480 bilhões de dólares em 2024 e suplantando os EUA como principal parceiro comercial da região. 

O que a nomeação de Marco Rubio pode significar para a América Latina – A Nova Democracia
A expectativa é que a nomeação de Rubio para Secretário de Estado fortaleça a política intervencionista, particularmente na América Latina.

Com a eleição de Donald Trump, a possível nomeação de Marco Rubio para Secretário de Estado norte-americano, bem como a mudança de comando do SouthCom, a expectativa é de que os olhos dos ianques se voltem cada vez mais para a América Latina.

Apesar da consternação pela possibilidade de uma eventual base naval chinesa no subcontinente, vale lembrar que há atualmente 76 bases norte-americanas em operação na América Latina e Caribe. O EUA enviou 600 militares ao Peru para a Cúpula da Apec de 2024.

A centralidade da questão venezuelana para a agenda ianque pode também determinar a forma com que a Casa Branca buscará minar a influência russa e chinesa na região para coibir qualquer ameaça naquilo que consideram como seu “quintal”, e como disse Rubio a este respeito, a opção militar ainda “está na mesa”.

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pc 15 novembre - Verso il regime Trump negli Usa - 2 (proletari comunisti)

Gaetz e gli altri: arrivano i mostri

Potere assoluto - L’estremista trumpiano nominato alla Giustizia, anche per testare i limiti della fedeltà dei repubblicani

Luca Celada il manifesto 


«Meglio le scarpe da clown», ha commentato qualcuno in un post sulle ultime nomine di Trump, «che gli stivali da gerarca». Ma ad oggi la rosa di nomi che vanno completando l’organico del prossimo governo Trump sembrano corrispondere un pò ad entrambe le categorie. A ideologi di ferro come Stephen Miller, architetto della tolleranza zero sovranista (e sgherri come Tom Homan, specialista della sottrazione di figli ai richiedenti asilo), si sommano personaggi che sembrano avere un ruolo principalmente provocatorio.

A QUEST’ULTIMA categoria sembrerebbe appartenere Matt Gaetz, fedelissimo parlamentare della Florida che ha ricevuto l’investitura di nuovo ministro di giustizia da reduce di un’inchiesta giudiziaria (successivamente archiviata) per una storia di presunte feste a base di droga e minorenni.

Il futuro attorney general (e presumibile strumento delle rappresaglie giudiziarie contro gli avversari politici di Trump) è stato membro irriducibile della corrente Maga ed esponente di spicco del drappello che, assieme alla collega Marjorie Taylor Greene, si è messo in luce spesso per gli insulti e schiamazzi

lanciati in aula durante i discorsi alla camera del presidente Biden. Ma la principale opera ostruzionista di Gaetz è stata contro le correnti del suo stesso partito ritenute non sufficientemente militanti, fra cui la destituzione dell’ex presidente repubblicano della Camera, Kevin McCarthy, reo di aver concordato compromessi eccessivi coi democratici. Il ruolo di “guastatore parlamentare” è stato efficace al punto da valergli l’antipatia di un numero consistente di senatori che saranno preposti alla ratifica della sua nomina. Quel voto promette di essere una prova di forza fra i presiedente entrante e le residue sacche di resistenza nell’ala moderata del Gop.

ALLA DIFESA è stato designato il quarantaquattrenne conduttore televisivo Pete Hegseth, la cui competenza in affari militari sembra limitata ad alcuni anni di servizio nella guardia nazionale. La nomina a dirigere il complesso militare industriale della superpotenza, con più di 3 milioni di dipendenti ed un budget di $850 miliardi di dollari, ha suscitato notevole scalpore al Pentagono dove ha raccolto commenti di altolocati ma anonimi funzionari che sono andati dal lapidario «E chi c**zo è?!» al «Non lo metterei alla guida neanche di Wal Mart».

Ma il dissapore è considerato da Trump come indicatore dell’efficacia di una programmata “decostruzione” della direzione eccessivamente “woke” dell’esercito. Il Wall Street Journal segnala a riguardo la prossima creazione di una commissione per l’epurazione di generali inadempienti. Una annunciata purga delle forze armate che non può che rimandare ad insediamenti di leader autocratici.

HEGSETH (che reca sul petto un vistoso tatuaggio della croce di Gerusalemme, simbolo dei crociati) è anche adepto della setta cristo-nazionalista dei reconstructionist che perora la riconquista della terra santa e la legge di Dio in terra. La sua nomina è quindi in sintonia con quella di Mike Hucakbee, designato prossimo ambasciatore Usa in Israele. Anche nel curriculum di Huckabee figurano contratti televisivi con la Fox (e una lunga carriera da telepredicatore). Ferreo sostenitore della predestinazione “biblica” dello stato israeliano. Huckabee rappresenta quel “sionismo cristiano” per i quali l’annessione di Giudea e Samaria (la Cisgiordania) è precondizione necessaria (dopo la demolizione della spianata delle moschee) per il ritorno del Messia. Con queste premesse il futuro ambasciatore può considerarsi a tutti gli effetti un ministro aggiunto del governo di Benjamin Netanyahu, ed affidabile partner nell’opera si pulizia etnica e annessione dei territori.

L’ULTIMA INTEGRANTE della squadra geopolitica annunciata da Trump è Tulsi Gabbard che diventerà direttrice della National Intelligence, la cabina di regia creata a suo tempo da Bush per coordinare le attività di tutti i servizi americani. Nelle sue competenze rientra la sovrintendenza di una dozzina di agenzie fra cui Cia, Fbi, intelligence militare (Nsa e Dia) e l’antidroga Dea. Hawaiana di fede induista e reduce militare, Gabbard ha sostenuto la campagna Trump con lo zelo dei convertiti. In passato è infatti stata parlamentare democratica e addirittura sostenitrice di Bernie Sanders, fautrice di un non-interventismo non senza una sua logica pacifista. La sua conversione è anch’essa passata da un ruolo di commentatrice a Fox News che l’ha portata ad adottare posizioni complottiste sullo stato profondo ed il «razzismo anti bianco» dell’esercito. Il suo attuale isolazionismo l’ha avvicinata a despoti come Assad e Modi, e portata e a pozioni filo russe, filo israeliane e anti palestinesi."

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 En Huancavelica se ha registrado el bloqueo de vías con la quema de llantas en medio de los accesos a la ciudad. Según informes de la prensa local, se ha interrumpido el tránsito de la vía Huancayo - Huancavelica. Los piquetes fueron realizados por el Frente de Defensa, integrantes del SUTE REGIONAL HUANCAVELICA, además de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica. La vía afectada fue la Av. Los Incas en el barrio de Santa, cerca al Grifo Maldonado.

Huancavelica, la Federación de Estudiantes, entre otros.

Manifestantes en Huancavelica bloquean vía de acceso a la ciudad en el segundo día de protestas del Paro Nacional. (Foto: Rodito Audaz)
Manifestantes en Huancavelica bloquean vía de acceso a la ciudad en el segundo día de protestas del Paro Nacional. 

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Estudantes se mobilizam para exigir melhores condições de ensino em Santos, SP - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

No dia 24 de outubro, estudantes realizaram uma vigorosa manifestação em frente a Escola Estadual Dr. Antônio Ablas Filho, localizada na cidade de Santos, litoral paulista. A manifestação teve como objetivo exigir melhorias fundamentais na estrutura do prédio da escola e denunciar para a população a falta de funcionários que a escola vem enfrentando, questões que têm prejudicado muito a formação destes estudantes. 

Em declaração, o movimento estudantil diz que tentou dialogar de diversas formas com a gestão escolar e a Diretoria de Ensino Regional de Santos, mas não recebera nenhuma resposta convincente, muito menos foi realizada alguma ação concreta por parte do governo e da Secretária de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Assim, afirmam, por isso decidiu se organizarem junto ao grêmio estudantil Alexandre Magno Abrão para realizar esta mobilização. 

Foto: Banco de dados AND

Durante a manifestação foram erguidas faixas e cartazes, além da distribuição de panfletos e o pronunciamento de palavras de ordem. A manifestação também contou com o apoio dos professores e professoras da escola, além das pessoas que passavam pelo local.

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Όλοι στους δρόμους! - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Οι εξελίξεις στον πλανήτη και όπως αυτές σηματοδοτήθηκαν από την (επαν)εκλογή Τραμπ στις ΗΠΑ είναι πυκνές και άγριες, αλλά με πολλά στοιχεία κρίσιμων «ασαφειών». Το ποιος είναι με ποιον, με τι όρους και «μέχρι πού», είναι υπό διαμόρφωση όχι μόνο για περιφερειακές αλλά και για ιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις. Γύρω από το βασικό δεδομένο της δεσπόζουσας στον κόσμο ενδοϊμπεριαλιστικής αντίθεσης ΗΠΑ-Ρωσίας εξελίσσονται και θα εξελίσσονται για καιρό ακόμα κρίσιμα ζητούμενα, με ανοιχτά και ενδεχόμενα που σήμερα ίσως είναι απρόβλεπτα.

Δύο είναι οι δικές μας ακλόνητες βεβαιότητες σε σχέση με τις εξελίξεις που προδιαγράφονται. Πρώτον, ότι αυτές θα είναι φορτωμένες με νέα αντεργατικά-αντιλαϊκά κύματα σε όλο τον κόσμο, με νέες επιδρομές των κυρίαρχων δυνάμεων στα πιο στοιχειώδη δικαιώματα των εργατικών-λαϊκών μαζών, ενώ ταυτόχρονα θα γίνει βαρύτερος ο φόρος αίματος που πληρώνουν οι λαοί στους ιμπεριαλιστικούς ανταγωνισμούς και στις ιμπεριαλιστικές επεμβάσεις. Δεύτερον, όποια εκδοχή και να παίρνουν οι εξελίξεις της καπιταλιστικής κρίσης και των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών, οι εργάτες και οι λαοί δεν χωράνε σε κανένα από τα αντιμαχόμενα στρατόπεδα! Το δικαίωμά τους στη ζωή, στη δουλειά, στις ελευθερίες και την επαναστατική προοπτική τους για έναν δικό τους λεύτερο κόσμο, μπορούν να τα υπερασπιστούν και να τα διεκδικήσουν, μόνο στηριγμένοι στις δικές τους δυνάμεις και συγκροτώντας αυτές τις δυνάμεις στο επίπεδο που απαιτεί αυτή η πάλη, αυτή η αναμέτρηση.

Με αυτόν τον ρεαλισμό της δύναμης της μαζικής πάλης να τροποποιεί και να ανατρέπει τον αρνητικό συσχετισμό -που το σύστημα επιδιώκει να τον παρουσιάζει σαν «αμετάβλητο»- ο λαός και η νεολαία καλούνται να αγωνιστούν στη φετινή επέτειο της αντιιμπεριαλιστικής εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου. Με αυτή τη γραμμή της συγκρότησης δυνάμεων αντίστασης και διεκδίκησης πρέπει να ενισχυθεί ως την τελευταία στιγμή το αγωνιστικό κλίμα που διαμορφώνεται για την απεργία της 20ης του Νοέμβρη. Για να γίνουν οι απεργιακές διαδηλώσεις σε όλη τη χώρα, ένας μαζικός εργατικός-λαϊκός ξεσηκωμός. Ένας ξεσηκωμός που θα ξεπερνάει την υποταγή των εργατοπατέρων του συστήματος και τα όρια της ελεγχόμενης διαμαρτυρίας του ΚΚΕ/ΠΑΜΕ και θα χτίζει δεδομένα σε σωματεία, γειτονιές, χώρους δουλειάς και νεολαίας, για τη συνέχιση της μαζικής πάλης.

Ο Τραμπ, ο πλανήτης…

Παρά τη σφοδρή και εμφυλιοπολεμικού τύπου προεκλογική αντιπαράθεση στις ΗΠΑ -που μετεκλογικά μάθαμε πως είχε τρεις και όχι δύο απόπειρες δολοφονίας- περίπου 16 εκατομμύρια απείχαν από την κάλπη αυτού του οξύτατου και αντιδραστικού καυγά. Το στοιχείο αυτό (που περνάει «στα ψιλά» της ειδησεογραφίας), είναι ενδεικτικό των αγωνιστικών διεργασιών που όλο το προηγούμενο διάστημα εκφράστηκαν με εργατικούς και άλλους αγώνες και με κινητοποιήσεις αλληλεγγύης στον Παλαιστινιακό λαό. Διεργασίες που «αφετηρία» τους είναι η εργασιακή-κοινωνική βαρβαρότητα που επικρατεί στην ηγέτιδα δύναμη του καπιταλιστικού-ιμπεριαλιστικού συστήματος και γι’ αυτό, παρόλο που δεν έχουν κατακτήσει μια συγκροτημένη ιδεολογικοπολιτική γραμμή πλεύσης, θεωρούμε πως θα επιμείνουν και θα συνεχιστούν και με δοσμένη την εκλογή Τραμπ και όσα αυτή φέρνει στην κλιμάκωση της ταξικής επίθεσης (και) στο εσωτερικό των ΗΠΑ.

Βέβαια, η εκλογή προέδρου των ΗΠΑ γενικά δεν αφορά μόνο στις εξελίξεις εντός των ΗΠΑ, είναι ένα «παγκόσμιο γεγονός», αφού πρόκειται για την πρώτη ιμπεριαλιστική δύναμη του πλανήτη. Πολύ περισσότερο στις δοσμένες συνθήκες της κρίσης και των φουντωμένων ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών και με τις ΗΠΑ να έχουν τις μεγαλύτερες «ευθύνες» και συνεπώς να αντιμετωπίζουν τα πιο κρίσιμα ερωτήματα για τις απαντήσεις που θα δώσουν σε αυτή την κατάσταση, η εκλογή Τραμπ, ακόμα και δυόμιση μήνες πριν αναλάβει τη διοίκηση, παράγει ήδη επιπτώσεις σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Ένα παράδειγμα είναι η επιτάχυνση της κατάρρευσης του κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού στο Βερολίνο, καθώς ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός επείγεται να διαμορφώσει πολιτικές επιλογές κατάλληλες για τις νέες συνθήκες. Ένα δεύτερο παράδειγμα είναι η επίσκεψη Σταρμερ στις εκδηλώσεις «μνήμης για την ημέρα της εκεχειρίας» στο Παρίσι, η πρώτη μετά το 1944! Οι δύο πυρηνικές δυνάμεις της Ευρώπης (αλλά όχι και οι δύο πλέον της ΕΕ) προφανώς θεώρησαν ότι χρειάζεται να συζητήσουν ενόψει των εξελίξεων που έρχονται! Άμεση πίεση ασκήθηκε ήδη και στην Ιταλία μέσω του -προαλειφόμενου ως υπουργού του Τραμπ- Ίλον Μασκ, ο ποίος αμφισβήτησε αν η «Ιταλία είναι δημοκρατική χώρα». Ο κατάλογος των ανησυχιών και των αναζητήσεων είναι μακρύς και θα μπορούσε να φτάσει ως τη Σερβία, με τον Βούτσιτς να σπεύδει να εκφράσει την «καλή του διάθεση για συνεργασία» με τη νέα διοίκηση των ΗΠΑ.

Όπως ήδη αναφέραμε, όμως, είναι πολύ νωρίς το καθένα από αυτά και όλα αυτά να αξιολογηθούν και να εκτιμηθούν σαν τελικές διαμορφώσεις. Αυτό που είναι βέβαιο είναι ότι η τροχιά των εξελίξεων παγκόσμια θα χαρακτηριστεί από την ένταση της αντιδραστικής πολιτικής και την ακόμα μεγαλύτερη αντιδραστική μετατόπιση των πολιτικών συστημάτων και των κυρίαρχων πολιτικών δυνάμεων. Η πορεία αυτή ήδη εξελισσόταν και οι όροι συνέχισής της (κρίση, ανταγωνισμοί) πολλαπλασιάζονται με την εκλογή Τραμπ. Γιατί ακριβώς η γραμμή -που τουλάχιστον παρουσίασε μέχρι τώρα- είναι η ένταση των κάθε είδους πιέσεων και εκβιασμών και στην Κίνα αλλά και στους συμμάχους των ΗΠΑ, τους Ευρωπαίους ιμπεριαλιστές. Μια γραμμή που αφενός οξύνει την κρίση (πόλεμος δασμών κ.λπ.) και αφετέρου κάνει πολύ πιο πιεστικά τα στρατηγικά ερωτήματα και για την Κίνα, αλλά και για τους Ευρωπαίους ιμπεριαλιστές.

Αλλά βέβαια το υπ' αριθμόν ένα στρατηγικό ζήτημα που αντιμετωπίζουν οι ΗΠΑ και από τη διαχείριση του οποίου θα κριθούν και θα καθοριστούν οι επιδιώξεις στους σε όλα τα άλλα είναι ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία. Τα θεωρήματα ότι ο Τραμπ θα… χαρίσει στον «φίλο» του Πούτιν την Ουκρανία και μετά θα… επιτεθεί στην Κίνα ή θα κάνει διευρυμένο πόλεμο στη Μ. Ανατολή, ανήκουν στη σφαίρα της πολιτικής ηλιθιότητας. Η αναζητούμενη από τον Τραμπ διαχείριση του ουκρανικού αδιεξόδου έχει ένα και μόνο αίτιο. Το ότι δεν μπορεί να κλιμακώσει τον πόλεμο αυτό με άμεση εμπλοκή του ΝΑΤΟ, γιατί αυτό φέρνει την πυρηνική απάντηση της Μόσχας. Για λογαριασμό των κέντρων εξουσίας που βλέπουν αυτό το αδιέξοδο, αναζητά κάποιον προσωρινό συμβιβασμό ο Τραμπ. Αναζητά έναν συμβιβασμό που δεν θα δίνει νίκη στη Ρωσία και θα είναι τέτοιος που θα ενισχύει τις αμερικάνικές δυνατότητες για τον κύριο στόχο τους. Την ήττα του στρατηγικού τους αντιπάλου της Ρωσίας. Σε αυτή τη βάση, είναι από ανόητα έως σκοπίμως παραπλανητικά τα πολλαπλά δημοσιεύματα που παρουσιάζουν σαν το «μέγα πρόβλημα» για να δρομολογηθούν τάχα «εξελίξεις ειρήνευσης» στην Ουκρανία, τον Ζελένσκι! Ο Ζελένσκι είναι ενεργούμενο των ΗΠΑ και όχι το «αφεντικό» τους. Δεν είναι κατάλληλος, βέβαια, για να εκπροσωπήσει έναν προσωρινό συμβιβασμό, αλλά αυτό είναι το τελευταίο και μικρότερο πρόβλημα των ΗΠΑ. Το πραγματικά μεγάλο τους πρόβλημα είναι να διαμορφωθεί ο συμβιβασμός που θέλουν, καθώς βέβαια η Ρωσία που συνεχίζει και διευρύνει της επιτυχίες της στο πεδίο, παρουσιάζεται να απαιτεί και την αναγνώριση όλων των εδαφών που κατέχει και την οριστική «αποστρατιωτικοποίηση» και θέση εκτός του ΝΑΤΟ της υπόλοιπης Ουκρανίας.

…και η Ελλάδα

Και στη χώρα μας υπήρχαν -πριν την εκλογή Τραμπ- και εξελίσσονταν οι όροι της πολιτικής αστάθειας και η αντιδραστική πορεία του πολιτικού συστήματος. Αστάθεια και αντιδραστική πορεία που είναι έκφραση των αδιεξόδων του εξαρτημένου καπιταλιστικού συστήματος, που οξύνονται διαρκώς στις δοσμένες διεθνείς συνθήκες κρίσης και πολέμου και στο όλο πιο στενό πλαίσιο που διαμορφώνει για την άρχουσα τάξη η ιμπεριαλιστικής της εξάρτηση. Η εκλογή Τραμπ, από τη μια, δεν αποτελεί «αλλαγή», αφού όπως έσπευσε να δηλώσει ο Μητσοτάκης, η χώρα έχει «στρατηγική σχέση» με τις ΗΠΑ, δηλαδή είναι δεδομένη η υποτέλειά της στο μεγάλο αφεντικό. Από την άλλη, οπωσδήποτε βάζει ερωτήματα για το αν και τι τρικυμίες θα φέρει αυτή η εκλογή στην έτσι κι αλλιώς αναστατωμένη ισορροπία της διπλής εξάρτησης της χώρας από ΗΠΑ και Ευρωπαίους ιμπεριαλιστές, αφού μπαίνει σε δοκιμασία η σχέση των δύο ιμπεριαλιστικών πλευρών αυτής της διπλής εξάρτησης.

Επιπλέον, ο παγκόσμιος αντιδραστικός άνεμος που σηκώνει η εκλογή Τραμπ φτάνει βέβαια και στην Αθήνα! Το κυβερνητικό υβρίδιο αναζητά όλο και περισσότερο στήριξη προς τα ακροδεξιά του και αφήνει τις λεγόμενες «κεντρώες» σχέσεις του. Το ΠΑΣΟΚ καταγγέλλεται από τα ΜΜΕ σαν… «πολύ αριστερό» κόμμα, επειδή δεν ψηφίζει κάθε κυβερνητικό νομοσχέδιο και ο Ανδρουλάκης βάζει στην άκρη τον δεύτερο στις εκλογές Δούκα και σε πρώτη θέση τη Διαμαντοπούλου, που έχει καλύτερα εχέγγυα από το σύστημα. Ο Βελόπουλος διεκδικεί πιο αναβαθμισμένο ρόλο, ομνύοντας στις ΗΠΑ, ονομάζοντας «Ελλάδα» τη «Βόρειο Ήπειρο» και διαλαλώντας την κατάργηση των αμβλώσεων και τη θεσμοθέτηση της οπλοκατοχής! Το υπό ίδρυση κόμμα Κασσελάκη, που προσκυνάει το ΝΑΤΟ και τους επιχειρηματίες, παρουσιάζεται από τα κυρίαρχα ΜΜΕ σαν «η Αριστερά της εποχής μας», αλλά βοηθιέται και από τα απομεινάρια του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, που δεν διστάζουν να ξεπεράσουν τις πιο αντιδραστικές αστικές πρακτικές, για να δώσουν θεσμική και οικονομική παράταση στα αδιέξοδα της ήττας τους.

Όλα αυτά έχουν στο φόντο τους τον ελληνοτουρκικό «διάλογο» που διέταξαν οι ΗΠΑ, που αφενός απομακρύνει και εξοβελίζει τη «δικαίωση» των αστικών μαξιμαλισμών για «τετραπλασιασμό της κυριαρχίας στη ΝΑ Μεσόγειο», όπως διακήρυσσε η κυβέρνηση Τσίπρα-Καμένου, αφετέρου εγείρει ανησυχίες για το τι μπορεί να φέρει.

Όλα αυτά έχουν σαν βάση τους μια πολιτική που φορτώνει με τόση φτώχεια, εξαθλίωση και αδιέξοδα τον εργαζόμενο λαό και τη νεολαία, που δεν χρειαζόταν η έκθεση ΟΟΣΑ για να πιστοποιηθούν! Τα πιστοποιεί και τα μεγεθύνει καθημερινά η κυβερνητική πολιτική, που ενώ τάχα «βγήκαμε από τα μνημόνια», αποφασίζει ότι είναι «αδιανόητο δημοσιονομικά» να μπουν στα βαρέα και ανθυγιεινά οι εργαζόμενοι στην υγεία! Ή δημαγωγεί για «37.000 δωρεάν απογευματινά χειρουργεία» ξεχνώντας πως τον περασμένο Μάρτη είχε «τάξει» 50.000 δωρεάν απογευματινά χειρουργεία. Με αυτές τις αθλιότητες προσπαθεί να διαχειριστεί τους περισσότερους από 100.000 ανθρώπους που περιμένουν μήνες να χειρουργηθούν και ανάμεσα τους χιλιάδες παιδιά! Αλλά και αυτή η ψευτιά των «37.000» είναι ακόμα χειρότερη γιατί παρουσιάζεται σαν «έκτακτο μπαξίσι» από το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης και όχι βέβαια σαν δικαίωμα που ο λαός το έχει πληρώσει διπλά και τριπλά! Εξάλλου, το δικαίωμα είναι έννοια απαγορευμένη και με τη woke και με την αντί-woke ατζέντα. Γι’ αυτό απαγορεύεται το πιο βασικό δικαίωμα εργατών και εργαζομένων, αυτό των συλλογικών συμβάσεων! Το σύστημα, δηλαδή, επιλέγει το ίδιο το κράτος και η κυβέρνησή του να ορίζουν το επίπεδο της ληστείας του εργατικού ιδρώτα και του εργαζόμενου λαού, βάζοντας στην «άκρη» τους εργατοπατέρες που χρησιμοποιούσε σε περιόδους άλλων «κανονικοτήτων».

Οι πραγματικότητες που αντιμετωπίζει το κίνημα

«Στο ειδικό βρίσκεται το γενικό» έλεγαν οι Κινέζοι επαναστάτες την εποχή του Μάο. Ας αναφέρουμε, λοιπόν, δύο συγκεκριμένα παραδείγματα για την κατάσταση του κινήματος.

Στο ΣΕΤΗΠ, το ΠΑΜΕ, που ελέγχει το σωματείο, αποφασίζει στην εφορευτική επιτροπή, αυτό που έκρυψε στη ΓΣ του σωματείου: Να γίνουν οι εκλογές και ηλεκτρονικά σύμφωνα με τον νόμο Χατζηδάκη. Σε παρέμβαση της Ταξικής Πορείας που καταγγέλλει την απόφαση αυτή και προβάλλει τη θέση της αποχής για να μην κατοχυρωθεί η ηλεκτρονική ψηφοφορία και όσα την ακολουθούν, η κατάλληλα διαμορφωμένη για την «εκκαθάριση του πεδίου» ομάδα του ΠΑΜΕ τραμπουκίζει, σκίζει τις προκηρύξεις και απαιτεί να μην μοιραστούν! Δυνάμεις της εξωκοινοβουλευτικής Αριστεράς και της αυτονομίας που παρεμβαίνουν στο σωματείο όχι μόνο συμμετέχουν στις εκλογές που έχουν και ηλεκτρονική κάλπη, αλλά επιπλέον δεν συμφωνούν να βγει κοινή καταγγελία -όπως πρότεινε η Ταξική Πορεία- για τον τραμπουκισμό των «ιδιοκτητών» του σωματείου, του ΠΑΜΕ.

Στους εκπαιδευτικούς, απέναντι στη βιομηχανία διώξεων και απολύσεων που απειλούνται για συνδικαλιστική δράση κόντρα στην ανοιχτά εχθρική-υπονομευτική στάση των ΟΛΜΕ-ΔΟΕ-ΑΔΕΔΥ συγκροτήθηκε μαζική πάλη τέτοια που κατάφερε να βάλει το ζήτημα στην πρώτη γραμμή με πανελλαδική δράση και με κέντρο βάρους την Αθήνα και την απεργιακή διαδήλωση στο «Πειθαρχικό Συμβούλιο» στις 23/10. Η πάλη αυτή συνεχίζεται -καθώς η κυβέρνηση συνεχίζει και εντείνει τη γραμμή και την πρακτική των διώξεων απολύσεων- με το σχήμα της «Ανοιχτής Συνέλευσης» που πλαισιώνεται από διωκόμενους και αγωνιστές και από άλλους κλάδους εργαζομένων. Όμως και αυτή η ελπιδοφόρα προσπάθεια, που έκανε σημαντικά βήματα ενάντια στον συσχετισμό και αποτελεί ανάγκη για την υπεράσπιση αγωνιστών, εργαζομένων, της απεργίας και των σωματείων, δέχεται επιθέσεις λάσπης από τους «υπερασπιστές της οργανωμένης πάλης» (ΠΑΜΕ), αλλά και πιέσεις από δυνάμεις εντός της «Ανοιχτής Συνέλευσης», που θεωρούν πως η γραμμή τους δεν δικαιώνεται από την πάλη αυτή.

Τα δύο αυτά παραδείγματα δεν είναι μοναδικά, είναι απλώς ενδεικτικά. Υπάρχουν δεκάδες άλλες περιπτώσεις σε σωματεία, στη νεολαία, στις κινητοποιήσεις του λαού για την περίθαλψη που οι δυνάμεις της υποταγής παρεμβαίνουν για να τις πνίξουν μόλις ξεκινήσουν. Ακόμα περισσότερο, το σφαγείο της Ουκρανίας, που αποτελεί το επίκεντρο της προετοιμασίας του Γ’ Παγκόσμιου Πολέμου, απλώς «δεν υπάρχει» για τη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των δυνάμεων που αναφέρονται στον λαό και στο κίνημα. Ακόμα χειρότερα, για αυτούς που «υπάρχει», υπάρχει σαν «θετική εξέλιξη», σαν «ελπίδα» να «ηττηθεί το ΝΑΤΟ» από τον ρώσικο ιμπεριαλισμό!

Με βάση όλα αυτά, και τα δύο παραπάνω παραδείγματα, προκύπτουν δύο βασικά συμπεράσματα: Πρώτον, θέλει δρόμο και πάλη για να δυναμώσει και να στεριώσει η γραμμή ότι μόνο η μαζική πάλη παράγει αποτελέσματα για το κίνημα και τα δικαιώματα των μαζών. Για να μην μπορεί με «άνεση» η γραμμή της υποταγής και της συμμόρφωσης να παρουσιάζεται σαν αγωνιστική και ταξική. Για να μην είναι η κακοπαθημένη λέξη της «ανατροπής» ο πρόλογος ρεφορμιστικών σχεδίων και φαντασιώσεων περί «μεταβατικών κυβερνήσεων». Δεύτερον και εξίσου σημαντικό, σήμερα στις δοσμένες αρνητικές συνθήκες η γραμμή της μαζικής πάλης που εμπιστεύεται τον λαό και τη νεολαία μπορεί να παράγει αποτελέσματα!

Με αυτά τα συμπεράσματα και με αυτά τα δεδομένα πάμε στη μάχη του Πολυτεχνείου και της απεργίας της 20ης του Νοέμβρη! Με αυτά τα συμπεράσματα και όσα πολιτικά και ιδεολογικά στοιχεία στήριξης και ανάδειξης τους χρειάζονται, παλεύουμε κόντρα στη μοιρολατρία και την απογοήτευση και για τη μετατροπή της οργής σε οργάνωση και αγωνιστικές πρωτοβουλίες σε όλα τα μέτωπα πάλης.


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Να ανοίξει ο δρόμος της μαζικής πάλης - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Λίγες μέρες πριν την πανεργατική απεργία στις 20 Νοέμβρη και η καθημερινότητα με την οποία έρχονται αντιμέτωποι λαός και εργαζόμενοι κάνει ακόμα πιο αναγκαία τη συμμετοχή και τη μαζικοποίησή της. Μια απεργία που μοιάζει να μην έχει ένα συγκεκριμένο επίδικο αλλά, στην πραγματικότητα, με όλα τα επίδικα του κόσμου. Τα ζητήματα δηλαδή που αγγίζουν κάθε επίπεδο και βιώνουν σ’ όλους τους τομείς της ζωής τους η εργατική τάξη, οι εργαζόμενοι και όλα τα λαϊκά στρώματα που ποδοπατούνται απ’ την αντιλαϊκή πολιτική της κυβέρνησης.

Μισθοί πείνας που εξατμίζονται στα μισά του μήνα απ’ την καλπάζουσα ακρίβεια στα βασικά αγαθά, εξαντλητικά ωράρια και εργοδοτική ασυδοσία σε βάρος ακόμα και των πιο στοιχειωδών εργασιακών δικαιωμάτων, την ίδια στιγμή που παιδεία και υγεία γίνονται όλο και πιο απρόσιτες, όλο και πιο ακριβές για τα λαϊκά νοικοκυριά. Και στο βάθος, το εφιαλτικό σενάριο ενός γενικευμένου πολέμου. Κι αν κάποιοι τολμήσουν να σηκώσουν κεφάλι απέναντι σ’ αυτή την ζοφερή κατάσταση, τους περιμένουν απολύσεις, διώξεις και καταστολή.

H εργατική τάξη κι οι εργαζόμενοι λοιπόν, που έχουν κάθε λόγο ν’ απεργήσουν, πρέπει να δουν αυτή την απεργιακή μάχη ως δική τους υπόθεση. Όχι μονάχα για να παλέψουν και να διαδηλώσουν ενάντια σε εργοδοσία και κυβέρνηση που τους τσακίζουν ζωή και δικαιώματα (ζήτημα διόλου αμελητέο), αλλά και για ν’ ανακαλύψουν ξανά τα κοινά τους ταξικά συμφέροντα, να πάρουν θάρρος και να πιστέψουν στη δυνατότητα νικηφόρων αγώνων, που μόνο ο δρόμος της συλλογικής πάλης μπορεί να πετύχει.

Όσο σημαντική κι αν είναι η μαζικοποίηση κι η μαχητικότητα της απεργίας, τα δεδομένα που μπορεί να παράξει άμεσα είναι συγκεκριμένα. Το βλέμμα κι ο σκοπός κάθε αγωνιστή, κάθε αριστερής δύναμης που θέλει να συμβάλει στην ανατροπή της αντεργατικής πολιτικής, βρίσκεται στο πώς η απεργία δεν θα είναι «μία από τα ίδια», μια βαλβίδα εκτόνωσης της λαϊκής οργής που θα βάλει ξανά στον πάγο τις αγωνιστικές διαθέσεις και τις δυνατότητες ενός σημαντικού δυναμικού που κινείται με κάθε ευκαιρία. Αυτή η μάχη πρέπει να γίνει η αρχή και το ορόσημο ενός νέου κύκλου αγώνων, αντιστάσεων και διεκδικήσεων, για να χτιστούν καλύτεροι όροι για την αμέσως επόμενη μέρα, ώστε ο λαός να βρίσκεται ξανά στον δρόμο.

Να γίνει η «ευκαιρία» οι εργαζόμενοι να ξεκαθαρίσουν φίλους και εχθρούς, να ξεπεράσουν τις απαξιωμένες και ξεπουλημένες συνδικαλιστικές ηγεσίες των ΓΣΕΕ και ΑΔΕΔΥ, που χρησιμοποιούν το κίνημα για να πλασαριστούν καλύτερα στον ρόλο του συστημικού συνομιλητή και κόβουν τα πόδια κάθε αγωνιστικού ξεσπάσματος. Ν’ απορρίψουν τον δρόμο της ανάθεσης και του εικονικού «κινήματος» στις οποίες καλούν οι δήθεν «ταξικές δυνάμεις» του ΠΑΜΕ, που η υποταγμένη στην αστική νομιμότητα πρακτική τους οδηγεί στον συμβιβασμό.

Απέναντι στα αδιέξοδα που γεννά το σύστημα, ενάντια στις «εύκολες λύσεις» που προτείνουν οι διάφοροι καλοθελητές, η εργατική τάξη κι οι εργαζόμενοι πρέπει να βαδίσουν στην αντίθετη κατεύθυνση, να στηριχτούν στις δικές τους δυνάμεις για να σπάσει η απογοήτευση και η αίσθηση ανημπόριας. Απ’ την επαύριο της απεργίας πρέπει ν’ ανοίξουν συζητήσεις σε κάθε χώρο εργασίας, να μπολιαστεί η καθημερινότητα στη δουλειά με την πολιτική κουβέντα ώστε να αξιοποιηθεί η αγανάκτηση, η οργή, το κάθε αγωνιστικό σκίρτημα και να οδηγηθεί σε κινηματική κατεύθυνση. Αυτός είναι ο δρόμος που πρέπει να βαδίσουν η εργατική τάξη κι οι εργαζόμενοι για να εμπιστευθούν ξανά την οργανωμένη πάλη, να ζωντανέψουν τα συλλογικά τους όργανα, που, απ’ τη μια, με τόση μανία χτυπάει η κυβερνητική κι η εργοδοτική επίθεση και, απ’ την άλλη, οι εργατοπατέρες προσπαθούν να βάλουν στον πάγο για να μην αμφισβητηθούν οι δικοί τους σχεδιασμοί και τα δικά τους όρια.

Μ’ αυτό το πνεύμα μπήκε και το ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) στη μάχη για να φτάσει το μήνυμα της απεργίας σε όσο το δυνατόν πλατύτερο κόσμο. Με παρεμβάσεις, εξορμήσεις και εκδηλώσεις, σε εργασιακούς χώρους, σε γειτονιές και σχολές, μέσα απ’ την κομματική δράση αλλά και μέσω των μετωπικών σχημάτων που στηρίζει, απηύθυνε και θα συνεχίσει να απευθύνει ευρύ κάλεσμα για μαζική συμμετοχή στις 20 Νοέμβρη. Για συσπείρωση μεγαλύτερου αριθμού εργατών, λαού και νεολαίων, για να δοθεί πραγματικό ταξικό περιεχόμενο, για να γίνει αυτή η απεργία έμπνευση και βάση για την επόμενη μέρα. Για να μπορούν οι εργαζόμενοι να βάλουν φραγμό στην επίθεση του συστήματος, να διεκδικήσουν συλλογικές συμβάσεις με πραγματικές αυξήσεις στους μισθούς και εργασιακά δικαιώματα, να υπερασπιστούν τον ανεξάρτητο απ’ το κράτος και την εργοδοσία ταξικό συνδικαλισμό, ν’ ανατρέψουν τους αντεργατικούς νόμους Χατζηδάκη-Γεωργιάδη, να κερδίσουν ανθρώπινους όρους δουλειάς και ζωή με ελευθερίες και δικαιώματα.

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Οι λαοί παλεύουν και θα νικήσουν κόντρα στα σχέδια των ιμπεριαλιστών - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Η εξέγερση του Νοέμβρη του '73 σφράγισε τη νεότερη ιστορία του τόπου. Η αναμέτρηση με τη φασιστική, στρατοκρατούμενη Χούντα σήμανε την αρχή της ανατροπής για την αμερικανοστήριχτη τυραννία. Διαψεύδοντας όσους πίστευαν ότι η Χούντα θα μακροημέρευε, όπως άλλα φασιστικά καθεστώτα σαν αυτό του Φράνκο ή του Πινοσέτ, ο λαός και η νεολαία γύρισαν την πλάτη στις προσπάθειες του συστήματος για «φιλελευθεροποίηση» του καθεστώτος. Ακύρωσαν τις προσπάθειες των ιμπεριαλιστών και της αστικής τάξης να δώσουν ζωή στο φασιστικό καθεστώς, νομιμοποιώντας το μέσα από εκλογές. Οι επιδιώξεις των ρεφορμιστικών και αστικών δυνάμεων για συμμετοχή σε διαδικασίες που θα ελέγχονταν από το ίδιο το καθεστώς, όπως οι εκλογές που είχαν προκηρυχτεί και ποτέ δεν έγιναν, ακυρώθηκαν από την ορμή και την αποφασιστικότητα του λαϊκού ξεσηκωμού. Το κίνημα προσπέρασε τις ρεφορμιστικές παλινωδίες που στάθηκαν απέναντι σε αιτήματα και στόχους πάλης επιχειρώντας να το ελέγξουν. Η εξέγερση του Πολυτεχνείου πάλεψε για τα λαϊκά δικαιώματα, για ΨΩΜΙ-ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ-ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ, βάζοντας στο κάδρο τους πραγματικούς εχθρούς του, χωρίς εκπτώσεις και αυταπάτες. Αναγνώρισε την ανάγκη να απαλλαγεί ο λαός από την ιμπεριαλιστική εξάρτηση, με τα συνθήματα «ΕΞΩ ΑΙ ΗΠΑ», «ΕΞΩ ΤΟ ΝΑΤΟ». Ακόμα και αν δεν υπήρχαν οι όροι συγκρότησης του επαναστατικού και κομμουνιστικού κινήματος που θα μπορούσαν να θέσουν ζήτημα λαϊκής εξουσίας και σοσιαλισμού, η επαναστατική γραμμή κυριάρχησε στον λαϊκό ξεσηκωμό του Πολυτεχνείου, παρότι μειοψηφούσα στα πλαίσια των οργανώσεων που παρέμβαιναν στο κίνημα. Ο λαός και η νεολαία, που στάθηκαν απέναντι στα τανκς της Χούντας, αναμετρήθηκαν με τον αμερικάνικο ιμπεριαλισμό και διεκδίκησαν τα λαϊκά δικαιώματα και τις ελευθερίες από την βαθιά εξαρτημένη αστική τάξη της χώρας, έβαλαν ταφόπλακα στο φασιστικό καθεστώς και κατέκτησαν δικαιώματα όπως το Άσυλο, που για δεκαετίες αργότερα αποτέλεσαν βάση ανάπτυξης και διεκδίκησης για το λαϊκό κίνημα στη χώρα.

51 χρόνια μετά, το Πολυτεχνείο συνεχίζει να εμπνέει τις νεότερες γενιές, που τιμούν τους νεκρούς αγωνιστές και αναζητούν τη συνέχεια της εξέγερσης σήμερα. Ο άδικος πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία αποτελεί το πεδίο αντιπαράθεσης του αμερικάνικου και δυτικού ιμπεριαλισμού (ΝΑΤΟ, ΕΕ) από τη μια μεριά και των Ρώσων ιμπεριαλιστών από την άλλη. Οι ΗΠΑ-ΝΑΤΟ μέσω του ενεργούμενού τους Ζελένσκι επιδιώκουν να εξουδετερώσουν τη Ρωσία, που με το πυρηνικό της οπλοστάσιο αποτελεί τον νούμερο ένα αντίπαλό τους στη διεκδίκηση της παγκόσμια κυριαρχίας. Οι Ρώσοι ιμπεριαλιστές, από την άλλη, διεκδικούν τον δικό τους κυρίαρχο ρόλο στο παγκόσμιο σκηνικό και δεν διστάζουν να απειλήσουν με πυρηνικό όλεθρο ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Οι εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες νεκροί και τραυματίες δεν πέφτουν στα πεδία των μαχών υπερασπιζόμενοι την πατρίδα και την ανεξαρτησία τους, αποτελούν την καύσιμη ύλη για τη μηχανή των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών και αντιθέσεων. Κανένας από τους ιμπεριαλιστές δεν είναι διατεθειμένος να κάνει πίσω. Όπως και αν διαχειριστούν την κατάσταση οι ΗΠΑ μετά τη επανεκλογή Τραμπ, όσο και αν καταφέρουν να συσπειρωθούν οι Ευρωπαίοι ιμπεριαλιστές, όποια συνεργασία με άλλες ιμπεριαλιστικές και περιφερειακές δυνάμεις αν συνάψει η Ρωσία, όποια δύναμη και αν φαίνεται να «κερδίζει» ή να «χάνει» σε κάθε φάση του πολέμου, το αποτέλεσμα για τους λαούς θα είναι το ίδιο. Κανένας ιμπεριαλιστής δεν θα αποτελέσει «σωτήρα» για κανένα λαό. Έχει ανοίξει η νέα φάση ξαναμοιράσματος του κόσμου και τα νέα σύνορα θα χαραχτούν από το αίμα των λαών, χωρίς εξαιρέσεις. Η νίκη για κάθε ιμπεριαλιστή του δίνει δύναμη και ορμή για να επιτεθεί στον επόμενο στόχο. Οι αυταπάτες για δυνατότητα «εκμετάλλευσης» των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών προς όφελος των συμφερόντων κάποιου λαού έχουν διαψευστεί πολλές φορές και συνήθως με τους λαούς να στρέφονται ο ένας απέναντι στον άλλο, να μακελεύονται σε άδικους πολέμους, να κυνηγιούνται λυσσασμένα από τους «προστάτες» ιμπεριαλιστές και τα ξεπουλημένα σκυλιά τους, την άρχουσα τάξη κάθε εξαρτημένης χώρας.

Οι λαοί όλου του κόσμου οφείλουν να αντισταθούν στον ιμπεριαλισμό, τον φασισμό και τον πόλεμο. Δεν έχουν ανάγκη από προστάτες και δεν μπορούν να σπαταλιούνται δυνάμεις σε τόσο αδιέξοδες και επικίνδυνες επιλογές. Η θέση τους είναι στο πλευρό του αγωνιζόμενου Παλαιστινιακού λαού, που δέχεται φασιστική, γενοκτονική επίθεση από το κράτος-δολοφόνο των Σιωνιστών. Με διεθνιστική αλληλεγγύη και συγκρότηση ισχυρού αντιπολεμικού κινήματος, να παλέψει για «Λεύτερη Παλαιστίνη». Να σταθεί στο πλευρό των δοκιμαζόμενων λαών του Λιβάνου και της Μ. Ανατολής, που γίνονται και αυτοί στόχοι της πολεμικής μηχανής του Ισραήλ, με τη στήριξη των Αμερικάνων ιμπεριαλιστών σε αντιπαράθεση με το Ιράν και τη Ρωσία αντίστοιχα.

Ο λαός στη χώρα είναι αντιμέτωπος με τη φτώχεια, την ακρίβεια και την καθημερινή βιοπάλη από τη μια μεριά και την απειλή του πολέμου από την άλλη. Τα δυο αυτά μέτωπα αλληλοτροφοδοτούνται από τις επιδιώξεις του κεφαλαίου και των ιμπεριαλιστών. Η μετατροπή της χώρας σε ΝΑΤΟϊκή βάση την καθιστά στόχο για τους Ρώσους ιμπεριαλιστές χωρίς να διασφαλίζει τίποτα για τον λαό. Η διάλυση της οικονομίας της χώρας και η εξάρτηση από τους Ευρωπαίους ιμπεριαλιστές, η στρατιωτικοποίηση των οικονομιών, η εξασφάλιση των κεφαλαίων για την παραγωγή όπλων και συστημάτων πολέμου και η συνολικότερη φασιστικοποίηση και απαξίωση της ανθρώπινης ζωής τροφοδοτούν ακόμα παραπέρα τη φτώχεια, την ακρίβεια, την κατάργηση εργασιακών και δημοκρατικών δικαιωμάτων. Η ανάγκη συγκρότησης εργατικού, λαϊκού κινήματος πάει χέρι-χέρι με την ανάπτυξη αντιπολεμικού, αντιιμπεριαλιστικού. Μπροστά σε τόσο κρίσιμες και επικίνδυνες για τους λαούς εξελίξεις, δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει το ένα χωρίς το άλλο.

Η μεγάλη αντιιμπεριαλιστική διαδήλωση στις 17 Νοέμβρη, κάθε χρόνο για πάνω από πενήντα χρόνια, είναι καρφί στο μάτι των ιμπεριαλιστών και της εξαρτημένης άρχουσας τάξης. Στη σημερινή, ιδιαίτερα δύσκολή συγκυρία, αποτελεί ανάγκη ζωής η αναζήτηση των στόχων που πρέπει να βάλει το εργατικό,λαϊκό κίνημα και των διαδικασιών που θα το βοηθήσουν να συγκροτηθεί και να ατσαλωθεί απέναντι σε εχθρούς και ψεύτικους φίλους. Με το επαναστατικό κίνημα αποδυναμωμένο και τους ιμπεριαλιστές να προετοιμάζονται ανοιχτά και χωρίς περιστροφές για τον τρίτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, δεν υπάρχουν περιθώρια για καθυστερήσεις ούτε για αυταπάτες. Αποτελεί καθήκον κάθε αγωνιστή, κάθε πρωτοπόρας δύναμης να αναλάβει την ευθύνη που της αναλογεί και να συμβάλλει ώστε να αναπτυχθούν οι αγώνες και να χαραχτεί ο νέος δρόμος του αγώνα, που θα φέρει τις νίκες του μέλλοντος. Η συμμετοχή στην αντιπολεμική, αντιιμπεριαλιστική διαδήλωση στις 17 Νοέμβρη στην Αμερικάνικη πρεσβεία αποτελεί σοβαρό καθήκον. Μπορεί να δώσει ηχηρή απάντηση στους ιμπεριαλιστές φονιάδες των λαών και τη σάπια εξαρτημένη και καταπιεστική αστική τάξη της χώρας και να συμβάλει στην κατεύθυνση συγκρότησης αντιπολεμικού, αντιιμπεριαλιστικού κινήματος. ΟΛΟΙ ΣΤΟΝ ΔΡΟΜΟ!

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Έβγαλαν όλοι τα σωστά συμπεράσματα; - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Από το 1974, οι απολογητές του συστήματος επιχειρούν να δώσουν στην επέτειο της εξέγερσης του Πολυτεχνείου μουσειακό χαρακτήρα ανώδυνης γιορτούλας, πλήρως προσαρμοσμένης στα μέτρα τους, όταν δεν την απαγορεύουν και δεν την πνίγουν στο αίμα. Και παρά την κατάσταση στην οποία βρίσκεται το κίνημα, μπορούμε να πούμε χωρίς κίνδυνο υπερβολής ότι κάθε χρόνο διαψεύδονται. Κάθε χρόνο το σύνθημα «Φονιάδες των λαών, Αμερικάνοι» επαναλαμβάνεται με αμείωτη ένταση και η πορεία του Πολυτεχνείου κάνει κάτι περισσότερο από το να κρατά τη φλόγα της εξέγερσης αναμμένη και τη συλλογική μνήμη ζωντανή. Θέτει με τον πιο επιτακτικό τρόπο ερωτήματα που αφορούν το παρόν και το μέλλον του κινήματος. Υπάρχει σήμερα ανάγκη συγκρότησης λαϊκού, επαναστατικού κινήματος ενάντια στον πόλεμο και στον ιμπεριαλισμό;  Και μπορεί να συγκροτηθεί αυτόνομα, έξω και μακριά από κάθε έκφραση και εκδοχή του συστήματος;

Το ερώτημα τίθεται αδιάλειπτα, τηρουμένων των αναλογιών, από το ’73 μέχρι σήμερα. Κι αυτό που μας ενδιαφέρει εδώ είναι οι απαντήσεις και τα συμπεράσματα των δυνάμεων της Αριστεράς, 51 χρόνια μετά. Πώς συνδέονται με τις πολιτικές κατευθύνσεις εκείνων των ημερών; Η σύνδεση αυτή αξίζει έστω και ακροθιγώς να διερευνηθεί όχι για να «ευλογήσουμε τα γένια μας» και να μοιράσουμε ευθύνες, αλλά για να συμβάλουμε στην οικοδόμηση μιας πλατιάς κινηματικής απάντησης απέναντι στους ιμπεριαλιστές και στους ντόπιους εκφραστές τους, που δεν θα εγκλωβιστεί στα δίχτυα της ηττοπάθειας.

ΚΚΕ: ποιος ιμπεριαλισμός;

Είναι πλέον γνωστή η στάση της αντι-ΕΦΕΕ (και του Ρήγα Φεραίου) ενάντια στην κατάληψη του Πολυτεχνείου. Οι δύο διακριτές πολιτικές γραμμές που συγκρούστηκαν εκείνες τις μέρες αποσιωπήθηκαν στη συνέχεια, σε μια επιχείρηση να παρουσιαστεί «ενιαία» η αντίσταση στη δικτατορία, ένα ψέμα πολύ βολικό τόσο για το αφήγημα που ήθελε να πουλήσει το σύστημα όσο και για αυτούς που «κατόπιν εορτής» καπηλεύτηκαν ανενδοίαστα τη σημασία της κατάληψης που δεν ήθελαν να γίνει. Και αφού τελικά έγινε, με την ολόψυχη υποστήριξη οργανωμένων αλλά και ανένταχτων αγωνιστών, οι ίδιες δυνάμεις που την πολέμησαν επέμεναν ότι τα συνθήματα έπρεπε να περιοριστούν αυστηρά σε συνδικαλιστικά, φοιτητικά αιτήματα, μακριά από… προβοκατόρικους εξτρεμισμούς του τύπου «Έξω οι βάσεις» και «Κάτω η Χούντα», που ετοιμαζόταν εξάλλου να «εκδημοκρατιστεί».

Σήμερα, αυτή η γραμμή βρίσκει την ολοκληρωμένη θα λέγαμε έκφρασή της στην πρόσφατη αναθεώρηση των Δοκιμίων Ιστορίας του ΚΚΕ (τόμος Γ2) όπου αποφαίνεται ότι η χούντα δεν ήταν αμερικανοκίνητη. Εξάλλου, η ιμπεριαλιστική εξάρτηση της χώρας – κι η λέξη ακόμα ιμπεριαλισμός – έχει γενικότερα απαλειφθεί από τις αναλύσεις του, που ερμηνεύουν τον κόσμο με βάση τον ανταγωνισμό επιχειρηματικών ομίλων και θέτουν, με υπερεπαναστατική φρασεολογία, γενικόλογα αντικαπιταλιστικά καθήκοντα που δεν αμφισβητούν τα ξένα αφεντικά και αθωώνουν τους ντόπιους εκφραστές τους. Δεν μας κάνει εντύπωση, λοιπόν, που ο ευρωβουλευτής του ΚΚΕ, Αλαβάνος, καλεί την ΕΕ να… ακούσει και να πάρει θέση για τη σφαγή στην Παλαιστίνη, αλλά δεν καλεί τους λαούς να κινητοποιηθούν.

Η γραμμή αυτή, της ανάθεσης και της παραίτησης, φτάνει από την… Ευρωβουλή μέχρι τα πρωτοβάθμια σωματεία που ελέγχει το ΚΚΕ. Η υπονόμευση κάθε αγώνα που περνάει τα όρια που θέτει το σύστημα, οι νόμοι που δεν χρειάζεται να ανατραπούν αλλά να μείνουν στα χαρτιά, οι εικονικές νίκες, η διαπαιδαγώγηση του λαού στη συνδιαχείριση, όλα αυτά δεν είναι συγκυριακά, έρχονται από πολύ μακριά, προσπάθησαν - αλλά απέτυχαν – να ποδηγετήσουν και τα γεγονότα του Νοέμβρη και έχουν βαθιά στο dna τους τη σφραγίδα του ρεφορμισμού.

Εξωκοινοβουλευτική Αριστερά: ο λιγότερο κακός ιμπεριαλιστής

Στο Πολυτεχνείο, η γραμμή της μαζικής αντιφασιστικής, αντιιμπεριαλιστικής εξέγερσης και της αποφασιστικής ρήξης με τη Χούντα και τα σχέδια «φιλελευθεροποίησης» ήταν μειοψηφική στις οργανώσεις της Αριστεράς, αλλά επικράτησε επειδή ανταποκρινόταν στο κλίμα και στις διαθέσεις του λαού και της νεολαίας.

Στη διάρκεια της μεταπολίτευσης, μεγάλο τμήμα της εξωκοινοβουλευτικής Αριστεράς, παρά τις όποιες γενικόλογες αντιιμπεριαλιστικές κορόνες, λειτουργούσε και εξακολουθεί να λειτουργεί είτε ως ουρά του ΚΚΕ, συντηρώντας αυταπάτες για τις δυνατότητες και τις προθέσεις του, είτε υποτασσόμενο σε οικονομίστικες προσεγγίσεις που θεωρούν ξεπερασμένη την ανάγκη συγκρότησης αντιιμπεριαλιστικού μετώπου. Ένα ολόκληρο λεξιλόγιο τροτσκιστικών καταβολών, το οποίο εσχάτως έχει υιοθετήσει και το ΚΚΕ, γεμάτο ιμπεριαλιστικές πυραμίδες, αλυσίδες, πανιμπεριαλισμούς και «σχέσεις αλληλεξάρτησης» έχει επινοηθεί προκειμένου να συγκαλυφθεί η βασική αντίθεση ιμπεριαλιστικών και εξαρτημένων χωρών.

Αντί λοιπόν να γίνεται προσπάθεια συγκρότησης μετώπου πάνω στη θεμελιώδη αντίθεση ιμπεριαλισμού – λαών, τόσο κραυγαλέα και οξυμένη στη σημερινή ιστορική φάση, πολλές δυνάμεις του εξωκοινοβουλίου αναζητούν τον «λιγότερο κακό ιμπεριαλιστή», κατ΄ αναλογία με τη «λιγότερο κακή κυβέρνηση», στον οποίον θα εναποθέσουν οι λαοί τις ελπίδες τους. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα η ανοιχτή ή συγκαλυμμένη στήριξη της ρωσικής εισβολής στην Ουκρανία, η ενθουσιώδης αποδοχή των «Λαϊκών Δημοκρατιών» του Ντονμπάς που «χειραφετήθηκαν» προσαρτώντας τα εδάφη τους στην καπιταλιστική-ιμπεριαλιστική Ρωσία! Να ηττηθεί το ΝΑΤΟ κι ας είναι κι από άλλον ιμπεριαλιστή – σφαγέα λαών!

Φέρουν τεράστια ευθύνη αυτού του είδους οι λογικές αναζήτησης προστάτη για τα φαινόμενα εκφυλισμού του κινήματος. Και κρύβουν την ίδια κι απαράλλακτη, χρόνια έλλειψη εμπιστοσύνης στις δυνάμεις του λαού! Πώς να μην καλλιεργούνται αυταπάτες, εκλογικές και άλλες, πώς να μην προκαλείται σύγχυση, πώς να μην οδηγούνται στην ηττοπάθεια και στην παραλυσία οι λαϊκές μάζες;

Η εξέγερση του Νοέμβρη περίτρανα κατέδειξε ότι το κίνημα συγκροτείται και δημιουργεί πολιτικά γεγονότα ιστορικής εμβέλειας όταν στηρίζεται στις δικές του δυνάμεις. Έξω οι ΗΠΑ, έξω το ΝΑΤΟ, έξω οι Βάσεις του θανάτου! Και τότε και σήμερα, οι λαοί εξεγείρονται όταν πετάνε από πάνω τους τη σκόνη των αυταπατών και αντιλαμβάνονται ότι δεν έχουν ανάγκη ούτε από εικονικά κινήματα ούτε από ψεύτικες νίκες και χουντικούς «εκδημοκρατισμούς» - και κυρίως δεν έχουν ανάγκη από προστάτες. Αυτό είναι το «μήνυμα» του Πολυτεχνείου.

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Μπροστά σε δύσκολες αποφάσεις για τον πλανήτη - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Η 5η του Νοέμβρη επισφράγισε την επιστροφή ενός «πλειοψηφικού» Τραμπ: σε εκλέκτορες, ψήφους, στον έλεγχο Βουλής, Γερουσίας και Ανώτατου Δικαστηρίου! Κανένας περιορισμός δεν φαίνεται να υπάρχει για τα κέντρα που στηρίζουν τον πρώην και επόμενο πρόεδρο των ΗΠΑ.

Ο «Τραμπ 2» είναι σε ευνοϊκότερη θέση από τον «Τραμπ 1», αλλά το διεθνές τοπίο είναι σημαντικά διαφορετικό. Κατά τη διάρκεια της προεκλογικής του εκστρατείας, πήρε «δεσμεύσεις», χωρίς ωστόσο συγκεκριμένες λεπτομέρειες. Και αυτό ίσως είναι ένδειξη ότι η εξωτερική πολιτική των ΗΠΑ δεν θα υποστεί σημαντικές αλλαγές. Όσο και αν οι τρέχουσες γεωπολιτικές συνθήκες καθιστούν δύσκολες τις προβλέψεις, η επάνοδός του σηματοδοτεί, ενδεχομένως, μια σειρά από σημαντικές αναταραχές στην προσέγγιση της Ουάσιγκτον στις εξωτερικές υποθέσεις, εν μέσω παράλληλων και επάλληλων κρίσεων. Πολλοί δυτικοί αναλυτές προεξοφλούν ότι οι εξελίξεις σε όλα τα μέτωπα θα επιταχυνθούν, μέχρι την ανάληψη της προεδρίας στις αρχές του 2025.

Στην ΕΕ, ως ολότητα, η συντριπτική πλειονότητα των ηγετών τελεί σε σύγχυση. Βέβαια στο πλαίσιο επιμέρους κρατών μελών (π.χ. Ουγγαρία, Ιταλία) επικρατεί άλλη προσέγγιση! Ο Μακρόν και ο Σολτς έσπευσαν να τηλεφωνήσουν στον Τραμπ μετά τα αποτελέσματα. Ήταν για να τον συγχαρούν ή για να εκφράσουν τις ανησυχίες τους για τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία και για την κατάσταση στη Μ. Ανατολή;

Η Ευρώπη, που είναι περισσότερο εκτεθειμένη στις συνέπειες του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία, η προοπτική για μια «ταχεία λύση» και μείωση της αμερικανικής βοήθειας (σε συνδυασμό με την απειλή Τραμπ να τους στείλει «νέο λογαριασμό») προκαλεί ποικίλες ανησυχίες και αφόρητη πίεση. Ταυτόχρονα ενισχύεται ο προβληματισμός, αλλά και φόβος, για το πόσο ο «τραμπισμός» (που προβάλλει ως δυναμικός τρόπος αποδοκιμασίας του σημερινού status όχι μόνο στις ΗΠΑ, αλλά και στην Ευρώπη) είναι σε θέση να πριμοδοτήσει τη Λεπέν στη Γαλλία και την «Εναλλακτική» για τη Γερμανία.

Η Ρωσία κρατά στάση αναμονής, χωρίς να κρύβει την αίσθηση υπεροχής επί του ουκρανικού πεδίου. Το Κρεμλίνο κρατά αποστάσεις από τη νίκη του Τραμπ, στη λογική πως οι δηλώσεις που γίνονται κατά τη διάρκεια των προεκλογικών εκστρατειών δεν έχουν πολλή σχέση με ό,τι ακολουθεί. Διαρροές ωστόσο από τη Μόσχα αναφέρουν ότι ο Πούτιν εξετάζει αν οι στόχοι της εξωτερικής πολιτικής του Τραμπ θα μπορούσαν να ευθυγραμμιστούν με τα ρωσικά συμφέροντα! Ωστόσο ο εκπρόσωπος του Κρεμλίνου χαρακτήρισε τις ΗΠΑ «εχθρική χώρα» «που εμπλέκεται σε πόλεμο εναντίον της Ρωσίας»…

Σημειωτέον πως στη διάρκεια της πρώτης θητείας του ο Τραμπ υιοθέτησε μια διεκδικητική προσέγγιση έναντι της Ρωσίας, ακόμη και αν έκανε διφορούμενες δηλώσεις. Πρόσφατα, τον περασμένο Μάιο, μια εισήγηση (από δύο πρώην αρχηγούς εθνικής ασφάλειας του Τραμπ) ανέφερε ότι οι ΗΠΑ θα συνεχίσουν τη στρατιωτική και οικονομική στήριξη προς το Κίεβο, με «προσαρμογές» όσον αφορά τον όγκο και το είδος της βοήθειας, την οποία θα εξαρτήσουν από την έναρξη ειρηνευτικών συνομιλιών με τη Ρωσία.

Το δέλεαρ για τη Ρωσία: η κατοχύρωση ουκρανικών εδαφών σε συνδυασμό με καθυστέρηση(;) εισόδου της Ουκρανίας στο ΝΑΤΟ. Είναι δεδομένη η πίεση από το πολιτικό κατεστημένο και τους ευρωπαίους συμμάχους, ιδίως την Πολωνία και τα κράτη της Βαλτικής, για οποιαδήποτε δραστική αλλαγή. Ο Τραμπ δύσκολα μπορεί να αγνοήσει τις δεσμεύσεις που έχουν αναλάβει οι ΗΠΑ έναντι του ΝΑΤΟ και των συμμάχων τους στην Ευρώπη.

Το σημερινό γεωπολιτικό πλαίσιο δεν εξαντλείται στον συνεχιζόμενο πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία.

  • Είναι δεδομένη η αντίσταση της Μόσχας σε κάθε προσπάθεια αμερικανικής παρέμβασης σε αυτό που ορίζει ως στρατηγικό της περιβάλλον, δηλ. χώρες της πρώην Σ. Ένωσης. Ζητήματα που επιβάλλουν ότι οι ΗΠΑ, ανεξάρτητα από την ηγεσία τους, θα διατηρήσουν μια επιθετική στάση απέναντι στη Ρωσία.
  • Σε ό,τι αφορά τη Μ. Ανατολή, είναι δύσκολο να αντλήσει κανείς συμπεράσματα από την προηγούμενη θητεία του Τραμπ. Σήμερα η Μ. Ανατολή ακροβατεί στα πρόθυρα ενός γενικευμένου πολέμου. Οι αλλαγές είναι σημαντικές και όλοι οι περιφερειακοί παράγοντες περιμένουν το πώς θα κινηθεί ο νέος πρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ. Το κίνητρο αυτών των παραγόντων να προχωρήσουν μονομερώς σε κινήσεις προσαρμογής είναι πολύ ισχυρό! Η εκλογή Τραμπ δείχνει να ενθαρρύνει τον Νετανιάχου απέναντι στο «στόχο Ιράν». Η Μ. Ανατολή παραμένει ψηλά στην ατζέντα του Τραμπ. Οι Συμφωνίες του Αβραάμ, ένα σύνολο συμφωνιών που προωθήθηκαν από την πρώτη κυβέρνησή του και αφορούσαν την εξομάλυνση των σχέσεων του Ισραήλ με τέσσερα αραβικά κράτη, θα χρειαστούν μια ουσιαστική επανεκκίνηση. Κρίσιμο ζήτημα η αποκατάσταση της αξιοπιστίας της αμερικανικής επιρροής στην περιοχή. Αλλά αυτό πλέον δεν δείχνει εύκολο.
  • Η προσέγγιση των ΗΠΑ με την Κίνα είναι, στρατηγικά, ο πιο σημαντικός τομέας της εξωτερικής της πολιτικής και αυτός που θα έχει ίσως τις μεγαλύτερες επιπτώσεις. Ο Τραμπ έχει δείξει μικρότερο ενδιαφέρον για την υπεράσπιση της Ταϊβάν, προτάσσοντας τον εμπορικό πόλεμο, πράγμα που το Πεκίνο δείχνει να εκτιμά ιδιαίτερα! Στην προηγούμενη προεδρία του ο Τραμπ χαρακτήρισε την Κίνα «στρατηγικό ανταγωνιστή» και επέβαλε δασμούς σε ορισμένες κινεζικές εισαγωγές στις ΗΠΑ. Αυτό πυροδότησε αντίστοιχα μέτρα από το Πεκίνο. Σήμερα δεν φαίνεται να είναι τόσο απλό!

Δεν είναι ακριβής η εικόνα που θέλει τις ΗΠΑ να κυριαρχούνται από την αντιπαράθεση του «απομονωτισμού» με τον «διεθνισμό». Στην πραγματικότητα εξετάζονται διαφορετικές μορφές παρεμβατισμού. Κάτι σαν ρεαλπολιτίκ. Η προηγούμενη προεδρία Τραμπ έχει δείξει ότι, όταν έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με την πραγματικότητα της παγκόσμιας ισχύος και τις στρατηγικές δεσμεύσεις των ΗΠΑ, διατηρεί σε μεγάλο βαθμό πολιτικές ευθυγραμμισμένες με τα συμφέροντα που εκπροσωπεί η λεγόμενη «πολιτική τάξη». Η διαδρομή των ΗΠΑ δεν επιτρέπει προσεγγίσεις του τύπου «επιστρέφουν στον απομονωτισμό». Είναι άλλο πράγμα η επαναξιολόγηση των στόχων μιας έτσι κι αλλιώς παρεμβατικής πολιτικής.

Άλλωστε, αυτήν την επαναξιολόγηση την «επιβάλλει», μ’ έναν τρόπο, η συνέχιση της σχετικής αποδυνάμωσης των ΗΠΑ έναντι των ανταγωνιστών τους σε μια σειρά επίπεδα, γεγονός που αλληλεπιδρά με την κλιμάκωση της αμφισβήτησης της αμερικανικής πρωτοκαθεδρίας στον πλανήτη (Ουκρανία, BRICS, Ν.Α. Ασία-Ειρηνικός και όχι μόνο).

Λέγεται ότι οι ΗΠΑ είναι εθισμένες στη μεταπολεμική διπολική θεώρηση και αντιπαράθεση. Έτσι, αυτό που φαίνεται σαν ένας πιθανός αναπροσανατολισμός στις σχέσεις με τη Ρωσία θα αποτελέσει, πιθανότατα, ένα ακόμη κεφάλαιο στη συνέχεια της πολιτικής τής αντιπαράθεσης, με κάποιες τακτικές τροποποιήσεις. Τελικά, η κυβέρνηση Τραμπ θα είναι όμηρος των πολύπλοκων και βαθιών δομών της εσωτερικής ισχύος των ΗΠΑ και των απαιτήσεων του ΝΑΤΟ.

Οι ΗΠΑ βρίσκονται σε διπλή κρίση εντός και εκτός συνόρων. Η εσωτερική κατάσταση, ως απόρροια της διεθνούς δυστοκίας, σήμερα αντανακλά τις δυσκολίες προσαρμογής και αποφασιστικής αντιμετώπισης του νέου διεθνούς τοπίου που αναδύεται εν μέσω μεγάλης έξαρσης των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών και της φάσης προετοιμασίας του Γ’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου.


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Αντανάκλαση επιδιώξεων αλλά και αδιεξόδων - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Τελικά, παρά τη συντονισμένη προσπάθεια ορισμένων σημαντικών κέντρων εξουσίας που ελέγχουν εκτός των άλλων ΜΜΕ και «εταιρείες μέτρησης της κοινής γνώμης» μέσα στις ΗΠΑ, για να δημιουργήσουν την κατάλληλη δημοσκοπική εικόνα, ώστε να ανατρέψουν την πορεία προς τη νίκη του Τραμπ, κάτι τέτοιο όχι μόνο δεν αποφεύχθηκε αλλά γύρισε και μπούμερανγκ όσον αφορά στην αξιοπιστία τους. Πάντως από αυτή την άποψη διατήρησης κάποιων ισορροπιών εντός του συστήματος, καθόλου τυχαία δεν ήταν η άρνηση της διοίκησης της Washington Post να υποστηρίξει την Καμάλα Χάρις.

Οι διαιρέσεις των «από πάνω», οι αντιφάσεις της πολιτικής Τραμπ και η νέα «σύνθεση»

Εξίσου σημαντικά ήταν τα κέντρα εξουσίας που συντάχθηκαν πίσω από τον Τραμπ. Ο εξαγγελλόμενος από τον Τραμπ νέος κύκλος μεγάλων δασμών σε μια σειρά προϊόντα τόσο γενικά σε όλες τις χώρες (10% με 20%) όσο και ειδικότερα στην Κίνα (έως και 60%!), είναι γεγονός ότι έσπρωξε σημαντικά τμήματα του βιομηχανικού κεφαλαίου προς το Ρεπουμπλικανικό Κόμμα, όταν επιπλέον οι υποσχέσεις Μπάιντεν στην αρχή της θητείας του για στήριξη της πραγματικής οικονομίας αποδείχτηκαν κενού πολύ λίγες. Έτσι, ο Σκοτ Πολ, πρόεδρος της Συμμαχίας Αμερικανικών Βιομηχανιών, δήλωσε ότι «η οικονομική ατζέντα του νέου προέδρου των ΗΠΑ δεν στοχεύει μόνο στην ανάπτυξη, αλλά και στην αποκατάσταση των καλών θέσεων εργασίας και των υγιών κοινοτήτων που κάποτε υποστήριξε η μεταποίηση και στην απεξάρτηση από την Κίνα, που είναι γεωπολιτικός εχθρός των ΗΠΑ». Βέβαια αποτελεί γρίφο πώς μια πολιτική ακόμα μεγαλύτερων δασμών, η οποία θα αυξήσει κατακόρυφα και τις τιμές πολλών πρώτων υλών ή μισομεταποιημένων προϊόντων που έχει ανάγκη η αμερικανική βιομηχανία, θα δημιουργήσει όρους ανταγωνιστικότητας των αμερικανικών προϊόντων και δεν θα γυρίσει μπούμερανγκ. Όταν ήδη υπάρχει το προηγούμενο, τόσο της πρώτης θητείας Τραμπ όσο και της θητείας Μπάιντεν. Πολύ περισσότερο εάν η ύψωση ακόμα μεγαλύτερων τειχών προστατευτισμού (που πάντα είναι αμφίδρομα, οι αποδέκτες των δασμών θα απαντήσουν περισσότερο ή λιγότερο κι αυτοί με δασμούς) συνδυαστεί με την υλοποίηση μιας πολιτικής μαζικών απελάσεων μεταναστών, που αποτελούν τη μεγάλη δεξαμενή του φτηνού εργατικού δυναμικού για τις ΗΠΑ.

Φυσικά, αν και όντως υπάρχουν διαιρέσεις μεταξύ των μερίδων της μεγαλοαστικής ιμπεριαλιστικής τάξης των ΗΠΑ, σε μια εποχή που ο αμερικανικός ιμπεριαλισμός «ψάχνεται» για να αντιμετωπίσει τη σχετική του αποδυνάμωση έναντι των ανταγωνιστών του, αυτές είναι περισσότερο ρευστές απ’ ότι παλιότερα και υπόκεινται σε μια σειρά ανακατατάξεις. Έτσι το γεγονός ότι ο Τραμπ και το Ρεπουμπλικανικό Κόμμα απολαμβάνει -«παραδοσιακά»- τη στήριξη των μεγάλων μονοπωλίων του πετρελαίου δεν απέτρεψε την πιο εμβληματικά φιγούρα της μεγαλοαστικής τάξης που ασχολείται με την «πράσινη μετάβαση», τον Έλον Μασκ, να πρωτοστατήσει στην εκλογή του και να καταλάβει και θέση στην κυβέρνηση που ετοιμάζει ο Τραμπ. Γενικότερα πρέπει να παρατηρήσουμε πως ο Τραμπ, και αυτό αποτελεί μια επίσης σημαντική διαφορά σε σχέση με το Ρεπουμπλικανικό Κόμμα και τις σχέσεις του πριν από αυτόν, προσπαθεί να πετύχει μια νέα ας πούμε «σύνθεση» συμφερόντων στα «άνω πατώματα» με άξονα το «Make America Great Again» (MAGA). Σ’ αυτό το πλαίσιο μπορεί να γίνει κατανοητή και η απειλή για δασμούς 100% ή και 200% στα αυτοκίνητα που αμερικανικές εταιρείες παράγουν σε εργοστάσια που έχουν μεταφέρει στο Μεξικό. Η δημιουργία της, η παραπέρα συγκρότησή της ή πολύ περισσότερο η μακροημέρευση αυτής της νέας «σύνθεσης» θα εξαρτηθεί -αν όχι σε απόλυτο- σε πολύ σημαντικό βαθμό από τις επιτυχίες που θα υπάρξουν για τις ΗΠΑ σε σχέση με τις παγκόσμιες επιδιώξεις τους. Άλλωστε είναι εδώ και καιρό διαπιστωμένη για την πρώτη ιμπεριαλιστική χώρα του πλανήτη, η άρρηκτη σχέση των εσωτερικών εξελίξεων με την υλοποίηση ή όχι των παγκόσμιων στόχων της.

Η ακτινογραφία της ψήφου και οι αιτίες της

Το ότι οι εκλογές στις ΗΠΑ είναι εδώ και πολύ καιρό οι εκλογές στις οποίες με τον πιο απροκάλυπτο τρόπο παρεμβαίνουν τα δισεκατομμύρια των υπερπλούσιων χορηγών των δύο κομμάτων, δεν μπορεί να εξηγήσει από μόνο του το αποτέλεσμα. Γιατί αυτό δεν είναι μόνο ένας δείκτης της δυνατότητας μερίδων της αστικής τάξης να στοιχίζουν πίσω από τις αντιδραστικές τους επιδιώξεις τμήματα των λαϊκών μαζών, αλλά αντανακλά με στρεβλό και παραμορφωτικό φυσικά τρόπο, τα σοβαρά προβλήματα, τις βαθιές αντιθέσεις και τα αδιέξοδα που διαπερνούν το σώμα της αμερικανικής κοινωνίας.

Κάποιοι αναλυτές, όχι άδικα, μιλούν για ήττα της Χάρις μέσα από την οποία προήλθε η νίκη του Τραμπ. Χαρακτηριστικό στοιχείο για την προσέγγιση αυτή είναι το γεγονός ότι ο Τραμπ συγκέντρωσε 2 εκατομμύρια λιγότερες ψήφους από τις εκλογές του 2020 ενώ η Καμάλα Χάρις 13 εκατομμύρια ψήφους λιγότερες. Τα στοιχεία που έχουν βγει για τις κοινωνικές ομάδες που στήριξαν τους δύο υποψηφίους δείχνουν ότι χωρίς να υπάρχει μια ραγδαία αύξηση των ποσοστών του Τραμπ, έχουμε μια γενική μείωση των ποσοστών της Χάρις, με πιο σημαντική την πτώση στους νέους, τους ισπανόφωνους και τους Ασιάτες. Συνολικά, λοιπόν, η αποχή ανήλθε σε 16 περίπου εκατομμύρια περισσότερα από το 2020, γεγονός που δείχνει πως παρά τη φανερά πολωμένη κατάσταση και την ώθηση των ΜΜΕ, υπάρχει ένα δυναμικό που αρνείται τα ψεύτικα διλήμματα. Μάλιστα, μπορούμε βάσιμα να υποθέσουμε πως ρόλο έχουν παίξει τόσο οι εργατικοί αγώνες της τελευταίας περιόδου, όπως και οι μεγάλες κινητοποιήσεις αλληλεγγύης στην Παλαιστίνη με επίκεντρο τα αμερικανικά πανεπιστήμια.

Άραγε, πώς να μην πέσουν τα ποσοστά και οι ψήφοι υποστήριξης στην Χάρις, όταν επί προεδρίας Μπάιντεν συνεχίστηκε, παρά τις παχυλές υποσχέσεις, η καθοδική πορεία του βιοτικού επιπέδου ευρύτατων λαϊκών στρωμάτων; Δίπλα στη λευκή εργατική τάξη των μεσοδυτικών πολιτειών της «σκουριάς» (των άλλοτε «διαμαντιών» της αμερικανικής αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας και μεταποίησης) που ζει σε συνθήκες μεγάλης φτώχειας και ανασφάλειας και που συνεχίζει να γυρνάει την πλάτη στο Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα, προστέθηκαν οι ισπανόφωνοι και οι νέοι που νιώθουν εξαπατημένοι και εγκαταλελειμμένοι. Ακόμα και στα ζητήματα που υποτίθεται ότι αντιπαρατίθονταν, όπως η μετανάστευση ή η συμπεριφορά του κράτους απέναντι στους μαύρους πολίτες, η διοίκηση Μπάιντεν ξεγυμνώθηκε: δεν σταμάτησε να χρηματοδοτεί το «τείχος Τραμπ» στο Μεξικό ενώ το 2023 ήταν, μέσα στα οχτώ τελευταία χρόνια, η χρονιά με τις περισσότερες δολοφονίες μαύρων από αστυνομικούς. Στην αποχή από τις εκλογές σίγουρα έπαιξε ρόλο, ειδικά στους νέους, η κατάπτυστη στήριξη από τον Μπάιντεν και την Χάρις του σιωνιστικού κράτους του Ισραήλ στη γενοκτονία που πραγματοποιεί εναντίον των Παλαιστινίων. Η περίπτωση του Ντίρμπορν του Μίσιγκαν, στο οποίο υποψήφια των Πρασίνων και υποστηρίκτρια της Παλαιστίνης πήρε το 22% των ψήφων έναντι του 28% της Χάρις και του 47% του Τραμπ, όταν το 2020 ο Μπάιντεν εξελέγη με αναλογία ψήφων 3:1 έναντι του Τραμπ είναι χαρακτηριστική.

Αυτόν τον μεγάλο θυμό, μαζί με τα μεγάλα αδιέξοδα και τα σοβαρά προβλήματα, εκμεταλλεύτηκε ο Τραμπ και προσπαθεί με έντονο δημαγωγικό λόγο και πάνω στην εθνικιστική βάση του MAGA να συσπειρώσει και να χρησιμοποιήσει σε αντιδραστική κατεύθυνση τα δυσαρεστημένα τμήματα του πληθυσμού, τάζοντάς τους ένα ψίχουλο από τα οφέλη που θα προκύψουν για τη μεγαλοαστική τάξη από την παγκόσμια ανάταση των ΗΠΑ. Που κι αυτό, δηλαδή το ψίχουλο, είναι απορίας άξιο πώς θα δοθεί, όταν ταυτόχρονα η πολιτική Τραμπ σημαίνει για το εσωτερικό ραγδαία κλιμάκωση της επίθεσης στα εργατικά και λαϊκά δικαιώματα.

Από τα προηγούμενα, αβίαστα μπορεί να εξαχθεί το συμπέρασμα πως οι αγώνες των εργατών και των νέων είναι ακόμα πολύ αδύναμοι και βρίσκονται ακόμα στην αρχή του δρόμου για να συμβάλλουν στην κάλυψη του μεγάλου και πολύχρονου κοινωνικού και πολιτικού κενού που προκύπτει από την κατάσταση αποσυγκρότησης της εργατικής τάξης και την απουσία αξιόμαχων επαναστατικών δυνάμεων στο εσωτερικό και της ιμπεριαλιστικής μητρόπολης.

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Οι δισεκατομμυριούχοι επέλεξαν Τραμπ - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Μια απλή αναζήτηση στο διαδίκτυο αποκαλύπτει δεκάδες ονόματα αμερικάνων δισεκατομμυριούχων που, με τον ένα ή τον άλλον τρόπο, στήριξαν τον Τραμπ στις προεδρικές εκλογές. Η βρετανική Guardian ανέφερε πως πάνω από 60 δισεκατομμυριούχοι ενίσχυσαν οικονομικά τον προεκλογικό αγώνα του.

Κορυφαία είναι, βέβαια, η περίπτωση του Ίλον Μάσκ, ο οποίος όχι μόνο είχε συχνή και αρκετά …θεατρική παρουσία στις προεκλογικές συγκεντρώσεις του Τραμπ, αλλά θα συμμετέχει και στη νέα κυβέρνηση ως επικεφαλής του νέου υπουργείου Κυβερνητικής Αποτελεσματικότητας, του οποίου το αντικείμενο θα είναι η δραστική μείωση της γραφειοκρατίας και ο «περιορισμός» του κράτους.

Οι δισεκατομμυριούχοι του πετρελαίου παραδοσιακά στηρίζουν τους Ρεπουμπλικάνους, ωστόσο αυτό που φαίνεται να έκανε τη διαφορά σε αυτές τις εκλογές ήταν η στάση της Silicon Valley, δηλαδή των μεγαλοκεφαλαιούχων της υψηλής τεχνολογίας. Οι οποίοι, μάλιστα, λόγω της εμπλοκής τους με τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα, αλλά και τον παραδοσιακό τύπο, έπαιξαν σημαντικό ρόλο στην εκλογή Τραμπ.

Για παράδειγμα, μεγάλη εντύπωση έκανε η κίνηση του ιδιοκτήτη της Amazon και της Ουάσινγκτον Ποστ Τζεφ Μπέζος, ο οποίος δεν στήριξε μεν ανοιχτά τον Τραμπ, όμως ούτε και την Χάρις… Για πρώτη φορά μετά από δεκαετίες, η εμβληματική εφημερίδα, η οποία ήταν σχεδόν σημαία των Δημοκρατικών, δεν τους υποστήριξε ανοιχτά, αλλά κράτησε ουδέτερη στάση, με αποτέλεσμα να χάσει περίπου το 10% των συνδρομητών της. Την ίδια στάση κράτησαν και οι Los Angeles Times, των οποίων ο ιδιοκτήτης Πάτρικ Σουν-Σιονγκ ακύρωσε την προγραμματισμένη υποστήριξή του στη Χάρις.

Τον δρόμο της σιωπηλής υποστήριξης ακολούθησαν και οι Μαρκ Ζούκερμπεργκ της Meta (Facebook, Instagram) και ο Τιμ Κουκ της Apple. Ωστόσο, άλλα μεγάλα ονόματα της Silicon Valley υποστήριξαν ανοιχτά τον Τραμπ, όπως ο Λάρι Έλισον της Oracle και ο Ντέιβιντ Σακς.

Ο Τραμπ είχε επίσης σημαντική απήχηση στον τομέα των κρυπτονομισμάτων, μετά τη δήλωσή του ότι σκοπεύει να κάνει τις ΗΠΑ «την υπερδύναμη του bitcoin του κόσμου». Οπότε δεν προκαλεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι η τιμή του bitcoin τραβάει την ανηφόρα, σημειώνοντας το ένα ιστορικό υψηλό μετά το άλλο και πλησιάζοντας τα 90.000 δολάρια. Όπως επίσης και ότι υποστηρίχθηκε από τους αδελφούς Ουίνκλβος, ιδρυτών της πλατφόρμας ανταλλαγής κρυπτονομισμάτων Gemini.

Μόλις οριστικοποιήθηκε το αποτέλεσμα των εκλογών, οι αγορές στράφηκαν προς αυτούς που πίστεψαν ότι θα έχουν καλύτερες προοπτικές με την εκλογή Τραμπ, με αποτέλεσμα ένα «ράλι» που απέφερε τεράστια κέρδη. Ίλον Μασκ, Λάρι Έλισον, Γουόρεν Μπάφετ, Τζεφ Μπέζος και Λάρι Πέιτζ κέρδισαν περίπου 53 δισ. δολάρια!

Η πλειοψηφία της αφρόκρεμας του αμερικάνικου κεφαλαίου γύρισε την πλάτη στους Δημοκρατικούς, κάτι που, βέβαια, δεν σημαίνει ότι η άλλη πλευρά, που στις τάξεις της έχει τον Μπίλ Γκέιτς και τον Μάικλ Μπλούμπεργκ, είναι αδύναμη ή ότι σκοπεύει να παρατήσει τις αξιώσεις της για την πορεία συνολικά του αμερικάνικου ιμπεριαλισμού.

Ο Τραμπ έχει τάξει πολλά στο μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, από το οποίο και ο ίδιος προέρχεται άλλωστε. Για παράδειγμα, το νέο υπουργείο του Μασκ έχει στόχο να διευκολύνει τις επιχειρήσεις, και να τις απαλλάξει από την …ενοχλητική παρουσία του κράτους. Αυτό θα σημαίνει φυσικά μαζικές απολύσεις δημοσίων υπαλλήλων.

Η ακραία ταξική πολιτική του ενάντια σε εργαζόμενους και μετανάστες είναι ήδη διακηρυγμένη, όπως επίσης και η σκανδαλώδης φορολογική εύνοια προς το κεφάλαιο, με τη μείωση της φορολογίας των επιχειρήσεων από το 21% στο 15%.

Επιπλέον, αυτοί οι ηγέτες και πρωτοπόροι της ιδιωτικής πρωτοβουλίας θα περιμένουν να ροκανίσουν ζεστό κρατικό χρήμα μέσω των τεράστιων συμβολαίων σε διάφορους τομείς (π.χ. στην υψηλή τεχνολογία και το διάστημα) που περιμένουν ως αντάλλαγμα. 

Τέλος, μάλλον έχει μια βάση αυτό που γράφεται ότι αρκετοί είναι αυτοί που δεν ήθελαν να βρεθούν απέναντι στον Τραμπ προεκλογικά, φοβούμενοι να μην μπουν στο στόχαστρό του και συμπεριληφθούν σε αυτούς που θα θέλει να «εκδικηθεί».

Όλα αυτά έχουν, αναμφίβολα, σημασία και δεν μπορούν να προσπεραστούν. Όμως όταν μιλάμε για την πρώτη ιμπεριαλιστική υπερδύναμη στον κόσμο, που έχει στόχο να ηγεμονεύσει στον πλανήτη και για να το κάνει αυτό πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσει και να νικήσει κατά κράτος τους αντιπάλους της, δεν μπορούμε να μείνουμε μόνο στην οικονομική συνδιαλλαγή, όσο μεγάλη κι αν είναι.

Όσο σαφής ήταν η επιλογή των αμερικάνων μεγαλοκεφαλαιούχων σε μια εμφυλιοπολεμική εκλογική μάχη, τόσο ασαφείς παραμένουν οι απαντήσεις που επιτακτικά αναζητούνται στα μεγάλα, επείγοντα και καθοριστικά ζητήματα που αντιμετωπίζει ο αμερικάνικος ιμπεριαλισμός. Ο Τραμπ είναι αυτός που μπορεί όχι μόνο να εκφράσει, αλλά και να υλοποιήσει την υπερδεξιά κατεύθυνση στο εσωτερικό της χώρας και απέναντι στον λαό, αλλά και να εκφράσει τον εθνικισμό της υπερδύναμης, το MAGA, με το οποίο θα επιχειρήσει να αντιμετωπίσει τους αντιπάλους της, τον αμερικάνικο λαό και τους λαούς όλου τους κόσμου.

Τα αποτελέσματα, μένει να τα δούμε…

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Ποιο «ρήγμα» προκαλεί η οικονομική πολιτική του Τραμπ; - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Ποια είναι η μεγάλη αλλαγή που θα φέρει η οικονομική πολιτική του Τραμπ; Το ερώτημα αφορά το συνολικό οικονομικοπολιτικό πρόγραμμα της επερχόμενης «διοίκησης» Τραμπ και τη γενικότερη διαφοροποίησή του από αυτό των Δημοκρατικών, ίσως και των «παραδοσιακών» Ρεπουμπλικάνων κατά ορισμένους αναλυτές.

Το οικονομικό πρόγραμμα της προηγούμενης διοίκησης Τραμπ, που θεωρήθηκε, χωρίς περιστροφές ή «μακιγιαρίσματα», ανοιχτά φιλικό στις επιχειρήσεις, από διάφορες πλευρές χαρακτηριζόταν ως «επιτυχημένο», όμως αυτό που παραδόθηκε ως οικονομία των ΗΠΑ στον Μπάιντεν μόνο έτσι δεν θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηριστεί.

Θα μπορούσε βέβαια το επιτελείο του Τραμπ να ισχυριστεί πως δεν έφτανε μία τετραετία, να επικαλεστεί την πανδημία κ.λπ., αλλά στους Δημοκρατικούς παραδόθηκε μία οικονομία με τον πληθωρισμό «να χτυπά κόκκινο» και χωρίς να επιτευχθεί η πολυπόθητη επιστροφή των αμερικάνικων επιχειρήσεων στο made in USA. Αντίθετα, η κρίση της πανδημίας απέδειξε για άλλη μία φορά πόσο «χρεωμένη» και εξαρτημένη ήταν η παγκόσμια οικονομία στις κινέζικες εφοδιαστικές αλυσίδες.

Όσον αφορά την… ασυνέχεια της οικονομικής πολιτικής ανάμεσα σε Τραμπ και Μπάιντεν, μπορούμε με αποδείξεις επίσης να ισχυριστούμε πως ο δεύτερος δεν ενέτεινε βέβαια, ωστόσο διατήρησε την επιθετική πολιτική δασμών απέναντι στην Κίνα του πρώτου, ενώ όσον αφορά τους Ευρωπαίους το πολυδιαφημισμένο πρόγραμμα IRA του Μπάιντεν (που έδινε κίνητρα για μετεγκαταστάσεις επιχειρήσεων στις ΗΠΑ) μπορούμε να πούμε πως άσκησε σημαντικές πιέσεις στους ευρωπαίους συμμάχους, ίσως μεγαλύτερες από τις απειλές των προστατευτικών δασμών.

Αν λοιπόν είναι θολά από την πρώτη τετραετία τα σημεία ουσιαστικής διαφοροποίησης των δύο οικονομικών πολιτικών, τι πρέπει να υποθέσουμε για την τετραετία που ξεκινά το Γενάρη του ’25; Υπάρχει ένα τετράπτυχο της ακολουθητέας οικονομικής πολιτικής του επιτελείου Τραμπ που από πρώτη άποψη μάλιστα δεν φαίνεται να τον διαφοροποιεί από τις «παραδοσιακές» οικονομικές πολιτικές των Ρεπουμπλικάνων:

Μείωση της φορολογίας για τις επιχειρήσεις, αύξηση των δασμών ειδικά απέναντι στην Κίνα και σε όσους «ενδιάμεσους» διευκολύνουν την προώθηση των κινέζικων εμπορευμάτων και υπηρεσιών, αμφισβήτηση των διακρατικών συλλογικών ρυθμίσεων και στροφή (;) στα ορυκτά καύσιμα με αμφισβήτηση των κινήτρων ανάπτυξης των λεγόμενων «πράσινων» επενδύσεων.

Σε αυτό το τετράπτυχο προστίθεται η ένταση της αντιμεταναστευτικής πολιτικής και ο έλεγχος της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας των ΗΠΑ με ταυτόχρονη χαλάρωση της συμβολής της στις διακρατικές και διατραπεζικές ρυθμίσεις και μηχανισμούς.

Ξεχωριστή διάκριση αποτελούν οι τοποθετήσεις για τα κρυπτονομίσματα και για την υποστήριξη που θα έχουν στο πλαίσιο της οικονομικής πολιτικής της διοίκησης Τραμπ. Ο ίδιος ο Τραμπ δήλωσε ότι θα δημιουργήσει στρατηγικό απόθεμα στα κρυπτονομίσματα! Εξάλλου, οι μετοχές των εταιρειών που διαχειρίζονται φακέλους κρυπτονομισμάτων εκτινάχθηκαν όταν σταθεροποιήθηκε το εκλογικό αποτέλεσμα.

Όπως όμως γράφει η επιθεώρηση Politico, στην πρώτη τετραετία ο Τραμπ δεν άλλαξε κάτι στο καθεστώς χρηματοδότησης των επιχειρήσεων και της οικονομίας. Γενικότερα συνέχισε δηλαδή την πολιτική της κυβέρνησης Ομπάμα και από αυτή την άποψη έχει την αξία της η τοποθέτηση κορυφαίου στελέχους της BlackRocK ότι σε βάθος χρόνου δεν έχουν καμία επίπτωση οι εκλογές καθώς «δουλεύουμε και με τις δύο διοικήσεις».

Αν όλα τα παραπάνω λοιπόν τα θεωρήσουμε ως «φάρμακα» για την οικονομία των ΗΠΑ, σίγουρα συνολικά και για το καθένα υπάρχει… αντίδοτο που περιορίζει την ισχύ τους. Αποδείχτηκε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια και με διαδοχικές κυβερνήσεις ότι από μόνη της η φοροαπαλλαγή δεν έφτασε για να αντιμετωπίσει το δομικό και ριζικό πρόβλημα της αμερικάνικης οικονομίας, που είναι η σχετική υποχώρηση της επενδυτικής θέσης των ΗΠΑ, παγκόσμια καταγεγραμμένη πια και από τα επίσημα στατιστικά στοιχεία.

Οι δασμοί από την άλλη και όσον αφορά την Κίνα και γενικότερα έχουν και την πλευρά της απάντησης του «άλλου» και την εμπλοκή σε έναν αμοιβαία καταστροφικό κύκλο. Όσο δε για τους δασμούς στα ευρωπαϊκά εμπορεύματα, γράφτηκε ότι ο αχός που σηκώνουν είναι μεγαλύτερος από το πραγματικό τους αποτύπωμα καθώς πολλές ευρωπαϊκές επιχειρήσεις παράγουν επί αμερικάνικου εδάφους…

Ακόμα και για τη δραστική μείωση και αναστροφή των μεταναστευτικών ρευμάτων, το Ινστιτούτο Πίτερσον υπολογίζει ότι απέλαση 1,3 εκατ. εργατών θα σήμαινε συρρίκνωση της καπιταλιστικής οικονομίας των ΗΠΑ κατά 2,1%, οδηγώντας την στην ύφεση. Αυτό προφανώς και αντίκειται σε μερίδες του κεφαλαίου που παράγουν κερδοφορία χρησιμοποιώντας δηλωμένη και αδήλωτη εργασία των μεταναστών. Όπως εξάλλου υποστηρίζουν κέντρα και «δεξαμενές σκέψης» που στήριξαν την προεκλογική εκστρατεία του Τραμπ, το θέμα της αντιμετώπισης της πρωτοκαθεδρίας στις τεχνολογίες αιχμής, φορτωμένο μάλιστα με την… απογοήτευση από τις οικονομικές αποδόσεις των επιχειρήσεων ανάπτυξης τεχνητής νοημοσύνης, είναι ένα βάρος που το κληρονομεί από τη διοίκηση Μπάιντεν. Και δεν δίνονται απαντήσεις με την αύξηση των εξορύξεων, επιφανειακών και… βαθέων.

Από μόνη της δε η παρουσία του Μασκ στο Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο δεν φτάνει για να το απαντήσει. Αλήθεια, πώς συμβιβάζεται η δέσμευση των Ρεπουμπλικάνων να ακυρώσουν το σχέδιο Μπάιντεν που έβαζε ως στόχο μέχρι το 2030 τα μισά αυτοκίνητα μέσω της ηλεκτροκίνησης να έχουν μηδενικούς ρύπους με αυτή την παρουσία;

Σε κάθε περίπτωση και όσον αφορά τα ζητήματα ανταγωνισμού με τους Ευρωπαίους, μπορούμε να δούμε τα οικονομικά μέτρα της επερχόμενης διοίκησης των Ρεπουμπλικάνων και ως «πολιτικά μέτρα» συμμόρφωσης των συμμάχων. Όπως εξάλλου είχε πει ο γνωστός και μη εξαιρετέος Κίσινγκερ, ενίοτε «είναι πιο δύσκολο να είσαι φίλος των ΗΠΑ παρά εχθρός»!

Μια τέτοια λειτουργία (συμμορφωτική) των οικονομικών μέτρων, που επιδιώκει να διασπάσει, π.χ., τους φίλους και συμμάχους και να τους υποχρεώσει σε ξεχωριστές σχέσεις με τον (Αμερικάνο) ηγεμόνα, μπορεί να προκαλέσει τα εντελώς αντίθετα αποτελέσματα (δεν είναι τυχαίες μετά την εκλογή Τραμπ οι αναφορές ξανά στο σχέδιο Ντράγκι).

Με δυο λόγια, αδυνατούμε να δούμε ένα ποιοτικό ρήγμα στην οικονομική πολιτική που έχει εξαγγείλει ο Τραμπ τουλάχιστον ευθέως ανάλογο του ρήγματος που έχει προκληθεί στην αμερικάνικη κοινωνία με βάση την πρόσφατη προεκλογική πόλωση.

Είναι ορισμένα πράγματα για το οποία η οικονομία από μόνη της έχει αδυναμία να δώσει απαντήσεις απέναντι στη συμπυκνωμένη οικονομία (η φράση είναι του Λένιν) που αποτελεί η πολιτική…


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Ελληνοαμερικανικές σχέσεις - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Από συγκρατημένο πανικό δείχνει να διακατέχεται το κυβερνητικό επιτελείο, κατανοώντας ότι είναι υποχρεωμένο να συνεχίζει την «πλεύση» σε ακόμη πιο βαθιά, θολά, φουρτουνιασμένα, αχαρτογράφητα και επικίνδυνα νερά που φέρνει η εκλογή Τραμπ.

Η κυβέρνηση μάλιστα έχει κάθε λόγο να βρίσκεται σε αυτή τη θέση. Είναι η ίδια η πραγματικότητα που το επιβεβαιώνει και όχι η τουλάχιστον αφελής και αποπροσανατολιστική κριτική που δέχεται από αντιπολιτευόμενους δεξιούς και ακροδεξιούς «κύκλους» στο αστικό πολιτικό πλαίσιο, ότι σιωπηλά πόνταρε στην υποψήφια των Δημοκρατικών, ανίκανη να αντιληφθεί το πολιτικό ρεύμα που διαμόρφωσε η υποψηφιότητα Τραμπ.

Αυτή η θέση, επίσης, δεν αφορά μόνο τη ΝΔ, που από κυβερνητική θέση διαχειρίζεται την αστική εξουσία, αλλά συνολικά το αστικό πολιτικό σύστημα. Ο Κ. Μητσοτάκης έθεσε το ζήτημα στην πραγματική του διάσταση, μιλώντας σε εκδήλωση του υπ. Εξωτερικών λίγες ώρες μετά τη νίκη Τραμπ, τονίζοντας ότι «οι ελληνοαμερικανικές σχέσεις θα είναι σταθερά ισχυρές και παραγωγικές. Ο χαρακτήρας τους είναι στρατηγικός και το πρόσημό τους εθνικό και όχι παραταξιακό. Προσδοκώ σε ακόμα στενότερη συνεργασία».

Βέβαια, όταν ο πρωθυπουργός αναφέρεται στο εθνικό πρόσημο, εκπροσωπώντας μια ντόπια αστική τάξη δίχως εθνική συνείδηση, ουσιαστικά δηλώνει την πρόθεση και την υποταγή του ντόπιου εξαρτημένου καπιταλισμού στις αναγκαίες αναπροσαρμογές που θα απαιτηθούν, όσο η πολιτική η «πολιτική Τραμπ» θα συγκεκριμενοποιείται.

Η συνάντηση Μητσοτάκη-Πομπέο με το ταξίδι αστραπή του πρώην υπ. Άμυνας των ΗΠΑ στην πρώτη θητεία Τραμπ επιχείρησε, είτε με τη συμβολική πλευρά, είτε με την ουσιαστική, να μετριάσει τον συγκρατημένο πανικό. Η μη ένταξη του Πομπέο στο νέο κυβερνητικό σχήμα, μάλλον τον ενέτεινε, οδηγώντας κυβερνητικά στελέχη, όπως ο Ν. Δένδιας, σε δηλώσεις απείρου κάλλους, να τοποθετείται πριν την κυβέρνηση Τραμπ για το μέτωπο της Ουκρανίας. Έτσι, ερωτηθείς, σε εκδήλωση του Ελληνοαμερικανικού Εμπορικού Επιμελητηρίου και του Αμερικανικού Κολλεγίου Ελλάδος, φρόντισε να υπογραμμίσει την ευελιξία και την προσαρμοστικότητα της ντόπιας αστικής τάξης και του πολιτικού προσωπικού στις ανάγκες του εκάστοτε αμερικανικού σχεδιασμού, λέγοντας ότι «το καλύτερο που θα μπορούσε να ελπίζει η Ουκρανία είναι να παγώσουμε τη σύγκρουση ως έχει, και να αφήσουμε τα θέματα που έχουν να κάνουν με κυριαρχία, εδαφική ακεραιότητα να συζητηθούν μόλις ωριμάσει ο χρόνος». Ακόμη, σε μια στιγμή υποτέλειας και πανικού είπε ότι «είναι προς το συμφέρον των ΗΠΑ να στηρίζουν ό,τι η Ελλάδα θεωρεί σωστό».

Το πρόβλημα διογκώνεται και περιπλέκεται για την ΝΔ και το αστικό πολιτικό σύστημα καθώς οφείλει να διαχειριστεί την διπλή ιμπεριαλιστική εξάρτηση (από ΗΠΑ και ΕΕ). Η αναδιαμόρφωση των σχέσεων- αντιθέσεων που θα επιδιώξει η «πολιτική Τράμπ» με τις βασικές ιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις της Ευρώπης θα εκφραστεί με αναταράξεις στο εσωτερικό της χώρας μας.

Ήδη ο πρωθυπουργός εκδήλωσε αυτό το άγχος του μπροστά στις «πιέσεις» που θα δεχτεί η ελληνική οικονομία από την πολιτική των δασμών, δηλώνοντας ότι «Ως προς το εμπόριο και τις πολιτικές των δασμών, θέλω να πιστεύω ότι μπορεί να υπάρξει μια ζώνη συνεννόησης με τις ΗΠΑ όσον αφορά την Ευρώπη. Η Κίνα είναι μια ξεχωριστή υπόθεση. Αλλά πιστεύω ότι μπορούμε να αποφύγουμε έναν εμπορικό πόλεμο με τις ΗΠΑ, ο οποίος τελικά δεν πιστεύω ότι θα αποβεί προς όφελος κανενός».

Αλλά και με τη συνολική του τοποθέτηση ότι «πρέπει να διαχωρίσουμε τις ελληνοαμερικανικές με τις ευρωαμερικανικές σχέσεις. Οι σχέσεις Ελλάδας-ΗΠΑ είναι στρατηγικού χαρακτήρα…», την ίδια στιγμή που η ΕΕ «οφείλει να αναζητήσει δυναμικά τη θέση της σε έναν παγκόσμιο χάρτη που αλλάζει διαρκώς. Να κάνει πιο ανταγωνιστική την ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία. Να οικοδομήσουμε τη στρατηγική μας αυτονομία σε νέες συνθήκες».

Με όλα τα ζήτημα, λοιπόν, ανοιχτά και υπό διαμόρφωση, το δεδομένο είναι ότι η νίκη Τραμπ απελευθέρωσε τις ακροδεξιές-εθνικιστικές δυνάμεις σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο αλλά και στη χώρα μας. Η πρώτη άμεση αντίδραση «Καν’ το όπως ο Τραμπ» που πανηγυρίστηκε τόσο από τα ακροδεξιά κοινοβουλευτικά και μη μορφώματα όσο και από κυβερνητικά στελέχη, αποτυπώνει και προμηνύει την ακόμη πιο δεξιά και αντιδραστική μετατόπιση του αστικού πολιτικού σκηνικού, την κλιμάκωση της φασιστικοποίησης της δημόσιας και πολιτικής ζωής. Ταυτόχρονα, όμως, συμβάλλει σε μια νέα φάση αναδιαμόρφωσης του αστικού πολιτικού σκηνικού, μεγαλύτερης αβεβαιότητας και ρευστότητας, διευρυμένης πολιτικής αστάθειας.


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Αμερικάνικες εκλογές και γυναίκα - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Έντονο άρωμα γυναίκας είχε η προεκλογική περίοδος των αμερικάνικων εκλογών. Είχε σημαντική θέση στην καμπάνια των Δημοκρατικών. Η Καμάλα Χάρις και το επιτελείο της εμφανίστηκαν ως υπερασπιστές των δικαιωμάτων της γυναίκας. Άνοιξαν μέτωπο απέναντι στον Τραμπ για τον μισογυνισμό του, για την αποστροφή του στη ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητα, ιδιαίτερα για την πρόσθεσή του να απαγορεύσει τις αμβλώσεις. Επίσης, σήκωσαν τους τόνους για τις καταγγελίες που υπήρχαν σε βάρος του για σεξουαλική παρενόχληση. Εκείνος φάνηκε να μην πτοείται και αντεπιτέθηκε με απαξιωτικές εκφράσεις. Η Χάρις διατήρησε την πρωτιά των Δημοκρατικών στην ψήφο των γυναικών, ιδιαίτερα των μαύρων, αλλά με ψαλιδισμένη την απόσταση από το ποσοστό των Ρεπουμπλικάνων.

Οι διαφορές ανάμεσα στα δύο αντίπαλα στρατόπεδα είναι υπαρκτές. Ένα προεκλογικό σποτάκι των Δημοκρατικών με τη Τζούλια Ρόμπερτς αποδεικνύει παράλληλα το πόσο πολύ μοιάζουν. Σε αυτό, η διάσημη ηθοποιός απευθυνόταν στις παντρεμένες γυναίκες ψηφοφόρους, υπενθυμίζοντάς τους πως η ψήφος είναι μυστική, άρα δεν θα τους έπαιρνε χαμπάρι ο σύζυγος αν ψήφιζαν διαφορετικά από εκείνον. Δεν καλούν τη γυναίκα να διεκδικήσει ίσα δικαιώματα. Την καλούν να χειριστεί πονηρά την καταπίεσή της. Ως εκπρόσωποι της αστικής τάξης, δεν αμφισβητούν τη θέση της μέσα στην οικογένεια.

Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που οι Δημοκρατικοί χρησιμοποιούν το γυναικείο ζήτημα, τα ζητήματα ταυτότητας φύλου, μιλούν για τη βία κατά των γυναικών στις προεκλογικές τους καμπάνιες ή για να τονώσουν ο προφίλ τους. Το 2011, ο Ομπάμα χρειαζόταν δράσεις για να ενισχύσει τη δημοτικότητά του. Επιλέχτηκαν τρία θέματα: ο γάμος των ομοφυλοφίλων, τα δικαιώματα για τα παιδιά των μεταναστών και οι σεξουαλικές επιθέσεις και κακοποιήσεις γυναικών. Αυτά εξακολουθούν να προβάλλονται ως κυρίαρχα. Όλες αυτές οι αταξικές και ακίνδυνες για το σύστημα θεωρίες, που χρειάστηκε να χρηματοδοτηθούν αδρά για να μπορέσουν να σταθούν στα πόδια τους, συγκροτούν το ρεύμα του ριζοσπαστικού-φεμινισμού, που με τη σειρά τους υποστηρίζουν το περίφημο κίνημα metoo και μπερδεύουν τα δημοκρατικά δικαιώματα της ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητας με το γυναικείο. Χωρίς να μπορούμε να πούμε πως οι θεωρίες αυτές έχουν πιάσει τα όριά τους, φαίνεται πως δεν μπορούν να απαντήσουν στα αυξημένα προβλήματα των γυναικών.

Ο Τραμπ μίλησε στην προεκλογική του εκστρατεία για τα οικονομικά ζητήματα που απασχολούν τους Αμερικάνους και έταξε πολλά. Σε αυτή τη βάση κέρδισε ψήφους από γυναίκες. Δεν γοητεύτηκαν από την προσωπικότητά του ούτε σημαίνει πως αποδέχονται το αντιδραστικό παραλήρημά του. Μένει να δούμε αν ο νέος πρόεδρος της Αμερικής θα πραγματοποιήσει τις προεκλογικές του εξαγγελίες. Το σίγουρο είναι πως μια γενικευμένη απαγόρευση των αμβλώσεων θα είναι ένα πολύ βαρύ χτύπημα στα δικαιώματα των γυναικών και θα έχει γενικότερες επιπτώσεις, που θα φύγουν έξω από τα σύνορα.

Κάποιοι, ακόμα και στη χώρα μας, βιάζονται να ταχθούν στα ζητήματα αυτά με τους Δημοκρατικούς. Ούτε οι Ρεπουμπλικάνοι ούτε οι Δημοκρατικοί μπορούν ή θέλουν να δώσουν στα πραγματικά προβλήματα των γυναικών κάποια λύση. Αντίθετα τα συγκαλύπτουν. Το μεγάλο στοίχημα είναι να αποτελέσει ξανά το γυναικείο ζήτημα υπόθεση του εργατικού και λαϊκού κινήματος. Οι γυναίκες δεν μπορούν να περιμένουν πρόσκληση. Πρέπει να στοιχηθούν στις γραμμές του. Δεν μπορούν να κατακτήσουν καμιά ελευθερία, αν δεν παλέψουν μαζί με τους άντρες για το δικαίωμα στην οργάνωση και στον αγώνα.

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Ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός μπροστά σε στρατηγικά ερωτήματα - ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) (KKE m l)

Ο δρόμος για τη διεξαγωγή πρόωρων εκλογών έχει ανοίξει στη Γερμανία, μετά και την αποπομπή του υπουργού Οικονομικών και ηγέτη των Φιλελευθέρων, Κρίστιαν Λίντνερ, από τον καγκελάριο, Όλαφ Σολτς, και την επακόλουθη διάλυση του τρικομματικού κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού Σοσιαλδημοκρατών-Πρασίνων-Φιλελευθέρων, που διοικούσε τη χώρα κατά την τελευταία τριετία. Βάσει της συμφωνίας που προέκυψε μεταξύ του Σολτς και του επικεφαλής των αντιπολιτευόμενων Χριστιανοδημοκρατών, Φρίντριχ Μερτς, που προαλείφεται για επόμενος καγκελάριος, ο πρώτος πρόκειται να ζητήσει ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης στις 16 Δεκεμβρίου, για να επικυρωθεί και τυπικά η άρση της στήριξης προς την κυβέρνησή του από την Μπούντεσταγκ και να ακολουθήσει η προκήρυξη εκλογών για τις 23 Φεβρουαρίου.

Το έναυσμα για την εκδήλωση της πολιτικής κρίσης δόθηκε από την όξυνση των αντιθέσεων, που ήδη ενυπήρχαν εντός του κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού, σχετικά με την ακολουθούμενη οικονομική-δημοσιονομική πολιτική και τις απαντήσεις που καλείται επειγόντως να σκιαγραφήσει ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός για τη δοκιμαζόμενη οικονομία του, έτσι ώστε να διαμορφωθούν οι όροι για την ανακοπή της υφεσιακής πορείας της. Ο υπό σύνταξη προϋπολογισμός του 2025 βρέθηκε, άλλωστε, να έχει κενά δεκάδων δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ, κατόπιν και της περσινής απόφασης του Ανώτατου Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου της χώρας, που έκρινε αντισυνταγματική την εκτροπή κονδυλίων από το έκτακτο ταμείο της πανδημίας για τη χρηματοδότηση της «πράσινης μετάβασης». Με αιχμή τον σεβασμό στο «φρένο χρέους», λοιπόν, που προβλέπει το γερμανικό Σύνταγμα, για τον περιορισμό του δανεισμού στους προϋπολογισμούς της ομοσπονδιακής κυβέρνησης και των κρατιδιακών κυβερνήσεων, οι προτάσεις 18 σελίδων του Λίντνερ για τη μεταβολή των πολιτικών του κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού στον ένα χρόνο που του απέμενε, που περιελάμβαναν μεταξύ άλλων περικοπές προνοιακών επιδομάτων και της φορολογίας των επιχειρήσεων, περιορισμό των επιδοτήσεων στην ενέργεια και των ρυθμίσεων που σχετίζονται με το «Green New Deal», έφεραν την οριστική ρήξη.

Στα παραπάνω, φυσικά, έριξαν και ρίχνουν τη βαριά «σκιά» τους οι δεσμεύσεις που έχει αναλάβει ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός αναφορικά με τη συνεχιζόμενη υποστήριξή του στο καθεστώς Ζελένσκι στην εξελισσόμενη ιμπεριαλιστική σύγκρουση που διεξάγεται στην Ουκρανία. Η προσπάθεια του Σολτς, κατά την ομιλία του στη Μπούντεσταγκ, να πείσει ότι είναι εφικτή η υπέρβαση του διλήμματος «οικονομία ή Ουκρανία» δεν κατάφερε να πείσει κανέναν. Έχει γίνει σαφές, εξάλλου, ότι το ζήτημα του πολέμου θα βρεθεί στο επίκεντρο της προεκλογικής αντιπαράθεσης.

Οι «γκρίνιες» Γερμανών αξιωματούχων και αναλυτών για την υπερβολική στήριξη της γερμανικής οικονομίας στα -υπό συρρίκνωση- παραδοσιακά της βιομηχανικά μεγαθήρια και την υστέρησή της σε σχέση με ιμπεριαλιστές «συμμάχους» και «ανταγωνιστές» στην αξιοποίηση των νέων τεχνολογιών, επί της ουσίας έχουν να κάνουν με αυτό το θέμα και καθόλου με τον «καημό» για τις ολιγάριθμες… «νεοφυείς» επιχειρήσεις. Αυτό ήταν, επίσης, που αντανακλάστηκε με άλλο τρόπο -και αναφορικά με τις συνολικότερες αναζητήσεις για την πορεία της ΕΕ- και στην έκθεση του Ντράγκι, λίγους μήνες πριν. Τους όρους του παιχνιδιού επιχειρεί να ανατρέψει το εξαγγελθέν εξοπλιστικό πρόγραμμα-μαμούθ των 100δισ., που όμως σκοντάφτει εν πολλοίς στις στρατηγικές αδυναμίες του γερμανικού ιμπεριαλισμού. Οι ερμηνείες που προβάλλονται, επομένως, ότι η πολιτική κόντρα που ανέκυψε αφορούσε τακτικές κινήσεις και ελιγμούς μπροστά στη δημοσκοπική καθίζηση που αντιμετωπίζουν τόσο οι Φιλελεύθεροι όσο και οι Σοσιαλδημοκράτες, προφανώς και αφορούν τριτεύουσες πτυχές του ζητήματος που έχει τεθεί για την πάλαι ποτέ ατμομηχανή της ευρωπαϊκής οικονομίας.

Ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός στην πραγματικότητα βιώνει τις συνέπειες του εξαναγκασμού του σε μια στροφή180 μοιρών από ακολουθούμενες πολιτικές δεκαετιών, που του επιβλήθηκε σαν αποτέλεσμα του ξεσπάσματος του πολέμου στην Ουκρανία. Το φθηνό φυσικό αέριο που του εξασφάλιζε η στρατηγική ενεργειακή σχέση του με τη Ρωσία αποτελεί πλέον σε μεγάλο βαθμό παρελθόν. Το ίδιο ισχύει και συνολικά για την «Ostpolitik», στην οποία βάσισε την ανάδειξή του ως ηγεμονική δύναμη στο εσωτερικό της ΕΕ, με τη συνακόλουθη όλο και βαθύτερη πρόσδεσή του στο αμερικανικό άρμα σε μια αντιπαράθεση που τον «υπερβαίνει» στρατηγικά να έχει δημιουργήσει σοβαρά ερωτήματα για το προς τα πού και με ποιους βαδίζει. Το σίγουρο είναι πως έχει πλήρως συνειδητοποιηθεί από τη γερμανική άρχουσα τάξη πως ο τύπος της (μη) αντίδρασης που προκρίθηκε στα -ενορχηστρωμένα από τις ΗΠΑ- σαμποτάζ των αγωγών Nord Stream δεν μπορεί σε καμία περίπτωση να αποτελέσει γραμμή πλεύσης για μια ιμπεριαλιστική δύναμη. Πολλώ δε μάλλον όταν ένα από τα ζητούμενα είναι η διατήρηση της ηγεμονίας της εντός μιας «μετα-Brexit» ΕΕ, όπου ο γαλλικός ιμπεριαλισμός αναπτύσσει τις δικές του φιλοδοξίες και ταυτόχρονα δυναμώνουν οι φυγόκεντρες τάσεις και ομαδοποιήσεις.

Η ανάδειξη του Τραμπ στην προεδρία των ΗΠΑ ήρθε να επιτείνει το πρόβλημα και κάθε άλλο παρά τυχαία ήταν η χρονική της σύμπτωση με την κορύφωση της κυβερνητικής κρίσης στη Γερμανία. Το βέβαιο είναι πως έπεται ένας γύρος σκληρών εκβιασμών από την αμερικανική υπερδύναμη προς τον γερμανικό ιμπεριαλισμό, τόσο σε οικονομικό -που, πέρα από τους νέους δασμούς, θα περιλαμβάνει και τις εμπορικές του σχέσεις με την Κίνα- όσο και σε γεωστρατηγικό επίπεδο.

Η δυσαρέσκεια μερίδων της άρχουσας τάξης της Γερμανίας σε σχέση με την κατάσταση που διαμορφώνουν όλα τα προηγούμενα βρίσκει διόδους έκφρασης και στην άνοδο των ποσοστών της ακροδεξιάς «Εναλλακτικής για τη Γερμανία», όπως αποτυπώθηκε πολύ πρόσφατα και στις κρατιδιακές εκλογές που διενεργήθηκαν, που σίγουρα εκπροσωπεί κάτι πολύ ευρύτερο από τις τάσεις σκλήρυνσης της αντιμεταναστευτικής πολιτικής και τη συνολικότερη αντιδραστική στροφή του πολιτικού σκηνικού. Οι μαζικές συλλήψεις μελών «ακροδεξιάς τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης» που ανακοινώθηκαν πριν από μερικές ημέρες από τη γερμανική ομοσπονδιακή εισαγγελία, άλλωστε, καθώς και το αίτημα βουλευτών των Χριστιανοδημοκρατών να τεθεί εκτός νόμου η «Εναλλακτική για τη Γερμανία», αποδεικνύει ότι η αντιπαράθεση εντός του γερμανικού κατεστημένου ενόψει των μεγάλων ερωτημάτων ενδέχεται να πάρει ακόμα πιο άγρια χαρακτηριστικά.

Ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός έχει εισέλθει για τα καλά σε μια εποχή αστάθειας και αβεβαιότητας, με όλα τα ενδεχόμενα για το στρατηγικό του «μέλλον» να είναι ακόμα ανοιχτά. Το μόνο που μπορούμε με σιγουριά να πούμε είναι ότι τα σπασμένα της κρίσης του ήδη φορτώνονται στις πλάτες του γερμανικού λαού, ενώ βρίσκονται προ των πυλών νέα κύματα λεηλασίας των λαών των εξαρτημένων χωρών της ΕΕ.

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pc 15 novembre - Non accettiamo che Taranto diventi base di esercitazioni e di missioni militari per la guerra imperialista (proletari comunisti)

 Domenica 17 la nostra protesta!


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Milhares exigem o fim da escala 6x1 em manifestações pelo Brasil - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)


O feriado da falsa proclamação da república no Brasil foi ofuscado pela mobilização de milhares de trabalhadores brasileiros pelo fim da escala 6×1 no País. Manifestações ocorreram desde a manhã do dia 15 de novembro em estados como Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Minas Gerais, Bahia, Pará, Santa Catarina, Ceará, Espírito Santo, paraná, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte e Amazonas e no Distrito Federal.

Os manifestantes levantaram faixas e cartazes com as exigências e distribuíram panfletos sobre a pauta. Em mais de um ato, eles condenaram a posição do governo, particularmente do ministro do Trabalho e Emprego, Luiz Marinho, sobre o tema. O governo defendeu uma falsa mediação de interesses entre um “acordo coletivo” de magnatas e trabalhadores, o que significa na verdade a garantia dos interesses das classes dominantes sem que as exigências do povo sejam consideradas.

Manifestações pelo fim da escala 6×1 ocorrerão nacionalmente; governo diz que precisa mediar em ‘acordo coletivo’ com bilionários – A Nova Democracia
Fim da escala 6×1 será defendido em manifestações por todo o Brasil. Enquanto isso, bolsonaristas travam PEC na Câmara e governo que se reunir com grandes empresários para conciliar proposta.

Em São Paulo, a massa de manifestantes inundou mais que um quarteirão da Avenida Paulista. Estudantes, profissionais autônomos e operários foram algumas das categorias que compuseram a manifestação.

No Rio de Janeiro, o ato se concentrou na Cinelândia às 10 horas da manhã, também com a presença de várias categorias.

Resistir é Preciso – Loja do AND – Editora Aimberê
 2º Edição Como resistir diante de um duro combate? Como vencer o cárcere? Como levantar a bandeira revolucionária nos momentos mais sombrios? Estas questões…

Em Belo Horizonte, a manifestação ocorreu na Praça 7 e teve início às 9 horas. “Que contradição! Tem ministro do Trabalho que é contra a redução [da carga horária]!”, gritaram alguns dos manifestantes.

Dois dias antes da manifestação, a Liga Operária publicou uma nota intitulada Abaixo a famigerada escala 6×1! Mais horas de descanso, para lazer e estudo dos trabalhadores(as).

Liga Operária: Abaixo a famigerada escala 6×1! Mais horas de descanso, para lazer e estudo dos trabalhadores(as) – A Nova Democracia
“A única forma de assegurarmos os direitos do povo é com a mobilização massiva dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, no campo e na cidade, impulsionando o caminho da Greve Geral de Resistência Nacional”, afirmou a Liga

Na nota, os ativistas denunciam o governo de Luiz Inácio, que “até agora, não cumpriu suas promessas de campanha de rever as draconianas “Reforma Trabalhista” e “Reforma da Previdência” de Temer e Bolsonaro, nada fez para os camponeses sem terra e deu tudo ao “agronegócio”. Como não bastasse tudo isto e com a desculpa de garantir “governabilidade”, além de ter entregado grande parte do Orçamento da União para a canalha do centrão do coronelão Arthur Lira, agora anuncia um pacote de cortes, que como sempre, atinge a saúde, educação e demais programas sociais de moradia, auxílios aos empobrecidos, etc.”.

Eles também afirmam que “a necessidade e legitimidade da luta pela derrubada da escala 6×1 e ante o peleguismo que domina as centrais sindicais, cresceu nas redes sociais manifestações de repúdio e pela revogação de tal extenuante jornada de trabalho” e “é tarefa da ordem do dia dos lutadores classistas, dentre outras importantes e urgentes demandas do povo como terra pra quem nela vive e trabalha, aumento salarial, derrubar esse tacanho regime 6×1, que há anos vem esmagando vidas e mentes de nosso povo, principalmente da juventude, a serviço do incremento do lucro de grandes burgueses e latifundiários, serviçais do imperialismo, principalmente ianque (Estados Unidos)”.

Para os operários envolvidos na redação da nota, “a única forma de assegurarmos os direitos do povo é com a mobilização massiva dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, no campo e na cidade, impulsionando o caminho da Greve Geral de Resistência Nacional para pôr abaixo todas essas medidas antipovo, vende-pátria e obscurantistas que obedecem à histórica lógica de exploração e opressão de nosso povo e de subjugação da Nação”.

O AND seguirá acompanhado, por meio da Redação e correspondentes locais de todo o País, a mobilização da escala 6×1.

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Ανακοίνωση του Κ.Ο του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) | ΕΦΥΓΕ ΑΠΟ ΚΟΝΤΑ ΜΑΣ Ο ΣΥΝΤΡΟΦΟΣ ΑΛΚΗΣ (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

Έφυγε από κοντά μας ο σύντροφος Άλκης.

Είναι δυσβάστακτος ο πόνος όταν χάνεις συντρόφους και γίνεται ακόμη πιο επώδυνη η απώλεια όταν αφορά νέο σύντροφο και αγωνιστή, έναν νεολαίο, έναν πραγματικό φίλο.

Φτωχύναμε από την πρόωρη απώλεια του κομμουνιστή, συντρόφου μας, Άλκη Γραβάνη – Αποστολόπουλου και μαζί μας φτώχυνε και το νεολαιίστικο κίνημα. Γιατί όταν χάνεται ένας νέος, που αποφασίζει από τα μαθητικά του χρόνια να συγκροτήσει μια συνείδηση αντίστασης απέναντι στο κοινωνικό αυτό σύστημα και τις κυβερνήσεις του· όταν παλεύει να δημιουργήσει ένα μέλλον ανθρώπινο· όταν έχει όραμα για ένα καλύτερο αύριο· όταν αρνείται να αποδεχθεί την αδικία και την εκμετάλλευση, που συναντά από μαθητής· όταν εντάσσεται στους κοινωνικούς αγώνες όπως έκανε ο Άλκης, τότε πιστεύουμε ότι στην πραγματικότητα χάνεται ένας σπουδαίος αγωνιστής. Ένας αγωνιστής από εκείνους που αποτελούν ζωογόνο δύναμη στο άνυδρο τοπίο που διανύουμε. Είμαστε όμως σίγουροι ότι τέτοιοι αγωνιστές βάζουν γερά το λιθαράκι τους για να προχωρήσει μπροστά η κοινωνία μας και να δει καλύτερο μέλλον η νεολαία μας.

Ο Άλκης γεννήθηκε το 1992 και μεγάλωσε στην Τούμπα. Από μαθητής συνδέεται με το κίνημα, όταν ξεσπάνε οι μαθητικές κινητοποιήσεις και οι σχολικές καταλήψεις απέναντι στους ταξικούς φραγμούς που προωθεί η κυβέρνηση. Με την ευαισθησία που τον διακρίνει πρωτοστατεί στους μαζικούς αγώνες και τις καταλήψεις που προκαλεί η δολοφονία του Αλέξη Γρηγορόπουλου. Εντάσσεται στη Μαθητική Αντίσταση μπαίνοντας με πιο οργανωμένο τρόπο στους μαθητικούς αγώνες διαμορφώνοντας παράλληλα την πολιτική του φυσιογνωμία. 

Το 2010 περνάει στην Ιατρική Σχολή Ιωαννίνων. Εντάσσεται στις Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις και γρήγορα περνάει στην οργάνωση του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) από το πρώτο έτος, έχοντας διαμορφώσει την ιδεολογική και πολιτική του συγκρότηση κόντρα στην αστική ιδεολογία και απέναντι σε άλλες απόψεις και ρεύματα, που γέννησε εκείνη η πλούσια πολιτική περίοδος. Συμμετέχει από την πρώτη στιγμή στο φοιτητικό κίνημα, αναλαμβάνει καθοδηγητικά καθήκοντα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα είναι παρών σε όλες τις δράσεις της οργάνωσης, σε όλους τους μικρούς και μεγάλους αγώνες του λαού στην πόλη των Ιωαννίνων.

Την περίοδο της καραντίνας επιστρέφει στην Θεσσαλονίκη  και παρεμβαίνει ενεργά κόντρα στους αποκλεισμούς και τις απαγορεύσεις μαζί με την οργάνωση. Το 2021 πάει φαντάρος στον Έβρο ως γιατρός και το 2022 διορίζεται ως ειδικευόμενος Παθολόγος στο ΓΝ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ "Γ. ΠΑΠΑΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ". Σχεδόν ταυτόχρονα, το Νοέμβρη του 2022 διαγιγνώσκεται με καρκίνο. 

Ο Άλκης διακρινόταν για την επιμονή του στις απόψεις του και δεν παραιτούνταν  από την προσπάθεια να πείσει αλλά και να παλέψει γι’ αυτές. Πάλεψε στα ίσια τις εκδηλώσεις της αρρώστιας και δεν σταμάτησε να αγωνίζεται δίνοντας κουράγιο με τη στάση του στους οικείους του, αλλά και στους συντρόφους του.  Δεν σταματάει να εργάζεται, ούτε να συμμετέχει στην οργάνωση και στο κίνημα. Συμμετέχει και παρακολουθεί τις διαδικασίες της 10ης Συνδιάσκεψης δίνοντας ένα δυνατό μήνυμα στους συντρόφους του για το χαρακτήρα που πρέπει να δείχνουμε ακόμη και σε πολύ δύσκολες περιόδους της ζωής μας.

Πεισματάρης με κοφτερό μυαλό και πολύ χιούμορ. Άγγιξε πολύ κόσμο ο Άλκης στα 32 χρόνια του και τους άγγιξε βαθιά. Πολιτικά, κοινωνικά, συναισθηματικά. Όλοι έχουν να λένε για την ανιδιοτέλειά του, την προθυμία του, την προσφορά του.

Αγωνιστής με πολιτική οξυδέρκεια και αποφασιστικότητα, χωρίς ταλαντεύσεις, με ζηλευτή σταθερότητα στην υπεράσπιση της λαϊκής υπόθεσης. Αγαπητός και πιστός φίλος στη νεολαία της οργάνωσης. Ένας νέος που στάθηκε με όλες του τις δυνάμεις στο πλευρό των εργατών, με το μέρος των καταπιεσμένων. Πάλεψε μέχρι τέλους την αρρώστια του αφήνοντας πολύτιμη παρακαταθήκη στους συντρόφους του και ιδιαίτερα στους νεότερους για το περιεχόμενο της έννοιας του λαϊκού αγωνιστή, την ουσία της ένταξης στο κίνημα και σε μια κομμουνιστική οργάνωση. Να μάθουμε, να παλεύουμε στα πάνω και στα κάτω της ζωής, με όραμα μια καλύτερη κοινωνία, όπως μας έδειξε ο Άλκης.

Εκφράζουμε τα πιο θερμά συλλυπητήρια μας στην μητέρα του Ελένη, στον πατέρα του Χρήστο και στον αδελφό του Ιάσονα.

Άλκη. Πολύτιμε σύντροφε. Θα σε θυμόμαστε για πάντα και θα σε τιμάμε με τους αγώνες μας.

14 Νοέμβρη 2024 

Το Κ.Ο. του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) 

*Η ημερομηνία και ο τόπος της πολιτικής κηδείας του συντρόφου μας θα δημοσιοποιηθεί με επόμενη ανακοίνωση

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ΧΑΝΙΑ | Κάλεσμα της Κομματικής Οργάνωσης Χανίων του ΚΚΕ(μ-λ) στην διαδήλωση του Πολυτεχνείου (Resistance in the neighbourhood)


Το Πολυτεχνείο ζει!Σε αγώνες μας καλεί!

Να τιμήσουμε την εξέγερση του Νοέμβρη,

να οργανωθούμε και να παλέψουμε :

Ενάντια στον άδικο πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία ,όπου η σύγκρουση ΗΠΑ -ΝΑΤΟ και Ρωσίας  μετράει εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες νεκρούς και  προετοιμάζει λαούς και εργάτες  να γίνουν κρέας στα κανόνια των ιμπεριαλιστών για το ξαναμοίρασμα τους κόσμου.

Να σταθούμε αλληλέγγυοι στο Παλαιστινιακό λαό που μάχεται για τη Λευτεριά και την Ανεξαρτησία του ενάντια στο μαντρόσκυλο των ΗΠΑ,το σιωνιστικό κράτος δολοφόνο.

Ενάντια στην πολιτική που βαθαίνει την ιμπεριαλιστική εξάρτηση,μας μπλέκει στα πολεμικά σχέδια των φονιάδων ,γκρεμίζει δικαιώματα και κατακτήσεις,επιβάλλει τον εργασιακό μεσαίωνα.

Μόνος φραγμός στην ιμπεριαλιστική- καπιταλιστική βαρβαρότητα η Πάλη λαών και εργατών!

Στο δρόμο του  Νοέμβρη για να κατακτήσουν λαοί και εργάτες το δικό τους λεύτερο κόσμο!



ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 17/11 18:00 πλ. ΑΓΟΡΑΣ

Κομματική Οργάνωση Χανίων ΚΚΕ(μ-λ)  


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Η πολιτική κηδεία του συντρόφου μας ΑΛΚΗ θα γίνει ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ 18 Νοέμβρη ώρα 12:00 στη Θεσσαλονίκη (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

Η πολιτική κηδεία του συντρόφου μας ΑΛΚΗ ΓΡΑΒΑΝΗ – ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ θα γίνει τη Δευτέρα 18 Νοέμβρη στις 12.00 στο χώρο του BILLY'S PALACE (Στέλιου Καζαντζίδη 24, Έναντι Κοιμητηρίων, Πυλαία)

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SITUACIÓN ACTUAL: NOTAS SOBRE LA CRISIS MUNDIAL (30. Sobre las ultimas elecciones reaccionarias en los EEUU) (Association New Democracy)

Los resultados y las primeras declaraciones del archireaccionario Donald Trump, candidato por la mafia del Partido Republicano contra la candidata Harris de la mafia del Partido Demócrata, fueron anunciados por casi todos los medios siguiendo un patrón similar:
 Donald Trump es el ganador de las elecciones en Estados Unidos . Será presidente de los Estados Unidos por segunda vez. Se ha confirmado su victoria. Obtiene 312 delegados (la mayoría está en 270) frente a los 226 de Kamala Harris, con una victoria contundente. Trump ha celebrado su victoria con una fiesta en West Palm Beach, en Florida, en la que ha comparecido tres horas antes del resultado definitivo. Allí, ha proclamado: “Vamos a arreglar todo lo que está mal en este país”. “Es hora de dejar atrás las divisiones de los últimos cuatro años”. (06 NOV 2024).
Hablando de lo más general y común sobre las consecuencias políticas  para los gobiernos reaccionarios de las crisis capitalistas cíclicas, la mayoría de los medios coinciden, en que “Trump se ha beneficiado de la frustración de los ciudadanos tras las fuertes subidas de precios de los últimos cuatro años y el aumento de la inmigración irregular “.
La parte referente a crisis económica-caída y recambio de gobierno, lo subrayamos, porque desde el siglo XX y más pronunciado en estas dos décadas del presente, se observa esta tendencia de recambio de gobiernos reaccionarios barridos por la crisis por otros gobiernos reaccionarios. Lo que sí merece ser complementado en cuanto se refieren al “aumento de la inmigración irregular”, diciendo que Trump se ha beneficiado por haber despertado las más bajas pasiones xenofobas entre los electores, usándola en forma abierta como uno de los ejes de su campaña electoral, mietras la Kamala Harris a usado un discurso xenofobo vergonzante. Los afrodescendientes, los latinos y los demás inmigrantes no olvidan que la Hamala Harris como Fiscal General fue especialmente dura contra ellos con su política de “ley y orden”.
Nuestros comentarios se centran, por esta vez, en estas dos cuestiones: “legitimidad democrática” por mayoría de votos y las ”las divisiones” o la “división en la política de los EEUU”.
No es cierto que Donald Trump y demás representantes al Congreso (Senado y Cámara de Representantes) hayan sido elegidos por la mayoría del pueblo norteamericano por medio del voto general y libre (“legitimidad”).
Las siguientes cifras recogidas de diferentes medios lo deja claro:
„Trump ha alcanzado unos 74.500.000 votos aproximadamente, cifra muy similar a la que lo llevó a la derrota contra Biden en el 2020 con 74.225.000. Por el contrario, la caída demócrata va del récord histórico de votos para un candidato a presidente en la historia de EEUU con 81.300.000 votos para Biden en el 2020, a 70.800.000 para Harris, con una pérdida de 10 millones de votos en 4 años y que los coloca en la derrota más aplastante desde 1988 (perdiendo en el voto popular, en el Colegio Electoral, en el Senado y en la Cámara de Representantes). Diez millones de votantes que fueron claves para expulsar a Trump de la presidencia y que en esta ocasión, aún a conciencia de la posibilidad de su reelección, se abstuvieron de votar“.
„A fecha de 6 de noviembre, y con el proceso de recuento aún no finalizado por completo, los votos contabilizados representaban el 65% de la población en edad de votar en los EE.UU. Este valor supone apenas un decrecimiento de un punto con respecto al récord de 2020, cuando se registró el nivel de participación más alto de los últimos 50 años“ (Statiusta)
„Trump ganó las elecciones de 2024 alcanzando los 312 votos electorales, sobre los 226 de Harris, y obtuvo el 50,4% del voto popular, es decir 74.532.699 de votos, de acuerdo con el último conteo de CNN. Los datos definitivos no estarán disponibles hasta diciembre“ CNN).
Si se tiene en cuenta, entonces que el 45% de los ciudadanos con derecho a voto no lo ejercieron, entonces Trump ganó no col el 50.4 % del 100% sino solo con el 50.4% de los que fueron a votar. Las cifras absolutas no se conocerá con seguridad porque el conteo es estatal.
Es cierto, como se viene diciendo desde comienzos del presente siglo la profundidad de la “división de la sociedad” norteamericana, que se ha expresado en las crecientes disputas entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, agravada en cada recambio de autoridades sobre todo a mitad de cada periodo legislativo. Es asi, como se expresa el desarrollo de la contradicción, en medio de colusion y pugna, entre ambas facciones de la gran burguesía norteamericana en el plano político. Esto se ha visto, por ejemplo, en los últimos periodos presidenciales, como por ejemplo, en los problemas para la aprobación del presupuesto, donde solo después de difíciles y largas componendas (negociaciones), entre ambas mafias, se logró un acuerdo para salir de la suspensión forzada de las actividades de la administración o para aprobar un “paquete de ayuda”, etc.
Por lo anterior, ambas facciones del imperialismo yanqui pugnaron por solucionar esta contradicción a su favor, mediante una mayor centralización del Poder en el Ejecutivo, aplicando un absolutismo presidencialista. Esta centralización se desenvuelve en dura colusión y pugna en las elecciones para recambio de autoridades como las que acaban de pasar, en la disputa y componendas  entre republicanos y demócratas por el nombramiento de los jueces y fiscales encargados de aplicar las leyes a nivel federal y de los estados, como también para el nombramiento de los cargos en la burocracia uno de los pilares del Estado burgués, el otro y principal son las fuerzas armadas.
En cuanto al control del aparato judicial, durante el anterior gobierno de Trump se revirtió el control demócrata sobre la corte suprema a través del nombramiento de jueces “conservadores” ligados al PR; que ahora ,en último momento, antes del traspaso de poderes a la nueva administración, pretenden revertir los demócratas usando su exigua mayoría en el Senado para nombrar a jueces que respondan a la orientación del PD. En la alta burocracía han mantenido un mayor control los del PD.
Entonces, en estas elecciones ha estado en juego, el problema de bajo que signo se iba a dar esta mayor centralización del Poder en el Ejecutivo como parte del proceso de reaccionarización del Estado burgués imperialista. No ha sido, por tanto, entre la democracia reaccionaria o fascismo.
 Como consecuencia, con el triunfo de Trump en las presidenciales y con la mayoría republicana alcanzada por su partido en ambas cámaras veremos una centralización absoluta del Poder bajo el signo de la facción imperialista que representa este partido, apandillado por Donald Trump como presidente, que someterá a un mayor control al judicativo y a la burocracia, aparato de inteligencia y a las fuerzas armadas. El presidente centraliza en sus manos el Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial. Lo cual significa, un paso más en la reaccionarización del Estado imperialista yanqui, dictadura burguesa dirigida por la oligarquía financiera, democracia reaccionaria con creciente supresión y restricción de derechos y libertades.
Sobre más avanzada descomposición del imperialismo en todos los planos:
En la sociedad norteamericana, en estas elecciones reaccionarias, en lo ideológico se ha reflejado, por un lado, en un podrido pensamiento imperialista, reaccionario, pos-modernista y social-chovinista representado por los mafiosos “demócratas”, que centra en el “discurso identitario” para movilizar, en busca de sostén social y partidario, a la pequeña-burguesía académica y tecnocrática más representantes de la nata superior de las minorías para sobre esa base buscar manipular al servicio del viejo orden y de la guerra imperialista  a las amplias masas de la población  y, por el otro, en un pensamiento de  discurso “identitario”  racista, chovinista, de los “valores americanos originarios”, de los “valores cristianos de servicio de la mujer al varón”, de la mujer como máquina de parir críos para la esclavitud asalariada y carne de cañón de las guerras imperialistas, anti abortista, es decir, ultrareaccionario representados por los mafiosos “republicanos” apelando a los más bajos instintos de la masa degradada a ganado electoral, con un discurso pro re-industrialización que choca violentamente con el carácter más parasitario y de mayor descomposición del imperialismo. Tanto el podrido pensamiento pos-modernista, de una facción imperialista, como el tan podrido pensamiento “conservador”, ultrareaccionario, de la otra facción imperialista, corresponden a la podrida ideología del imperialismo en su fase de más avanzada descomposición y crisis general y última y de barrimiento por la revolución mundial mediante la guerra popular.
O ¿Por qué el presidente no es elegido directamente ?
La respuesta la encontramos en los orígenes de este Estado de dictadura burgues, como se lee en la siguiente cita:
“Los reyes nacen reyes; los presidentes son elegidos. ¿Pero, cómo? James Wilson aclaró, los delegados están en Filadelfia “por ningún otra parte de este plan más confundidos como por la forma de la elección para el cargo de presidente”. Wilson había propuesto en la Convención que el presidente fuera elegido directamente. Pero James Madison había introducido, que, “Porque el derecho electoral es más amplio en los estados norteños que en los del Sur,(…) los últimos en base de los negros no  pueden tomar ninguna influencia en la elección”. En texto claro: En una directa elección tendrían los del Norte, en los cuales hay más cantidad de electores hábiles, tendrían también más votos . La propuesta de Wilson fue denegada, por la mayoría de 12 estados contra uno. Algunos delegados de la Convención fueron de la idea que el Congreso debería elegir al presidente. Ese método, conocido como elección indirecta, facilita la participación del pueblo en la elección y mantiene a distancia “los exceso de la democracia”; ella filtra la voluntad de los muchos a través del juicio de los menos. El senado es elegido por ejemplo indirecto: los senadores no son elegidos por el pueblo, sino por los parlamentos de los estados ( la elección directa fue introducida en 1913…). Pero la elección indirecta del presidente representa un problema: La elección del Presidente a través del Congreso colisiona contra el principio de la división de poderes.
Wilson presentó una otra idea. Sí el pueblo no puede elegir directamente al presidente y tampoco el Congreso,quizás otro gremio puede rellenar el vació. La segunda propuesta de Wilson fue que el pueblo delegara en un colegio electoral de delegados elegidos, una asamblea de hombres honorables con el correspondiente patrimonio y reputación, que propiamente deberían tomar el proceso de elección. Este compromiso se aprobó. Pero este compromiso se tomó sobre la base de otro compromiso: en base a la proporción de esclavos. El número de delegados para el gremio electoral de varones no debería representar la cantidad de electores hábiles de cada estado federado, sino por el numero de sus diputados para la cámara de representantes. La representación de un estado para el gremio electoral de varones fue determinado por la norma para la representación parlamentaria -un diputado congresional por cada 40, 000 personas, para lo cual las personas esclavizadas contaban como tres quintos. El gremio electoral de varones fue una concesión a los esclavistas, que en la misma medida estuvo impregnada del cálculo matemático  como político” ( Jill Lepore, La VERDADERA HISTORIA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS)
La manipulación de los votantes estadouidenses por las dos mafias que se turnan en el gobierno yanqui
Aquí un testimonio histórico de HENRY KISSINGER en su texto Orden mundial, Reflexiones sobre el carácter de las naciones y el curso de la historia, Edición en formato digital: enero de 2016, original 2014, quien aquí ejerce de profeta del pasado, pero que tiene el valor de confesión de parte y de “profesia” cumplida”:
“Hasta ahora, la historia y la psicología occidentales han tratado la verdad como algo independiente de la personalidad y anterior a la experiencia del observador. Pero nuestra era está al borde del cambio en la concepción de la naturaleza de la verdad. Casi todos los sitios web contienen alguna clase de función de personalización basada en un rastreo de códigos de internet destinado a establecer los antecedentes y preferencias del usuario. Estos métodos quieren estimular a los usuarios a «consumir más contenido» [18] y, al hacerlo, quedar expuestos a más publicidad, que es lo que en última instancia sostiene la economía de internet. Estas orientaciones sutiles
concuerdan con una tendencia más amplia a manejar la comprensión tradicional de la elección humana. Los productos se ordenan y priorizan para ofrecer aquellos que a uno «le gustarían» y las noticias online se presentan como «las noticias que más le pueden interesar». [19] Dos personas diferentes que recurren a un mismo motor de búsqueda con la misma pregunta no necesariamente reciben la misma respuesta. El concepto de verdad es relativizado e individualizado: pierde su carácter universal. La información se presenta como si fuera gratuita. De hecho, el receptor paga por ella aportando datos que serán explotados por personas que no conoce, de maneras que luego configurarán la información que se le ofrezca.
Cualquiera que sea la utilidad de este enfoque en el ámbito del consumo, su efecto a la hora de decidir políticas puede resultar transformador. Las difíciles elecciones en las decisiones políticas siempre son solitarias. ¿Dónde, en un mundo de redes sociales ubicuas, encuentra espacio el individuo para desarrollar la fortaleza de tomar decisiones que, por definición, no pueden estar basadas en un consenso? El dicho de que los profetas no son reconocidos en su propia época es verdad en tanto operan más allá de la concepción convencional: eso es lo que los vuelve profetas. En nuestra era, el tiempo técnico de los profetas podría haber desaparecido. La búsqueda de
transparencia y conectividad en todos los aspectos de la existencia, al destruir la privacidad, inhibe el desarrollo de personalidades con la fuerza de tomar decisiones solitarias.
Las elecciones estadounidenses, sobre todo las elecciones presidenciales, representan otro aspecto de esta evolución. Se ha sostenido que en 2012 las campañas electorales tenían archivos sobre unas decenas de millones de votantes potencialmente independientes. Extraídos de las redes sociales, de archivos abiertos al público y de los registros médicos, estos archivos ofrecían un perfil probablemente más preciso que el que el propio involucrado hubiera podido hacer de memoria. Esto permitía a los responsables de las campañas elegir la tecnología más adecuada en cada caso: una visita personal de amigos ya afiliados (también encontrados vía internet), cartas personalizadas (extraídas de las redes sociales) o encuentros grupales.
Las campañas presidenciales están a punto de transformarse en competencias mediáticas entre operadores de internet. Lo que alguna vez fueron debates sustantivos sobre el contenido de la actividad del gobierno se reducirá a los candidatos convertidos en portavoces de un intento de marketing perseguido por medios cuya intrusividad habría sido considerada cosa de ciencia ficción apenas una generación atrás. El papel principal de los candidatos podría pasar a ser recaudar fondos en vez de elaborar programas.
¿El esfuerzo de marketing pretende expresar las convicciones del candidato, o
las convicciones que expresa el candidato son reflejo de una investigación de big data sobre probables preferencias y prejuicios de los individuos? ¿La democracia puede evitar evolucionar hacia un resultado demagógico basado en una apelación emocional a las masas, en vez de ser el proceso razonado que imaginaron los Padres Fundadores? Si la brecha entre las cualidades requeridas para la elección y las cualidades esenciales para ocupar el cargo se vuelve demasiado ancha, podría perderse ese conocimiento conceptual y ese sentido histórico que deberían ser parte de la política exterior, o el cultivo de estas cualidades podría ocupar tanto tiempo en el primer mandato de un presidente como para impedirle desarrollar su papel de liderazgo de Estados Unidos".
Gane quien gane en la farsa electoral, siempre con fraude de uno u otro, aplicará en lo fundamental los mismos lineamientos y objetivos estratégico del imperialismo yanqui para mantener su condición de superpotencia imperialista hegemonica única y gendarme contrarrevolucionario mundial, tal como ha sido con todos los presidentes de los Estado Unidos hasta la fecha, un testigo de parte lo testimonia así:
“Los doce presidentes de posguerra han reivindicado apasionadamente el papel
excepcional de Estados Unidos en el mundo. Todos han postulado, con
carácter de axioma, que el país está embarcado en una desinteresada lucha por
la resolución de los conflictos y la igualdad de todas las naciones, cuya
medida de éxito definitivo será la paz mundial y la armonía universal. [1]
Todos los presidentes de ambos partidos políticos han proclamado la
aplicabilidad de los principios estadounidenses al mundo entero(...) Lo que para otros países hubiera sido un mero floreo retórico ha sido presentado, en el debate estadounidense, como un modelo específico para la acción global”.
Traducimos toda la demagogia yanqui, con una sola frase: “la pax americana”. Objetivo imperialista que es un imposible histórico y político pues estamos en la ofensiva de la revolución proletaria mundial que barrerá con guerra popular al imperialismo y la reacción mundial de la faz de la Tierra.

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CURRENT SITUATION: NOTES ON THE GLOBAL CRISIS (30. On the last reactionary elections in the USA) (Association New Democracy)


The results and the first statements of the arch-reactionary Donald Trump, candidate of the Republican Party mafia against the candidate Harris of the Democratic Party mafia, were announced by almost all the media following a similar pattern:


Donald Trump is the winner of the elections in the United States. He will be president of the United States for the second time. His victory has been confirmed. He obtains 312 delegates (the majority is at 270) against Kamala Harris's 226, with a resounding victory. Trump celebrated his victory with a party in West Palm Beach, Florida, where he appeared three hours before the final result. There, he proclaimed: “We are going to fix everything that is wrong in this country.” “It is time to leave behind the divisions of the last four years.” (06 NOV 2024).


Speaking of the most general and common political consequences for reactionary governments of cyclical capitalist crises, most media agree that “Trump has benefited from the frustration of citizens after the sharp price increases of the last four years and the increase in illegal immigration.”


The part referring to the economic crisis-fall and change of government, we underline it, because since the 20th century and more pronounced in these two decades of the present, we observe this trend of replacement of reactionary governments swept away by the crisis by other reactionary governments. What does deserve to be complemented when referring to the “increase in illegal immigration”, saying that Trump has benefited from having awakened the lowest xenophobic passions among voters, using it openly as one of the axes of his electoral campaign, while Kamala Harris has used a shameful xenophobic speech. African Americans, Latinos and other immigrants do not forget that Hamala Harris, as Attorney General, was especially harsh against them with her “law and order” policy.


Trump has reached approximately 74,500,000 votes, a figure very similar to the one that led him to defeat against Biden in 2020 with 74,225,000. On the contrary, the Democratic fall goes from the historical record of votes for a presidential candidate in the history of the United States with 81,300,000 votes for Biden in 2020, to 70,800,000 for Harris, with a loss of 10 million votes in 4 years and which places them in the most crushing defeat since 1988 (losing in the popular vote, in the Electoral College, in the Senate and in the House of Representatives). Ten million voters who were key to expelling Trump from the presidency and who on this occasion, even aware of the possibility of his re-election, abstained from voting.“


„As of November 6, with the recount process not yet fully completed, the votes counted represented 65% of the voting-age population in the US. This figure represents only a one-point decrease from the record high turnout in 2020, which saw the highest level of participation in 50 years.“ (Statista)


„Trump won the 2024 election with 312 electoral votes, over Harris's 226, and obtained 50.4% of the popular vote, or 74,532,699 votes, according to CNN's latest count. Final data will not be available until December.“ (CNN).


If one takes into account that 45% of eligible voters did not exercise their right to vote, then Trump won not with 50.4% of 100% but only with 50.4% of those who voted. The absolute figures will not be known for sure because the count is state-run.




It is true, as has been said since the beginning of this century, that the depth of the “division of American society” has been expressed in the growing disputes between the Executive and the Legislative, aggravated with each change of authorities, especially in the middle of each legislative period. This is how the development of the contradiction is expressed, in the midst of collusion and struggle, between both factions of the American big bourgeoisie on the political level. This has been seen, for example, in the last presidential periods, as for example, in the problems for the approval of the budget, where only after difficult and long compromises (negotiations), between both mafias, was an agreement reached to end the forced suspension of the administration's activities or to approve an “aid package,” etc.


For this reason, both factions of Yankee imperialism fought to resolve this contradiction in their favor, through a greater centralization of power in the Executive, applying a presidential absolutism. This centralization develops in hard collusion and struggle in the elections for the replacement of authorities such as those that have just passed, in the dispute and collusion between Republicans and Democrats for the appointment of judges and prosecutors in charge of applying the laws at the federal and state level, as well as for the appointment of positions in the bureaucracy, one of the pillars of the bourgeois State, the other and main one being the armed forces.


As for the control of the judicial apparatus, during the previous Trump administration, the Democratic control over the Supreme Court was reversed through the appointment of “conservative” judges linked to the PR; now, at the last moment, before the transfer of powers to the new administration, the Democrats intend to reverse it by using their meager majority in the Senate to appoint judges who respond to the orientation of the PD. In the high bureaucracy, the PD has maintained greater control.


So, in these elections, the problem has been at stake, under what sign this greater centralization of Power in the Executive was going to occur as part of the process of reactionarization of the imperialist bourgeois State. It has not been, therefore, between reactionary democracy or fascism.


As a consequence, with Trump's victory in the presidential elections and with the Republican majority achieved by his party in both chambers, we will see an absolute centralization of Power under the sign of the imperialist faction that this party represents, ganged up by Donald Trump as president, who will subject the judiciary and the bureaucracy, the intelligence apparatus and the armed forces to greater control. The president centralizes the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches in his hands. Which means one more step in the reactionary nature of the Yankee imperialist State, a bourgeois dictatorship led by the financial oligarchy, a reactionary democracy with increasing suppression and restriction of rights and freedoms.


On the further decomposition of imperialism on all levels:


In American society, in these reactionary elections, ideologically, it has been reflected, on the one hand, in a rotten imperialist, reactionary, post-modernist and social-chauvinist thought represented by the "democratic" mafia, which focuses on the "identity discourse" to mobilize, in search of social and partisan support, the academic and technocratic petite bourgeoisie plus representatives of the upper cream of the minorities to seek on that basis to manipulate the broad masses of the population in the service of the old order and the imperialist war and, on the other hand, in a racist, chauvinist "identity" discourse, of "original American values", of "Christian values ​​of service of the woman to the man", of the woman as a child-bearing machine for wage slavery and cannon fodder for imperialist wars, anti-abortion, that is, ultra-reactionary represented by the "Republican" mafiosi appealing to the lowest instincts of the masses degraded to electoral cattle, with a pro-re-industrialization discourse that clashes violently with the most parasitic and most decomposing character of imperialism. Both the rotten post-modernist thought of one imperialist faction, and the equally rotten "conservative" ultra-reactionary thought of the other imperialist faction, correspond to the rotten ideology of imperialism in its most advanced phase of decomposition and general and final crisis and sweeping away by the world revolution through people's war.



Or why is the president not elected directly?


The answer lies in the origins of this bourgeois dictatorial state, as can be read in the following quote:


“Kings are born kings; presidents are elected. But how? James Wilson clarified that the delegates are in Philadelphia “by no other part of this plan are they more confused than by the form of the election for the office of president.” Wilson had proposed at the Convention that the president be elected directly. But James Madison had introduced that, “Because the right to vote is greater in the northern states than in the southern states, (…) the latter, on the basis of the negroes, cannot have any influence in the election.” In plain text: In a direct election, the northern states, where there are more qualified voters, would also have more votes. Wilson’s proposal was rejected by a majority of 12 states to one. Some delegates at the Convention were of the idea that Congress should elect the president. This method, known as indirect election, facilitates the participation of the people in the election and keeps at bay “the excesses of democracy”; it filters the will of the many through the judgment of the few. The senate is elected indirectly, for example: senators are not elected by the people, but by the parliaments of the states (direct election was introduced in 1913…). But the indirect election of the president poses a problem: the election of the president through Congress collides with the principle of the separation of powers.


Wilson put forward another idea. If the people cannot directly elect the president and neither can Congress, perhaps another body can fill the void. Wilson's second proposal was that the people should delegate to an electoral college of elected delegates, an assembly of honourable men with the corresponding wealth and reputation, who should properly take over the election process. This compromise was approved. But this compromise was made on the basis of another compromise: on the basis of the proportion of slaves. The number of delegates to the male electoral guild was not to be represented by the number of eligible voters in each state, but by the number of its representatives to the House of Representatives. The representation of a state to the male electoral guild was determined by the standard for parliamentary representation—one congressional representative for every 40,000 people, of which enslaved people counted as three-fifths. The male electoral guild was a concession to the slaveholders, which was as much imbued with mathematical calculation as with political calculation.” (Jill Lepore, The TRUE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES)


The manipulation of American voters by the two mafias that take turns in the American government


Here is a historical testimony by HENRY KISSINGER in his text World Order, Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History, Digital edition: January 2016, original 2014, who here acts as a prophet of the past, but which has the value of a confession of part and of a fulfilled “prophecy”:


“Until now, Western history and psychology have treated truth as something independent of personality and prior to the experience of the observer. But our era is on the verge of a change in the conception of the nature of truth. Almost all websites contain some kind of personalization function based on a tracking of Internet codes intended to establish the user's background and preferences. These methods want to stimulate users to “consume more content” [18] and, in doing so, be exposed to more advertising, which is what ultimately sustains the Internet economy. These subtle orientations

are in keeping with a broader tendency to manipulate the traditional understanding of human choice. Products are ranked and prioritized to offer those that one would “like” and online news is presented as “the news that might interest you the most.” [19] Two different people who turn to the same search engine with the same question do not necessarily receive the same answer. The concept of truth is relativized and individualized: it loses its universal character. Information is presented as if it were free. In effect, the recipient pays for it by providing data that will be exploited by people he does not know, in ways that will then shape the information offered to him.


Whatever the utility of this approach in the realm of consumption, its effect on policy decisions can be transformative. Difficult choices in political decisions are always lonely. Where, in a world of ubiquitous social media, does the individual find room to develop the strength to make decisions that, by definition, cannot be based on consensus? The saying that prophets are not recognized in their own time is true insofar as they operate beyond conventional conception: that is what makes them prophets. In our era, the technical time of prophets might have disappeared. The search for transparency and connectivity in all aspects of existence, by destroying privacy, inhibits the development of personalities with the power to make solitary decisions.


The American elections, especially the presidential elections, represent another aspect of this evolution. It has been argued that in 2012 the electoral campaigns had files on tens of millions of potentially independent voters. Extracted from social networks, from open archives and from medical records, these files offered a profile probably more precise than the person involved could have made from memory. This allowed the campaigners to choose the most appropriate technology in each case: a personal visit from friends already affiliated (also found via the Internet), personalized letters (extracted from social networks) or group meetings.


Presidential campaigns are about to transform into media competitions between internet operators. What were once substantive debates over the content of government activity will be reduced to candidates becoming mouthpieces for a marketing effort pursued by media whose intrusiveness would have been considered the stuff of science fiction just a generation ago. The primary role of candidates may become fundraising rather than program-making.


Is the marketing effort intended to express the candidate’s convictions, or are the convictions expressed by the candidate a reflection of big data research into individuals’ likely preferences and biases? Can democracy avoid evolving into a demagogic outcome based on an emotional appeal to the masses, rather than the reasoned process envisioned by the Founding Fathers? If the gap between the qualities required for election and the qualities essential to holding office becomes too wide, that conceptual knowledge and historical sense that should be part of foreign policy could be lost, or the cultivation of these qualities could take up so much time in a president's first term as to prevent him from fulfilling his role as leader of the United States.


Whoever wins the electoral farce, always with fraud on one side or the other, will apply in essence the same strategic guidelines and objectives of Yankee imperialism to maintain its status as the sole hegemonic imperialist superpower and world counterrevolutionary gendarme, just as it has been with all the presidents of the United States to date, as one witness testifies thus:


“The twelve postwar presidents have passionately claimed the exceptional role of the United States in the world. They have all postulated, as an axiom, that the country is engaged in a selfless struggle for the resolution of conflicts and the equality of all nations, whose ultimate measure of success will be world peace and universal harmony. [1]

All the presidents of both political parties have proclaimed the applicability of American principles to the entire world (...) What for other countries would have been a mere rhetorical flourish has been presented, in the American debate, as a specific model for global action”.


We translate all the Yankee demagogy with a single phrase: “la pax americana.” This imperialist objective is a historical and political impossibility because we are on the offensive of the world proletarian revolution that will sweep away imperialism and world reaction from the face of the Earth with a people's war.


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Profissional da Educação denuncia encerramento do turno noturno em colégio em Duque de Caxias, RJ - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

A possibilidade de encerramento do turno noturno no Colégio Estadual Dulce Petri, Duque de Caxias, que por meses era apenas um boato, se tornou em algo definitivo. A partir do ano que vem a unidade não irá mais operar o ensino durante a noite, onde é ofertada a modalidade EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos). A Seeduc-RJ tenta justificar a medida alegando o baixo quantitativo de alunos, e que manter o turno ativo seria uma “irresponsabilidade fiscal”. O CE atende principalmente estudantes periféricos do município.

Décio, professor que trabalha na unidade durante o turno noturno, relatou à reportagem de AND: “Já vinha acontecendo um disse-me-disse de que o noturno iria terminar, os professores ficaram de antena ligada, alguns não acreditavam nessa possibilidade até porque o Colégio Estadual Dulce Petri é um colégio de tradição no bairro, todos gostam de estudar aqui. A gente estava sempre na torcida, mas os professores já estão recebendo comunicado para fazer horário, como alguns já fizeram, ou ir escolhendo outra escola, outro bairro, ou até mesmo para irem para manhã”.

O professor também denunciou que o encerramento do noturno “vai prejudicar bastante não só os professores, como também os alunos que moram perto e trabalham”. A preocupação de Décio se justifica: “Essa situação não nos deixa só tristes como também preocupados com como se dará, por exemplo, a procura de outras escolas e a transferência do pessoal do noturno para a manhã. Os alunos que moram muito perto, que vem a pé, que trabalham e que por conta disso optaram pelo noturno, terminando o noturno como que vão fazer? Vão ter que decidir entre trabalhar e estudar? Ou vai ter que procurar escolas em uma distância grande e ter que pegar várias conduções?”. A perspectiva, seguindo a lógica correta de Décio, é que tal medida da Seeduc-RJ propulsionará a evasão escolar.

Liquidação do ensino noturno é tradição no RJ

Não é a primeira vez que o ensino noturno é atacado no município de Duque de Caxias, muito menos no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Cintia Silva, professora no Ciep Henfil, em Duque de Caxias, relatou à reportagem de AND: “Já trabalhei na Escola Moacyr Padilha, e na Escola João Faustino – ambas em Duque de Caxias –, nas duas escolas, depois do 2º Semestre, começavam essas conversas de fechamento do noturno por conta de muitos alunos não voltarem depois do recesso. Na época que trabalhei, tinha busca ativa, e nós (profissionais da escola) tínhamos que fazer essa busca. Procurávamos os alunos e os responsáveis e tentávamos convencê-los a não sair, porque se fechar, todos perdem, não só os alunos, mas todos os profissionais do noturno”.

No ano de 2017, durante um processo de reorganização das escolas estaduais, das nove escolas afetadas, cinco tiveram o encerramento do turno noturno. Em Niterói as escolas que tiveram o turno encerrado foram o Colégio Estadual Brigadeiro Castrioto (Cebric), o Colégio Estadual Manuel de Abreu, o Colégio Estadual Pinto Lima e o Colégio Estadual Baltazar Bernardino, este último em especial tendo sofrido as mudanças mais radicais, além do encerramento do turno noturno, houve o encerramento das turmas de EJA pela manhã. Em    São Gonçalo, o Colégio Estadual Desembargador Ferreira Pinto também teve o turno da noite encerrado. 

A Seeduc alegou, na época, em nota, ter tomado essas medidas levando em consideração “a oferta e demanda de cada região, observando-se o quantitativo de alunos, cursos e modalidades oferecidos, turnos de funcionamento, número de salas de aulas e o número de aulas ociosas, bem como seus dados geográficos”. 

Em resposta às medidas da Seeduc, estudantes do Colégio Estadual Brigadeiro Castrioto (Cebric) o ocuparam no dia 10 de fevereiro de 2017, assim que receberam a informação de que “a unidade havia sido impedida de realizar as matrículas para aulas no período noturno”.

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Policial tortura adolescente de 15 anos na Região Metropolitana do Recife, PE - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

Ao sair de casa para comprar pão pela manhã do dia 29/10, um adolescente de 15 anos foi abordado, torturado e ameaçado pelas forças reacionárias do Grupo de Apoio Tático Itinerante (GATI), um grupo da Polícia Militar (PM). O crime macabro ocorreu em Prazeres, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE.

A ação sinistra dos policiais militares chamou a atenção de uma funcionária de um estabelecimento próximo, pela agressividade e arbitrariedade. A trabalhadora teria dito para os reacionários não abordarem o adolescente daquela forma. Ainda assim, segundo relato, o policial levou o adolescente para perto de uma mata, onde o asfixiou com um saco plástico em sua cabeça, além de ameaçar ele e a mãe de morte caso contasse o que aconteceu.

Momentos depois, a mãe e tia do adolescente, que haviam recebido uma ligação denunciando a tortura que o jovem sofria, chegaram ao local indicado na ligação. Nesse momento, o policial se retirou com uma submetralhadora e deixou covardemente o local em uma moto, fugindo da responsabilização de seus atos. A tia presenciou a fuga do policial e, logo após isso, a cena do sobrinho desfalecido e com marcas de tortura. Além das marcas nas costas, braços e rosto, que o adolescente apresentou ao Instituto Médico Legal (IML), também foi denunciada a dificuldade de andar, dores nos pulsos, pernas e em várias partes do corpo.

A prática sádica de torturas como essa não são pontos isolados. Os assassinatos praticados pela polícia no nosso país, por exemplo, chegam a números alarmantes, motivados em parte pelo mesmo sentimento fascista de violência contra as massas pobres. Embora haja subnotificação, o número de assassinatos pela força repressiva do velho Estado quase triplicou em 10 anos, entre 2013 e 2023, quando houveram 6.393 vítimas, com dados do Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública. A tortura policial passa por uma situação ainda mais complicada, pois não existe um monitoramento nacional sobre esse indicador. O velho Estado esconde da população a verdadeira face da instituição policial, que ainda repete o modus operandi da época do regime militar fascista nas nossas favelas e bairros pobres.

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pc 15 novembre - ORE 12 Controinformazione Rossoperaia - La Formazione operaia marxista - si apre il nuovo ciclo (proletari comunisti)



Per ragioni tecniche legata alla registrazione - ORE 12 oggi è uscito in serata 
Da martedì l'uscita sarà regolare alle ore 12

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Verso il 25 novembre - per andare avanti nella lotta necessaria (femminismo proletario rivoluzionario)

Quest'anno l'aspetto principale è la mobilitazione nella giornata del 25 novembre.

Cadendo in un giorno feriale dà la possibilità di fare nelle varie realtà iniziative verso, con le operaie, lavoratrici, e anche verso le studentesse.

Rispetto alla manifestazione nazionale del 23 novembre, rimandiamo al report e alla nostra valutazione dell'Assemblea nazionale a Roma di Non Una di Meno: 

Sulle denunce fatte nel comunicato di annuncio dell’Assemblea nazionale – come avevamo detto - siamo anche d'accordo: sul governo. Meloni, sulla situazione internazionale, ecc vi era una maggiore precisione, anche se rilevavamo alcune affermazioni su cui eravamo in disaccordo: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/10/info-assemblea-nazionale-di-nudm-la.html

Poi, però, l'assemblea nazionale ha messo in rilievo soprattutto le cose negative. Qui abbiamo detto che, al di là delle prese di posizioni necessarie/dovute su Palestina, processo Cecchettin, ci si arrampica sugli specchi degli scioperi, mobilitazioni degli altri, mettendo tra l’altro insieme scioperi e iniziative utili e altre da vedere se vanno appoggiate, per esempio lo sciopero nella scuola della Cgil. Certo, si tratta di tutta una serie di scadenze, di iniziative che in questa fase ci sono ed è bene che ci siano, ma non ci si mette a posto la coscienza elencandole. Ma affermando i contenuti del movimento delle donne. Inoltre anche le denunce giuste senza individuare precisamente gli obiettivi oggi della nostra lotta – rovesciare il governo Meloni, contro lo Stato, i padroni - diventano ripetitivi, senza tempo, quindi inutili.

La parola d’ordine principale di Nudm: “disarmiamo il patriarcato”, è una parola d'ordine quantomeno arretrata rispetto a tutto quello che sta succedendo, che è una rapida marcia di moderno fascismo (Trump insegna…) dell'azione del governo contro le donne sia in termini ideologici, sia in termini politici, sia di provvedimenti. Quindi porre ancora e sempre come aspetto principale la questione del patriarcato, non fa andare più avanti la battaglia delle donne, anzi in un certo senso va più indietro rispetto all'anno scorso.

Questo quando la realtà sta andando pericolosamente avanti.

Pensiamo proprio ai femminicidi, in cui la pericolosità sta nel fatto che stanno diventando la “normale” reazione degli uomini che odiano le donne, con la aperta complicità del clima fascista, sessista sviluppato dal governo Meloni, dai suoi squallidi ministri; con la complicità dello Stato che “archivia” le denunce delle donne, di alcuni Tribunali che fanno oscene sentenze a favore degli uomini assassini, giustificando le loro motivazioni. I femminicidi sono l'espressione più tremenda di di quello che è tutta la condizione, la non indipendenza delle donne a livello di lavoro, di salario che va sempre più indietro e che a volte costringe a non rompere legami, la questione del ruolo nella famiglia delle donne, chiamate a fare figli per il capitale e la patria, mentre va avanti sempre più minaccioso l’attacco al diritto d’aborto, che significa diritto di scelta delle donne, il ritorno ad un “moderno medioevo”, ecc.

Quindi anche se questa manifestazione nazionale del 23 crediamo sarà sempre molto grossa non non fa dei passi avanti adeguati a livello dello scontro necessario contro il fascismo che sta andando avanti e che chiaramente utilizza anche e produce una versione moderna che possiamo chiamare “patriarcalismo”. Ma parliamo di patriarcalismo e non di patriarcato, perché patriarcato è una struttura organizzazione di un periodo storico dell’umanità ben preciso, mentre altra cosa sono i suoi residui ideologici, culturali utilizzati in termini moderni.

Noi dobbiamo porre in maniera chiara la necessità della rivoluzione, e quindi che cosa significa oggi in termini di organizzazione, di lotta.

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Autodefesa camponesa do Acampamento Menino Jonatas derrota nova investida do latifúndio em Jaqueira, PE - A Nova Democracia (A Nova Democracia)

A equipe de correspondentes locais do AND recebeu a informação de que os camponeses do Acampamento Menino Jonatas, no Engenho Barro Branco, se organizaram e derrotaram uma nova tentativa de invasão, levada a cabo por funcionários da Agropecuária Mata Sul S/A. Os sicários do latifúndio, que prepararam-se para uma nova investida, colocaram-se em fuga quando a autodefesa dos camponeses lançou rojões para alertar toda a comunidade do novo ataque.

Os camponeses denunciam que os funcionários da Agropecuária Mata Sul S/A provocaram a destruição de uma cerca e a invasão de mais de 30 cabeças de gado durante a noite do dia 14/11, às 21:00, dentro do Acampamento. De acordo com os moradores, o gado havia sido levado ao Acampamento pelos sicários para causar distúrbios e destruição no acampamento, e justificar um novo ataque de bolsonaristas contra as massas camponesa, sob o pretexto de “retirar o gado” enviado à área. 

Caminhão do latifúndio chegando à área para a nova investida, 14/11/2024

Após os camponeses afugentarem o gado para fora das suas terras, três carros com farol alto, um dos carros conhecido da empresa, estacionaram ao lado do Acampamento e depois circularam lentamente ao redor dele para intimidar os moradores. Enquanto os carros circulavam, um drone do latifúndio começou a sobrevoar o Engenho, voando hora baixo para provocar os camponeses, hora muito alto para impedir qualquer resposta das massas. 

Os camponeses não se intimidaram e responderam o ataque com fogos de artifício para alertar a comunidade e organizar a autodefesa diante do iminente ataque. Ao ver a rápida organização dos camponeses e sua firme disposição de luta, o bando do latifúndio e seus drones foram embora. 

No dia seguinte (15/11), às 06h40 da manhã, o drone da Empresa voltou a sobrevoar as terras dos camponeses. Dessa vez, mais gado foi colocado no perímetro do Acampamento, e o “gerente” da Agropecuária Mata Sul S/A, Alison Manoel Silva, entrou nas terras do acampamento e filmou as famílias e os barracos enquanto empurrava o gado para dentro das terras do povo. Ao ver os camponeses irem ao seu encontro para saber do que se tratava sua presença no local, ele deu meia volta e foi embora. 

Empresa ameaça e assedia camponeses em luta

Os camponeses denunciam que desde que foi levantado o Acampamento Menino Jonatas, o sobrevoo de drones pela manhã e final da tarde é diário, e que é constante a passagem deles pelo arredores do Acampamento para intimidar e manter vigilância recorrente sobre a comunidade. 

Além disso, fazem provocações e soltam boatos de que “estão planejando outro ataque” para colocar medo no povo e afastar as massas da luta. O resultado tem sido exatamente o contrário: cada dia que passa mais pessoas tomam parte do Acampamento Menino Jonatas e cada vez mais trabalhadores, estudantes, professores, comerciantes locais, personalidades e organizações democráticas demonstram apoio e solidariedade à luta dos posseiros de Barro Branco

Os camponeses em luta têm logrado importantes vitórias, políticas e jurídicas, como a suspensão do mandado de reintegração de posse que estava marcado para o dia 30/11, e a realização de um grande audiência pública no município de Jaqueira-PE, marcado para o dia 25/11, que tem mobilizado centenas de camponeses na região e municípios vizinhos para denunciar os crimes do latifúndio e do Velho Estado.

Um camponês, em relato aos correspondente local de AND, qualificou que “as bravatas e ameaças do latifúndio contra os Posseiros de Barro Branco não passam do latido fino de um cão sem dentes, que foi e segue sendo derrotado pela Resistência Camponesa de Barro Branco e do Acampamento Menino Jonatas”. “Não conseguirão intimidar os camponeses. A Bandeira da Revolução Agrária, hasteada junto com a da Heroica Resistência Nacional do Povo Palestino, segue erguida nas alturas nas terras de Barro Branco e faz tremer o latifúndio e todos os reacionários”, concluiu. 

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DEM VOLKE DIENEN (Dem Volke Dienen)

Folgend dokumentieren wir einen Artikel aus Norwegen, der die jüngsten Entwicklungen der Regierungskrise in Deutschland mit internationalen und norwegischen Entwicklungen verknüpft:

Deutschland: Die Regierungskrise ist Teil der Systemkrise auf der ganzen Welt

Am 6. November verkündete Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, dass die sogenannte „Ampelkoalition“ Geschichte sei und Europas größte Volkswirtschaft nun in einer seltenen Regierungskrise stecke. Die politische Krise in Deutschland ist Teil eines größeren Kontextes, der überall zum Ausdruck kommt, beispielsweise in den USA und in Norwegen.

Scholz, Vorsitzender der Sozialdemokratischen Partei (SPD) und zuvor als mafiöse Figur berüchtigt, als er Minister im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) war, lieferte eine Machtsalve gegen seinen ehemaligen Finanzminister ab. Christian Lindner, Vorsitzender der liberalen Partei FDP, einer Partei, die der norwegischen Liberalen Partei ähnelt, wurde nach einer Reihe von Provokationen gegen seine Koalitionspartner SPD und Grüne als Finanzminister entlassen. Scholz warf Lindner „völligen und unvorstellbaren Egoismus“ und „Vertrauensbruch“ vor. Scholz hat ihn gefeuert, die FDP ist aus der Koalition ausgeschieden und so stehen vor der Vertrauensfrage am 15. Januar im Deutschen Bundestag.

Rotes Licht für staatliche Zusammenarbeit

Die drei Parteien der Koalition verwenden als Parteifarben jeweils Rot, Gelb und Grün, daher der Spitzname „Ampelkoalition“. Diese ungewöhnliche Regierungszusammensetzung war auf das Wahlergebnis im Jahr 2021 zurückzuführen. Von 2013 bis 2021 bestand die Regierung aus einer sogenannten „Großen Koalition“ zwischen den Christdemokraten (CDU/CSU) und den Sozialdemokraten (SPD). Seit 2005 hatte die CDU die Position des Kanzlers als Regierungschef inne, war aber ab 2013 auf ihren „Erzfeind“ SPD angewiesen, um eine Regierungsmehrheit im Bundestag zu erreichen.

Das miserable Wahlergebnis der Christdemokraten im Jahr 2021 brachte die SPD nach wachsender Massenunzufriedenheit erstmals seit 2005 wieder an die Spitze, musste sich aber aufgrund des Wahlergebnisses auf ungewöhnliche Partner in der liberalen FDP verlassen, um ohne die CDU zu regieren. Seit 2021 ist es der „Ampelkoalition“ gelungen, historisch unbeliebt zu werden. Der Umgang mit der Corona-Pandemie, Preiserhöhungen, Sozialkürzungen und eine zunehmend unpopuläre und teure Unterstützung der Selensky-Regierung in der Ukraine haben in Deutschland immer stärkere Unzufriedenheit und soziale Unruhen hervorgerufen. Die Grundlage der Krise sind auch zunehmend schärfere Widersprüche und härtere Klassenkämpfe als Folge der wirtschaftlichen Stagnation und mehrerer Sozialkürzungen.

Mit einem „Modernisierungsprogramm“ übernahmen die drei Parteien die Regierung, um der stagnierenden deutschen Wirtschaft neue Impulse zu geben. Aber die Probleme sind untrennbar mit der Fäulnis des Imperialismus verbunden, und die Parteien konnten sich nicht darauf einigen, ob der Ausweg Pest oder Cholera sei. FDP-Lindner griff schließlich die Regierung an, an der sie selbst beteiligt waren, und stellte eine Reihe von Forderungen, von denen er wusste, dass sie von den Regierungspartnern nicht akzeptiert werden konnten. Dabei ging es um Steueränderungen und Sozialkürzungen sowie um den Widerstand gegen die Aufnahme weiterer Staatsschulden, um damit Geld zu verdienen um die Unterstützung für den Krieg in der Ukraine zu erhöhen.

Neuwahlen und neue Herausforderer

Die Grundlage der Regierungskrise ist jedenfalls, dass die unpopuläre Koalition überhaupt keine Antwort darauf hat, wie sie dem Land einen Haushalt für 2025 besorgen kann. Sie weiß nicht, wie sie ein Haushaltsdefizit von 8 bis 9 Milliarden Euro (über 100 Milliarden Norwegische Kronen) decken soll. Scholz wird darauf angewiesen sein, dass die CDU noch vor Weihnachten eine Lösung findet, doch die CDU scheint eine Neuwahl im Jahr 2025 eher zu begrüßen. Neuwahlen sind in Deutschland eine Seltenheit, wo politische Stabilität für die führenden bürgerlichen Parteien fast ein religiöses Mantra ist.

Wenn Neuwahlen anstehen, muss Scholz seine eigene Partei davon überzeugen, dass er immer noch der richtige Mann ist, die SPD in den Wahlkampf zu führen, obwohl er zu einem der unbeliebtesten deutschen Kanzler der Neuzeit geworden ist. Auch bei den „etablierten“ Parteien besteht die Befürchtung, dass das politische Chaos den neuen „Protestparteien“ zugute kommt. Andererseits haben die Christdemokraten in der CDU trotz Haushaltsdefizit, stagnierender Wirtschaft und wachsender Unzufriedenheit in der Bevölkerung eine noch stärkere Unterstützung für den Krieg in der Ukraine versprochen.

Die Wahlen im Jahr 2024 und die Entwicklung „neuer“ Parteien

Im Jahr 2024 fanden in Deutschland fünf Wahlen statt: die EU-Parlamentswahlen sowie die Landtagswahlen in Hamburg, Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg. Ein Drittel der Wahlberechtigten entschied sich dafür, nicht an der EU-Parlamentswahl teilzunehmen, und die Wahl war eine herbe Niederlage für die SPD, die weniger als 14 Prozent der Stimmen erhielt und sich sowohl der CDU als auch der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) geschlagen geben musste. Letztere wird als einwanderungsfeindliche „Protestpartei“ bezeichnet, profiliert sich aber insbesondere als Gegnerin des Umgangs mit der Pandemie und der massiven Unterstützung für Selensky und den Krieg in der Ukraine. Eine weitere und noch neuere Partei, die sich ebenfalls mit Einwanderungskritik und Kriegswiderstand profiliert, ist das Bündnis Sara Wagenknecht (BSW).

Das BSW ist eine Abspaltung der SV-ähnlichen Partei Die Linke unter der Führung der ostdeutschen und populärphilosophisch gebildeten Politikerin Sara Wagenknecht. Die gesellschaftliche Basis des BSW besteht hauptsächlich aus ehemaligen ostdeutschen Revisionisten und Bürokraten, doch bei der EU-Parlamentswahl erhielt die Partei mehr als doppelt so viele Stimmen wie Die Linke. Damit gingen über 20 Prozent der Stimmen an AfD und BSW, was den wachsenden Protest und die Unruhe unter den Massen sowie die Krise des alten politischen Systems zum Ausdruck bringt. Zusammen mit über 30 Prozent Nichtwählern sowie Proteststimmen für die „Tierschutzpartei“, die Piratenpartei und kleine faschistische Parteien konnten die Altsystemparteien dabei weit weniger als die Hälfte der Wahlberechtigten auf sich vereinen.

Die „neuen“ Parteien stellen auch den Versuch der Bourgeoisie dar, „Alternativen“ zu finden, die sicherstellen können, dass große Teile der Massen weiterhin am bürgerlichen Wahlzirkus teilnehmen – was wichtig ist, um eine gewisse „Legitimität“ des bürgerlichen Staates zu gewährleisten. Sowohl AfD als auch BSW erscheinen als potenzielle „neue Arbeiterparteien“, die die Unzufriedenheit der Arbeiterklasse in parlamentarische und harmlose Formen kanalisieren können.

Die Wahlen in den ostdeutschen Bundesländern Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg waren vor allem für die Grünen, die FDP und Die Linke eine Katastrophe, für die „Protestparteien“ AfD und BSW ebenfalls ein durchschlagender Erfolg. Die AfD wurde zur größten Partei in Thüringen und zur zweitgrößten in den beiden anderen Bundesländern. Das BSW, das es bei der letzten Wahl noch nicht gab, war die drittgrößte in allen drei Bundesländern. Nur in Brandenburg gelang es der SPD, stärkste Partei zu werden – in den anderen beiden Bundesländern kam sie auf weniger als 10 Prozent. Die Grünen, die FDP und Die Linke, drei Parteien, die alle mit einer eifrigen Unterstützung für Kriegsausgaben für die Ukraine in Verbindung gebracht werden, erlebten katastrophale Rückgänge, oft mehr als die Hälfte ihrer Unterstützung – in Brandenburg war keine der drei überhaupt im Landtag vertreten, weil sie die Sperrschwelle unterschritten.

Übrigens haben die Grünen im Jahr 2021 einen Wahlerfolg erzielt, unterstützt durch die „Schulstreiks für das Klima“ und andere Protestbewegungen, die im Wesentlichen zu bürgerlichen Bewegungen geworden sind, um die revolutionäre Energie der Massen in die Irre zu führen, während sie jetzt in großer Not leben. Sie sind nach den Wahlniederlagen im Jahr 2024 von internen Konflikten betroffen, eine Reihe von Spitzenvertretern der Partei sind zurückgetreten und die Jugendorganisation der Partei hat mit der Mutterpartei gebrochen, um eine stärker außerparlamentarische und „klassenbewusstere“ Bewegung aufzubauen.

„Neue“ bürgerliche Lösungen lösen die Krise nicht

Der bürgerliche The Economist schreibt in einem Kommentar zur Regierungskrise, dass die derzeitige deutsche Regierung sich als unfähig erwiesen habe, eine Antwort auf den wirtschaftlichen Niedergang Deutschlands zu finden. Die deutschen Behörden haben sich auf der Grundlage historischer Erfahrungen für die gesetzliche Festlegung einer Obergrenze für die Staatsverschuldung entschieden, die angesichts der ständig steigenden Haushaltsdefizite zu einer Zwangsjacke geworden ist. Die Regierungsparteien konnten sich auf keine Lösung dieses – im Grunde unlösbaren – Problems einigen. Die Alternativen sind Pest oder Cholera, noch größere Sozialkürzungen oder erhöhte Staatsverschuldung. Langfristig gesehen gibt es also keine „guten“ Alternativen, sondern nur verschiedene Übel.

The Economist schreibt, dass die „Ampelkoalition“ das erste Opfer der politischen Zersplitterung in Deutschland war, die es „teuflisch schwierig“ gemacht habe, Regierungskoalitionen zu bilden, aber dass sie wahrscheinlich nicht das letzte Opfer sein wird.

Wir stellen unsererseits fest, dass die Regierungskrise in Deutschland in einen größeren Kontext der politischen Krise in Europa und Nordamerika passt, die nichts anderes als ein Ausdruck der allgemeinen Krise des imperialistischen Systems auf der ganzen Welt ist. Die Bourgeoisie kann nicht länger auf die alte Art regieren, und die Massen werden sich zunehmend weigern, auf die alte Art regiert zu werden.

Die alten Parteien ihrerseits entscheiden sich dafür, dem Wahlzirkus „Leben“ einzuhauchen, indem sie mit der Angst spielen. Scholz hat die AfD als Nazis bezeichnet, so wie schwedische Sozialdemokraten die Schwedendemokraten als Nazis bezeichnet haben und Kamala Harris erklärt hat, Trump sei ein Faschist. Bezeichnenderweise hat dieselbe Harris nach der Wahlniederlage erklärt, dass ein „friedlicher Übergang“ von der Biden-Regierung zur neuen Trump-Regierung wichtig sei. Einerseits befürchten die bürgerlichen Politiker, dass die Demokratie in Gefahr ist und der Faschismus auf dem Weg sein könnte – andererseits wollen sie einen „friedlichen Übergang“ zu diesem sogenannten Faschismus garantieren. Entweder sind sie lügnerische Demagogen, die Wahlen nur gewinnen können, wenn sie an die stärksten Emotionen der Massen appellieren, oder sie verteidigen aufrichtig die Diktatur der Bourgeoisie, egal ob diese eine liberal-demokratische oder eine faschistische Maske trägt. Möglicherweise sind sie beides, und sie haben dann selbst jede liberal-demokratische Freiheit und jedes Recht angegriffen, indem sie beispielsweise der Solidaritätsbewegung für Palästina die Meinungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit verweigerten.

Die Zeit wird zeigen, dass die „neuen“ Alternativen nur „mehr vom Alten“ sind, nur in „neuer“ Verpackung. Weder AfD noch BSW, ebenso wenig wie Trump oder der Norweger Listhaug, können die strukturellen und inhärenten Probleme lösen, die Teil des Systems selbst sind. Das Einzige, was ihnen gelingen kann, ist, einem sterbenden System neue Impulse zu geben, und ihre cholerischen Lösungen werden den Verfall nur beschleunigen und die Krise beschleunigen. Die einzige wirkliche Lösung besteht darin, das gesamte verrottete und sterbende System durch neudemokratische und sozialistische Revolutionen auf den Müllhaufen der Geschichte zu fegen.



Quelle: Tjen Folket

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ΞΑΝΘΗ | Κάλεσμα σε διαδήλωση για την επέτειο της εξέγερσης του Νοέμβρη (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

51 χρόνια μετά, η εξέγερση ζει και διαδηλώνει:


Συγκέντρωση & Διαδήλωση
Κυριακή 17 Νοέμβρη - 18:00 - Προκάτ


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Austria: Nationwide Palestine Conference successfully held – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

More than 60 activists from different parts of the country and representatives of several organizations came together on November 9 in Vienna, Austria, for the Nationwide Palestine Conference organized by the Action for Democratic Rights of the People (ADRV).

The participants, including the Palestinian Cultural Association Handala, the Arab Palestinian Club (APC), the Anti-Imperialist Coordination (AIK), Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, the Anti-Racism Network CAGE Austria, Dar al-Janub, and journalist Nicole Schöndorfer, gathered under the slogan “Freedom for Palestine,” dealing with the solidarity movement’s activities and successes over the past year.

International messages of support from France, Sweden, and Malta and the Coordination Committee of the Anti-Imperialist League further highlighted the global significance of the Palestine solidarity movement. The ADRV plans to publish the conference presentations in a brochure.

A choir added to the event’s spirit, and ADRV representatives emphasized the movement’s legitimate goals against the criminalization by the ruling class. They proposed common demands for future actions and issued a declaration from the Palestine Committees.

The conference successfully fostered unity, as the ADRV reports, and provided new perspectives for the movement in Austria, reinforcing solidarity for Palestine and the anti-imperialist struggle. The full report can be read here.

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Several Solidarity Actions with Valencia from Germany – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

We share an article published by Servir al Pueblo from the Spanish State.

The webpage Dem Volke Dienen has published several solidarity actions with the masses affected by the murderous management of the Spanish imperialist State

“From Hamburg to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Image from Hamburg. Signed by Roter Bund.
“From Leipzig to Valencia: Down with the Spanish imperialist State! Criminals and murders!” In Leipzig, a graffito was done in Catalan and signed by Roter Bund.
“From Cologne to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Also in Cologne, a graffito was also made.

“From Essen to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Graffito in Essen.

“From Bochum to Valencia: Proletarian and people’s solidarity against the murderous imperialist State!” Graffito in Bochum.

They also published several other articles into German





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Brazil: Students and Activists Support 80 Expelled Families from an Occupation – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

On November 9, 80 families occupied a building, which has been abandoned for 7 years. Some of these families are waiting to receive a house from the State more than 25 years. A Support Committee of the newspaper A Nova Democracia reported on this.

On Sunday, November 10, the court decided the eviction of the families, and from Monday 11th on there is a police siege that avoids the entrance of water, food and diapers for children.

Since then, the Support Committee of AND, students and activist defended the families. After the siege of the area by the Military Police of the Federal District (PMDF), activists and students gathered in front of the police and spent the night there to support the families.

During the early hours, a student of the University of Brasilia tried to deliver resources to the squatters and was attacked by the PMDF. Also, they threatened students, activists and even personnel from AND to bring them to jail, a thing that only did not happen due to the presence of people’s advocates.

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FACAM Statement on Abduction of 6 activists of Moolvasi Bachao Manch – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

We hereby share a statement we received.

The Forum Against Corporatization and Militarization (FACAM) condemns the brutal abduction of six activists from the Moolvasi Bachao Manch on the morning of 8th November in Girgunda, Chhattisgarh. These activists—Arjun Soni, Muya Hemla, Nagesh Banse, Joga Midiyam, Gillu Katam, and Bhima Kunjam—were en route to a demonstration from Nambi to Kondaphalli and had stopped in Girgundi the previous night, where they rested in the village. The following morning, police forces visited the village and forcibly abducted them without cause, or accountability. Their whereabouts remain unknown. This incident is a vile display of impunity that underscores the ruthlessness of this state-sponsored terror.

This is not an isolated incident but a deliberate, systematic campaign of abduction aimed at terrorizing Adivasis in Chhattisgarh. Time and again, the state labels Adivasis as “Maoists” to justify a merciless cycle of abductions, staged encounters, and gross abuses of human rights. This recent abduction is an unmistakable escalation of the state’s genocidal agenda—calculated and premeditated to crush resistance of the adivasi peasants and erase their presence from lands targeted for corporate plunder.

The timing of these abductions speaks volumes. Recently, Home Minister Amit Shah declared a target date to “wipe out” Naxalism by March 2026—an empty boast that reveals the state’s deepening frustration over its inability to capture and plunder mineral laiden hills and forests in Bastar, owing to the steadfast resistance by adivasi peasants. This so-called “deadline” is nothing but a countdown to intensifying violence and repression, as the state ramps up its assault on a people resisting its corporate-backed land grabs, dubbed as “biggest land grab in the history since Columbus. These enforced disappearances are designed to intimidate and subjugate, serving as yet another assault on the dignity, rights, and very existence of Adivasis.

It is a meticulously engineered plan to silence, displace, and annihilate indigenous voices that defend their ancestral lands. FACAM denounces this fascist strategy of abduction, extrajudicial killings, and oppression as a fundamental and unforgivable violation of human rights.

FACAM demands the immediate and unconditional release of the six abducted Moolvasi Bachao Mach activists. We demand an immediate end to the states reign of terror in Chattisgarh.


Components: All India Revolutionary Students Organization (AIRSO), All India Students Association (AISA), All India Revolutionary Women’s Organization (AIRWO), Ambedkar Student Association- DU (ASA-DU), Bhim Army Student Federation (BASF), Bhagat Singh Ambedkar Students Organization (BASO), Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Manch (bsCEM), Collective, Common Teachers Forum (CTF), Democratic Students Union (DSU), Fraternity Movement, Nazariya Magazine, Progressive Lawyers Association (PLA), Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan (MAS), Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI), Vishwavidyalaya Chhatra Federation (VCF)

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Court Orders the liberation of Georges Abdallah! – The Red Herald (Red Herald)

Today, November 15, the court announced the order to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, who is already 40 years unjust imprisoned and thus the political prisoner with the longest sentence in Europe.


Now, the ‘anti-terrorist’ prosecutor has already contested the appeal, but from CUpLGIA a call was already done to intensify the actions on the same day.


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+57 +Decadencia | Revolución Obrera (Revolucion Obrera)

+57 +Decadencia 1
la decadencia de la cultura

La canción +57, en la que participaron varias celebridades colombianas: Karol G., Maluma, J. Balvin, Ryan Castro, Ovy On The Drums, Blessd, Feid y DFZM, ha generado controversia debido a que raya con la pedofilia (apenas por un año de diferencia, según la hipócrita legislación burguesa), hace apología a la mercantilización de la mujer y la adolescencia para fines sexuales, a la mujer como propiedad del hombre, se vanagloria del consumo de licor y sustancias psicoactivas en la juventud  y exalta la cultura traqueta ligada al narcotráfico. ¡Toda una mezcla de lo que está mal en la sociedad colombiana!

Y es que, en algunos fragmentos de la canción, la figura femenina es representada únicamente como una mercancía de deseo y placer para el hombre. La referencia a ciertos comportamientos sexuales que hacen apología al sexo sin protección sin el consentimiento de la mujer; o conseguir una relación sexual por medio del engaño; o hacer propiedad privada del hombre partes del cuerpo de la mujer; o poner el dinero por encima del deseo sexual individual, basado en el sentimiento de afecto por ejemplo-; la disputa casi a tiros por el cuerpo de la mujer entre un novio y un desconocido como si de una mercancía se tratara; se interpretan como una forma de cosificación de la mujer, donde su valor y su presencia se reducen a un acto de entretenimiento exclusivo para el hombre.

Si bien el reguetón tiene sus raíces en la expresión de una cultura urbana que en sus orígenes denunciaba lo que sucedía en las calles del Puerto Rico olvidado, cuando la industria del entretenimiento lo patrocinó se convirtió en un género con una gran carga sexual. Es evidente que +57 está hecha para ser una canción comercial que se adapta a las tendencias del reguetón y la música urbana. Pero la repetición de ciertos versos, el ritmo contagioso y la simplicidad de la letra apuntan a un producto pensado para su fácil consumo por un público amplio, diverso y sobre todo vulnerable.

Algunos de los participantes en la interpretación de la canción argumentan: «Si no les gusta, no la escuchen» pero el problema es que este enfoque comercial inunda el mercado donde, en últimas, se terminan normalizando y hasta coreando todo tipo de violencias en contra de la mujer y la niñez; de ahí que lavarse las manos y dejar la canción al libre albedrío de un público vulnerable, es deshacerse de la responsabilidad que tienen las celebridades como portavoces de determinado contenido.

Y así le hayan cambiado un extracto a la letra de la canción por todo el rechazo que causó en la sociedad,  sigue siendo  un ejemplo más de la decadencia propia del capitalismo imperialista, donde el arte y la cultura tienen como fin perpetuar las costumbres más retrógradas como lo es el sometimiento, la opresión y la violencia hacia las mujeres y los niños; de ahí que a estas celebridades poco o nada les interesa el contenido de sus letras y, mucho menos, profundizar en los temas que realmente impactan a la sociedad colombiana, exponiendo un punto de vista crítico al respecto. Les resulta más fácil poner ritmo a una realidad cruda, triste y miserable, que viven, no las hijas e hijos de los ricos de Medellín, sino las hijas e hijos del pueblo trabajador, quienes son utilizadas aprovechando su vulnerabilidad.

Con la excusa de ofrecer una visión de Colombia, lo que se hace es contar sin ninguna profundidad crítica, lo que sucede en las noches de fiesta en Medellín, avalando todo lo que está mal y que dolorosamente han vivido las niñas y niños en este caso, aprobando que los adultos sostengan relaciones íntimas con menores, conminando a las niñas al consumo de drogas y la prostitución.

Es bien cierto que estos monstruos no son culpa del reguetón, pues hacen parte de las lacras del sistema en descomposición; no obstante, reproducir estas lacras desde la música comercial y la cultura traqueta es una demostración más de que todo tiene un sello de clase. Esta canción optó por celebrar la explotación sexual y dejar claro que el turismo en Medellín tiene a la mano drogas, fiesta y violencia sexual contra las mujeres.

Es hora de que los artistas al servicio del pueblo arremetan con sus letras, obras y poemas, con sus cuentos y murales… es hora de que el arte se organice y demuestre que existe un tipo de arte donde se expresan la solidaridad, las opiniones críticas, las ideas de transformación, donde se enseña y se aprenden a identificar situaciones de riesgo en lugar de normalizarlas, donde se concibe y se sueña con «el paraíso bello de la humanidad».

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La tragedia de Valencia es culpa del capitalismo imperialista | Revolución Obrera (Revolucion Obrera)


El 29 de octubre pasado, Valencia España, fue azotada por una Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos (DANA), «un sistema de baja presión o depresión en los niveles altos de la atmósfera, que se ha separado totalmente de la circulación general de la atmósfera», según la prensa burguesa. Esa noche llovió el equivalente a un año. Para el 12 de noviembre la cifra de muertos por causa del fenómeno, ascendía a 215 personas. Las masas culpan a las autoridades del gobierno de no garantizar el funcionamiento correcto del sistema de alertas o protocolo de aviso y actuación.

La Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET) de España, en teoría encargada de emitir avisos y predicciones de fenómenos meteorológicos que puedan afectar la seguridad de las personas y los bienes materiales, para lo cual envía mensajes de diferentes colores dependiendo la gravedad de la situación: amarillo, naranja y rojo, envió el 29 de octubre a las 06:42 horas un aviso naranja para el sur de Valencia y la comarca de la Ribera. Ese aviso lo actualizó ese mismo día a las 7:36 y 9:48 horas con el color rojo. Es decir, todos los avisos en alerta roja se enviaron desde la mañana del día de la catástrofe. Adicionalmente llevaban informando desde hacía cinco días atrás sobre la DANA.

Sin embargo, la Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (CHJ) también  del Gobierno de España, que entre sus funciones está elaborar el plan hidrológico de cuenca, su seguimiento y revisión, desactivó la alerta hidrológica en tres ocasiones el mismo 29  lo cual, retrasó el envío de alerta a los celulares de los valencianos, llegando apenas a las 20:12 horas cuando ya había inundaciones, muertos, desaparecidos y la situación era crítica.

Eliú Sánchez, residente de Sadaví afectado por las inundaciones, manifestó, «vimos a un joven que estaba en el descampado y se lo llevó la corriente. Estaba encima de un coche, se ve que intentó saltar al otro, pero se lo llevó. Me han dicho de gente que estaba agarrada a los árboles, pero la fuerza les hizo soltarse y se los llevaban, pidiendo auxilio. Aquí, camiones, todo pasaba de aquí para allá.». Joseé Manuel Rellán, residente de Ribarroja del Turia, afirmó que «El resultado es lo que ves. Estamos incomunicados, no se puede acceder a la parte del pueblo. Las carreteras están todas cortadas, puentes cortados.».

Entre la presidencia de España de Pedro Sánchez, el gobierno de Valencia en cabeza de Carlos Mazón Guixot y la monarquía de los reyes de España, se responsabilizan mutuamente, lo que ya generó una crisis política «por arriba». El 3 de noviembre las víctimas embarraron, literalmente al rey Felipe VI de España, a Pedro Sánchez y a Carlos Mazón cuando asistieron a Valencia para «tomarse la foto» y figurar en los medios a costa de esta tragedia. «Por abajo», se destaca la solidaridad y la gran generosidad del pueblo de España, que, sin dudarlo, acudió desde todas las ciudades a recoger escombros, a brindar comida y medicamentos a los damnificados entre más apoyo, en que el Estado y sus instituciones se quedaron cortos. Nacho Huerta, uno de los voluntarios dijo: «Ayudar y dar cosas de primera necesidad y a ver lo que podemos hacer».

Pero las protestas tampoco se hicieron esperar, como la del pasado 9 de noviembre en Valencia, con más de 130.000 personas, muchas de ellas después de cumplir su jornada voluntaria de entre 8, 9 y 10 horas de limpieza y ayuda a las víctimas. Arantxa Carceller, que abrió una librería en Paiporta hace un poco más de un año, afectado con la inundación del local y partícipe de la manifestación, dijo, «La gente es consciente de que Mazón actuó tarde. Los pueblos se reconstruirán, tarde o temprano, pero las personas que se han quedado por el camino… las muertes podían haberse evitado. Las autoridades van a tener que prestar ayuda en materia de salud mental y los comercios vamos a necesitar mucho apoyo; por favor, no os olvidéis de nosotros cuando empiecen a pasar los meses». Pero como siempre, el Estado burgués de España, como cualquier Estado de esta calaña, respondió a la manifestación como bien lo saben hacer las falsas democracias burguesas, en realidad, dictaduras contra el pueblo: con represión policial.

La tragedia de Valencia es culpa del capitalismo imperialista 1

La burguesía obligó a los obreros de diferentes ramas de la producción a asistir a sus sitios de trabajo, pasando por alto las alertas que ya se estaban enviando. Aún hoy, los capitalistas los están obligando en medio del corte de carreteras e inundaciones que persisten. «Hay empresas de Valencia que han buscado subterfugios para que sus empleados vayan a trabajar y, si no lo hacen, el planteamiento extendido es que pidan vacaciones», afirmó Daniel Patiño, secretario de Acción Sindical de CCOO del País Valencia. Otra de las denuncias de uno de los damnificados: «Mi cuñada tiene una ansiedad que no puede ni hablar. La están obligando a ir a trabajar a Valencia. Es de un pueblo afectado por la DANA, tiene dos niños pequeños y no dispone de una red familiar. No me salen las palabras de impotencia. No sabe qué hacer. Necesitamos que se paralice Valencia, porque esto no es normal».

La tragedia de Valencia es culpa del capitalismo imperialista 2

De otro lado, quedó demostrado que el capitalismo vive a costa de depredar la naturaleza y que estas DANAS son producto de este hecho sistemático: Una mayor severidad de las lluvias asociadas a las DANAS en España puede estar asociado con el cambio climático, ya que el Mediterráneo se está calentando muy rápidamente y el agua presenta de forma habitual temperaturas bastante altas en los meses estivales y las fechas posteriores, sirviendo de caldo de cultivo para las lluvias torrenciales.». Bien dice el Programa para la Revolución en Colombia de la UOC (mlm) que «El capitalismo se convirtió en un sistema mundial de explotación y de opresión, y en un destructor de la naturaleza.»

«El capitalismo es un régimen social que sobrevive a cuenta de depredar las dos únicas fuentes de riqueza: la fuerza de trabajo y la naturaleza; su esperanza de vida depende de estrangular la sociedad y destruir la naturaleza. Ante esta hecatombe los proletarios no podemos ser indiferentes, porque somos parte de la naturaleza, porque conociendo sus leyes podemos servirnos de ella con acierto. Pero para salvar la naturaleza es indispensable acabar con el causante de su destrucción: el capitalismo imperialista. No podemos transformar las relaciones de los hombres con la naturaleza sin antes transformar radicalmente las actuales relaciones sociales de explotación en relaciones sociales de colaboración. El problema ambiental es un problema del capitalismo y su solución no puede lograrse mientras subsista el capitalismo: sólo las relaciones socialistas de producción podrán reorganizar las relaciones de los hombres con la naturaleza.» del Programa para la Revolución en Colombia de la UOC (mlm).

Los imperialistas, la burguesía y todos los reaccionarios son los culpables de la depredación de la naturaleza “gracias” al sistema capitalista que contamina los ríos y mares, deforesta las selvas, aniquila los animales muchos de ellos en vía de extinción, además de los ya extintos, hace que el aire sea cada vez más tóxico, produce fuertes lluvias y sequías sin control… el capitalismo es un sistema económico que ni siquiera garantiza la vida de sus esclavos asalariados, por eso, merece ser destruido por medio de la violencia revolucionaria de las masas armadas dirigidas en cada país por sendos partidos comunistas que organicen guerras populares para destruir el vetusto poder de los explotadores y sobre sus ruinas construyan un Nuevo Estado tipo Comuna, en el que las masas lo controlen, lo gobiernen, lo dirijan todo y por medio de una economía basada en la planificación, se produzca según la capacidad y la necesidad de las masas y no, según el apetito voraz de las ilimitadas ganancias de los parásitos capitalistas, que en definitiva es lo que nos está arrastrando hacia la destrucción de nuestro  planeta.

Es hora de detener esta situación, sólo una nueva internacional basada en el marxismo leninismo maoísmo podrá dirigir la lucha mundial del proletariado por su emancipación definitiva de las cadenas del capital.                                                 

Desde Colombia levantamos las banderas del internacionalismo proletario y nos solidarizamos con el pueblo valenciano y con cuantos están sufriendo los efectos desastrosos de un sistema capitalista caduco, que es un muerto andante y sólo merece ser ahogado hasta morir en el fango putrefacto de las miserias que él mismo produce.

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ΠΡΟΛΕΤΑΡΙΑΚΗ ΣΗΜΑΙΑ 973, 16/11/2024 | Πολυτεχνείο-Απεργία Όλοι στους δρόμους! Μόνο ο αγώνας εργατών και λαών μπορεί να φράξει τον δρόμο των φονιάδων, να κατακτήσει τον δικό τους λεύτερο κόσμο (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

Διαβάστε στο φύλλο 973 που κυκλοφορεί το Σάββατο 16 Νοέμβρη 2024:

Οι εξελίξεις στον πλανήτη και όπως αυτές σηματοδοτήθηκαν από την (επαν)εκλογή Τραμπ στις ΗΠΑ είναι πυκνές και άγριες, αλλά με πολλά στοιχεία κρίσιμων «ασαφειών». Το ποιος είναι με ποιον, με τι όρους και «μέχρι πού», είναι υπό διαμόρφωση όχι μόνο για περιφερειακές αλλά και για ιμπεριαλιστικές δυνάμεις. Γύρω από το βασικό δεδομένο της δεσπόζουσας στον κόσμο ενδοϊμπεριαλιστικής αντίθεσης ΗΠΑ-Ρωσίας εξελίσσονται και θα εξελίσσονται για καιρό ακόμα κρίσιμα ζητούμενα, με ανοιχτά και ενδεχόμενα που σήμερα ίσως είναι απρόβλεπτα.

Δύο είναι οι δικές μας ακλόνητες βεβαιότητες σε σχέση με τις εξελίξεις που προδιαγράφονται. Πρώτον, ότι αυτές θα είναι φορτωμένες με νέα αντεργατικά-αντιλαϊκά κύματα σε όλο τον κόσμο, με νέες επιδρομές των κυρίαρχων δυνάμεων στα πιο στοιχειώδη δικαιώματα των εργατικών-λαϊκών μαζών, ενώ ταυτόχρονα θα γίνει βαρύτερος ο φόρος αίματος που πληρώνουν οι λαοί στους ιμπεριαλιστικούς ανταγωνισμούς και στις ιμπεριαλιστικές επεμβάσεις. Δεύτερον, όποια εκδοχή και να παίρνουν οι εξελίξεις της καπιταλιστικής κρίσης και των ιμπεριαλιστικών ανταγωνισμών, οι εργάτες και οι λαοί δεν χωράνε σε κανένα από τα αντιμαχόμενα στρατόπεδα! Το δικαίωμά τους στη ζωή, στη δουλειά, στις ελευθερίες και την επαναστατική προοπτική τους για έναν δικό τους λεύτερο κόσμο, μπορούν να τα υπερασπιστούν και να τα διεκδικήσουν, μόνο στηριγμένοι στις δικές τους δυνάμεις και συγκροτώντας αυτές τις δυνάμεις στο επίπεδο που απαιτεί αυτή η πάλη, αυτή η αναμέτρηση.
συνέχεια εδώ

Περιεχόμενα του φύλλου εδώ

Κυριότερα άρθρα

Όλοι στους δρόμους!
Μόνο ο αγώνας εργατών και λαών μπορεί να φράξει τον δρόμο των φονιάδων,να κατακτήσει τον δικό τους λεύτερο κόσμο

Από οικονομική «ατμομηχανή» σε ρόλο «ασθενή»
Ο γερμανικός ιμπεριαλισμός μπροστά σε στρατηγικά ερωτήματα

Απεργία 20 Νοέμβρη
Να ανοίξει ο δρόμος της μαζικής πάλης

Πολυτεχνείο 2024
Οι λαοί παλεύουν και θα νικήσουν κόντρα στα σχέδια των ιμπεριαλιστών

Οι συνέπειες των θέσεων της Αριστεράς στο κίνημα από το Πολυτεχνείο μέχρι σήμερα
Έβγαλαν όλοι τα σωστά συμπεράσματα;

Αφιέρωμα: Εκλογή Τραμπ

Διαχείριση Τραμπ: Μπροστά σε δύσκολες αποφάσεις για τον πλανήτη

Νίκη Τραμπ: αντανάκλαση επιδιώξεων αλλά και αδιεξόδων
Το εσωτερικό μέτωπο, τα χαρακτηριστικά της ψήφου και οι διαιρέσεις/αντιθέσεις της αμερικάνικης κοινωνίας

Οι δισεκατομμυριούχοι επέλεξαν Τραμπ

Ποιο «ρήγμα» προκαλεί η οικονομική πολιτική του Τραμπ;

Ελληνοαμερικανικές σχέσεις: Συγκρατημένος πανικός, φασιστικοποίηση, αναδιαμόρφωση πολιτικού σκηνικού και πολιτική αστάθεια  

Αμερικάνικες εκλογές και γυναίκα



Βιβλιοπωλείο-Καφέ Εκτός των Τειχών Γραβιάς 10-12 Εξάρχεια

Στέκι Απέναντι Μιλτιάδου 3 Δάφνη


Σφεντόνα χώρος νεολαίας και πολιτισμού, Συγγρού 24, 2ος όροφος


Αριστερό Στέκι Νεολαίας Κουγκίου 23


Ρωγμή Αριστερός χώρος σκέψης και δράσης, Μ.Βόγδου 20


Ζάλο Αριστερός χώρος πολιτικής και πολιτισμού, Χαριλάου Τρικούπη 21


Ανάστροφα Στέκι νεολαίας και εργαζομένων, Πουκεβίλ 2


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pc 16 novembre - L’attacco ai giudici continua: è la volta del ministro Urso (proletari comunisti)

Attaccare i giudici italiani di volta in volta, tenendoli sotto pressione, è diventato un gioco a staffetta tra i ministri di questo governo: dal lurido fascio-leghista Salvini a Urso, ma naturalmente chi si è riservato il ruolo principale in questo attacco è la Meloni che ha trovato nel suo amico Musk un’ottima spalla a stelle e strisce.

L’obbiettivo è naturalmente quello di screditare agli occhi dell’opinione pubblica a tal punto i magistrati da metterli in difficoltà e garantirsi un sostegno nel loro attacco che tende a metterli sotto tutela del governo; l’attacco principale di questi giorni è soprattutto sull’Albania ma non si disdegnano affatto tutte le altre occasioni come quella afferrata al volo dall’attuale ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy Adolfo Urso.

E il pretesto in questo caso è stata la sentenza sul depuratore Ias Spa (Industria Acqua Siracusana) della

zona industriale di Priolo Gargallo. La questione come scrivono alcuni quotidiani è abbastanza complicata e va avanti da alcuni anni a colpi di decreti (un po’ come succede alla ex Ilva di Taranto). Sintetizzando: da tempo il depuratore che deve trattare gli scarichi delle industrie della zona, non funziona e invece di depurare inquina, e per questo da due anni è stato posto sotto sequestro da parte del magistrato di Siracusa; il governo ha fatto ricorso e lo ha perso perché il Tribunale del riesame di Roma ha dato ragione al giudice di Siracusa, per cui “le imprese della zona (alcune grandi come Isab, Versalis, Sonatrach e Sasol) non potranno conferire all’impianto i loro reflui industriali.”

E questa altra sberla data “in punta di diritto” come dicono gli avvocati, ha fatto imbestialire Urso che, inferocito, ha accusato i giudici: “Per colpire il governo colpiscono il Paese”, una frase senza senso, visto che i giudici applicano le leggi e visto soprattutto che da anni le popolazioni locali protestano per il “disastro ambientale” come dicono le sentenze.

Ma Urso non ci sta e tira in ballo naturalmente non solo l’“interesse generale”, ma anche strumentalmente il futuro degli operai! «Ancora una volta la decisione di un Tribunale rischia di vanificare l’azione di governo a tutela dell’interesse generale. Stavolta ad essere colpito è proprio il diritto al lavoro di migliaia di persone in una zona strategica della Sicilia.”

I giudici, quindi, vorrebbero “vanificare l’azione del governo”, come ripete ad ogni passo pure il fascioleghista Salvini, ma perché dovrebbero?

Per quanto riguarda la questione del depuratore, la situazione è certo complicata e si è incancrenita nel tempo, ma il ministro Urso, come tutto il suo governo, non può assolutamente farsi portavoce degli interessi delle migliaia di lavoratori coinvolti, e che in questo rimpallo di sentenze e responsabilità pagano tutto sulla propria pelle; tocca a questi lavoratori rappresentare i propri interessi di classe ed entrare in campo con la lotta necessaria contro i padroni che inquinano e il governo, regionale e nazionale, che li sostiene.

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Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις Εκπαιδευτικών | 20 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΗ – ΟΛΕΣ/ΟΙ ΣΤΗ ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΑΠΕΡΓΙΑ (Resistance in the neighbourhood)





Η 20 Νοέμβρη, ημέρα Γενικής Απεργίας, ανήκει σε όλους τους εργαζόμενους. Η συμμετοχή σε αυτή  είναι ένα μεγάλο «όχι» στην πολιτική της κυβέρνησης. Αυτή είναι «ο αντίπαλος» με τον οποίο πρέπει να αναμετρηθούμε.

Να κλείσουμε τα σχολεία και να διαδηλώσουμε μαζικά στους δρόμους

·      Γιατί ο μισθός εξαφανίζεται μες στην πρώτη εβδομάδα του μήνα χωρίς να καλύπτει τις βασικές μας ανάγκες και πρέπει να απαιτήσουμε αυξήσεις μαζί με όλους τους άλλους εργαζόμενους.

·      Γιατί έτσι υπερασπιζόμαστε στην πράξη τα δικαιώματά μας στην απεργία και τη διαδήλωση, κόντρα στους νόμους που τις απαγορεύουν, για να μην μπορούμε να αντιστεκόμαστε, να διεκδικούμε και να κερδίζουμε.

·      Για να σπάσουμε την εντατικοποίηση στα σχολεία και την καθημερινή τρομοκρατία μιας αντίληψης που καλλιεργούν εδώ και χρόνια οι κυβερνήσεις και τα μέσα παραπληροφόρησης, πως οι εκπαιδευτικοί ευθύνονται για τα όλα τα στραβά και ανάποδα της εκπαίδευσης.

·      Για να πάρουν πίσω όλες τις συνδικαλιστικές διώξεις στην εκπαίδευση και παντού, για να μην περάσουν οι πρώτες απολύσεις στο δημόσιο σχολείο για συνδικαλιστικούς λόγους.

·      Για να ανατρέψουμε όλο το νομικό πλαίσιο της αξιολόγησης, που μας θέλει υποταγμένους για να διδάσκουμε υποταγή, για να γίνουμε οι δήμιοι των δικαιωμάτων της νεολαίας.

·      Για να υπερασπιστούμε το δικαίωμα των μαθητών μας στη δωρεάν δημόσια εκπαίδευση, για συνδικαλιστικές και δημοκρατικές ελευθερίες στα σχολεία.

·      Για να βάλουμε φραγμό στα σχέδια γενικευμένου πολέμου και στη χρήση πυρηνικών, για λευτεριά στην Παλαιστίνη και για να σταματήσει ο άδικος πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία. Η ανάπτυξη του αντιπολεμικού αντιιμπεριαλιστικού κινήματος είναι καθήκον όλων των σωματείων των εργαζομένων.

·      Για να έχουμε τη ζωή που μας αξίζει.

Η διέξοδος βρίσκεται στην οργάνωση και στον μαζικό αγώνα

Τη συνολική και άγρια επίθεση δεν μπορούμε να την αντιμετωπίσουμε με ατομικές στάσεις, με νομικά επιχειρήματα, με απλή ανάταση των χεριών σε αποφάσεις ή να αναθέσουμε σε άλλους να την αντιμετωπίσουν μέσω κάποιας ψήφου σε κάποια κάλπη ή με επερωτήσεις στη Βουλή. Απαιτείται ενεργή συμμετοχή όλων μας, συλλογικότητα, δέσμευση και χρόνος. Διεκδικούμε τα σωματεία με τη συμμετοχή μας στις γενικές συνελεύσεις, με επιτροπές αγώνα, με πρωτοβουλίες. Τέτοιο παράδειγμα είναι η «Ανοικτή Συνέλευση Αγώνα Ενάντια στις Συνδικαλιστικές Διώξεις και τις Απολύσεις», που έσπασε τη σιωπή της συνδικαλιστικής ηγεσίας και την εχθρική στάση των ΟΛΜΕ-ΔΟΕ και ανέδειξε το θέμα των διώξεων και των απολύσεων οργανώνοντας τη μαχητική μαζική συγκέντρωση στην ΠΔΕ στις 23 Οκτώβρη.

Η γενική απεργία στις 20 Νοέμβρη δεν ανήκει στους εργατοπατέρες της ΓΣΕΕ και της ΑΔΕΔΥ. Ανήκει στους απεργούς και τους διαδηλωτές. Δεν είναι μια μέρα που χάνουμε μεροκάματο. Είναι μέρα ελευθερίας των εργαζόμενων. Με τη συμμετοχή μας να δείξουμε την ενότητά μας, με τη μαχητική διαδήλωση την αποφασιστικότητά μας, με τα συνθήματα που θα απευθύνουμε στον λαό να προβάλουμε τα αιτήματά μας και να τον καλέσουμε να παλέψει.

Με οργάνωση, αντίσταση, διεκδίκηση και αγώνες θα προχωρήσουμε για να ζήσουμε!



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Άμστερνταμ και «αντισημιτικά πογκρόμ» (Resistance in the neighbourhood)


Οι ισχυρισμοί των μέσων ενημέρωσης για «αντισημιτικά πογκρόμ» εναντίον Ισραηλινών οπαδών στο Άμστερνταμ είναι το πιο πρόσφατο παράδειγμα σε ένα μοτίβο ψευδών αφηγημάτων που τροφοδοτούν την αντιμουσουλμανική βία και δικαιολογούν τη γενοκτονία στη Γάζα.

Της Σάνα Σαΐντ 9 Νοεμβρίου 2024

Από τη διαδήλωση στην Ουτρέχτη

Στις 5 Νοεμβρίου, εκατοντάδες οπαδοί της Μακάμπι Τελ Αβίβ –φέρεται να συνοδεύονταν από πράκτορες της Μοσάντ[1]– έφθασαν στο Άμστερνταμ για έναν αγώνα ποδοσφαίρου εναντίον του Άγιαξ. Τις δύο ημέρες πριν από τον αγώνα, εκδηλώθηκαν πολλά περιστατικά βίας και εκφοβισμού από τους Ισραηλινούς οπαδούς –μεταξύ των οποίων προκλητικά συνθήματα κατά των Αράβων, επιθέσεις σε οδηγούς ταξί, σκίσιμο παλαιστινιακών σημαιών και επιθέσεις σε σπίτια με παλαιστινιακά σύμβολα. Στις 7 Νοεμβρίου είχαμε συγκρούσεις μεταξύ των Ισραηλινών οπαδών και φιλοπαλαιστίνιων κατοίκων της πόλης που αντέδρασαν στον εκφοβισμό. Οι Αμερικανοί και Ευρωπαίοι ηγέτες αλλά και τα ΜΜΕ, βεβαίως-βεβαίως, βγήκαν αμέσως να καταδικάσουν τις «αντισημιτικές» επιθέσεις μέσω μιας αριστοτεχνικής αφηγηματικής χειραγώγησης. Ο λαός όμως, σε Άμστερνταμ και Ουτρέχτη, συμμετείχε μετά τα επεισόδια σε διαδηλώσεις αλληλεγγύης[2] για την υποστήριξη του παλαιστινιακού και του λιβανέζικου λαού.

«Η κάλυψη από τα ΜΜΕ των γεγονότων στο Άμστερνταμ αποκαλύπτει ένα ανησυχητικό, αλλά ξεκάθαρο και τετριμμένο μοτίβο: χρησιμεύει ως επιδεικτικό εργαλείο για να δικαιολογήσει τη βία κατά των Αράβων και των Μουσουλμάνων, είτε στη Γάζα είτε στους δρόμους της Ευρώπης. Κάθε αφήγημα, είτε επικεντρώνεται στις 7 Οκτωβρίου είτε στις 7 Νοεμβρίου, τοποθετεί πάντα τον εβραϊκό πόνο και το ιστορικό τραύμα στον πυρήνα του, ενισχύοντας έτσι την έννοια του εβραϊκού δικαιώματος στη βία. Οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο που απεικονίζει τους Ισραηλινούς ή τους Εβραίους Σιωνιστές ως επιτιθέμενους απειλεί να διαταράξει αυτό το προσεκτικά επιμελημένο μονοπώλιο στον πόνο και τα δεινά.

Στην περίπτωση του Άμστερνταμ, η παρουσίαση και οι εντυπωσιακοί τίτλοι των μέσων ενημέρωσης ενισχύουν την εικόνα του ισραηλινού όχλου ως θύματος, που πολιορκείται από έναν εξαγριωμένο αραβικό όχλο που «κυνηγάει Εβραίους» στους δρόμους. Η χρονική συγκυρία –ακριβώς λίγο πριν την επέτειο της Νύχτας των Κρυστάλλων– προσέδωσε βαθύτερο νόημα που επέτρεψε στην αφήγηση της εβραϊκής δίωξης να τεθεί στο επίκεντρο της κάλυψης και της καταδίκης.

Αυτό το πλαίσιο, τόσο άμεσα όσο και έμμεσα, απηχεί την ισραηλινή και σιωνιστική προπαγάνδα που βασίζεται στον κατασκευασμένο αντισημιτισμό και τα μακροχρόνια ρατσιστικά τροπάρια για τους Άραβες και τους Μουσουλμάνους· διαιωνίζει την αφήγηση της αιώνιας θυματοποίησης που χρησιμοποιείται για να δικαιολογήσει τη συνεχιζόμενη εξόντωση 2,2 εκατομμυρίων Παλαιστινίων. Κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο τα μέσα ενημέρωσής μας επιτρέπουν την βία –αμερικανική, ευρωπαϊκή και ισραηλινή– εναντίον των Αράβων και των Μουσουλμάνων. Αυτό το πλαίσιο επιτρέπει την υποστηριζόμενη από τις ΗΠΑ εξολόθρευση των Παλαιστινίων από το Ισραήλ επειδή μας λένε, ξανά και ξανά, ότι οι Εβραίοι δεν είναι ασφαλείς πουθενά.

Αυτό το πλαίσιο έχει οδηγήσει σε κατασκευασμένες ιστορίες –για αποκεφαλισμένα μωρά, μωρά σε φούρνους, μαζικούς βιασμούς Ισραηλινών γυναικών, κέντρα διοίκησης κάτω από νοσοκομεία, εμπλοκή της UNRWA στην 7η Οκτωβρίου, δημοσιογράφους «τρομοκράτες», απεριόριστο αντισημιτισμό σε πανεπιστημιουπόλεις και πογκρόμ κατά των Εβραίων στο Άμστερνταμ– που καθορίζουν την αμερικανική, καναδική και ευρωπαϊκή κάλυψη της γενοκτονίας των Παλαιστινίων. Οι ισχυρισμοί και οι εμπειρίες των Ισραηλινών και των φιλοϊσραηλινών Εβραίων παρουσιάζονται ως ιερές, η αμφισβήτησή τους είναι πράξη αντισημιτική· είναι σαν να αρνείσαι και να υποστηρίζεις το είδος της απανθρωποποίησης και της βίας που οδήγησε στο εβραϊκό Ολοκαύτωμα.

Οι ισχυρισμοί και οι εμπειρίες των Παλαιστινίων, των Αράβων και των Μουσουλμάνων μπορεί να είναι τραγικές, αλλά πάντα πρώτα και κύρια πρέπει να λαμβάνουμε υπόψη τα εβραϊκά βάσανα και τα τραύματα– αυτό είναι που πρέπει πάντα να διασφαλίζεται, πάντα να καθοδηγεί την οργή μας.

Η κάλυψη των αντιρατσιστικών αντεπιθέσεων στο Άμστερνταμ ήταν χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα: την ίδια μέρα που οι δυτικοί ηγέτες συνέρρεαν για να καταδικάσουν ένα ανύπαρκτο πογκρόμ κατά των Εβραίων, το Γραφείο Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων του ΟΗΕ δημοσίευσε μια έκθεση[3] που αναφέρει ότι το 70% των νεκρών στη Γάζα είναι γυναίκες και παιδιά –κυρίως παιδιά, ηλικίας 5 έως 9 ετών. Η έλλειψη καταδίκης, οργής –ακόμη και αναγνώρισης– αυτού του γεγονότος από τους δυτικούς ηγέτες και τα δημοσιογραφικά γραφεία, που είναι υπαίτιοι για αυτό το 70%, είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο έχουμε καταδίκη ενός πογκρόμ που δεν συνέβη ποτέ.»


*Το κείμενο αποτελεί τμήμα άρθρου που δημοσιεύτηκε στις 9 Νοεμβρίου 2024 στον ιστότοπο Mondoweiss με τίτλο «No, there were no ‘antisemitic pogroms’ in Amsterdam. Here’s what really happened». Βρίσκεται στη διεύθυνση … https://mondoweiss.net/2024/11/no-there-were-no-antisemitic-pogroms-in-amsterdam-heres-what-really-happened/

Συγγραφέας του άρθρου είναι η Σάνα Σαΐντ (Sana Saeed) η οποία είναι κριτικός μέσων ενημέρωσης με έδρα την Ουάσιγκτον. Στο παρελθόν εργάστηκε στην AJ+, φιλοξενώντας το Backspace και το The Israeli Occupation Style Guide. Μπορείτε να την ακολουθήσετε στο X (@SanaSaeed), στο Instagram (@sanaface) και στο Substack στο sanasaeed.substack.com.

Τη μετάφραση από τα αγγλικά, για λογαριασμό των Αντιγειτονιών, έκανε ο Κ.Καψ.

Η δημοσίευση δεν συνιστά απαραίτητα και συμφωνία με όλες τις απόψεις που διατυπώνονται.





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pc 16 novembre - Studenti la manifestazione di Roma - video (proletari comunisti)

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pc 16 novembre - Grandi scioperi e manifestazioni studentesche ieri contro il governo Meloni e in solidarietà con la Palestina (proletari comunisti)

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pc 16 novembre - Verso lo sciopero generale del 29, come rivolta sociale (proletari comunisti)

Il 29 novembre è stato indetto uno sciopero generale. È uno sciopero generale contro il governo, contro la sua manovra economica antioperaia e antipopolare, a favore dei ricchi e dei padroni che, nello stesso tempo, taglia ulteriormente la sanità, la scuola e tanto altro.

Noi siamo favorevoli allo sciopero generale e vi parteciperemo, e invitiamo tutti gli operai, i lavoratori, le masse popolari a partecipare a questo sciopero.

Ma non sono solo le condizioni dei lavoratori e delle masse popolari colpiti nei salari, nel lavoro, nei diritti, nelle condizioni di lavoro e di sicurezza, in fabbrica e fuori dalla fabbrica, sul territorio che richiedono lo sciopero generale, in questa occasione è necessario che gli operai, i lavoratori e le masse popolari prestino estrema attenzione ad altre questioni legate a questo sciopero che sono inaccettabili e che spiegano anche perchè il Segretario della Cgil, Landini (la Cgil insieme alla Uil sono promotori di questo sciopero generale) ha dovuto dire che a fronte delle politiche governative e della situazione generale che c'è nel paese “sarebbe necessaria una rivolta sociale”.

Noi non crediamo alle “rivolte sociali” promosse dal sindacato confederale, Cgil compresa. In tutti questi anni le condizioni degli operai e dei lavoratori, delle masse popolari su tutti i terreni sono peggiorate, e non solo con questo governo ma anche con tutti i precedenti governi, e Landini non ha mai parlato di “rivolta sociale” né tanto meno gli scioperi che questi sindacati hanno promosso hanno avuto un carattere di combattività, di forza che potesse corrispondere agli interessi dei lavoratori e alle necessità che le forme di lotta si adeguino a questi interessi.

La rivolta sociale in questo paese è da tempo che sarebbe necessaria. A parlare di rivolta sociale, per

quanto ci riguarda, siamo stati innanzitutto noi, anche se pensiamo che tutte le organizzazioni sindacali di base che hanno promosso scioperi e iniziative sicuramente sarebbero favorevoli a una rivolta sociale, ma noi ne abbiamo parlato come necessità del movimento dei lavoratori. I lavoratori senza passare alla rivolta sociale non possono difendere le loro condizioni di vita e di lavoro, i loro diritti, né possono strappare risultati ai governi, questo in generale ma in particolare con questo governo che per sue caratteristiche è organicamente antioperaio e antipopolare perché sostenitore di una forma di governo e di un programma di stampo fascista.

Quindi noi siamo incondizionatamente per la rivolta sociale e siamo incondizionatamente perchè lo sciopero del 29 non sia la tradizionale passeggiata con i cortei, in cui più che il comizio dei segretari sindacali non ci aspettiamo.

Siamo perché lo sciopero generale sia un momento effettivo di rivolta sociale, anche nelle forme, nei contenuti e, nello stesso tempo, siccome una rivolta sociale non si improvvisa se non quando è spontanea, è evidente che non basta dichiarare sciopero per il giorno 29 novembre e parlare di rivolta perché questa rivolta sociale ci sia effettivamente.

Però aver posto la necessità di una rivolta sociale in occasione di questo sciopero è giusto e necessario e diventa ancora più giusto e necessario quando vediamo come il governo ha reagito a questa parola d'ordine.

Il capo dei parlamentari di Fratelli d'Italia ha immediatamente detto: “attenzione Landini che quello che dici è passibile di reato”, quindi, sostanzialmente ha minacciato Landini, il sindacato e coloro che hanno promosso questo sciopero considerandolo pericoloso per l'ordine pubblico, per l'ordine statale, tale che andrebbe incriminato il capo del sindacato maggioritario nel nostro paese che ha parlato in questi termini dello sciopero.

Quindi questo governo risponde con le minacce di repressione nei confronti di uno sciopero generale indetto dai sindacati maggioritari in questo paese: questo è fascismo! Questa è un'attitudine fascista dittatoriale al servizio dei padroni, della grande finanza e dello Stato del Capitale, che il governo ha inserito nel contesto della dialettica dello scontro sociale.

Quindi è una ragione in più per fare questo sciopero, è una ragione in più per mobilitare effettivamente i lavoratori nelle forme che è possibile nell'attuale situazione perché rispondano non solo rivendicando il cambio della manovra economica, come rivendicano i sindacati confederali, non solo facendo proprie le rivendicazioni che vengono da ampie parti dei sindacati di base, compreso noi che promuoviamo autonomamente questo sciopero generale, ma assumendo il fatto che il governo vuole lo scontro sociale, vuole imporre con la minacce dell’ordine pubblico, con l’attacco ai sindacati, al diritto di sciopero, la sua politica economica, che è la politica dei padroni, dei capitalisti.

Su questo il 29, noi che per la rivolta sociale lo siamo per davvero, saremo sicuramente in campo, nelle manifestazioni che pensiamo debbano essere di tutti, larghe, perché l'attacco del governo è a tutti; in questo caso siamo perché ci siano manifestazioni comuni, unitarie, innanzitutto sul territorio, perché solo sul territorio si può stabilire un rapporto tra l'effettivo sciopero sui posti di lavoro - che è difficile per tutti - e una mobilitazione fuori dai posti di lavoro, in momenti che raccolgono le forze dei lavoratori, in particolare dei lavoratori impegnati in vertenze a difesa del lavoro.

Il 29 novembre noi facciamo appello allo sciopero e alle manifestazioni di piazza perché siano una forte denuncia e opposizione ai padroni e al governo e che assumano la parola d'ordine della rivolta sociale necessaria a cambiare le cose.

La rivolta sociale serve innanzitutto ai lavoratori a cambiare il loro atteggiamento perché non solo è colpa delle direzioni sindacali o della limitata forza delle organizzazioni sindacali di base se in questo paese non si riesce a fare una lotta seria, vera, a difesa delle condizioni di vita, di lavoro, di salario dei lavoratori e delle ampie masse popolari, con una larga parte precaria, di poveri, di disoccupati, ma questo dipende anche dall'atteggiamento dei lavoratori che scelgono una posizione passiva e di attesa o che si lamentano ma non si assumono le loro responsabilità di partecipare agli scioperi, di non considerare che lo sciopero è la principale arma dei lavoratori per difendere diritti, salari, lavoro e dignità.

Noi pensiamo che lo sciopero debba servire innanzitutto ai lavoratori per permettergli di avere la possibilità, lo strumento, il canale, il riferimento, l'occasione perché si scenda in lotta, perché solo la lotta e lo sciopero sono le armi che in questo momento possono servire ai lavoratori per difendersi dagli attacchi dei padroni ma soprattutto per ricostruire la loro forza, la loro dignità, la loro volontà di difendere gli interessi di classe e di comprendere che in questo paese padroni e governo marciano verso il fascismo, verso la dittatura aperta, perché vogliono che tutto sia a loro favore e niente a favore dei lavoratori.

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pc 16 novembre - 29 e 30 novembre - una sola linea proletaria comunista internazionalista - martedi a ore 12 controinformazione rossoperaia (proletari comunisti)


Sì allo sciopero generale  del 29 novembre

 Sì alla manifestazione nazionale 
per la Palestina del 30 novembre

proletari comunisti e Slai cobas per il sindacato di classe aderiscono, partecipano, organizzano la partecipazione 

con propri volantini e manifesti

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Το ΝΑΡ και η νΚΑ αποχαιρετούν τον συναγωνιστή Άλκη Γραβάνη – Αποστολόπουλο (Resistance in the neighbourhood)

Το ΝΑΡ και η νΚΑ αποχαιρετούν τον συναγωνιστή Άλκη Γραβάνη – Αποστολόπουλο, μέλος του ΚΚΕ (μ-λ), αγωνιστή της αριστεράς και του κομμουνιστικού κινήματος που χάθηκε πολύ νέος.

Από μαθητής αγωνίστηκε στις τάξεις του μαθητικού κινήματος ενάντια στις εκπαιδευτικές αναδιαρθρώσεις και τους ταξικούς φραγμούς που προωθούσαν οι κυβερνητικές πολιτικές. Ύστερα, ως φοιτητής στην Ιατρική Σχολή Ιωαννίνων μέσα από τις Αγωνιστικές Κινήσεις συνέβαλλε στον αγωνιστικό προσανατολισμό του φοιτητικού κινήματος και τους αγώνες της νεολαίας για σπουδές και ζωή με δικαιώματα. Κι αργότερα ως ειδικευόμενος γιατρός στο Νοσοκομείο Παπανικολάου στη Θεσσαλονίκη συνεχίζει την μαχητική και αγωνιστική του πορεία μέσα στο εργατικό κίνημα παρότι τότε διαγνώστηκε με καρκίνο.

Το θάρρος και η δύναμή του ακόμα και στην αντιμετώπιση της ασθένειας δείχνει τον χαρακτήρα και την ποιότητα ενός πραγματικού αγωνιστή. Η δύναμή του σε εκείνες τις δύσκολες στιγμές μάς εμπνέει να συνεχίσουμε αταλάντευτα στο δρόμο των αγώνων με το ίδιο πείσμα.
Τον θυμόμαστε πάντα εκεί, ήσυχο και χαμογελαστό, στους δρόμους, στα μπλοκ του ΚΚΕ (μ-λ), της Ταξικής Πορείας και των Αγωνιστικών Κινήσεων. Στους αντιπολεμικούς, νεολαιίστικους, λαϊκούς αγώνες που από κοινού δώσαμε και δίνουμε με τους συντρόφους του.
Αποχαιρετούμε έναν κομμουνιστή, αγωνιστή της εργατικής τάξης με την υπόσχεση να συνεχίσουμε στον επαναστατικό δρόμο για την άλλη κοινωνία.
Εκφράζουμε τα θερμά μας συλλυπητήρια και ευχόμαστε δύναμη και υπομονή στους οικείους, τους συντρόφους και τις συντρόφισσές του.

ΝΑΡ για την Κομμουνιστική Απελευθέρωση
νεολαία Κομμουνιστική Απελευθέρωση
[Οργανώσεις Θεσσαλονίκης]

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pc 16 novembre - C'è un'unica manifestazione per la Palestina il 30 novembre a Roma - indetta dai Giovani Palestinesi e Udap (proletari comunisti)

Da L'Antidiplomatico

"Il 30 novembre a Roma sono state indette due manifestazioni per la Palestina: una con partenza dal parco Schuster e arrivo a piazzale Ostiense, indetta dai Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia e Udap (Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese), l'altra, (indetta dalle varie sigle che si sono riunite al Cinema Aquila il 9 novembre, tra cui Mezza Luna Rossa, Potere al Popolo, RC), è  stata indetta al Circo Massimo. Entrambe allo stesso orario.

Oggi i Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia pubblicano sul loro canale ufficiale Istagram una lettera aperta insieme all'UDAP - Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese - per evitare la scissione.


"È utile per la Palestina che il 30 novembre ci siano due Manifestazioni Nazionali a Roma? 

Lettera aperta di UDAP e GPI alle realtà palestinesi.

Nel corso degli ultimi 13 mesi l'Italia ha assistito a grandi mobilitazioni in solidarietà con la Palestina, il suo Popolo e la sua Resistenza, migliaia di iniziative, presidi, assemblee e cortei. Come realtà politiche palestinesi in Italia ci siamo impegnati a costruire e coordinare la mobilitazione, insieme a forze politiche, sindacali e sociali italiane - affermando da un lato che

il popolo palestinese ha il pieno diritto di guidare la propria lotta per la liberazione della Palestina, dettando parole d'ordine, modalità, forme e, al contempo, la necessità di coniugare questo elemento alla solidarietà portata avanti dalle realtà italiane.

Su queste basi ci siamo impegnati nel mantenere una mobilitazione per quanto possibile unitaria, portando avanti, al contempo, contenuti politici imprescindibili per noi. Le centinaia di iniziative, di mobilitazione nei territori e nelle città sono state scandite da iniziative nazionali, come il corteo del 28 ottobre 2023, che è riuscito a dar forza alla mobilitazione dei mesi successivi, fino al corteo nazionale del 24 febbraio tenutosi a Milano, affiancato dallo sciopero del 23 febbraio.

Quest'ultimo è stato capace di legare la questione palestinese a quella interna italiana, con un'importante partecipazione di lavoratori, che ha mostrato chiaramente come la guerra sia arrivata anche qui in Italia, come questa influisca sui diritti della classe lavoratrice italiana; questa esperienza è stata riportata sul piano pratico in diverse occasioni, come il caso emblematico del blocco del Porto di Genova, sul quale abbiamo lavorato insieme a lavoratori, studenti e compagni.

Con l'inizio del nuovo anno politico si è ritenuto fosse importante, ad un anno dall'inizio del genocidio, rilanciare una manifestazione nazionale a Roma; processo sofferto che ha richiesto un grande impegno nell'arrivare a una sintesi politica - la Piattaforma della manifestazione del 5 ottobre - sottoscritta da tutte le realtà politiche palestinesi nazionali in Italia.

Ci siamo scontrati con un divieto politico imposto dal Ministero degli Interni; alcune realtà palestinesi hanno - legittimamente - deciso di sfilarsi per non andare a uno scontro diretto con il Governo italiano.

Come Unione Democratica Arabo-Palestinese (UDAP) e Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia (GPI) abbiamo ritenuto fosse necessario non sottostare a un divieto politico basato sulla contrarietà governativa (e sionista) alle parole d'ordine e soprattutto alla Piattaforma avanzata del corteo nazionale, che individuava le responsabilità dirette dello Stato italiano.

Ci siamo quindi fatti carico del fardello - che ci è costato non poche forze ed energie - per non permettere un precedente pericoloso di prevenzione/repressione politica di questa portata, portando in quella piazza chiare istanze sulle politiche repressive del DDL 1660.

Intendevamo ripartire con l'anno di mobilitazione che ci attende, forti di questo passaggio non scontato, ma ci siamo scontrati con un tentativo di delegittimazione ed isolamento; anziché farsi forti della capacità di portare in piazza 15mila persone contro un divieto politico-poliziesco, alcuni malintenzionati hanno invece scelto fosse il caso di creare una divisione, sfruttando la narrazione della divisione "buoni-cattivi" per poter poi imperare sulla conseguente contrapposizione.

L'intento di questa operazione è chiaro: provare a dividere il fronte palestinese - che è stato capace di imporre unità in nome di una causa comune - e aprire dei solchi per permettere a un filone composto sia di realtà più o meno legate ad aree filo istituzionali del centrosinistra, che di altre invece semplicemente interessate a intestarsi un anno di mobilitazione, per capitalizzare, ognuno a modo proprio su un lavoro collettivo portato avanti coralmente in tutta Italia.

Riteniamo che questa operazione non sia accettabile e al contempo il nostro senso di responsabilità verso la lotta arabo-palestinese ci impone di evitare che si crei una frattura e divisione di piazza, che rischia di colpire l'intera mobilitazione per la Palestina in Italia.

Crediamo sia invece necessario ripartire dallo spirito unitario che ha preceduto il 5 ottobre, quello che ha prodotto una Piattaforma avanzata sottoscritta dalle principali realtà nazionali palestinesi in Italia, che tenga conto anche dell'esigenza di eventuali passaggi ed aggiustamenti da effettuare. Per questo rivolgiamo un appello alle realtà politiche palestinesi in Italia all'unità, alla convergenza e ad evitare una divisione di piazza che rischia di colpire solo la Causa di Liberazione Palestinese; utile solo a chi intende indebolirla."

Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia - GPI

Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese - UDAP

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C'è un'unica manifestazione per la Palestina il 30 novembre a Roma - indetta dai Giovani Palestinesi e Udap - Noi ci saremo e facciamo appello alle donne, ragazze, al movimento femminista ad esserci in forza (femminismo proletario rivoluzionario)

Dal blog proletari comunisti

Da L'Antidiplomatico

"Il 30 novembre a Roma sono state indette due manifestazioni per la Palestina: una con partenza dal parco Schuster e arrivo a piazzale Ostiense, indetta dai Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia e Udap (Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese), l'altra, (indetta dalle varie sigle che si sono riunite al Cinema Aquila il 9 novembre, tra cui Mezza Luna Rossa, Potere al Popolo, RC), è  stata indetta al Circo Massimo. Entrambe allo stesso orario.

Oggi i Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia pubblicano sul loro canale ufficiale Istagram una lettera aperta insieme all'UDAP - Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese - per evitare la scissione.


"È utile per la Palestina che il 30 novembre ci siano due Manifestazioni Nazionali a Roma? 

Lettera aperta di UDAP e GPI alle realtà palestinesi.

Nel corso degli ultimi 13 mesi l'Italia ha assistito a grandi mobilitazioni in solidarietà con la Palestina, il suo Popolo e la sua Resistenza, migliaia di iniziative, presidi, assemblee e cortei. Come realtà politiche palestinesi in Italia ci siamo impegnati a costruire e coordinare la mobilitazione, insieme a forze politiche, sindacali e sociali italiane - affermando da un lato che il popolo palestinese ha il pieno diritto di guidare la propria lotta per la liberazione della Palestina, dettando parole d'ordine, modalità, forme e, al contempo, la necessità di coniugare questo elemento alla solidarietà portata avanti dalle realtà italiane.

Su queste basi ci siamo impegnati nel mantenere una mobilitazione per quanto possibile unitaria, portando avanti, al contempo, contenuti politici imprescindibili per noi. Le centinaia di iniziative, di mobilitazione nei territori e nelle città sono state scandite da iniziative nazionali, come il corteo del 28 ottobre 2023, che è riuscito a dar forza alla mobilitazione dei mesi successivi, fino al corteo nazionale del 24 febbraio tenutosi a Milano, affiancato dallo sciopero del 23 febbraio.

Quest'ultimo è stato capace di legare la questione palestinese a quella interna italiana, con un'importante partecipazione di lavoratori, che ha mostrato chiaramente come la guerra sia arrivata anche qui in Italia, come questa influisca sui diritti della classe lavoratrice italiana; questa esperienza è stata riportata sul piano pratico in diverse occasioni, come il caso emblematico del blocco del Porto di Genova, sul quale abbiamo lavorato insieme a lavoratori, studenti e compagni.

Con l'inizio del nuovo anno politico si è ritenuto fosse importante, ad un anno dall'inizio del genocidio, rilanciare una manifestazione nazionale a Roma; processo sofferto che ha richiesto un grande impegno nell'arrivare a una sintesi politica - la Piattaforma della manifestazione del 5 ottobre - sottoscritta da tutte le realtà politiche palestinesi nazionali in Italia.

Ci siamo scontrati con un divieto politico imposto dal Ministero degli Interni; alcune realtà palestinesi hanno - legittimamente - deciso di sfilarsi per non andare a uno scontro diretto con il Governo italiano.

Come Unione Democratica Arabo-Palestinese (UDAP) e Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia (GPI) abbiamo ritenuto fosse necessario non sottostare a un divieto politico basato sulla contrarietà governativa (e sionista) alle parole d'ordine e soprattutto alla Piattaforma avanzata del corteo nazionale, che individuava le responsabilità dirette dello Stato italiano.

Ci siamo quindi fatti carico del fardello - che ci è costato non poche forze ed energie - per non permettere un precedente pericoloso di prevenzione/repressione politica di questa portata, portando in quella piazza chiare istanze sulle politiche repressive del DDL 1660.

Intendevamo ripartire con l'anno di mobilitazione che ci attende, forti di questo passaggio non scontato, ma ci siamo scontrati con un tentativo di delegittimazione ed isolamento; anziché farsi forti della capacità di portare in piazza 15mila persone contro un divieto politico-poliziesco, alcuni malintenzionati hanno invece scelto fosse il caso di creare una divisione, sfruttando la narrazione della divisione "buoni-cattivi" per poter poi imperare sulla conseguente contrapposizione.

L'intento di questa operazione è chiaro: provare a dividere il fronte palestinese - che è stato capace di imporre unità in nome di una causa comune - e aprire dei solchi per permettere a un filone composto sia di realtà più o meno legate ad aree filo istituzionali del centrosinistra, che di altre invece semplicemente interessate a intestarsi un anno di mobilitazione, per capitalizzare, ognuno a modo proprio su un lavoro collettivo portato avanti coralmente in tutta Italia.

Riteniamo che questa operazione non sia accettabile e al contempo il nostro senso di responsabilità verso la lotta arabo-palestinese ci impone di evitare che si crei una frattura e divisione di piazza, che rischia di colpire l'intera mobilitazione per la Palestina in Italia.

Crediamo sia invece necessario ripartire dallo spirito unitario che ha preceduto il 5 ottobre, quello che ha prodotto una Piattaforma avanzata sottoscritta dalle principali realtà nazionali palestinesi in Italia, che tenga conto anche dell'esigenza di eventuali passaggi ed aggiustamenti da effettuare. Per questo rivolgiamo un appello alle realtà politiche palestinesi in Italia all'unità, alla convergenza e ad evitare una divisione di piazza che rischia di colpire solo la Causa di Liberazione Palestinese; utile solo a chi intende indebolirla."

Giovani Palestinesi d'Italia - GPI

Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese - UDAP

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